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Last active June 8, 2018 07:01
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Pie Chart according to Rise of emporer
license: MIT
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Pie Chart</title>
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<script src=""></script>
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<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="main.js"></script>
<div><span style="text-align:center;margin-top:20px"><h4>Rise of Emporer</h4><span></div>
<div style="margin:50px;text-align:center" id="chart"></div>
d3.csv("roman.csv", function(data) {
var dataByRise = d3.nest()
.key(function(d) { return d.rise; })
.rollup(function(v) {
return v.length; })
json = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(dataByRise).split('"key":').join('"label":'));
json = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(json).split('"values":').join('"value":'));
var inputData = json;
var colorScheme = ["#E57373","#BA68C8","#7986CB","#A1887F","#90A4AE","#AED581","#9575CD","#FF8A65","#4DB6AC","#FFF176","#64B5F6","#00E676"];
/* Function: renderPieChart
* Variables:
* * dataset: contains the input data for plotting the pie chart,
* input should be in the form of array of objects where each object should be like {label: , value: }
* * dom_element_to_append_to : class name of the div element where the graph have to be appended
* Contains transitions and hover effects, load the css file 'css/pieChart.css' at the top of html page where the pie chart has to be loaded
function renderPieChart (dataset,dom_element_to_append_to, colorScheme){
var margin = {top:50,bottom:50,left:50,right:50};
var width = 500 - margin.left - margin.right,
height = width,
radius = Math.min(width, height) / 2;
var donutWidth = 75;
var legendRectSize = 18;
var legendSpacing = 4;
item.enabled = true;
var color = d3.scale.ordinal()
var svg =
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.attr("transform", "translate(" + width / 2 + "," + height / 2 + ")");
var arc = d3.svg.arc()
.outerRadius(radius - 10)
.innerRadius(radius - donutWidth);
var pie = d3.layout.pie()
.value(function(d) { return d.value; });
var tooltip =
.attr('class', 'tooltip');
.attr('class', 'label');
.attr('class', 'count');
.attr('class', 'percent');
var path = svg.selectAll('path')
.attr('d', arc)
.attr('fill', function(d, i) {
return color(;
.each(function(d) { this._current = d; });
path.on('mouseover', function(d) {
var total = d3.sum( {
return (d.enabled) ? d.value : 0;
var percent = Math.round(1000 * / total) / 10;'.label').html('color','black');'.count').html(;'.percent').html(percent + '%');'display', 'block');'opacity',2);
path.on('mousemove', function(d) {'top', (d3.event.layerY + 10) + 'px')
.style('left', (d3.event.layerX - 25) + 'px');
path.on('mouseout', function() {'display', 'none');'opacity',0);
var legend = svg.selectAll('.legend')
.attr('class', 'legend')
.attr('transform', function(d, i) {
var height = legendRectSize + legendSpacing;
var offset = height * color.domain().length / 2;
var horz = -2 * legendRectSize;
var vert = i * height - offset;
return 'translate(' + horz + ',' + vert + ')';
.attr('width', legendRectSize)
.attr('height', legendRectSize)
.style('fill', color)
.style('stroke', color)
.on('click', function(label) {
var rect =;
