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Last active April 21, 2022 22:03
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A Cluster Analysis tool for the JADE Excel Add-in
async function auto_exec(){
const tool_data = await jade.read_object_from_workbook(window.active_tool)
for(const[key,value] of Object.entries(tool_data)){
console.log(key, value)
async function save_props(){
const the_object={result:"it works with the active tool"}
await jade.save_object_to_workbook(the_object, window.active_tool)
async function read_props(){
const obj = await jade.read_object_from_workbook(window.active_tool)
function default_value(input){
console.log("getting address of active cell") (excel) => {
let rng = excel.workbook.getSelectedRange();
await excel.sync();
input.value = rng.address.split("!")[1]
async function goal_seek(){
const set = tag("set-cell").value
const value = tag("to-value").value
const change = tag("change-cell").value
await jade.save_object_to_workbook({
}, window.active_tool)
//set: the address of the target cell, value: the target value for the cell, change: the address of a precedent cell that will change to achieve the goal function(excel){
//get the active worksheet and initialize variables
const sheet = excel.workbook.worksheets.getActiveWorksheet()
const changing_cell = sheet.getRange(change)
const set_cell = sheet.getRange(set)
const to_value = value
await excel.sync()
const initial_change_value = changing_cell.values[0][0]
//Set initial guess
let initial_guess = initial_change_value
let results = []//array of all result_objects
let interval_found = false
let upper_bound
let lower_bound
for(let j=0;j<=25;j++){//This will provide up to 1000 guesses at the interval boundaries, starting with an initial guess, the guesses change 25 times to reflect what is known about a potential solution.
if(results.length!==0) initial_guess = results[0].guess
results = await add_guesses(initial_guess, results, changing_cell, set_cell)
//results.sort((a, b) => Math.abs(a.result)-Math.abs(b.result));
for(let k=1;k<results.length;k++){
interval_found = true
upper_bound = results[k].guess
lower_bound = results[k-1].guess
upper_bound = results[k-1].guess
lower_bound = results[k].guess
if(interval_found) break
const epsilon = 0.00001
let mid_point
let mid_point_result
let lower_bond_result
mid_point = (upper_bound+lower_bound)/2
// check to make sure the mid_point value doesn't produce the target
mid_point_result = await try_value(changing_cell,mid_point,set_cell) - to_value
if(Math.abs(mid_point_result)<epsilon) break
upper_bound_result = await try_value(changing_cell,upper_bound,set_cell) - to_value
//decide the side of the mid_point to process
if(upper_bound_result*mid_point_result>=0){//the interval is not between the upper bound and the midpoint
upper_bound = mid_point
}else{//the interval is between the upper bound and the midpoint
lower_bound = mid_point
mid_point = (upper_bound+lower_bound)/2
tag("pre-output").innerHTML = `Solution found when ${change} is ${Math.round(mid_point*100000)/100000}`
tag("pre-output").innerHTML = `No solution was found after ${results.length+1} iterations`
//reset changing cell value
changing_cell.formulas = initial_change_value
async function try_value(change_cell, value, result_cell){
//change_cell is the address where the change is to be made, value is the change to be made, result cell contains the value to be returned.
change_cell.formulas = value
await excel.sync()
return result_cell.values[0][0]
async function add_guesses(initial_guess, results, changing_cell, set_cell){
//search for intervals around initial guess
for(let i = -5; i<=5; i=i+0.5){
let guess_factor
let guess
let result
result_sign = 0
if(results.length>0) result_sign = results[0].sign
guess_factor = 10**i
guess = initial_guess - initial_guess * guess_factor
result = await try_value(changing_cell,guess,set_cell)
if(typeof result === "number") {
result = result - to_value
result_object = {guess: guess, result: result, sign: result/Math.abs(result)}
result_sign = result_object.sign
if(result_sign!==result_object.sign) return results
guess = initial_guess + initial_guess * guess_factor
result = await try_value(changing_cell,guess,set_cell)
if(typeof result === "number") {
result = result - to_value
result_object = {guess: guess, result: result, sign: result/Math.abs(result)}
result_sign = result_object.sign
if(result_sign!==result_object.sign) return results
return results
<div style="margin:1rem; text-align: center;"><div style="display:inline-block; text-align: left;">
<td>Set Cell:</td>
<td><input size="6" type="text" id="set-cell" onfocus="jade_modules.code.default_value(this)"/></td>
<td>To Value:</td>
<td><input size="6" type="text" id="to-value" /></td>
<td>By Changing:</td>
<td><input size="6" type="text" id="change-cell" onfocus="jade_modules.code.default_value(this)" /></td>
<td colspan="2" align="right"><button onclick="jade_modules.code.goal_seek()">Seek</button></td>
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