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Last active December 18, 2015 07:19
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  • Save theBrokeQuant/5746064 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save theBrokeQuant/5746064 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import time
import sys
import random
import math
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
# Begin Date End Date Save Plot As
dateList = [['2007-01-01', '2007-12-31', 'strat2007.png'],
['2008-01-01', '2008-12-31', 'strat2008.png'],
['2009-01-01', '2009-12-31', 'strat2009.png'],
['2010-01-01', '2010-12-31', 'strat2010.png'],
['2011-01-01', '2011-12-31', 'strat2011.png'],
['2012-01-01', '2012-12-31', 'strat2013.png']]
maxHoldPeriod = 10 #Do not have to use must be filled out
randomizeMHP = False
numTrials = 10000
trailingPeriods = 200
initialAmount = 5000
flatRate = 3.95
slippage = .005
plot = True
plotPopulation = True
plotSP500 = True
plotMiddle = True
middlePercent = .25
savePlot = True
showPlot = False
fromFile = True
fileName = 'SP500.txt'
userDefined = False
userList = [' ']
highlowPeriods = 10
longMA = 200
shortMA = 50
#Note: Input is a list of dictinaries that contain Open, High, Low, and Close
#data sorted newest first. This function must return a buy/sell price if
#signals are triggered otherwise they must return False.
def buySignal(histData):
lowoverLongMA = histData[0]['Low'] > sMA(histData[1:], longMA)
lowoverShortMA = histData[0]['Low'] > sMA(histData[1:], shortMA)
newLow = histData[0]['Low'] < histLow(histData[1:], highlowPeriods)
buyPrice = histLow(histData[1:], highlowPeriods)
if buyPrice > histData[0]['Open']:
buyPrice = histData[0]['Open']
if lowoverShortMA and lowoverLongMA and newLow:
return buyPrice
return False
def sellSignal(histData, daysHolding = sys.maxint, maxHoldPeriod = sys.maxint):
#price crosses ma
if histData[0]['Low'] < sMA(histData[1:], shortMA):
if histData[0]['Open'] < sMA(histData[1:], shortMA):
return histData[0]['Open']
return round(sMA(histData[1:], shortMA), 2)
#new high
if histHigh(histData[1:], highlowPeriods) < histData[0]['High']:
if histHigh(histData[1:], highlowPeriods) < histData[0]['Open']:
return histData[0]['Open']
return round(histHigh(histData[1:], highlowPeriods), 2)
if daysHolding == maxHoldPeriod:
return histData[0]['Close']
return False
## ##
## ##
def portfolio(trade, bank, flatRate):
#Correct buy price and sell price for slippage
purchasePrice = trade[2]*(1 + random.uniform(-slippage,slippage))
sellPrice = trade[4]*(1 + random.uniform(-slippage,slippage))
purchaseQuant = int(bank/purchasePrice)
#Subtract comission
bank = bank - flatRate
#Subtract cost basis
bank = bank - (purchaseQuant * purchasePrice)
#Add market value at sell
bank = bank + (purchaseQuant * sellPrice)
#Subtract comission
bank = bank - flatRate
return bank
def importData(ticker, beginDate, endDate, trailingPeriods):
beginDayFound = False
endDayFound = False
dataList = []
f = open("Tickers\\" + ticker + ".txt", "r")
#Skip header line
line = f.readline().split()
line = f.readline().split()
while line:
#Start collecting on end date
if int(line[0][:4]+line[0][5:7]+line[0][8:11]) <= int(endDate[:4]+endDate[5:7]+endDate[8:11]):
endDayFound = True
#If begin date found collect trailing period data
if int(line[0][:4]+line[0][5:7]+line[0][8:11]) < int(beginDate[:4]+beginDate[5:7]+beginDate[8:11]):
beginDayFound = True
i = 0
while i < trailingPeriods:
#If there is not enough data to support trailing periods return nothing
tempDict= {}
except IndexError:
beginDayFound = False
line = f.readline().split()
i = i + 1
#If end date found and begin date not found collect data
tempDict= {}
line = f.readline().split()
if beginDayFound and endDayFound:
return dataList
return []
#Returns a simple moving average
def sMA(historicalData, periods):
numerator = 0
for entry in historicalData[:periods]:
numerator = numerator + entry['Close']
return numerator/periods
#Returns the historical low
def histLow(historicalData, periods):
low = sys.maxint
for entry in historicalData[:periods]:
if entry['Low'] < low:
low = entry['Low']
return low
#Returns the historical high
def histHigh(historicalData, periods):
high = 0
for entry in historicalData[:periods]:
if entry['High'] > high:
high = entry['High']
return high
#This function will collect all possible trades for a single ticker
#and return a list containing lists of all those trades.
