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Created February 15, 2013 15:12
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A fairly faithful translation into clojure of Simon Peyton Jones's solution to The Santa Claus Problem using haskells STM from the Beautiful Code book. Had to use try/catch as clojures STM does not have retry or orElse, not sure how idomatic it is. Full project at
(ns santa.core)
(declare join-group)
(defn start-thread
(Thread. fn)))
(defn random-delay []
(Thread/sleep (rand-int 1000)))
(def printer (agent 0))
(defn threadsafe-print
(send printer println somestring))
(defn make-gate
(ref {:max-size max-size
:remaining 0}
:validator #(>= (:remaining %) 0)))
(defn pass-gate
(dosync (alter gate #(update-in % [:remaining] dec)))
(catch IllegalStateException e
(do ;(Thread/sleep 20)
(pass-gate gate)))))
(defn helper
[group task]
(let [[in-gate out-gate] (join-group group)]
(do (pass-gate in-gate)
(pass-gate out-gate)
(defn thread [group id work-fn]
(fn []
(helper group #(work-fn id))
(defn deliver-toys [id]
(str "Reindeer " id " delivering toys")))
(defn meet-in-study [id]
(str "Elf " id " meeting in the study")))
(defn reindeer-thread [group id]
(thread group id deliver-toys))
(defn elf-thread [group id]
(thread group id meet-in-study))
(defn operate-gate
(dosync (alter gate assoc :remaining (:max-size @gate)))
(while (> (:remaining @gate) 0)
;(Thread/sleep 20)
(defn new-group
(ref {:max-size max-size
:remaining max-size
:in-gate (make-gate max-size)
:out-gate (make-gate max-size)
:validator #(>= (:remaining %) 0)))
(defn join-group
(dosync (let [{:keys [remaining max-size in-gate out-gate]} @group]
(alter group #(update-in % [:remaining] dec))
[in-gate out-gate]))
(catch IllegalStateException e
(do ;(Thread/sleep 20)
(join-group group)))))
(def elf-group (new-group 3))
(def reindeer-group (new-group 9))
(defn handle-group [group group-name]
(let [current-group @group
{:keys [max-size remaining in-gate out-gate]} current-group]
(if (= 0 remaining)
(do (dosync
(ref-set group {:max-size max-size
:remaining max-size
:in-gate (make-gate max-size)
:out-gate (make-gate max-size)}))
(threadsafe-print (str "***** With" group-name "*****"))
(operate-gate in-gate)
(operate-gate out-gate)
(defn santa []
(while (handle-group elf-group "Elves"))
(handle-group reindeer-group "Reindeer")
(defn -main
[& args]
(dotimes [i 9]
(do (println "Launching reindeer thread:" i)
(reindeer-thread reindeer-group i)))
(dotimes [i 10]
(do (println "Launching elf thread" i)
(elf-thread elf-group i)))
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