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Created March 14, 2018 17:46
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CREATE KEYSPACE dfanalyzer WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 3 };
CREATE TABLE dfanalyzer."Execution" (
id uuid,
"ApplicationName" text,
"EndTime" timestamp,
"StartTime" timestamp,
CREATE TABLE dfanalyzer."TransformationGroup" (
"executionID" uuid,
id uuid,
"initTasksIDS" SET<uuid>,
"intermediaryTasksIDS" SET<uuid>,
"finishTaskID" uuid,
PRIMARY KEY (("executionID"), id)
CREATE TABLE dfanalyzer."Task" (
"executionID" uuid,
id uuid,
description text,
"transformationType" text,
"usingDefaultSchema" boolean,
"schemaFields" LIST<text>,
"hasDataInRepository" boolean,
PRIMARY KEY (("executionID"), id)
CREATE TABLE dfanalyzer."DataElement" (
"executionID" uuid,
id uuid,
values LIST<frozen<LIST<text>>>,
PRIMARY KEY (("executionID"), id)
CREATE TABLE dfanalyzer."FileGroupReference" (
"executionID" uuid,
id uuid,// DataElement ID
"folderPath" text,
PRIMARY KEY (("executionID"), id)
CREATE TABLE dfanalyzer."DependenciesOfTask" (
"executionID" uuid,
target uuid,
source SET<uuid>,
PRIMARY KEY (("executionID"), target)
CREATE TABLE dfanalyzer."DependenciesOfDataElement" (
"executionID" uuid,
task uuid,
source SET<uuid>,
target uuid,
PRIMARY KEY (("executionID"), task, target)
TRUNCATE dfanalyzer."DataElement";
TRUNCATE dfanalyzer."DependenciesOfDataElement";
TRUNCATE dfanalyzer."Execution";
TRUNCATE dfanalyzer."Task";
TRUNCATE dfanalyzer."DependenciesOfTask";
TRUNCATE dfanalyzer."TransformationGroup";
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