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Created September 14, 2011 08:53
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$('#quick_entry form').live 'submit', (event) ->
event.preventDefault() # just moved up!
event.stopPropagation() # just moved up!
return false if @beenSubmitted
@beenSubmitted = true
type: 'POST'
url: @action
dataType: 'json'
data: $(@).serialize()
success: (response) ->
error: (response) ->
if response.status == 422
setErrorFields JSON.parse(response.responseText)['error_fields']
alert("An error occurred!")
complete: =>
@beenSubmitted = false
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thbar commented Sep 14, 2011

@sgruhier I will as well disable submit, as long as enter is disabled also; I guess I'll mix different approaches.

Here's the final workflow I think I'll use: disable submit, disable enter on any field (including on IE), show a spinner but only after 1sec, in case of network delay, as advised here).

Thanks for the feedback everyone!

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one more thing I'm not fan of live, I prefer delegate. Just a detail!

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thbar commented Sep 14, 2011

@sgruhier thanks, I wasn't really aware of the differences; I will use delegate. Here's an to illustrate the differences, in case someone else is interested.

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thbar commented Sep 14, 2011

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Yea I was reading through it, I think this - also demonstrates the same reasonably well.

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thbar commented Sep 14, 2011

@dhruvasagar thanks for the link!

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Could you rewrite lines 4-7 from

if @beenSubmitted
  return false
  @beenSubmitted = true
... rest of the code...


return false if @beenSubmitted

@beenSubmitted = true
... rest of the code...

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thbar commented Sep 14, 2011

@alexrothenberg very good point, thanks

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As other commenters have suggested: Just put false at the end rather than putting event.preventDefault() and event.stopPropagation() at the beginning.

You said you were concerned that if an exception is thrown, the return false won't be reached. But unless clearNotice might throw an exception, there's no chance of that; any error that occurs in $.ajax and the callbacks you give it will happen asynchronously—after the function has already returned.

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