var enabled = true;
var totalEnabled = d3.sum( {
return (d.enabled) ? 1 : 0;
if (rect.attr('class') === 'disabled') {
rect.attr('class', '');
} else {
if (totalEnabled < 2) return;
rect.attr('class', 'disabled');
enabled = false;
pie.value(function(d) {
if (d.label === label) d.enabled = enabled;
return (d.enabled) ? d.value : 0;
path =;
.attrTween('d', function(d) {
var interpolate = d3.interpolate(this._current, d);
this._current = interpolate(0);
return function(t) {
return arc(interpolate(t));
.attr('x', legendRectSize + legendSpacing)
.attr('y', legendRectSize - legendSpacing)
.text(function(d) { return d; })
index name name.full birth death birth.cty birth.prv rise reign.start reign.end cause killer dynasty era notes verif.who
1 Augustus IMPERATOR CAESAR DIVI FILIVS AVGVSTVS 0062-09-23 0014-08-19 Rome Italia Birthright 0026-01-16 0014-08-19 Assassination Wife Julio-Claudian Principate birth, reign.start are BCE. Assign negative for correct ISO 8601 dates. Cause may have been Natural Reddit user zonination
2 Tiberius TIBERIVS CAESAR DIVI AVGVSTI FILIVS AVGVSTVS 0041-11-16 0037-03-16 Rome Italia Birthright 0014-09-18 0037-03-16 Assassination Other Emperor Julio-Claudian Principate birth is BCE. Assign negative for correct ISO 8601 dates. Possibly assassinated by praetorian guard Reddit user zonination
3 Caligula GAIVS IVLIVS CAESAR AVGVSTVS GERMANICVS 0012-08-31 0041-01-24 Antitum Italia Birthright 0037-03-18 0041-01-24 Assassination Senate Julio-Claudian Principate assassination may have only involved the Praetorian Guard Reddit user zonination
4 Claudius TIBERIVS CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVGVSTVS GERMANICVS 0009-08-01 0054-10-13 Lugdunum Gallia Lugdunensis Birthright 0041-01-25 0054-10-13 Assassination Wife Julio-Claudian Principate birth is BCE. Assign negative for correct ISO 8601 dates. Reddit user zonination
5 Nero NERO CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVGVSTVS GERMANICVS 0037-12-15 0068-06-09 Antitum Italia Birthright 0054-10-13 0068-06-09 Suicide Senate Julio-Claudian Principate Reddit user zonination
6 Galba SERVIVS SVLPICIVS GALBA CAESAR AVGVSTVS 0002-12-24 0069-01-15 Terracina Italia Seized Power 0068-06-08 0069-01-15 Assassination Other Emperor Flavian Principate birth is BCE. Assign negative for correct ISO 8601 dates. Reddit user zonination
7 Otho MARCVS SALVIVS OTHO CAESAR AVGVSTVS 0032-04-28 0069-04-16 Terentinum Italia Appointment by Praetorian Guard 0069-01-15 0069-04-16 Suicide Other Emperor Flavian Principate
8 Vitellius AVLVS VITELLIVS GERMANICVS AVGVSTVS 0015-09-24 0069-12-20 Rome Italia Seized Power 0069-04-17 0069-12-20 Assassination Other Emperor Flavian Principate
9 Vespasian TITVS FLAVIVS CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVGVSTVS 0009-11-17 0079-06-24 Falacrine Italia Seized Power 0069-12-21 0079-06-24 Natural Causes Disease Flavian Principate
10 Titus TITVS FLAVIVS CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVGVSTVS 0039-12-30 0081-09-13 Rome Italia Birthright 0079-06-24 0081-09-13 Natural Causes Disease Flavian Principate
11 Domitian TITVS FLAVIVS CAESAR DOMITIANVS AVGVSTVS 0051-10-24 0096-09-18 Rome Italia Birthright 0081-09-14 0096-09-18 Assassination Court Officials Flavian Principate
12 Nerva MARCVS COCCEIVS NERVA CAESAR AVGVSTVS 0030-11-08 0098-01-27 Narni Italia Appointment by Senate 0096-09-18 0098-01-27 Natural Causes Disease Nerva-Antonine Principate
