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Created June 2, 2024 19:20
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Набросок гидратора на 0.4 версии
namespace App\Infrastructure\Hdrtr;
use Typhoon\DeclarationId\AliasId;
use Typhoon\DeclarationId\ClassId;
use Typhoon\DeclarationId\ConstantId;
use Typhoon\DeclarationId\NamedClassId;
use Typhoon\DeclarationId\TemplateId;
use Typhoon\Reflection\TyphoonReflector;
use Typhoon\Type\Argument;
use Typhoon\Type\Type;
use Typhoon\Type\TypeVisitor;
use Typhoon\Type\types;
use Typhoon\Type\Variance;
* @template HydrateTo
* @implements TypeVisitor<HydrateTo|Error>
final readonly class HydrateVisitor implements TypeVisitor
public function __construct(
private mixed $data,
private array $path,
) {
private function unexpectedType(Type $targetType): Error
return Error::unexpectedType($this->path, $targetType, $this->data);
private function unexpectedValue(Type $targetType, mixed $expected): Error
return Error::unexpectedValue($this->path, $targetType, $this->data, $expected);
private function missedOffset(Type $targetType, string $offset): Error
return Error::missedOffset($this->path, $targetType, $offset);
private function unsupportedType(Type $targetType): Error
return Error::unsupportedType($this->path, $targetType);
private function next(int|string $offset): self
return new self(
?? throw new \LogicException('invalid offset'),
[...$this->path, $offset]
public function alias(Type $self, AliasId $alias, array $arguments): mixed
public function array(Type $self, Type $key, Type $value, array $elements): mixed
if (!is_array($this->data)) {
return $this->unexpectedType($self);
$result = [];
foreach ($this->data as $k => $v) {
$resultKey = $key->accept(new self($k, [...$this->path, '#key']));
if ($resultKey instanceof Error) {
return $resultKey;
$resultValue = $value->accept($this->next($k));
if ($resultValue instanceof Error) {
return $resultValue;
$result[$resultKey] = $resultValue;
return $result;
public function bool(Type $self): mixed
if (!is_bool($this->data)) {
return $this->unexpectedType($self);
return $this->data;
public function callable(Type $self, array $parameters, Type $return): mixed
return $this->unsupportedType($self);
public function classConstant(Type $self, Type $class, string $name): mixed
return $this->unsupportedType($self);
public function classString(Type $self, Type $class): mixed
return $this->string($self);
public function closure(Type $self, array $parameters, Type $return): mixed
return $this->unsupportedType($self);
public function conditional(Type $self, Argument|Type $subject, Type $if, Type $then, Type $else): mixed
return $this->unsupportedType($self);
public function constant(Type $self, ConstantId $constant): mixed
return $this->unsupportedType($self);
public function float(Type $self): mixed
if (
&& !is_int($this->data)
) {
return (float)$this->data;
public function int(Type $self, ?int $min, ?int $max): mixed
if (!is_int($this->data)) {
return $this->data;
public function intersection(Type $self, array $types): mixed
public function intMask(Type $self, Type $type): mixed
public function iterable(Type $self, Type $key, Type $value): mixed
public function key(Type $self, Type $type): mixed
return $this->unsupportedType($self);
public function list(Type $self, Type $value, array $elements): mixed
return $this->array($self, types::int, $value, $elements);
public function literal(Type $self, Type $type): mixed
return $this->unsupportedType($self);
public function true(Type $self): mixed
$r = $this->bool($self);
if ($r instanceof Error) {
return $r;
if ($r !== true) {
return $this->unexpectedValue($self, true);
return $r;
public function false(Type $self): mixed
$r = $this->bool($self);
if ($r instanceof Error) {
return $r;
if ($r !== false) {
return $this->unexpectedValue($self, false);
return $r;
public function floatValue(Type $self, float $value): mixed
$r = $this->float($self);
if ($r instanceof Error) {
return $r;
if ($r !== $value) {
return $this->unexpectedValue($self, $value);
return $r;
public function stringValue(Type $self, string $value): mixed
$r = $this->string($self);
if ($r instanceof Error) {
return $r;
if ($r !== $value) {
return $this->unexpectedValue($self, $value);
return $r;
public function mixed(Type $self): mixed
return $this->data;
public function namedObject(Type $self, ClassId $class, array $arguments): mixed
$reflection = TyphoonReflector::build()->reflectClass($class->name);
$result = $reflection->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
$constructorParameters = ($reflection->methods['__construct'] ?? null)
?->parameters ?? [];
foreach ($reflection->properties as $property) {
if ($property->isStatic()) {
$offset = $property->getName();
$hasOffset = isset($this->data[$offset]);
$hasDefaultValue = $property->hasDefaultValue();
if (!$hasOffset && !$hasDefaultValue) {
return $this->missedOffset($property->getTyphoonType(), $offset);
if ($hasOffset) {
$value = $property->getTyphoonType()->accept($this->next($offset));
} else {
if (!$property->isPromoted()) {
$value = $property->defaultValue();
} else {
$value = $constructorParameters[$offset] ?? throw new \LogicException('it should be here');
if ($value instanceof Error) {
return $value;
$property->setValue($result, $value);
return $result;
public function never(Type $self): mixed
return $this->unsupportedType($self);
public function nonEmpty(Type $self, Type $type): mixed
$r = $type->accept($this);
if ($r instanceof Error) {
return $r;
if (empty($r)) {
return $this->unexpectedValue($self, 'non-empty');
return $r;
public function null(Type $self): mixed
if (!is_null($this->data)) {
return $this->unexpectedValue($self, 'null');
return $this->data;
public function numericString(Type $self): mixed
$r = $this->string($self);
if ($r instanceof Error) {
return $r;
if (!is_numeric($r)) {
return $this->unexpectedValue($self, 'numeric');
return $r;
public function object(Type $self, array $properties): mixed
$r = new \stdClass();
foreach ($properties as $propertyName => $property) {
$hasOffset = isset($this->data[$propertyName]);
if (!$property->optional && !$hasOffset) {
return $this->missedOffset($property->type, $propertyName);
$value = $property->type->accept($this->next($propertyName));
if ($value instanceof Error) {
return $value;
$r->{$propertyName} = $value;
return $r;
public function offset(Type $self, Type $type, Type $offset): mixed
return $this->unsupportedType($self);
public function resource(Type $self): mixed
return $this->unsupportedType($self);
public function self(Type $self, ?ClassId $resolvedClass, array $arguments): mixed
return $this->unsupportedType($self);
public function parent(Type $self, ?NamedClassId $resolvedClass, array $arguments): mixed
return $this->unsupportedType($self);
public function static(Type $self, ?ClassId $resolvedClass, array $arguments): mixed
return $this->unsupportedType($self);
public function string(Type $self): mixed
if (!is_string($this->data)) {
return $this->unsupportedType($self);
return $this->data;
public function template(Type $self, TemplateId $template): mixed
return $this->unsupportedType($self);
public function truthyString(Type $self): mixed
$r = $this->string($self);
if ($r instanceof Error) {
return $r;
if ((bool)$r !== true) {
return $this->unexpectedValue($self, 'truthyString');
return $r;
public function union(Type $self, array $types): mixed
foreach ($types as $type) {
$r = $type->accept($this);
if (!($r instanceof Error)) {
return $r;
return $r;
public function varianceAware(Type $self, Type $type, Variance $variance): mixed
return $this->unsupportedType($self);
public function void(Type $self): mixed
return $this->unsupportedType($self);
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