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Created December 8, 2021 00:45
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Canos UwU
module Pipes
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.IORef
-- It's just with one small change.
||| PipeT is a composable data type to describe streams of data that
||| can be generated and can flow upstream and downstream just like
||| javascript generators
||| Ex: runEffect $ stdinC .| mapC (cast) .| mapC (+2) .| stdoutC
||| * `u` : Data that is flowing upwards
||| * `d` : Data that is flowing downwards
||| * `i` : Type from the last pipe
||| * `m` : Internal monad
||| * `r` : Return type of the transformer. Usually it's unit because
||| the data will flow inside the monad and will not generate
||| any value in the end, just computing some effects.
public export
data PipeT : (u, d, i : Type) -> (m : Type -> Type) -> (r : Type) -> Type where
||| Lift a value to the pipe transformer
Pure : r -> PipeT u d i m r
||| Executes an action (it's the reason it's inside a monad) and
||| then returns a continuation of the pipe. It's `Inf` because it's lazy.
Action : Inf (m (PipeT u d i m r)) -> PipeT u d i m r
||| Yield stops the execution and sends a value. It works by running
||| two pipes that are together until the left pipe reaches a Yield
||| and the right pipe reachs the Await so they change values and continue
||| the execution.
Yield : Inf (PipeT u d i m r) -> m () -> d -> PipeT u d i m r
-- └ A finalizer effect! that can be useful
-- to remove file descriptors and things like that
||| Await stops the execution to get the previous value return type or
||| the yield value and returns the continuation of the pipe.
Await : ((Either i u) -> Inf (PipeT u d i m r)) -> PipeT u d i m r
||| Source is a Sink that cannot use `await` and will not receive any values from previous sinks.
||| It's possible because due to the type that is set to Void (there are no constructors).
public export
Source : (Type -> Type) -> (Type) -> Type
Source m b = PipeT Void b Void m ()
-- | └ Cannot receive values from previous sinks
-- Cannot send values upstream (cannot await)
||| A pipe can `yield` and `await`
public export
Pipe : {r: Type} -> Type -> (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type
Pipe {r} a m b = PipeT a b r m ()
||| A sink cannot send values upstream so it cannot yield
public export
Sink : {r1: Type} -> Type -> (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type
Sink {r1} a m r = PipeT a Void r1 m r
-- └ Cannot send values upstream
||| An Effect is just the composition of a Source and a Sink
||| So it cannot await or yield values by it's oww, dont have a
||| previous value and just sends the result value.
public export
Effect : (m: Type -> Type) -> (r: Type) -> Type
Effect m r = PipeT Void Void Void m r
||| Yields a value
public export
yield : Monad m => d -> PipeT u d i m ()
yield = Yield (Pure ()) (pure ())
||| Yields a continuation
public export
await : Monad m => PipeT u d i m (Maybe u)
await = Await $ \case Right x => Pure (Just x)
_ => Pure Nothing
-- Some cool implementations
public export
Monad m => Functor (PipeT u d i m) where
map f (Pure r) = Pure (f r)
map f (Action r) = Action $ r >>= \x => pure (map f x)
map f (Yield next fin b) = Yield (map f next) fin b
map f (Await cont) = Await $ \x => map f (cont x)
public export
Monad m => Applicative (PipeT u d i m) where
pure = Pure
(Pure f) <*> pA = map f pA
(Action r) <*> pA = Action $ r >>= \x => pure (x <*> pA)
(Yield next fin b) <*> pA = Yield (next <*> pA) fin b
(Await cont) <*> pA = Await $ \x => (cont x) <*> pA
public export
Monad m => Monad (PipeT u d i m) where
(Pure f) >>= fb = fb f
(Action r) >>= fb = assert_total $ Action $ (>>= fb) <$> r
(Yield next fin b) >>= fb = Yield (next >>= fb) fin b
(Await cont) >>= fb = Await $ \x => (cont x) >>= fb
public export
MonadTrans (PipeT u d i) where
lift m = Action (m >>= \x => pure (Pure x))
infixr 9 .|
||| So we can assemble two pipes by getting the upstream and
||| downstream values and moving them.
||| This function works by getting the first pipe and running all the Actions
||| Until it reaches the `yield` and the other pipe we run until it reaches `await`
export --
(.|) : Monad m => PipeT u d i m o -> PipeT d c o m o2 -> PipeT u c i m o2
(.|) = pull (pure ())
where mutual
pull : m () -> PipeT u d i m o -> PipeT d c o m o2 -> PipeT u c i m o2
-- > Pull the other part | join the finalizer with the last finalizer
pull final up (Yield next fin c) = Yield (pull final up next) (fin >> final) c
-- > Compose the pipe action with the pull of the rest of the pipe |
pull final up (Action a) = lift a >>= pull final up
-- > Push the up pipe and gets the value to continue the computation
pull final up (Await cont) = up `push` \x => cont x
pull final up (Pure r) = lift final >> Pure r
push : PipeT u d i m o -> (Either o d -> PipeT d c o m o2) -> PipeT u c i m o2
-- > Push to get the yield value
push (Await t) down = Await (\a => t a `push` down)
-- > Run the action and push the rest
push (Action a) down = lift a >>= (`push` down)
-- > pull the next but run the continuation
push (Yield next fin b) down = pull fin next (down (Right b))
push (Pure r) down = pull (pure ()) (Pure r) (down (Left r))
||| Runs a pure pipe
runPipe : Monad m => Effect m r -> m r
runPipe (Pure r) = pure r
runPipe (Action action) = action >>= runPipe
runPipe (Await cont) = runPipe $ Await (either absurd absurd)
runPipe (Yield next finish b) impossible
awaitOr : PipeT d u i m (Either i d)
awaitOr = Await $ \v => Pure v
||| Function to await forever
awaitForever : Monad m => (d -> PipeT d u r m r1) -> PipeT d u r m r
awaitForever f = awaitOr >>= either Pure (\x => f x >>= \_ => awaitForever f)
||| Sink that ignores everything
discard : Monad m => Sink {r1=r} u m r
discard = awaitForever $ \_ => pure ()
||| It's not tail call optimized so if you run it a million times
||| you'll get in to some memory problems....
stdinLn : String -> Source IO String
stdinLn promptLine = recur where
recur : Source IO String
recur = do
lift (putStr promptLine)
res <- lift getLine -- From prelude
yield res
||| SInk to prnit
public export
stdoutLn : Show a => Sink {r1=r} a IO r
stdoutLn = awaitForever (\x => lift (printLn x))
-- Tail recursion on Monads just like Prescript-tailrec
-- data to represent if we should or not continue the recursion
public export
data Step a b = Loop a | Done b
public export
interface Monad m => MonadRec m where
-- It's partial and can only be total by expressing it
-- with WellFounded.
partial tailRecM : (a -> m (Step a b)) -> a -> m b
-- Tail call function to perform some effects with
-- a recursive like structure
untilE : IO Bool -> IO ()
untilE n = if unsafePerformIO n
then untilE n
else pure ()
-- Implementation for IO
MonadRec IO where
tailRecM f a = do
r <- f a >>= newIORef -- Stores the result of the monad
untilE $ readIORef r >>=
\case Loop a => f a >>= writeIORef r >> pure True
Done a => pure False
fromDone <$> readIORef r
fromDone : Step _ b -> b
fromDone (Done r) = r
-- Runs a monad forever with tail call optimization with constant space usage.
public export
forever : MonadRec m => m a -> m b
forever ma = tailRecM (\u => Loop u <$ ma) ()
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