13 Trajan CAESAR MARCVS VLPIVS NERVA TRAIANVS AVGVSTVS 0053-09-18 0117-08-07 Italica Hispania Baetica Birthright 0098-01-28 0117-08-07 Natural Causes Disease Nerva-Antonine Principate
14 Hadrian CAESAR PVBLIVS AELIVS TRAIANVS HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS 0076-01-24 0138-07-10 Italica Hispania Baetica Birthright 0117-08-11 0138-07-10 Natural Causes Heart Failure Nerva-Antonine Principate
15 Antonius Pius CAESAR TITVS AELIVS HADRIANVS ANTONINVS AVGVSTVS PIVS 0086-09-19 0161-03-07 Lanuvium Italia Birthright 0138-07-10 0161-03-07 Natural Causes Disease Nerva-Antonine Principate
16 Marcus Aurelius CAESAR MARCVS AVRELIVS ANTONINVS AVGVSTVS 0121-04-26 0180-03-17 Rome Italia Birthright 0161-03-07 0180-03-17 Natural Causes Disease Nerva-Antonine Principate
17 Lucius Verus CAESAR LVCIVS AVRELIVS VERVS AVGVSTVS 0130-12-15 0169-03-15 Rome Italia Birthright 0161-03-07 0169-03-15 Natural Causes Disease Nerva-Antonine Principate death, reign.end are estimates
18 Commodus CAESAR MARCVS AVRELIVS COMMODVS ANTONINVS AVGVSTVS 0161-08-31 0192-12-31 Lanuvium Italia Birthright 0177-01-01 0192-12-31 Assassination Praetorian Guard Nerva-Antonine Principate reign.start is only valid for year
19 Pertinax CAESAR PVBLIVS HELVIVS PERTINAX AVGVSTVS 0126-08-01 0193-03-28 Alba Italia Appointment by Praetorian Guard 0193-01-01 0193-03-28 Assassination Praetorian Guard Severan Principate
20 Didius Julianus CAESAR MARCVS DIDIVS SEVERVS IVLIANVS AVGVSTVS 0133-01-30 0193-07-01 Milan Italia Purchase 0193-03-28 0193-07-01 Execution Senate Severan Principate birth could also be 0137-02-02
21 Septimus Severus CAESAR LVCIVS SEPTIMIVS SEVERVS PERTINAX AVGVSTVS 0145-04-11 0211-02-04 Leptis Magna Libya Seized Power 0193-04-09 0211-02-04 Natural Causes Disease Severan Principate
22 Caracalla CAESAR MARCVS AVRELIVS SEVERVS ANTONINVS PIVS AVGVSTVS 0188-04-04 0217-04-08 Lugdunum Gallia Lugdunensis Birthright 0198-01-01 0217-04-08 Assassination Other Emperor Severan Principate reign.start is only valid for year
23 Geta CAESAR PVBLIVS SEPTIMIVS GETA AVGVSTUS 0189-03-07 0211-12-19 Rome Italia Birthright 0209-01-01 0211-12-26 Assassination Other Emperor Severan Principate reign.start is only valid for year
24 Macrinus MARCVS OPELLIVS SEVERVS MACRINVS AVGVSTVS PIVS FELIX 0165-01-01 0218-06-08 Iol Caesarea Mauretania Seized Power 0217-04-11 0218-06-08 Execution Other Emperor Severan Principate birth is only valid for year
25 Elagabalus MARCVS AVRELIVS ANTONINVS AVGVSTVS 0203-01-01 0222-03-11 Emesa Syria Birthright 0218-06-08 0222-03-11 Assassination Praetorian Guard Severan Principate birth is only estimate
26 Severus Alexander CAESAR MARCVS AVRELIVS SEVERVS ALEXANDER AVGVSTVS 0208-10-01 0235-03-18 Arca Caesarea Syria Birthright 0222-03-13 0235-03-18 Assassination Own Army Severan Principate
27 Maximinus I CAESAR GAIVS IVLIVS VERVS MAXIMINVS AVGVSTVS 0173-01-01 0238-06-15 Thrace Appointment by Praetorian Guard 0235-03-20 0238-06-15 Assassination Praetorian Guard Gordian Principate birth is only estimate. Death, reign.end are estimates. birth.prv is estimate
28 Gordian I CAESAR MARCVS ANTONIVS GORDIANVS SEMPRONIANVS AFRICANVS AVGVSTVS 0159-01-01 0238-04-12 Phrygia Appointment by Senate 0238-03-22 0238-04-12 Suicide Other Emperor Gordian Principate birth is only estimate.