#Data will look like this:
#[ticker, buyDate, buyPrice, sellDate, sellPrice, 1+percent gain]
def collectTrades(ticker, historicalData, beginDate):
tradesList = []
#Find index of the begin date
i = 0
while i < len(historicalData):
if int(historicalData[i]['Date'][:4]+historicalData[i]['Date'][5:7]+historicalData[i]['Date'][8:11]) < int(beginDate[:4]+beginDate[5:7]+beginDate[8:11]):
beginDateIndex = i - 1
i= i + 1
#Cycle through days
i = beginDateIndex
while i >= 0:
#Check for buy signal
buyPrice = buySignal(historicalData[i:])
staticMHP = maxHoldPeriod
#This will randomly assign a maximum holding period between
#[0, maxHoldPeriod] and is often used when calculating the
#returns of base cases
if randomizeMHP:
staticMHP = random.randint(1,maxHoldPeriod)
buyDate = historicalData[i]['Date']
#if buy signal triggered
if buyPrice:
#if trigger occurs on the last day return that days close
if i == 0:
tradesList.append([ticker, buyDate, buyPrice, historicalData[i]['Date'], historicalData[i]['Close'], round(historicalData[i]['Close']/buyPrice, 3), 0])
#oherwise move to next day and cycle through days until sell signal
#is triggered
j = i - 1
while j >= 0:
#check for sell signal
sellPrice = sellSignal(historicalData[j:], i - j, staticMHP)
sellDate = historicalData[j]['Date']
#if sell signal triggered
if sellPrice:
tradesList.append([ticker, buyDate, buyPrice, sellDate, sellPrice, round(sellPrice/buyPrice, 3), i - j])
#if this position is still open on the last day of analysis
#return that days close
if not(sellPrice) and j == 0:
sellPrice = historicalData[j]['Close']
tradesList.append([ticker, buyDate, buyPrice, sellDate, sellPrice, round(sellPrice/buyPrice, 3), i - j])
#calculate next sell signal
j = j - 1
#calculate next buy signal
i = i - 1
return tradesList
#Create a trade list for multiple tickers
#Will return a list of lists similar to 'collectTrades'
def universalTradeList(beginDate, endDate, fromFile, userDefined, fileName, userList):
#import tickers from file
if fromFile:
tickerList = []
f = open(fileName, "r")
ticker = f.readline()
while ticker:
temp = ''
for char in ticker:
if char != '\n':
temp = temp + char
ticker = f.readline()
#user user defined tickers
if userDefined:
tickerList = userList
#collect trades for each ticker and append to completeTrades list
completeTrades = []
for ticker in tickerList:
#collect data for individual tickers
historicalData = importData(ticker, beginDate, endDate, trailingPeriods)
historicalData = []
#if there is sufficient data collect trades
if historicalData:
for entry in collectTrades(ticker, historicalData, beginDate):
return completeTrades
#Swap elements in list
def swap(L, i, j):
temp = L[i]
L[i] = L[j]
L[j] = temp
#Partitions a list of dates for quick sort
def partition(L, first, last, sortColumn):
# We pick the element L[first] as the "pivot" around which we partition the list
p = first
# We process the rest of the elements, one-by-one, in left-to-right order
for current in range(p+1, last+1):
#Turn date into int
currentDate = ''
for char in L[current][sortColumn]:
if char != '-':
currentDate = currentDate + char
currentDate = int(currentDate)
#Turn date into int
pDate= ''
for char in L[p][sortColumn]:
if char != '-':
pDate = pDate + char
pDate = int(pDate)
