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Created April 23, 2017 00:41
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Some commands to tweak MacOS

Set The Screen Saver As The Wallpaper:

/System/Library/Frameworks/ScreenSaver.framework/Resources/ -background

Show Hidden Files In Finder

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE

Make Hidden Applications Icons Transparent

defaults write showhidden -bool YES
killall Dock

Increase Time Machine Backups

sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ StartInterval -int 1800

Disable local Time Machine Backups

sudo tmutil disablelocal

Enable Debug Menu In Safari

defaults write IncludeDebugMenu 1

Enable Web Inspector

defaults write WebKitDeveloperExtras -bool true

Enable The Path View In Finder

defaults write _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool YES

Change The Login Picture

defaults write /Library/Preferences/ DesktopPicture "/path/to/file.png"

Add A Message To The Login Window

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ LoginwindowText "Your Message"

2D Dock

defaults write no-glass -boolean YES
killall Dock
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