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Last active January 21, 2023 23:57
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jQuery(document).on('click', '#gform_page_1_2 .gform_next_button', function() {
* Get values from field inputs - Instant Quote Step 2
// Total Home Square Footage
let inputSquareFootage = String(jQuery('#input_1_5').val()).replace(',', '')
// Bedrooms/Bathrooms - display when Square Footage is selected
let optionBedBath = jQuery('#input_1_35').val()
optionBedBath = optionBedBath.split('/')
let inputFullBaths = optionBedBath[1]
let inputBeds = optionBedBath[0]
// Service Frequency
let inputServiceFrequency = jQuery('#input_1_6').find('input[name="input_6"]:checked').val()
// Type of Other
let inputTypeOfOther = jQuery('#input_1_22').find('input[name="input_22"]:checked').val()
// Pets
let inputPets = jQuery('#input_1_13').val()
// Rooms w/ Hardwood Floors
let inputRooms = jQuery('#input_1_14').val()
const pricingEstimate = franchiseNinjaTablesData.filter(function (item) {
let check = false
let currBath = item.baths
let currBeds = item.beds
let currSquareft = item.squareft
return inputBeds === currBeds && currBath === inputFullBaths && inputSquareFootage === currSquareft
if (pricingEstimate.length > 0) {
let currPet = 0
let currRoom = 0
let finalTotalExtend = 0
* @todo Populate field inputs with MMC API in php Class
* @todo Get values from field inputs
* @values show_form_2 (ninja tables currently):
if (pricingEstimate.pets && pricingEstimate.rooms) {
currPet = parseInt(pricingEstimate.pets) * inputPets
currRoom = parseInt(pricingEstimate.rooms) * inputRooms
finalTotalExtend = currPet + currRoom
* @functionality :
* If (#input_1_6 (Service Frequency) === 'Other') :
* Populate and display Step 3 html field (Occasional, Move In, Move Out)
* else :
* Populate and display Step 3 html field (Weekly, Bi-weekly, Monthly)
let defaultText = '';
let infoText = '';
let popularText = '<span class="popular"></span>';
if (inputServiceFrequency === 'Other') {
let priceOneTime = ''
let activeOccasional = ''
let activeMoveIn = ''
let activeMoveOut = ''
let onetimePrice = parseInt(pricingEstimate.onetime) + finalTotalExtend
let moveinPrice = parseInt(pricingEstimate.movein) + finalTotalExtend
let moveoutPrice = parseInt(pricingEstimate.moveout) + finalTotalExtend
if (inputTypeOfOther == 'Occasional') {
priceOneTime = onetimePrice
activeOccasional = 'active'
if (inputTypeOfOther == 'Move In') {
priceOneTime = moveinPrice
activeMoveIn = 'active'
if (inputTypeOfOther == 'Move Out') {
priceOneTime = moveoutPrice
activeMoveOut = 'active'
jQuery('.js-service-frequency--other').html( // .html() does not work when form uses AJAX
<div class="select-quote-boxes">
<div data-recurring="Occasional" data-price-frist="${onetimePrice}" class="select-quote-box otherTypeBox ${activeOccasional}">
<div class="title-box">
<div class="body-box">
<div class="bottom-text">
<h3>ONE TIME CLEANING FEE <span>$${onetimePrice}<sup>*</sup></span></h3>
<div data-recurring="Move In" data-price-frist="${moveinPrice}" class="select-quote-box otherTypeBox ${activeMoveIn}">
<div class="title-box">
<h3>Move In</h3>
<div class="body-box">
<div class="bottom-text">
<h3>ONE TIME CLEANING FEE <span>$${moveinPrice}<sup>*</sup></span></h3>
<div data-recurring="Move Out" data-price-frist="${moveoutPrice}" class="select-quote-box otherTypeBox ${activeMoveOut}">
