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Last active December 1, 2019 01:31
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short tool for easily creating DOM elements and children (mini OG react :])

Create Element

A short (~50 lines of code) tool that you can use to easily create DOM elements and their children. Similar to the original React way of creating components :]

Simple Example

with config.children using just HTML template strings and a nested config object.

Initial HTML


Script using createElement

const articleTitle = "First Time Using createElement!";
const sectionOneTitle = "First Section";
const sectionOneCodeSnippet = "console.log('this really works!')";

const myArticle = createElement({
  tag: "article",
  attributes: {
    id: "main-article",
  classes: ["text-center", "container"], // as an Array
  children: [
    `<h1>${articleTitle}</h1>`, // an HTML string
      // a createElement config object
      tag: "section",
      attributes: {
        id: "section-1",
      classes: "text-center container format-code", // as a string
      children: [


Resulting HTML

  <article id="main-article" class="text-center container">
    <h1>"First Time Using createElement!"</h1>
    <section id="section-1" class="text-center container format-code">
      <h2>First Section</h2>
        console.log('this really works!')

Complex Example

with config.children using all possible child formats

  • HTML template string
  • plain text string
  • HTMLElement (DOM Node)
  • Text (DOM Node)
  • NodeList
  • a nested createElement config object

Initial HTML

  <table id="table-id">
        <td>title content</td>

Script using createElement

const title = "My Container Title";
const sectionTitle = "My Section Title";
const sectionContent = "Section content...";

// note any node that is already attached to the document will be moved as children to the new element
const table = document.querySelector("#table-id");
const paragraphs = document.querySelectorAll("p");

// these elements are unattached (since they were just created)
const newDiv = document.createElement("div");
newDiv.textContent = "new div content";

const textNode = document.createTextNode("Text Node of plain text");

const config = {
  tag: "div",
  classes: ["text-center", "container", "grid"],
  attributes: {
    id: "main-grid",
    customAttribute: "custom value",
  children: [
    `<h1>${title}</h1>`, // an HTML string
    "some plain text", // plain text string
    table, // an attached DOM element (HTMLElement)
    newDiv, // an unattached DOM element (HTMLElement)
    textNode, // an unattached DOM element (TextNode)
      // a config object
      tag: "section",
      attributes: {
        id: "section-1",
      children: [
        paragraphs, // an attached list of DOM elements (NodeList)

const containerNode = createElement(config);

