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Created December 11, 2012 00:56
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4clojure 101
;Levenshtein Distance - Hard
;Given two sequences x and y, calculate the <a href="">Levenshtein distance</a> of x and y, i. e. the minimum number of edits needed to transform x into y. The allowed edits are:<br/><br/>- insert a single item<br/>- delete a single item<br/>- replace a single item with another item<br/><br/>WARNING: Some of the test cases may timeout if you write an inefficient solution!
;tags - seqs
;restricted -
(ns offline-4clojure.p101
(:use clojure.test))
(def __
(fn [s t]
(let [m (count s)
n (count t)
a (to-array-2d (for [i (range (inc m))
(repeat (inc n) nil)))
lookup (fn [i j]
(aget (aget a i) j))
set (fn [i j val]
(aset (aget a i) j val))
(do (doseq [i (range (inc m))]
(set i 0 i))
(doseq [j (range (inc n))]
(set 0 j j))
(doseq [j (range 1 (inc n))
i (range 1 (inc m))
(if (= (nth s (dec i))
(nth t (dec j)))
(set i j (lookup (dec i) (dec j)))
(set i j (+ 1 (min (lookup (dec i) j)
(lookup i (dec j))
(lookup (dec i) (dec j)))))))
(lookup m n))))
(defn -main []
(= (__ "kitten" "sitting") 3)
(= (__ "closure" "clojure") (__ "clojure" "closure") 1)
(= (__ "xyx" "xyyyx") 2)
(= (__ "" "123456") 6)
(= (__ "Clojure" "Clojure") (__ "" "") (__ [] []) 0)
(= (__ [1 2 3 4] [0 2 3 4 5]) 2)
(= (__ '(:a :b :c :d) '(:a :d)) 2)
(= (__ "ttttattttctg" "tcaaccctaccat") 10)
(= (__ "gaattctaatctc" "caaacaaaaaattt") 9)
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