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Created March 18, 2024 11:37
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Verify that topological classification is invariant under duality transformations of symmetry eigenvalues
using BandGraphs
using Crystalline
using Test
using SymmetryBases
using LinearAlgebra
@eval Crystalline begin
struct SiteIrrep{D} <: AbstractIrrep{D}
cdml :: String
g :: SiteGroup{D}
matrices :: Vector{Matrix{ComplexF64}}
reality :: Reality
iscorep :: Bool
pglab :: String
Base.position(siteir::SiteIrrep) = position(group(siteir))
siteirreps(sitegroup::SiteGroup) --> Vector{PGIrrep}
Return the site symmetry irreps associated with the provided `SiteGroup`, derived from a
search over isomorphic point groups.
function siteirreps(siteg::SiteGroup{D}) where D
parent_pg, Iᵖ²ᵍ, _ = find_isomorphic_parent_pointgroup(siteg)
pglab = label(parent_pg)
pgirs = pgirreps(pglab, Val(D))
# note that we _have to_ make a copy when re-indexing `pgir.matrices` here, since
# .jld files apparently cache accessed content; so if we modify it, we mess with the
# underlying data (see
siteirs = map(pgirs) do pgir
SiteIrrep{D}(label(pgir), siteg, pgir.matrices[Iᵖ²ᵍ], reality(pgir), pgir.iscorep,
return siteirs
pglabel(siteir::SiteIrrep) = siteir.pglab # associated point group label
mulliken(siteir::SiteIrrep) = _mulliken(pglabel(siteir), label(siteir), iscorep(siteir))
function isproper(op)
det(rotation(op)) > 0 ? true : false
siteir_name(br) = replace(br.label, "↑G"=>"")
br_name(br) = "(" * br.wyckpos * "|" * siteir_name(br) * ")"
function remap_bandreps(brs, lgirsd, wps, brs′=brs)
@testset "SG $(brs.sgnum)" begin
B′ = matrix(brs′, false)
F′ = smith(B′)
for br in brs
n = SymVector(br, brs.irlabs, lgirsd)
mults′ = [similar(m) for m in n.mults]
for (i, lgirs) in enumerate(n.lgirsv)
χs = characters(lgirs) * n.mults[i]
χs′ = ifelse.(isproper.(group(first(lgirs))), 1, -1) .* χs
mults′[i] = find_representation(χs′, lgirs)
nv′ = reduce(vcat, mults′)
t = calc_detailed_topology(collect(n), B′, F′)
t′ = calc_detailed_topology(nv′, B′, F′)
@test t == t′
D = 3
timereversal = true
for sgnum in 1:MAX_SGNUM[D]
sb, brs = compatibility_basis(sgnum, D; timereversal)
lgirsd = lgirreps(sgnum, D)
timereversal && (lgirsd = Dict(klab=>realify(lgirs) for (klab, lgirs) in lgirsd))
wps = wyckoffs(sgnum, D)
remap_bandreps(sb, lgirsd, wps, brs)
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