29 Gordian II CAESAR MARCVS ANTONIVS GORDIANVS SEMPRONIANVS ROMANVS AFRICANVS AVGVSTVS 0192-01-01 0238-04-12 Unknown Appointment by Senate 0238-03-22 0238-04-12 Execution Other Emperor Gordian Principate birth is only estimate.
30 Pupienus CAESAR MARCVS CLODIVS PVPIENVS MAXIMVS AVGVSTVS 0178-01-01 0238-07-29 Unknown Appointment by Senate 0238-04-22 0238-07-29 Assassination Praetorian Guard Gordian Principate birth is only estimate.
31 Balbinus CAESAR DECIMVS CAELIVS CALVINVS BALBINVS PIVS AVGVSTVS 0178-01-01 0238-07-29 Unknown Appointment by Senate 0238-04-22 0238-07-29 Assassination Praetorian Guard Gordian Principate birth is only estimate.
32 Gordian III CAESAR MARCVS ANTONIVS GORDIANVS AVGVSTVS 0225-01-20 0244-02-11 Rome Italia Appointment by Senate 0238-04-22 0244-02-11 Died in Battle Opposing Army Gordian Principate
33 Philip I CAESAR MARCVS IVLIVS PHILIPPVS AVGVSTVS 0204-01-01 0249-10-01 Shahba Syria Seized Power 0244-02-14 0249-10-01 Execution Other Emperor Gordian Principate reign.end is only estimate
34 Trajan Decius CAESAR GAIVS MESSIVS QVINTVS TRAIANVS DECIVS AVGVSTVS 0201-01-01 0251-06-15 Budalia Pannonia Inferior Appointment by Army 0249-10-01 0251-06-15 Died in Battle Opposing Army Gordian Principate birth is only estimate. Reign.end is only estimate. Regin.start is only estimate. Death is only estimate
35 Hostilian CAESAR CAIVS VALENS HOSTILIANVS MESSIVS QVINTVS AVGVSTVS 0230-01-01 0251-10-01 Sirmium Pannonia Birthright 0251-06-15 0251-10-01 Natural Causes Disease Gordian Principate birth is only estimate. Reign.end is only estimate. Regin.start is only estimate. Death is only estimate
36 Trebonianus Gallus CAESAR GAIVS VIBIVS TREBONIANVS GALLVS AVGVSTVS 0206-01-01 0253-08-15 Italia Appointment by Army 0251-06-15 0253-08-15 Assassination Other Emperor Gordian Principate birth, death, reign.end, reign.start are estimates.
37 Aemilian CAESAR MARCVS AEMILIVS AEMILIANVS AVGVSTVS 0207-01-01 0253-10-15 Africa Appointment by Army 0253-08-15 0253-10-15 Assassination Other Emperor Gordian Principate birth, death, reign.end, reign.start are estimates.
38 Valerian CAESAR PVBLIVS LICINIVS VALERIANVS AVGVSTVS 0195-01-01 0264-01-01 Unknown Appointment by Army 0253-10-15 0260-01-01 Captivity Opposing Army Gordian Principate birth, death, reign.end, reign.start are estimates.
39 Gallienus CAESAR PVBLIVS LICINIVS EGNATIVS GALLIENVS AVGVSTVS 0218-01-01 0268-09-15 Unknown Birthright 0253-10-15 0268-09-15 Assassination Own Army Gordian Principate birth, death, reign.end, reign.start are estimates.
40 Claudius Gothicus CAESAR MARCVS AVRELIVS CLAVDIVS AVGVSTVS 0213-05-10 0270-01-15 Sirmium Pannonia Seized Power 0268-09-15 0270-01-15 Natural Causes Disease Gordian Principate birth, death, reign.end, reign.start are estimates.
