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Last active December 24, 2020 05:51
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Create a Service SAS URI for an Azure Blob Storage Container
/* Script to create a serive SAS URI for an Azure Blob Storage Container */
const { generateBlobSASQueryParameters, SASProtocol, StorageSharedKeyCredential } = require('@azure/storage-blob'); // v12.x
function generageBlobSasSignatureValues(blobContainerName, storedPolicyName, overrides) {
const startsOn = new Date();
const expiresOn = new Date(startsOn.getTime() + 86400_000); // 1 day - customizable
const permissions = storedPolicyName ? undefined : 'racwl'; // All but delete, Max permissions are 'racwdl'
// Stored Access Policy (for the container) defines the permissions and optionally startsOn & expiresOn
// Using an Access Policy allows us to invalidate SAS by deleting the policy
// Re-create the Policy with the same name but a higher startsOn to invalidate old SAS (to be tested/confirmed)
const blobSasSignatureValues = {
version: '2020-04-08', // Can skip to use SDK default
protocol: SASProtocol.Https, // Default is HttpsAndHttp
ipRange: undefined, // IP based filtering - can be ADF's Integration Runtime's Egress IPs
containerName: blobContainerName,
identifier: storedPolicyName,
correlationId: undefined, // For correlating logs with Azure
// Skipped fields for blob file level SAS
return Object.assign(blobSasSignatureValues, overrides);
function generateSasUri(storageAccountName, storageAccessKey, blobContainerName, storedPolicyName, overrides) {
const blobSasSignatureValues = generageBlobSasSignatureValues(blobContainerName, storedPolicyName, overrides);
const storageSharedKeyCredential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(storageAccountName, storageAccessKey);
const query = generateBlobSASQueryParameters(blobSasSignatureValues, storageSharedKeyCredential);
return `https://${storageAccountName}${blobContainerName}?${query.toString()}`;
function printSasUri(container) {
const account = 'myStorageAccountName';
const key = '***myStorageAccountAccessKey***';
const policy = 'myStorageBlobContainerAccessPolicyName';
const sasUri = generateSasUri(account, key, container, policy);
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