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Last active October 9, 2020 17:51
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Scraper for ASPX search form at
* Companion code for article at
* Setup:
* $ mkdir scraper/
* $ cd scraper/
* $ npm init -y
* $ npm install puppeteer --save
* Usage:
* $ node rid_scraper.js
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
const url = '';
* Wait until elem becomes detached from DOM
async function waitUntilStale(page, elem) {
await page.waitForFunction(
e => !e.ownerDocument.contains(e),
{ polling: 'raf' }, elem
async function getSelectOptions(page, selector) {
const options = await page.evaluate(optionSelector => {
return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(optionSelector))
.filter(o => o.value)
.map(o => {
return {
name: o.text,
value: o.value
}, selector);
return options;
async function getStates(page) {
return await getSelectOptions(page, 'select#FormContentPlaceHolder_Panel_stateDropDownList > option');
async function setMaxPageSize(page) {
let html = await page.content();
let pageSizeNameRe = new RegExp(
let match = pageSizeNameRe.exec(html);
if (match.length <= 0) {
let pageSizeName = match[0];
let resultsTable = await page.$('#FormContentPlaceHolder_Panel_resultsGrid');
await`select[name="${pageSizeName}"]`, '50');
* Selecting the page size triggers an ajax request for the new table results.
* We need to wait until that new table data gets loaded before trying to scrape.
* So we wait until the old member table gets detached from the DOM as the signal
* that the new table has been loaded
await waitUntilStale(page, resultsTable);
* Look for link for pageno in pager. So if pageno was 6 we'd look for 'Page$6'
* in href:
* <a href="javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$FormContentPlaceHolder$Panel$resultsGrid','Page$6')">...</a>
* After the next page link gets clicked and the new page is loaded the pager
* will show the current page within a span (not as a link). So we wait until
* pageno appears within a span to indicate that the next page has finished
* loading.
async function gotoNextPage(page, pageno) {
let noMorePages = true;
let nextPageXp = `//tr[@class='PagerStyle']/td/table/tbody/tr/td/a[contains(@href,'Page$${pageno}')]`;
let currPageXp = `//tr[@class='PagerStyle']/td/table/tbody/tr/td/span[text()='${pageno}']`;
let nextPage;
nextPage = await page.$x(nextPageXp)
if (nextPage.length > 0) {
console.log(`Going to page ${pageno}`);
await nextPage[0].click();
await page.waitForXPath(currPageXp);
noMorePages = false;
return noMorePages;
* Go back to the first page of results in order to reset the pager. Once the
* first page link is clicked and becomes the current page the page 1 link will
* appear inside of <span>1</span>. So we can determine once page 1 has finished
* loading by waiting until page 1 appears inside of this span.
* Note that there might not be a page 1 link because there was only one page of
* results. In that case the page will still show up as <span>1</span> element.
async function gotoFirstPage(page) {
let firstPageLinkXp = `//tr[@class='PagerStyle']/td/table/tbody/tr/td/a[contains(@href,'Page$1')]`;
let firstPageCurrXp = `//tr[@class='PagerStyle']/td/table/tbody/tr/td/span[text()='1']`;
let firstPage;
firstPage = await page.$x(firstPageLinkXp);
if (firstPage.length > 0) {
await firstPage[0].click();
await page.waitForXPath(firstPageCurrXp);
async function scrapeMemberTable(page) {
const data = await page.evaluate(() => {
const ths = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('table th'));
const trs = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('table tr.RowStyle'));
const headers = => th.innerText);
let results = [];
console.log(`${trs.length} rows in member table!`);
trs.forEach(tr => {
let r = {};
let tds = Array.from(tr.querySelectorAll('td')).map(td => td.innerText);
headers.forEach((k,i) => r[k] = tds[i]);
return results;
console.log(`Got ${data.length} records`);
return data;
async function scrapeAllPages(page) {
let results = [];
let pageno = 2;
while (true) {
console.log(`Scraping page ${pageno - 1}`);
results = results.concat(
await scrapeMemberTable(page)
const noMorePages = await gotoNextPage(page, pageno++)
if (noMorePages) {
* The pager won't reset back to page 1 on its own so we have to explicitly
* click on the page 1 link
await gotoFirstPage(page);
return results;
async function main() {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ slowMo: 250 });
const page = await browser.newPage();
page.on('console', msg => console.log('PAGE LOG:', msg.text()));
await page.goto(url);
let states = await getStates(page);
for (const [ i, state ] of states.entries()) {
console.log(`[${i+1}/${states.length}] Scraping data for ${}`);
await'#FormContentPlaceHolder_Panel_stateDropDownList', state.value);
await'#FormContentPlaceHolder_Panel_freelanceDropDownList', '1');
* The first time we run a search we can wait for the table to appear to determine
* once the search has loaded the results. However, with subsequent searches the
* table already exists and what we need to determine is when the table contents have
* been updated. To do that we fetch a reference to the table here and then wait for
* it to become stale (detached) as an indication that the new table data has loaded.
let resultsTable = await page.$('table#FormContentPlaceHolder_Panel_resultsGrid');
if (resultsTable) {
await waitUntilStale(page, resultsTable);
} else {
await page.waitForSelector('#FormContentPlaceHolder_Panel_resultsGrid');
* The page size is retained after the first time its set, so we only
* need to call this once
if (i === 0) {
await setMaxPageSize(page);
let data = await scrapeAllPages(page);
console.log(`Got ${data.length} records for state ${}`);
console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));
/* Only grab the first three states for demo purposes */
if (i >= 2) {
await page.close();
await browser.close();
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zahardev commented Feb 2, 2019

Thanks for the great article and examples 👍

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Such a great article and tutorial, thanks! Had trouble wrapping my head about this topic and you really helped!

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