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Last active February 20, 2023 20:30
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Root file
# ---root/ ---
#Instance Module
module "Compute" {
source = "./Modules/Compute"
elb = module.LoadBalancer.elb
alb_tg = module.LoadBalancer.alb_tg
private_subnet = module.Networking.private_subnet
public_subnet = module.Networking.public_subnet
public_sg = module.Networking.public_sg
private_sg = module.Networking.private_sg
key_name = "Terraform"
#Load Balancer Module
module "LoadBalancer" {
source = "./Modules/LoadBalancer"
vpc_id = module.Networking.vpc_id
web_sg = module.Networking.web_sg
public_subnet = module.Networking.public_subnet
database_asg = module.Compute.database_asg
tg_port = 80
tg_protocol = "HTTP"
lb_healthy_threshold = 2
lb_unhealthy_threshold = 2
lb_timeout = 3
lb_interval = 30
listener_port = 80
listener_protocol = "HTTP"
#VPC Module
module "Networking" {
source = "./Modules/Networking"
vpc_cidr = ""
access_ip = var.access_ip
private_cidrs = ["", "", ""]
public_cidrs = ["", "", ""]
region = var.main_region
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