41 Quintillus CAESAR MARCVS AVRELIVS CLAVDIVS QVINTILLVS AVGVSTVS 0212-01-01 0270-04-15 Sirmium Pannonia Birthright 0270-01-15 0270-04-15 Unknown Unknown Gordian Principate birth, death, reign.end, reign.start are estimates.
42 Aurelian CAESAR LVCIVS DOMITIVS AVRELIANVS AVGVSTVS 0214-09-09 0275-09-15 Sirmium Pannonia Appointment by Army 0270-09-15 0275-09-15 Assassination Praetorian Guard Gordian Principate
43 Tacitus CAESAR MARCVS CLAVDIVS�TACITVS AVGVSTVS 0200-01-01 0276-06-15 Interamna Nahars Italia Appointment by Senate 0275-09-25 0276-06-15 Natural Causes Disease Gordian Principate birth, death, reign.end are estimates.
44 Florian CAESAR MARCVS ANNIVS FLORIANVS AVGVSTVS 0276-09-15 Unknown Birthright 0276-06-15 0276-09-15 Assassination Own Army Gordian Principate death, reign.end, reign.start are estimates. Birth unknown
45 Probus CAESAR MARCVS AVRELIVS PROBVS AVGVSTVS 0232-08-19 0282-10-01 Sirmium Pannonia Appointment by Army 0276-09-15 0282-10-01 Assassination Own Army Gordian Principate birth, death, reign.end, reign.start are estimates.
46 Carus CAESAR MARCVS AVRELIVS CARVS AVGVSTVS 0230-01-01 0283-08-01 Narbo Gallia Narbonensis Seized Power 0282-10-01 0283-08-01 Natural Causes Lightning Gordian Principate birth, death, reign.end, reign.start are estimates.
47 Numerian CAESAR MARCVS AVRELIVS NVMERIVS NVMERIANVS AVGVSTVS 0284-11-20 Unknown Birthright 0283-08-01 0284-11-20 Unknown Unknown Gordian Principate death, reign.end, reign.start are estimates. Birth unknown
48 Carinus CAESAR MARCVS AVRELIVS CARINVS AVGVSTVS 0285-08-01 Unknown Birthright 0283-08-01 0285-08-01 Died in Battle Opposing Army Gordian Principate death, reign.end, reign.start are estimates. Birth unknown
49 Diocletian CAESAR GAIVS AVRELIVS VALERIVS DIOCLETIANVS AVGVSTVS 0244-12-22 0311-12-03 Salona Dalmatian Seized Power 0284-11-20 0305-05-01 Natural Causes Disease Constantinian Dominate
50 Maximian CAESAR MARCVS AVRELIVS VALERIVS MAXIMIANVS AVGVSTVS 0250-01-01 0310-07-15 Sirmium Pannonia Appointment by Emperor 0286-04-01 0305-05-01 Suicide Other Emperor Constantinian Dominate birth, death are estimates
51 Constantius I CAESAR GAIVS FLAVIVS VALERIVS CONSTANTIVS AVGVSTVS 0250-03-31 0306-07-25 Dardania Moesia Appointment by Emperor 0305-05-01 0306-07-25 Natural Causes Unknown Constantinian Dominate birth is only estimate.
52 Galerius CAESAR GALERIVS VALERIVS MAXIMIANVS AVGVSTVS 0260-01-01 0311-05-01 Romuliana Moesia Superior Appointment by Emperor 0305-05-01 0311-05-01 Natural Causes Disease Constantinian Dominate birth, death, reign.end are estimates
53 Severus II FLAVIVS VALERIVS SEVERVS AVGVSTVS 0307-09-16 Unknown Appointment by Emperor 0305-05-01 0307-09-16 Assassination Other Emperor Constantinian Dominate
54 Constantine the Great CAESAR FLAVIVS VALERIVS AVRELIVS CONSTANTINVS AVGVSTVS 0272-02-27 0337-05-22 Naissus Moesia Superior Birthright 0306-07-25 0337-05-22 Natural Causes Disease Constantinian Dominate
55 Maxentius MARCVS AVRELIVS VALERIVS MAXENTIVS AVGVSTVS 0278-01-01 0312-10-08 Unknown Birthright 0306-10-08 0312-10-08 Execution Other Emperor Constantinian Dominate birth is only estimate.
