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Last active December 30, 2015 12:09
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Save thePanz/7827158 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Wrong EG-Attachments sorting
if (! class_exists('EG_Attachments_Public')) {
* Class EG_Attachments_Public
* Implement a shortcode to display the list of attachments in a post.
* @package EG-Attachments
Class EG_Attachments_Public extends EG_Plugin_130 {
var $order_by = 'title';
var $order = 'ASC';
* init
* Declare shortcode, and auto-shortcode
* @package EG-Attachments
* @param none
* @return none
function init() {
add_action('template_redirect', array(&$this, 'manage_link'));
// Add the shortcode
add_shortcode(EGA_SHORTCODE, array(&$this, 'get_attachments'));
// Add the auto shortcode
if ( $this->options['shortcode_auto'] > 0 ) {
add_filter('the_content', array(&$this, 'shortcode_auto_content'));
if ($this->options['shortcode_auto'] == 3) {
add_filter('get_the_excerpt', array(&$this, 'shortcode_auto_excerpt'));
} // End of init
// function enqueue_scripts() {
// wp_enqueue_script( 'eg-attachments-ajax-request', $this->url.'inc/js/click_counter.js', array( 'jquery' ) );
// wp_localize_script( 'eg-attachments-ajax-request', 'EgaAjax', array(
// 'ajax_url' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php'),
// 'nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'egattach-ajax' )
// )
// );
// } // End of enqueue_scripts
* manage_link
* Manage the file download
* @package EG-Attachments
* @param none
* @return none
function manage_link() {
global $post;
// Ensure that the link is coming from EG-Attachment
if ( isset($_GET['aid']) /*&& is_numeric($_GET['aid']) */) {
// First security check. If post not defined, potential hack tentative.
if (! isset($post)) {
wp_die(__('Something is going wrong. Bad address, or perhaps you try to access to a private document.', $this->textdomain));
// Are we in an attachment? or a post?
if ( is_attachment() ) {
$attach_id = $post->ID;
$attach_title = $post->post_title;
$parent_id = ( isset($_GET['pid']) ? $_GET['pid'] : reset( get_post_ancestors($attach_id) ) );
$parent_title = get_post_field('post_title', $parent_id);
else {
$parent_id = $post->ID;
$parent_title = $post->post_title;
$attach = get_post($_GET['aid']);
if (isset($attach) && $attach && 'attachment' == $attach->post_type) {
$attach_id = $attach->ID;
$attach_title = get_post_field('post_title',$attach_id) ;
if ( isset($attach_id) ) {
$this->record_click($parent_id, $parent_title, $attach_id, $attach_title);
// $parent_id = reset(get_post_ancestors($attach_id));
// Second security check: private posts / pages
if ('private' == get_post_field('post_status', $parent_id) && !is_user_logged_in()) {
wp_die(__('This post is private. You must be a user of the site, and logged in, to display this file.', $this->textdomain));
// Third security check: protected post
if (post_password_required($parent_id)) {
wp_die(__('This post is password protected. Please go to the site, and enter the password required to display the document', $this->textdomain));
if ($_GET['sa'] < 1) {
if ( !is_attachment() ) {
else { // Force "Save as"
$chunksize = 2*(1024*1024);
$file_path = get_attached_file($attach_id);
$stat = @stat($file_path);
$etag = sprintf('%x-%x-%x', $stat['ino'], $stat['size'], $stat['mtime'] * 1000000);
global $is_IE;
$path = pathinfo($file_path);
if (isset($path['extension']) && strtolower($path['extension']) == 'zip' &&
$is_IE && ini_get('zlib.output_compression')) {
ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off');
// apache_setenv('no-gzip', '1');
header('Pragma: public');
header('Expires: 0');
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
header('Cache-Control: private', FALSE);
header('Content-Type: application/force-download', FALSE);
header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream', FALSE);
