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The ordinary and simplest way to write enum in PHP is:
class MyEnum {
const val1 = "val1";
const val2 = "val2";
const val3 = "val3";
and the way to use enum is:
$val == MyEnum::val1;
But this is error prone.
compared to bellow, you just need to write:
$val == MyEnum::val1();
Yes, it is verbose, but nothing is sacrificed.
Give it a try, and you will feel that PHP is really does not need a native enum.
And amazingly, it falls back to PHP 5.2.
abstract class Enum {
protected $val;
protected function __construct($arg) {
$this->val = $arg;
public function __toString() {
return $this->val;
public function __set($arg1, $arg2) {
throw new Exception("enum does not have property");
public function __get($arg1) {
throw new Exception("enum does not have property");
// not really needed
public function __call($arg1, $arg2) {
throw new Exception("enum does not have method");
// not really needed
static public function __callStatic($arg1, $arg2) {
throw new Exception("enum does not have static method");
final class MyEnum extends Enum {
static public function val1() {
return new self("val1");
static public function val2() {
return new self("val2");
static public function val3() {
return new self("val3");
// --------------------------------------------
$a = MyEnum::val1();
echo "1.the enum value is '$a'\n";
function consumeMyEnum(MyEnum $arg) {
return "2.the return value is '$arg'\n";
echo consumeMyEnum($a);
$version = explode(".", PHP_VERSION);
if ($version[0] >= 7) {
try {
echo consumeMyEnum("val1");
} catch (TypeError $e) {
echo "3.passing argument error happens (PHP 7.0 and above)\n";
echo ($a == MyEnum::val1()) ? "4.same\n" : "4.different\n";
echo ($a == MyEnum::val2()) ? "5.same\n" : "5.different\n";
$b = MyEnum::val1();
echo ($a == $b) ? "6.same\n" : "6.different\n";
echo ($a === $b) ? "7.same\n" : "7.different\n";
$c = MyEnum::val2();
echo ($a == $c) ? "8.same\n" : "8.different\n";
echo ($a === $c) ? "9.same\n" : "9.different\n";
switch ($c) {
case MyEnum::val1(): echo " of 1st\n"; break;
case MyEnum::val2(): echo " of 2nd\n"; break;
case MyEnum::val3(): echo " of 3rd\n"; break;
// cache it if speed and room are critical
$arr = array();
$val1 = MyEnum::val1() . "";
$val2 = MyEnum::val2() . "";
$val3 = MyEnum::val3() . "";
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
$arr[] = MyEnum::val3();
foreach($arr as $item) {
switch ($item) {
case $val1: echo "13.cache of 1st\n"; break;
case $val2: echo "14.cache of 2nd\n"; break;
case $val3: echo "15.cache of 3rd\n"; break;
try {
$a->prop = 10;
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "16.set property error happens\n";
try {
echo $a->prop;
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "17.get property error happens\n";
try {
echo $a->meth();
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "18.method call error happens\n";
try {
echo MyEnum::meth();
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "19.static method call error happens\n";
class Ordinary {}
echo $a instanceof MyEnum ? "20.MyEnum instance\n" : "20.not MyEnum instance\n";
echo $a instanceof Enum ? "21.Enum instance\n" : "21.not Enum instance\n";
echo $a instanceof Ordinary ? "22.Ordinary instance\n" : "22.not Ordinary instance\n";
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