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Created September 16, 2020 19:46
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module type TNT = sig
type 'a typed_name
val inj : string -> 'a typed_name
val prj : 'a typed_name -> string
module TN : TNT = struct
type 'a typed_name = string
let inj = fun x -> x
let prj = fun x -> x
type 'a typed_name = 'a TN.typed_name
type 'a expr =
| Fun : 'b typed_name * 'a expr -> ('b -> 'a) expr
| Var : 'a typed_name -> 'a expr
| Val : 'a -> 'a expr
| App : ('a -> 'b) expr * 'a expr -> 'b expr
| Let : 'a typed_name * 'a expr * 'b expr -> 'b expr
type 'a entry = {key : 'a typed_name; value: 'a}
type _ hl =
| Nil : unit hl
| Cons : 'a entry * 'b hl -> ('a * 'b) hl
let rec lookup : type a b. a typed_name -> b hl -> a option = fun n ->
| Cons ({ key; value }, _) when TN.prj key = TN.prj n -> Some (Obj.magic value)
| Cons(_, tl) -> lookup n tl
| _ -> None
let rec interp : type a ctx. ctx hl -> a expr -> a =
fun ctx ->
| Fun(n, body) ->
fun v -> interp (Cons({key = n; value=v}, ctx)) body
| Val i -> i
| Var n -> (match lookup n ctx with Some v -> v | _ -> raise Not_found)
| Let(n, bound, body) ->
let ctx = Cons({key=n; value=interp ctx bound}, ctx)
in interp ctx body
| App(f, arg) ->
(interp ctx f) (interp ctx arg)
let ctx = Cons({key=TN.inj "a"; value=1}, Cons({key=TN.inj "b"; value="3"}, Nil))
let x = interp ctx @@ let a = TN.inj "a" in Fun(a, Var a)
let _ = print_int @@ x 1
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