header('Content-Type: application/download', FALSE);
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.basename($file_path).'";');
header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
header('Last-Modified: ' . date('r', $stat['mtime']));
header('Etag: "' . $etag . '"');
header('Content-Length: '.$stat['size']);
header('Accept-Ranges: bytes');
if ($stat['size'] < $chunksize) {
else {
$handle = fopen($file_path, 'rb');
while (!feof($handle)) {
echo fread($handle, $chunksize);
} // End of force save as
} // End of isset attach_id
} // End of if $_GET[aid]
} // End of manage_link
* record_click
* Record the click (download) in the statistics table
* @package EG-Attachments
* @param int $parent_id the post from where the user click
* @param string $parent_title Title of this post
* @param int $attach_id id of the attachment to download
* @param strong $attach_title Title of the attachment
* @return none
function record_click($parent_id, $parent_title, $attach_id, $attach_title) {
global $wpdb;
// if (! isset($_REQUEST['nonce'])) {
// die ( 'Bad request, or security issue!');
// }
// elseif ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_REQUEST['nonce'], 'egattach-ajax' ) ) {
// die ( 'Security issue!');
// }
// if (! isset($_REQUEST['parent_id']) || !is_numeric($_REQUEST['parent_id']) ||
// !isset($_REQUEST['attach_id']) || !is_numeric($_REQUEST['attach_id'])) {
// die('Wrong parameters');
// }
$stats_enable = $this->options['stats_enable'] && $this->options['clicks_table'];
if ($stats_enable && $this->options['stats_ip_exclude'] != '') {
$stat_ip = (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : FALSE);
if ($stat_ip !== FALSE ) {
$stats_enable = (! in_array($stat_ip, explode(',', $this->options['stats_ip_exclude'])) );
if ($stats_enable) {
// $parent_id = $_REQUEST['parent_id'];
// $attach_id = $_REQUEST['attach_id'];
// $attach_title = $_REQUEST['title'];
/* Get some details from post parent */
// $post = get_post($parent_id);
// if (! $post)
// die('Incorrect parameter <strong>parent_id</strong>');
// Count click
$sql = $wpdb->prepare('INSERT INTO '.$wpdb->prefix.'eg_attachments_clicks '.
'(click_date,post_id,post_title,attach_id,attach_title,clicks_number) values '.
'(CURRENT_DATE(),%d,%s,%d, %s, %d)'.
'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clicks_number=clicks_number+1',
array($parent_id, $parent_title, $attach_id, $attach_title, 1));
} // End of stat enable
} // End of record_click
* get_file_size() - Try to get the size of the specified file
* @package EG-Attachments
* @param int $attachment_id id of attachment to get size
* @return float size of the attachment
function get_file_size($attachment_id) {
// Get the path of the file
$file_path = get_attached_file($attachment_id);
// size calculation
$docsize = @filesize($file_path);
if ($docsize === FALSE)
$docsize = '';
else {
$size_value = explode(' ',size_format($docsize, 0)); // WP function found in file wp-includes/functions.php
$docsize = $size_value[0].' '.__($size_value[1]);
if ($docsize == 0 || $docsize == '') return __('unknown', $this->textdomain);
else return ($docsize);
} /* End of get_file_size */
* get_type() - Try to get type of document according mime type
* @package EG-Attachments
* @param string $mime_type mime type of the attachment as stored in the DB
* @return string readable type of the attachment
function get_type($mime_type) {
list($part1, $part2) = explode('/', $mime_type);
switch ($part1) {
case 'image':
$attachment_type = $mime_type;
case 'application':
$attachment_type = str_replace('vnd.', '', $part2);
$attachment_type = $part1;
} // End of switch
return ($attachment_type);
} // End of get_type
* icon_dirs() - Add the icon path of the plugin, to the list of paths of WordPress icons
* @package EG-Attachments
* @package EG-Attachments
* @param $args array list of path and url (array( path1 => url1, path2 => url2 ...))