# If L[current] is smaller than the pivot, it needs to move into the first block,
# to the left of the pivot.
if currentDate < pDate:
swap(L, current, p+1)
swap(L, p, p+1)
p = p + 1
return p
#partions a list of ints for quick sort
def partitionInts(L, first, last, sortColumn):
# We pick the element L[first] as the "pivot" around which we partition the list
p = first
# We process the rest of the elements, one-by-one, in left-to-right order
for current in range(p+1, last+1):
# If L[current] is smaller than the pivot, it needs to move into the first block,
# to the left of the pivot.
currentInt = L[current][sortColumn]
pInt = L[p][sortColumn]
if currentInt < pInt:
swap(L, current, p+1)
swap(L, p, p+1)
p = p + 1
return p
#Recursive quick sort for dates
def generalQuickSort(L, first, last, sortColumn):
# Base case: if first == last, then there is only one element in the
# slice that needs sorting. So there is nothing to do.
# Recursive case: if there are 2 or more elements in the slice L[first:last+1]
if first < last:
# Divide step: partition returns an index p such that
# first <= p <= last and everthing in L[first:p] is <= L[p]
# and everything in L[p+1:last+1] is >= L[p]
p = partition(L, first, last,sortColumn)
# Conquer step
generalQuickSort(L, first, p-1, sortColumn)
generalQuickSort(L, p+1, last, sortColumn)
# Combine step: there is nothing left to do!
return L
#Recursive quick sort for ints
def generalQuickSortInts(L, first, last, sortColumn):
# Base case: if first == last, then there is only one element in the
# slice that needs sorting. So there is nothing to do.
# Recursive case: if there are 2 or more elements in the slice L[first:last+1]
if first < last:
# Divide step: partition returns an index p such that
# first <= p <= last and everthing in L[first:p] is <= L[p]
# and everything in L[p+1:last+1] is >= L[p]
p = partitionInts(L, first, last,sortColumn)
# Conquer step
generalQuickSortInts(L, first, p-1, sortColumn)
generalQuickSortInts(L, p+1, last, sortColumn)
# Combine step: there is nothing left to do!
return L
#Main quicksort functino for dates
def quickSort(L, sortColumn):
return generalQuickSort(L, 0, len(L)-1, sortColumn)
#Merge sort a list of lists that contain quick-sorted integers
#This mitigates the maximum recursion depth errors
def mergeQuickSortInts(L, sortColumn):
mergedList = []
buckets = len(L)
while L:
minIndex = 0
minValue = sys.maxint
#Find the bucket with the lowest value
for i in range(0, buckets):
if L[i] and L[i][0][sortColumn] < minValue:
minValue = L[i][0][sortColumn]
minIndex = i
#Append to mergedList and delete from bucket
if minValue != sys.maxint:
del L[minIndex][0]
return mergedList
#Main quicksort function for ints
def quickSortInts(L, sortColumn):
buckets = len(L)/1000
seperatedList = []
#Seperate into sorted buckets
i = 0
while i < buckets:
temp = L[:1000]
seperatedList.append(generalQuickSortInts(temp, 0, len(temp) - 1, sortColumn))
del L[:1000]
i = i + 1
#Add any residual buckets to seperatedList
if len(L) > 1:
seperatedList.append(generalQuickSortInts(L, 0, len(L) - 1, sortColumn))
return mergeQuickSortInts(seperatedList,sortColumn)
#This functin will return a dictionary of all of our trades with keywords
#buyDate and values list of possible trades. Input is a sorted list of trades
#taken from 'universalTradeList'
def createTradeDictionary(L):
tradeDict = {}
tradesOnDate = []
for entry in L:
if tradesOnDate:
#If this trade occurred on the same day as those in 'tradesOnDate'
#append it to 'tradesOnDate'
if tradesOnDate[0][1] == entry[1]:
#Otherwise put the list in the dictionary and append the new trade
#to 'tradesOnDate'
tradesOnDate = []
#if this is the first trade in L
#update dictionary with any residual trades
if tradesOnDate:
return tradeDict
#This function takes our dictionary of trades and uses it to create
#random trade sequences. The output it a list of trades
