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Created December 6, 2017 18:47
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Parses a phone number and finds all possible words based on numpad-to-letter mapping and dictionary
trait SolutionDef { self: DictionaryDef with DebugDef =>
* based on the example included:
* 866-5548 -> tool-kit
* the assumption is made that '-' symbol position doesn't matter
* and it's not a word divider
* e.g. any of those groups of numbers can make up a final sequence of words:
* 86 65548, 86665 548, 86 655 48, etc.
* here is no phone number format specified as every coutry has its own
* so for the sake of simplicity any special symbols and non-digits
* are ignored (0, 1 too as do not produce output)
def phoneNumberFilter(str: String): Seq[Char] = str
.filter(('2' to '9').contains)
* here we can potentially improve by memoizing result for the same tail
* For the given phone string (filtered) function returns a sequence of
* different variants of words
def variants(str: Seq[Char]): Seq[Seq[List[String]]] =
(1 to str.size).flatMap { i =>
val number: Long = str.take(i).mkString("").toLong
val tail = str.drop(i)
val tailVariants = variants(tail)
if (tailVariants.isEmpty && tail.nonEmpty) Seq.empty else {
val wordsOpt: Option[List[String]] = keypadDictionary.get(number)
//debug(s"$number = ${wordsOpt.getOrElse(Nil).mkString(",")}, tail = $tail, tailvariants = ${tailVariants.mkString(",")}") =>
if (tail.isEmpty) Seq(Seq(words)) else +: _)
} else Seq.empty
def solution(phone: String): Seq[List[String]] = {
val seq = ((variants _) compose phoneNumberFilter).apply(phone)
val result = seq.flatMap(combinations)
// return combinations based on given variants for each position
// e.g. given [[1,2], [3,4]] returns [[1,3], [1,4], [2,3], [2,4]]
def combinations(seq: Seq[List[String]]): Seq[List[String]] = { { head: List[String] =>
val tail: Seq[List[String]] = seq.tail
val tailCombinations: Seq[List[String]] = combinations(tail)
if (tailCombinations.isEmpty){w => List(w)}
else head.flatMap(word => :: _))
trait DebugDef {
def debug(s: String): Unit = {
val depth = new Throwable().getStackTrace().length
println(s"DEBUG-$depth: $s")
trait NoDebug extends DebugDef {
override def debug(s: String) = ()
trait DictionaryDef { self: DebugDef =>
val dictionary: Seq[String]
// (2 to 9) zip ('a' to 'z').grouped(3).toList
lazy val keypad2Letters: Map[Int, List[Char]] = Map(
0 -> Nil, 1 -> Nil,
2 -> List('a', 'b', 'c'),
3 -> List('d', 'e', 'f'),
4 -> List('g', 'h', 'i'),
5 -> List('j', 'k', 'l'),
6 -> List('m', 'n', 'o'),
7 -> List('p', 'q', 'r', 's'),
8 -> List('t', 'u', 'v'),
9 -> List('w', 'x', 'y', 'z')
lazy val reverseKeypad: Map[Char, Int] = keypad2Letters.toList
.flatMap { case (numb, chars) => -> numb) }
* words which cannot be interpreted into keypad sequence are skipped
* (non a-zA-Z)
* lowercase included
lazy val keypadDictionary: Map[Long, List[String]] = { word =>
val mappedOpts = word.toLowerCase().map(reverseKeypad.get)
if (mappedOpts.contains(None)) {
debug(s"couldn't parse $word")
} else {
val numb = mappedOpts.flatten.toList.decimal
Some(numb -> word)
implicit class ListIntDecimal(l: List[Int]) {
def decimal: Long = l.foldLeft[Long](0l) { case (a, b) => 10l * a + b }
* The complexity of the provided solution is O(M) + O(2^n)
* where M is size of the dictionary and n is the length of the phone number.
* Memory footprint relative to the size of the dictionary supplied. (<1mb for default dict)
* If we are in a really bad situation of limited memory - then we still can write
* transformed dictionary to database/disk and provided algorithm still works
* complexity can be simplified down to n^3 I think although
* as phone number cannot be more then ~12 long
object Solution extends App {
val linuxWordsDictionary =
val solver = new SolutionDef with DictionaryDef with NoDebug {
override val dictionary = linuxWordsDictionary
if (args.length == 0) {
println("please, specify phone number as an input argument")
} else if (args(0).length >= 15) {
println("phone number is too long")
} else {
val phoneStr = args(0)
//println(s"solving for phone number = ${solver.phoneNumberFilter(phoneStr)}")
val result = solver.solution(phoneStr)
object SolutionSpecs extends App {
val test = new SolutionDef with DictionaryDef with DebugDef {
val dictionary = List("foo", "bar", "emo")
// reverse keypad should be valid
assert(test.reverseKeypad('h') == 4)
assert(test.reverseKeypad('z') == 9)
assert(test.reverseKeypad('s') == 7)
// keypad dictionary should be valid
// combinations should return valid result
val words = List(List("foo", "bar"), List("fo", "ba"))
assert(test.combinations(words).contains(List("foo", "fo")))
assert(test.combinations(words).contains(List("bar", "ba")))
val result = test.solution("366227")
assert(result.contains(List("foo", "bar")))
val resultWith01 = test.solution("01366227")
assert(result.size == resultWith01.size)
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