* @return array the previous array, with additional paths
function icon_dirs($args) {
// If $args is not an array => return directly the value
if (!is_array($args))
$new_args = $args ;
else {
// Add the icons path of the current plugin
//$new_args = array_merge(array($this->path.'img/flags' => $this->url.'img/flags'),$args);
if ($this->options['icon_path'] !='' &&
$this->options['icon_url'] !='' &&
file_exists(str_replace('\\','/',trailingslashit(ABSPATH).$this->options['icon_path']))) {
$new_args = array_merge(array($this->path.'img/flags' => $this->url.'img/flags'),
array(str_replace('\\','/',trailingslashit(ABSPATH).$this->options['icon_path']) => trailingslashit(get_bloginfo('home')).$this->options['icon_url']),
else {
$new_args = array_merge(array($this->path.'img/flags' => $this->url.'img/flags'),$args);
return ($new_args);
} // End of icon_dirs
function get_icon_url($id) {
if (! $icon_url = wp_mime_type_icon($id) ) {
$icon_url = trailingslashit(get_bloginfo('wpurl')).WPINC.'/images/crystal/default.png';
return ($icon_url);
} // End of get_icon_url
* get_icon() - Get the thumbnail of the atttachment
* @package EG-Attachments
* @param int $id attachment id
* @param object $attachment the attachment metadata
* @param string $size size of the thumbnail (small, medium or large)
* @return string html entities IMG
function get_icon($html, $attachment) {
$output = $html;
preg_match_all("/%ICON-[0-9][0-9]x[0-9][0-9]%/", $html, $matches);
if ($matches) {
$icon_url = $this->get_icon_url($attachment->ID);
if ($attachment->post_content != '')
$description = esc_html($attachment->post_content);
elseif ($attachment->post_title !='')
$description = esc_html($attachment->post_title);
$description = esc_html($attachment->post_name);
foreach ($matches[0] as $pattern) {
list($string, $size) = explode('-', $pattern);
list($width, $height) = explode('x', str_replace('%', '', $size));
$output = preg_replace('/'.$pattern.'/', '<img src="'.$icon_url.'" width="'.$width.'" height="'.$height.'" alt="'.$description.'" />', $output);
return ($output);
} /* end of get_icon */
// function add_click_counter($input) {
// $regex_pattern = "/<a(\s[^>]*)href=\"([^\"]*)\"([^>]*)>(.*)<\/a>/siU";
// preg_match_all($regex_pattern,$input,$matches);
// for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($matches[0]); $i++) {
// $link = '<a'.$matches[1][$i].'href="'.$matches[2][$i].'"'.$matches[3][$i].' onclick="ega_click_counter()
// }
// return ($input);
// } // End of add_click_counter
function where_post_mime_type($args) {
if ($args != '') {
global $wpdb;
return (str_replace($wpdb->prefix.'posts.post_mime_type LIKE \'notimage/%\'', $wpdb->prefix.'posts.post_mime_type NOT LIKE \'image/%\'',$args));
} // End of where_post_mime_type
* The eg-attachments shortcode.
* This implements the functionality of the Attachments Shortcode for displaying
* WordPress documents on a post.
* @package EG-Attachments
* @param array $attr Attributes of the shortcode.
* @return string HTML content to display gallery.
