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Created February 24, 2019 21:54
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#! /bin/bash
# You need to execute this bash file on tmux, to have an easy way to see the output
# then, just execute the script and have a daily report of the status
# Default ouput on $path/ can be readed by markdown and by a human
# Maybe you'll need to do some modifications
# Autor: Teo Gonzalez Calzada @thblckjkr
# Global variables
path="/home/$USER/backup" # path destination of restores
dbAuthFile="/srv/keys/database.ini" # ini file with credentials to open databases
# Get database ini passwords and user
username=$(awk -F "=" '/username/ {print $2}' $dbAuthFile | tr -d ' ')
password=$(awk -F "=" '/password/ {print $2}' $dbAuthFile | tr -d ' ')
# Get key to crypt
# Define more things
enctype="-aes-256-cbc" # encryption type for files
mysqldatabases="test test2" # Databases to create a restore on mysql
codepath="ABSOLUTE_PATH" # Path of code to restore
# Checks if the file exists, if not create a log
if [ ! -e "$path/" ] ; then
printf "#Backup restore point#\n" > $path/
printf "Document log sucessfully started, system running"
while :
printf "###Starting restore###\n\n" >> $path/
printf "Starting restore point at `date`\n"
# Variables declaration
fDate=`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M` # Date formatted for today
mysqldumpname="mysql_r$fDate.sql.gz" # Final name of the mysql dump
codedumpname="files_r$fDate.tar.gz" # Final name of the code files restoration
mongodumpname="mongo_r$fDate.tgz" # Final name of the MongoDB dump
## MySQL ##
#Create databases restore point
a=`mysqldump -u $username -p$password --extended-insert --databases $mysqldatabases | gzip > $path/$mysqldumpname`
b=`openssl enc $enctype -in $path/$mysqldumpname -out $path/$mysqldumpname.enc -k $key`
#Add info to the log
printf "GunZiped and encripted SQL Database with name **$mysqldumpname** at *`date`*\n\n" >> $path/
printf "> dump: $a \n" >> $path/
printf "> crypt: $b \n" >> $path/
rm -rf $path/$mysqldumpname #remove unencrypted
## MySQL ##
## MongoDB ##
#Create a MongoDB restoration
g=`mongodump --out $path/mongo`
h=`sudo tar -zcf $path/$mongodumpname $path/mongo`
i=`openssl enc $enctype -in $path/$mongodumpname -out $path/$mongodumpname.enc -k $key`
#Add the info to the log
printf "GunZiped and encripted Mongo database with name **$codedumpname** at *`date`*\n\n" >> $path/
printf "> mongo: $g \n" >> $path/
printf "> tar: $h \n" >> $path/
printf "> crypt: $h \n" >> $path/
rm -rf $path/mongo
rm -rf $path/$mongodumpname
## MongoDB ##
## CODE ##
#Create a code restoration
d=`sudo tar -zcf $path/$codedumpname $codepath --exclude=''`
e=`openssl enc $enctype -in $path/$codedumpname -out $path/$codedumpname.enc -k $key`
#Add the info to the log
printf "GunZiped and encripted Code files with name **$codedumpname** at *`date`*\n\n" >> $path/
printf "> tar: $d \n" >> $path/
printf "> crypt: $e \n" >> $path/
rm -rf $path/$codedumpname
## CODE ##
## CLEAN ##
# Delete code restorations older than 15 days
find $path -name "*.tar.gz.enc" -mtime +15 -exec rm -rf {} \;
# Delete mysql from 30 days of more
find $path -name "*.sql.gz.enc" -mtime +30 -exec rm -rf {} \;
# Delete mongodb of 30 days or older
find $path -name "*.tgz.enc" -mtime +30 -exec rm -rf {} \;
printf "> Removed unencripted files \n\n" >> $path/
## CLEAN ##
## RE-RUN ##
# Wait's 1/2 day to run again
printf " *Restoration point end at `date`*\n\n --- \n\n" >> $path/
printf "Restoration process ended, sleeping for one day\n"
sleep 12h
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