def createTradeSequence(tradeDict):
trades = []
#sort dictionary keys to collect possible trade dates
tradeDates = []
for entry in tradeDict.keys():
temp = quickSort(tradeDates, 0)
tradeDates = []
for entry in temp:
sellDate = 0
#cycle through possible trade dates
for entry in tradeDates:
#make dates ints
temp = ''
for char in entry:
if char != '-':
temp = temp + char
modifiedEntry = int(temp)
#if the current date is after the previous sell date
if modifiedEntry > sellDate:
#select a random trade and apend it to 'trades'
tradeIndex = random.randint(0, len(tradeDict[entry]) - 1)
#format sell date to int and update
temp = ''
for char in tradeDict[entry][tradeIndex][3]:
if char != '-':
temp = temp + char
sellDate = int(temp)
return trades
#This is the guts of the program and calculates everything we need to know
#about how our strategy performed
def runBacktest(tradeDict, numTrials, plot, testTicker, startDate, endDate):
returnsList = []
x = []
y = []
#run test for numTrials many times
aveReturns = 0
i = 0
while i < numTrials:
#create a trade sequence
trades = createTradeSequence(tradeDict)
#collect our portfolio value after each trade
bank = initialAmount
for entry in trades:
bank = portfolio(entry, bank, flatRate)
#collect our x and y value for plotting
if plot:
#calculate our trade sequence's return
returns = bank/initialAmount
aveReturns = aveReturns + returns
i = i + 1
#calculate our test's average return,sample standard deviation,
#number of winners, maximum portfolio value, minimum portfolio value
#average return
aveReturns = aveReturns/numTrials
winners = 0
stdev = 0
maximum = 0
minimum = sys.maxint
for entry in returnsList:
#number of winners
if entry >= 1:
winners = winners + 1
#maximum return
if entry > maximum:
maximum = entry
if entry < minimum:
minimum = entry
stdev = stdev + ((entry - aveReturns)*(entry - aveReturns))
#standard deviation
if len(returnsList) > 1:
stdev = math.sqrt(stdev/(len(returnsList) - 1))
#calculate number of losers
losers = numTrials - winners
#calculate the percent of sequences that won
percentWinners = float(winners)/numTrials
#if we're plotting we'll have to reformat x
if plot:
#get the days the market was open
marketDates = []
temp = importData(testTicker, beginDate, endDate, 0)
i = len(temp) - 1
while i >= 0:
i = i - 1
#put dates in a dictionary with key Date and value x'th trading day of the year
dateDictionary = {}
i = 0
while i < len(marketDates):
dateDictionary.update({marketDates[i]: i + 1})
i = i + 1
#reformat x
tempX = []
for point in x:
x = tempX
return [aveReturns, stdev, maximum, minimum, winners, losers, percentWinners, x, y]
#This function will plot the returns of the SP500, you must have
#SPY data downloaded. Function returns the minimum and maximum y values
#needed for plotting.
def plotSP500(beginDate, endDate):
x = []
y = []
maxY = 0
minY = sys.maxint
#import daily SPY data
dailyData = importData('SPY', beginDate, endDate, 0)
firstPrice = dailyData[len(dailyData) - 1]['Close']
profit = 1
#collect y
i = len(dailyData) - 1
while i >= 0:
point = (dailyData[i]['Close']/firstPrice - 1) * 100
y.append((round(point, 3)))
#find min and max y values
if point > maxY:
maxY = point
if point < minY:
minY = point
i = i - 1
#create x
i = 1
while i <= len(y):
i = i + 1
#plot the data
pyplot.plot(x,y, color = 'red', linewidth = 1.5)
return(minY, maxY)
#This function takes in a list of [x,y] values and returns
#the middle %
def returnMiddle(pointList, middle):
#collect all y values
tempPList = []
for entry in pointList:
pointList = tempPList
#find the upper and lower bounds of our middle %
lowerBound = 0
upperBound = 0
if len(pointList) > 1:
lowerBound = len(pointList)*middle*.5
upperBound = len(pointList) - lowerBound
#middle bounds adjusted for index
lowerBound = int(math.floor(lowerBound))
upperBound = int(math.ceil(upperBound))
#collect all data that falls into our range
