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Created November 13, 2017 06:06
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import sys
import inspect
import unittest
import unittest.mock
from . import patch
class EnhancedMock(unittest.mock.Mock):
""" An enhanced mock object that supports a wider array of mock patching than the base framework.
# Because we're building a strict mock, we need some machinery to let us keep
# internal state. See override of __setattr__ below.
members = ['special_children']
def __init__(self, cls, patches):
Init a mock for the specified class, and apply the specified patches to the mocked instance.
Unlike the base Mock/PropertyMock classes, this lets a caller patch a property with a function.
This also lets a caller apply a patch that deviates from the strict spec.
:param cls: The class to mock. This is used as the strict spec by unittest.mock
:param patches: A dictionary of property name to patch values/functions.
unittest.mock.Mock.__init__(self, spec_set=cls)
prop_names = [n for n, _ in inspect.getmembers(cls, inspect.isdatadescriptor)]
self.special_children = {}
for k in patches:
#print('patching ' + k + ', ' + str(patches[k]) + ', is prop? ' + str(k in prop_names))
p = None
if k in prop_names:
p = unittest.mock.PropertyMock()
if callable(patches[k]):
# Set up the property mock to call the patch function passed in
p.__get__ = lambda a, instance, b, fn=patches[k]: fn(instance)
p.return_value = patches[k]
p = unittest.mock.Mock()
if callable(patches[k]):
p.side_effect = patches[k]
p.return_value = patches[k]
self.special_children[k] = p
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name in EnhancedMock.members:
self.__dict__[name] = value
unittest.mock.Mock.__setattr__(self, name, value)
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name in self.__dict__:
return self.__dict__[name]
result = unittest.mock.Mock.__getattr__(self, name)
print('in EnhancedMock.__getattr__: ' + name + ", " + str(result.side_effect))
if isinstance(result, unittest.mock.PropertyMock) and result.__get__:
# Only handle the case of a custom getter mocks with a return_value will
# be handled in the elif
return result.__get__(self, type(self))
elif isinstance(result, unittest.mock.Mock) and not result.side_effect:
# If we have a mock object WITHOUT a side effect, call it
# We don't call mocks with side effects because the caller of this
# is going to call the function with arguments. We do call the Mock
# object in this case to get any value it may hold.
return result()
return result
def _get_child_mock(self, **kw):
if kw['name'] in self.special_children:
return self.special_children[kw['name']]
return unittest.mock.MagicMock(**kw)
def from_name(full_name):
Finds and returns a class object from name.
pkg, cls_name = full_name.rsplit('.', 1)
core = sys.modules[pkg]
return getattr(core, cls_name)
def create_object(cls_str, patches=None):
Create an object by string name, and apply attribute patches.
Usage: create_object('adsk.core.Component', {'name': 'Foo'})
if patches is None:
patches = {}
cls = from_name(cls_str)
# Standard "base object" patches
patches = patch.add_standard_patches(cls_str, patches)
return EnhancedMock(cls, patches)
Standard patches for Fusion 360 objects
def _cast(class_type, x):
if x.objectType == class_type:
return x
return None
def add_standard_patches(cls_str, patches):
""" Standard "base" attributes that all classes should have """
patches['objectType'] = cls_str
patches['classType'] = lambda: cls_str
patches['cast'] = lambda x: _cast(cls_str, x)
return patches
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