Resulting HTML

    class="text-center container grid"
    customattribute="custom value"
    <h1>My Container Title</h1>
    some plain text
    <table id="table-id">
          <td>title content</td>
    <div>new div content</div>
    Text Node of plain text
    <section class="" id="section-1">
      <h2>My Section Title</h2>
      <p>Section content...</p>
* @typedef CreateElementConfig - configuration for a new HTML element
* @property {!string} [tag="div"] a valid HTML tag name
* @property {!string | !string[]} [classes=[]] classes to apply to the element
* - a single space separated string or array of individual class strings
* @property {{ ...attribute: string }} [attributes={}] attributes to apply to the element
* - in { attribute: value, ... } format
* @property {string | !Array.<string | CreateElementConfig | HTMLElement | Text | NodeList>} [children=[]] appended to the new element
* can be a single plain text or HTML string or an array with any mixture of:
* - HTML strings
* - plain text strings
* - DOM element objects
* - NodeList of DOM element objects
* - element configuration objects
* @param {CreateElementConfig} config - the HTML element configuration
* @returns {HTMLElement} new element
* @description
* * Creates an HTMLElement DOM Node from a configuration object
* - sets classes
* - sets attributes
* - converts (as applicable) and appends children to the created element
* Complex Example (children is a list of mixed formats)
* ```js
* const title = "My Container Title";
* const sectionTitle = "My Section Title";
* const sectionContent = "Section content...";
* // note any node that is already attached to the DOM will be moved
* // as children to the new element
* const table = document.querySelector("#table-id");
* const paragraphs = document.querySelectorAll("p");
* // these elements are unattached (since they were just created)
* const newDiv = document.createElement('div');
* newDiv.textContent = "new div content";
* const textNode = document.createTextNode("Text Node of plain text");
* const config = {
* tag: "div",
* classes: ["text-center", "container", "grid"],
* attributes: {
* id: "main-grid",
* customAttribute: "custom value",
* },
* children: [
* `<h1>${title}</h1>`, // an HTML string
* "some plain text", // plain text string
* table, // an attached DOM element (HTMLElement)
* newDiv, // an unattached DOM element (HTMLElement)
* textNode, // an unattached DOM element (TextNode)
* { // a config object
* tag: "section",
* attributes: {
* id: "section-1",
* },
* children: [
* `<h2>${sectionTitle}</h2>`,
* `<p>${sectionContent}</p>`,
* paragraphs, // an attached list of DOM elements (NodeList)
* ],
* },
* ],
* };
* const containerNode = createElement(config);
* document.body.appendChild(containerNode);
* // previous HTML
* <body>
* <p>test</p>
* <table id="table-id">
<td>title content</td>
* </body>
* // resulting HTML
* <body>
* <div
class="text-center container grid"
customattribute="custom value"
<h1>My Container Title</h1>
some plain text
<table id="table-id">
<td>title content</td>
<div>new div content</div>
Text Node of plain text
<section class="" id="section-1">
<h2>My Section Title</h2>
<p>Section content...</p>
* ```
const createElement = config => {
const { tag = "div", classes = [], children = [], attributes = {} } = config;
const element = document.createElement(tag);
...(typeof classes === "string" ? classes.split(" ") : classes),
for (const [attribute, value] of Object.entries(attributes)) {
element.setAttribute(attribute, value);
if (Array.isArray(children)) {
// children is a mixed Array
// loop to convert and append all children
for (const child of children) {
const childList = convertChildToSpreadableList(child);
return element;
// otherwise children is a single child
// a string (plain / HTML) or DOM Node (HTMLElement, Text)
const childList = convertChildToSpreadableList(children);
return element;
* Creates a NodeList from an HTML string
* @param {string} rawHTMLString string of HTML element(s)
* - whitespace characters are trimmed internally
* @returns {NodeList} a NodeList with the converted elements
* @example
* // use a template string
* // write naturally with new lines and indendations
* // inject variables / expressions using ${} syntax
* const myHTMLString = `
* <h1>My Header for ${title}</h1>
* <div id="${containerId}">
* <p id="child">${paragraphContent}</p>
* </div>
* `;
* const nodes = createNodeListFromHTML(myHTMLString);
* // nodes: NodeList[#h1, #div]
* // div.children: NodeList[#p]
const createNodeListFromHTML = rawHTMLString => {
// remove newlines, tabs and spaces (2+) from multi-line / indented template strings
const cleanedHTML = rawHTMLString.replace(/\n|\t|\s{2,}/g, "");
const template = document.createElement("template");
template.innerHTML = cleanedHTML;
return template.content.childNodes;
const isDOMNode = object =>
[HTMLElement, Text].some(domNodeType => object instanceof domNodeType);
const convertChildToSpreadableList = child => {
if (typeof child === "string") {
return /<([a-z0-9]+?)>/.test(child) // test for HTML tag presence
? createNodeListFromHTML(child) // NodeList ready for spreading
: [child]; // plain text (in array for spreading)
if (isDOMNode(child)) {
// child is a single HTMLElement or Text node
return [child]; // (in array for spreading)
if (child instanceof NodeList) {
// child is a NodeList ready for spreading
return child;
return [createElement(child)]; // create from config (in array for spreading)
export default createElement;
export { createElement, createNodeListFromHTML };
const createElement = config => {
const { tag = "div", classes = [], children = [], attributes = {} } = config;
const element = document.createElement(tag);
...(typeof classes === "string" ? classes.split(" ") : classes),
for (const [attribute, value] of Object.entries(attributes)) {
element.setAttribute(attribute, value);
if (Array.isArray(children)) {
// children is a mixed Array
// loop to convert and append all children
for (const child of children) {
const childList = convertChildToSpreadableList(child);
return element;
// otherwise children is a single child
// a string (plain / HTML) or DOM Node (HTMLElement, Text)
const childList = convertChildToSpreadableList(children);
return element;
const createNodeListFromHTML = rawHTMLString => {
// remove newlines, tabs and spaces (2+) from multi-line / indented template strings
const cleanedHTML = rawHTMLString.replace(/\n|\t|\s{2,}/g, "");
const template = document.createElement("template");
template.innerHTML = cleanedHTML;
return template.content.childNodes;
const isDOMNode = object =>
[HTMLElement, Text].some(domNodeType => object instanceof domNodeType);
const convertChildToSpreadableList = child => {
if (typeof child === "string") {
return /<([a-z0-9]+?)>/.test(child) // test for HTML tag presence
? createNodeListFromHTML(child) // NodeList ready for spreading
: [child]; // plain text (in array for spreading)
if (isDOMNode(child)) {
// child is a single HTMLElement or Text node
return [child]; // (in array for spreading)
if (child instanceof NodeList) {
// child is a NodeList ready for spreading
return child;
return [createElement(child)]; // create from config (in array for spreading)
export default createElement;
export { createElement, createNodeListFromHTML };
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