listofMiddles = []
for i in range(lowerBound, upperBound):
return listofMiddles
#This functino will plot the middle middle% of portfolio values
#on each day a trade is made. The function will return the minimum
#and maximum y values needed for plotting
def plotMiddle(x,y, middle):
maxY = 0
minY = sys.maxint
#create a sorted list that contains lists of points [x,y]
combinedXY = []
i = 0
while i < len(x):
i = i + 1
combinedXY = quickSortInts(combinedXY, 0)
pointDict = {}
pointList = []
currentPoint = ''
#create a dictionary with Key x and value list of y's that fall on x
for entry in combinedXY:
[x,y] = entry
#if first entry
if not(pointList):
currentPoint = x
#x matches those in 'pointList' append x to pointList
if x == currentPoint:
#otherwise find pointList middle range restart pointList
#find midle% of points
pointList = quickSortInts(pointList, 1)
pointList = returnMiddle(pointList, middle)
#insert into pointDict
pointDict.update({currentPoint: pointList})
#clear point list and update with new x
pointList = []
currentPoint = x
#repeat for any residual points
if pointList:
#insert middle points into dictionary
pointList = quickSortInts(pointList, 1)
pointList = returnMiddle(pointList, middle)
#insert into pointDict
pointDict.update({currentPoint: pointList})
#create middle x and y
middleX = []
middleY = []
for xPoint in pointDict:
for yPoint in pointDict[xPoint]:
#find max and min y
if yPoint < minY:
minY = yPoint
if yPoint > maxY:
maxY = yPoint
#draw plot
pyplot.scatter(middleX,middleY, color = 'blue')
return [minY, maxY]
#Main plotting function
def plot(x, y, plotFileName, showPlot, savePlot):
#find x extremes
maxX = 0
minX = 0
for entry in x:
if entry > maxX:
maxX = entry
#plot x axis
xAxisY = [0]*int(math.ceil(maxX)+1)
xAxisX = []
for i in range(0, len(xAxisY)):
pyplot.plot(xAxisX,xAxisY, color = 'black')
#reduce y by one
temp = []
for point in y:
temp.append((point - 1) * 100)
y = temp
#y extremes
maxY = 0
minY = sys.maxint
#plot population
if plot and plotPopulation:
for entry in y:
if entry > maxY:
maxY = entry
if entry < minY:
minY = entry
pyplot.scatter(x,y, color = '.80')
#plot SP500
if plot and plotSP500:
[smallY, bigY] = plotSP500(beginDate, endDate)
if smallY < minY:
minY = smallY - 5
if bigY > maxY:
maxY = bigY + 5
#plot middle
if plot and plotMiddle:
[smallY, bigY] = plotMiddle(x,y, 1 - middlePercent)
if smallY < minY:
minY = smallY - 5
if bigY > maxY:
maxY = bigY + 5
#adjust axis scale
pyplot.axis([minX, maxX, minY, maxY])
#plot lables
pyplot.ylabel('Portfolio Value (%)')
pyplot.title(beginDate + ' - '+ endDate)
#save plot
if plot and savePlot:
#view plot
if plot and showPlot:
elif plot:
#This is where we put everything together
for entry in dateList:
start = time.time()
beginDate = entry[0]
endDate = entry[1]
#create tradeList for all tickers in our universe
List = universalTradeList(beginDate, endDate, fromFile, userDefined, fileName, userList)
#sort the list by buyDate
List = quickSort(List, 1)
#for collecting list of days market was open
testTicker = None
if plot:
testTicker = 'GE'
#create a trade dictionary
tradeDict = createTradeDictionary(List)
print entry, '\n'
#run our backtest
output = runBacktest(tradeDict, numTrials, plot, testTicker, beginDate, endDate)
#[aveReturns, stdev, maximum, minimum, winners, losers, percentWinners, x, y] = runBacktest(tradeDict, numTrials, plot, testTicker, startDate, endDate)
#print our data
print 'Average return', output[0]
print 'Sample STDEV', output[1]
print 'Maximum return', output[2]
print 'Minimum return', output[3]
print 'Winners', output[4]
print 'Losers', output[5]
print 'Percent winners', int(output[6]*100), '\n'
end = time.time()
print 'Completed in', end - start, '\n'
#plot our returns
if plot:
x = output[7]
y = output[8]
plot(x,y, entry[2], showPlot, savePlot)
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