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express supertest / superagent utility for accessing response cookies as objects
const shapeFlags = flags =>
flags.reduce((shapedFlags, flag) => {
const [flagName, rawValue] = flag.split("=");
// edge case where a cookie has a single flag and "; " split results in trailing ";"
const value = rawValue ? rawValue.replace(";", "") : true;
return { ...shapedFlags, [flagName]: value };
}, {});
const extractCookies = headers => {
const cookies = headers["set-cookie"]; // Cookie[]
return cookies.reduce((shapedCookies, cookieString) => {
const [rawCookie, ...flags] = cookieString.split("; ");
const [cookieName, value] = rawCookie.split("=");
return { ...shapedCookies, [cookieName]: { value, flags: shapeFlags(flags) } };
}, {});
module.exports = {
const { extractCookies, shapeFlags } = require("../extract-cookies");
const sampleHeaders = {
vary: "Origin",
"access-control-allow-credentials": "true",
"set-cookie": [
"refresh_token=s%3AeyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJVMkZzZEdWa1gxOVBEL0RqVUlXV2lvUmZhWlhuWWdJTExaUGJ2cW4xcWRVPSIsImlhdCI6MTU2MjIwMTAzNywiZXhwIjoxNTYyODA1ODM3LCJpc3MiOiJsb2NhbGhvc3QiLCJqdGkiOiI5MmQzMmY4Ni05ZmYzLTQ5OTgtOWE1Zi1jZDNkZWU1YTRmYmQifQ.6omhdrHChv4cPhfhvwz6xMK7RPsc-SCtWxHTIkBLRrw.kaJG83X6V9YBHwYPlCQ61X7KOsX7wFSfD7hnEdP0pmg; Domain=localhost; Path=/tokens; HttpOnly; SameSite=Strict",
etag: 'W/"a-bAsFyilMr4Ra1hIU5PyoyFRunpI"',
date: "Thu, 04 Jul 2019 00:43:57 GMT",
connection: "close",
describe('shapeFlags: shapes an array of ["Flag=Value"] pairs into an object', () => {
const [cookie, ...flags] = sampleHeaders["set-cookie"][0].split("; ");
const output = shapeFlags(flags);
test("returns an object of { flag: value } entries", () =>
Domain: "localhost",
Path: "/tokens",
HttpOnly: true,
SameSite: "Strict",
}).forEach(flagEntry => {
const [flagName, expectedValue] = flagEntry;
test("sets value to true for flags without values (boolean flags)", () => {
test('given a cookie with a single flag strips the trailing ";" character', () => {
const singleFlagHeaders = {
"set-cookie": ["cookiename=cookievalue; Domain=oneflag"],
const [cookie, ...flags] = singleFlagHeaders["set-cookie"][0].split("; ");
expect(shapeFlags(flags)).toEqual({ Domain: "oneflag" });
describe("extractCookies: extracts and shapes response cookies from the set-cookie header", () => {
const output = extractCookies(sampleHeaders);
test("returns an object of { cookieName: { value, flags } } shape", () => {
test("extracts the value of a given cookie", () => {
test("extracts and shapes the flags of the cookie", () => {
const [cookie, ...flags] = sampleHeaders["set-cookie"][0].split("; ");
test("cookie has no additional flags: cookieName.flags is an empty object", () => {
const noFlagsHeaders = {
"set-cookie": [
const output = extractCookies(noFlagsHeaders);
test("supports multiple cookie entries", () => {
const multipleCookiesHeaders = {
"set-cookie": [
"someothercookie=cookievalue; Domain=test;",
const output = extractCookies(multipleCookiesHeaders);
["refresh_token", "someothercookie"].forEach(cookieName =>
expect(output.someothercookie.flags).toEqual({ Domain: "test" });
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the-vampiire commented Jul 4, 2019


const app = require('./app');
const request = require('supertest');
const { extractCookies } = require('./utils/extract-cookies');

test('some test needing cookie details', async () => {
  const res = await request(app).post('/tokens', { });
  const cookies = extractCookies(res.headers); // or res.header alias
  // do tests on cookies, cookies.cookieName.[value, flags.[flagName]]

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wrote this because parsing the res.headers[set-cookie] is a pain in the ass when needing to verify that cookies were set properly. extracts the set-cookie header from an express response using supertest and provides an object of the following shape:

const cookies = {
  cookieName: {
    value: 'cookie value',
    flags: {
      flagName: 'flag value',
      booleanFlag: true, // boolean flags (no value) are given true as their value

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In case anyone is looking for a Typescript version of this

 * Format the cookie flags
 * @example
 * ```
 * { Path: '/', Secure: true, SameSite: 'Lax' }
 * ```
const shapeFlags = (flags: Array<string>) =>
  flags.reduce((shapedFlags, flag) => {
    const [flagName, rawValue] = flag.split('=');
    // edge case where a cookie has a single flag and "; " split results in trailing ";"
    const value = rawValue ? rawValue.replace(';', '') : true;
    return { ...shapedFlags, [flagName]: value };
  }, {});

 * The interface for structure in which a cookie is
 * returned by `extractCookies`
interface ExtractedCookie {
  value: string;
  flags: Record<string, string | boolean | number>;

 * Extract cookies from headers
 * @param headers The headers of the response
 * @reference
export const extractCookies = (
  headers: Record<string, string | Array<string | number>>
): Record<string, ExtractedCookie> => {
  const cookies = headers['set-cookie'] as Array<string>;

  return cookies.reduce((shapedCookies, cookieString) => {
    const [rawCookie, ...flags] = cookieString.split('; ');
    const [cookieName, value] = rawCookie.split('=');
    return { ...shapedCookies, [cookieName]: { value, flags: shapeFlags(flags) } };
  }, {});

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