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Last active May 6, 2022 17:41
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NexHealth: Front-end Challenge JS Part A
const URL = "";
// Get the data
const getData = async () =>
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((data) => data)
.catch((error) => console.log(error));
// Part A Solution
export const filterDupes = async (shouldPrint = true) => {
const data = await getData();
if (!data) {
console.log("No data found", data);
const configDupes = {};
// You could also use a for loop here,
// but more modern forEach syntax is preferable and easier to read.
data.forEach((config) => {
// Or any suitable variation
let key = `${config["inst_id"]}_${config["loc_id"]}`;
if (configDupes[key] === undefined) {
configDupes[key] = [config];
} else {
if (shouldPrint) {
console.log("Part A: Output");
return configDupes;
// Init
// Optional pretty print the values
const print = (data) => {
for (const key in data) {
let values = data[key];
let configIds = => config["id"]);
console.log(`${key} => ${configIds}`);
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