<div class="title-box">
<h3>Move Out</h3>
<div class="body-box">
<div class="bottom-text">
<h3>ONE TIME CLEANING FEE <span>$${moveoutPrice}<sup>*</sup></span></h3>
<div class="select-quote-box-text">
<p>*Plus Applicable Taxes</p>
<div class="title-box">
<h3 id="final_recurr">${typeOfOther}</h3>
<div class="body-box">
<div class="bottom-text">
<h3>ONE TIME CLEANING FEE <span id="final_first">$${priceOneTime}<sup>*</sup></span></h3>
} else {
let weeklyActive = ''
let biWeeklyActive = ''
let monthlyActive = ''
let weeklyprice = parseInt(pricingEstimate.weeklyprice) + finalTotalExtend
let biweeklyprice = parseInt(pricingEstimate.biweeklyprice) + finalTotalExtend
let monthlyprice = parseInt(pricingEstimate.monthlyprice) + finalTotalExtend
let initialCleanPrice = parseInt(pricingEstimate.initialclean) + finalTotalExtend
let initalPrice = weeklyprice
if (inputServiceFrequency == 'Bi-Weekly') {
biWeeklyActive = 'active'
initalPrice = biweeklyprice
defaultText = 'Bi-Weekly'
popularText = '<span class="popular">MOST POPULAR!</span>'
} else if (inputServiceFrequency == 'Monthly') {
monthlyActive = 'active'
initalPrice = monthlyprice
defaultText = 'Monthly'
} else {
weeklyActive = 'active'
infoText = 'THEN EVERY WEEK'
defaultText = 'Weekly'
jQuery('.js-service-frequency--weekly').html( // .html() does not work when form uses AJAX
<div class="select-quote-boxes">
<div class="select-quote-box ${weeklyActive}" data-info-text="THEN EVERY WEEK" data-recurring="Weekly" data-price-frist="${initialCleanPrice}" data-every-week="${weeklyprice}" >
<div class="title-box">
<div class="body-box">
<div class="top-text">
<h3>FIRST CLEANING <span>$${initialCleanPrice}<sup>*</sup></span></h3>
<div class="bottom-text">
<h3>THEN EVERY WEEK <span>$${weeklyprice}<sup>*</sup></span></h3>
<div class="select-quote-box ${biWeeklyActive}" data-info-text="THEN EVERY TWO WEEKS" data-recurring="Bi-Weekly" data-price-frist="${initialCleanPrice}" data-every-week="${biweeklyprice}">
<div class="title-box">
<span class="popular">MOST POPULAR!</span>
<div class="body-box">
<div class="top-text">
<h3>FIRST CLEANING <span>$${initialCleanPrice}<sup>*</sup></span></h3>
<div class="bottom-text">
<h3>THEN EVERY TWO WEEKS <span>$${biweeklyprice}<sup>*</sup></span></h3>
<div class="select-quote-box ${monthlyActive}" data-info-text="THEN EVERY FOUR WEEKS" data-recurring="Monthly" data-price-frist="${initialCleanPrice}" data-every-week="${monthlyprice}">
<div class="title-box">
<div class="body-box">
<div class="top-text">
<h3>FIRST CLEANING <span>$${initialCleanPrice}<sup>*</sup></span></h3>
<div class="bottom-text">
<h3>THEN EVERY FOUR WEEKS <span>$${monthlyprice}<sup>*</sup></span></h3>
<div class="select-quote-box-text">
<p>*Plus Applicable Taxes</p>
<div class="title-box">
<h3 id="final_recurr">${defaultText}</h3>
<div class="body-box">
<div class="top-text">
<h3>FIRST CLEANING <span id="final_first">$182<sup>*</sup></span></h3>
<div class="bottom-text">
<h3 id="info_box_new">${infoText} <span id="final_every">$106<sup>*</sup></span></h3>
let price_final_curr = initialCleanPrice + initalPrice
price_final_curr = price_final_curr.toFixed(2)
} else {
// jQuery('#square_text').html(`Square Footage: ${square_footage}`)
let first_name_val = jQuery('#first-name').val()
let last_name_val = jQuery('#last-name').val()
let phone_number_val = jQuery('#phone').val()
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