56 Maximinus II CAESAR GALERIVS VALERIVS MAXIMINVS AVGVSTVS 0270-11-20 0313-08-01 Dacia Aureliana Birthright 0311-05-01 0313-08-01 Execution Other Emperor Constantinian Dominate death, reign.end are only estimates
57 Lucinius I CAESAR GAIVS VALERIVS LICINIVS AVGVSTVS 0250-01-01 0325-03-01 Felix Romuliana Moesia Superior Birthright 0308-11-11 0324-09-18 Execution Other Emperor Constantinian Dominate birth, death, are only estimates
58 Constantine II CAESAR FLAVIVS CLAVDIVS CONSTANTINVS AVGVSTVS 0316-02-01 0340-01-01 Arelate Gallia Narbonensis Birthright 0337-05-22 0340-01-01 Execution Other Emperor Constantinian Dominate birth, death, are only estimates
59 Consantius II CAESAR FLAVIVS IVLIVS CONSTANTIVS AVGVSTVS 0317-08-07 0361-11-03 Sirmium Pannonia Birthright 0337-05-22 0361-11-03 Natural Causes Disease Constantinian Dominate
60 Constans CAESAR FLAVIVS IVLIVS CONSTANS AVGVSTVS 0320-01-01 0350-02-14 Moesia Birthright 0337-05-22 0350-02-14 Assassination Usurper Constantinian Dominate birth, death, reign.end, reign.start are estimates.
61 Vetranio CAESAR FLAVIVS VETRANIO AVGVSTVS 0356-01-01 Moesia Seized Power 0350-03-01 0350-12-25 Unknown Unknown Constantinian Dominate death is only estimate
62 Julian CAESAR FLAVIVS CLAVDIVS IVLIANVS AVGVSTVS 0331-07-01 0363-06-26 Constantinople Thrace Birthright 0360-02-14 0363-06-26 Died in Battle Opposing Army Constantinian Dominate birth, reign.start is only estimate.
63 Jovian CAESAR FLAVIVS IOVIANVS AVGVSTVS 0331-01-01 0364-02-17 Singidunum Moesia Appointment by Army 0363-06-26 0364-02-17 Natural Causes Fire Constantinian Dominate birth is only estimate.
64 Valentinian I FLAVIVS VALENTINIANVS AVGVSTVS 0321-07-03 0375-11-17 Cibalae Pannonia Election 0364-02-26 0375-11-17 Natural Causes Aneurism Valentinian Dominate Reddit user ironicosity
65 Valens FLAVIVS IVLIVS VALENS AVGVSTVS 0328-01-01 0378-08-09 Cibalae Pannonia Birthright 0364-03-28 0378-08-09 Died in Battle Opposing Army Valentinian Dominate birth is only estimate. Reddit user ironicosity
66 Gratian FLAVIVS GRATIANVS AVGVSTVS 0359-04-18 0383-08-25 Sirmium Pannonia Birthright 0367-08-04 0383-08-25 Assassination Own Army Valentinian Dominate birth may also be 0359-05-23 Reddit user ironicosity
67 Valentinian II FLAVIVS VALENTINIANVS INVICTVS AVGVSTVS 0371-01-01 0392-05-15 Milan Italia Birthright 0375-11-17 0392-05-15 Suicide Unknown Valentinian Dominate birth is only estimate. Reddit user ironicosity
68 Theodosius I FLAVIVS THEODOSIVS AVGVSTVS 0347-01-11 0395-01-17 Cauca Hispania Birthright 0379-01-01 0395-01-17 Natural Causes Disease Theodosian Dominate Reddit user ironicosity
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