function get_attachments($atts) {
global $wpdb;
global $post;
* Extracting parameters
// TODO: replace with get_shortcode_defaults
$EGA_SHORTCODE_DEFAULTS['force_saveas'] = $this->options['force_saveas'];
$EGA_SHORTCODE_DEFAULTS['logged_users'] = $this->options['logged_users_only'];
$EGA_SHORTCODE_DEFAULTS['login_url'] = $this->options['login_url'];
$EGA_SHORTCODE_DEFAULTS['nofollow'] = $this->options['nofollow'];
$EGA_SHORTCODE_DEFAULTS['target'] = $this->options['target_blank'];
$EGA_SHORTCODE_DEFAULTS['exclude_thumbnail'] = $this->options['exclude_thumbnail'];
extract( shortcode_atts( $EGA_SHORTCODE_DEFAULTS, $atts ) );
/* Check Security: if the post is password protected, or private, we don't display anything */
if ( post_password_required($post->ID) ||
( 'private' == get_post_field('post_status', $post->ID) && !is_user_logged_in() ) ||
( 2 == $logged_users && !is_user_logged_in() ) ) {
return '';
if (0 == $id)
$id = $post->ID;
* Managing compatibility
if (0 != $docid && '' == $include)
$include = $docid;
* Managing parameters
list($this->order_by, $this->order) = explode(' ', strtolower($orderby));
list($orderby_default, $order_default) = $EGA_SHORTCODE_DEFAULTS['orderby'];
$this->order_by = (isset($EGA_FIELDS_ORDER_KEY[$this->order_by]) ? $EGA_FIELDS_ORDER_KEY[$this->order_by] : $orderby_default);
$this->order = strtoupper(in_array($this->order, array('asc', 'desc')) ? $this->order : $order_default);
if ('' == $template) {
if ( 'custom' == $size ) {
if ('' != $this->options['legacy_custom_format'])
$template = $this->options['legacy_custom_format'];
elseif ($size != '') {
$template = $size;
if (FALSE === strpos($size, '-list') && ! $icon) $template .= '-list';
} // No template defined
* Getting the template
$error_msg = '';
$cache_entry = strtolower($this->name).'-shortcode-tmpl';
$templates = (EG_PLUGIN_ENABLE_CACHE ? get_transient($cache_entry) : FALSE);
if (FALSE !== $templates && isset($templates[$template])) {
$template_content = $templates[$template];
else {
// Query
$tmpl = get_posts( array('post_type' => EGA_TEMPLATE_POST_TYPE, 'name' => $template));
if (! $tmpl) {
$error_msg = esc_html__('Template doesn\'t exists. Use default', $this->textdomain);
$tmpl = get_posts( array('post_type' => EGA_TEMPLATE_POST_TYPE, 'name' => $EGA_SHORTCODE_DEFAULTS['shortcode_auto_size']));
// Parse the result
if ($tmpl) {
if (FALSE === $templates) $templates = array();
$template_content = EG_Attachments_Common::parse_template($tmpl[0]->post_content);
if (FALSE === $template) {
$error_msg = esc_html__('Error during processing shortcode template', $this->textdomain);
$templates[$template] = $template_content;
set_transient($cache_entry, $templates, EGA_TEMPLATE_CACHE_EXPIRATION);
} // End of template found
* Preparing query
$params = array('numberposts' => $limit,
'post_type' => 'attachment',
'suppress_filters' => false);
if ($id > 0) {
$params['post_parent'] = $id;
if ( 0 !== $exclude_thumbnail ) {
$featured_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($id);
if ( FALSE !== $featured_id && '' != $featured_id )
$exclude = ( ''== $exclude ? $featured_id : ','.$featured_id );
} // End of exclude thumbnail
} // End of parent specified
if ('' != $include)
$params['include'] = $include;
if ('' != $exclude)
$params['exclude'] = $exclude;
if ('image' == $doctype)
$params['post_mime_type'] = 'image';
elseif ('' != $doctype && 'all' != $doctype)
$params['post_mime_type'] = 'notimage';
if ('' != $tags) {
$list = explode(',', $tags);
if (! is_array($list)) $params['tag'] = $list;
else {
if (sizeof($list) == 1) $params['tag'] = current($list);
else $params['tag_slug__in'] = $list;
} // End of tags != ''
else {
if ('' != $tags_and) {
$list = explode(',', $tags_and);
if (! is_array($list)) $params['tag'] = $list;
else {
if (sizeof($list) == 1) $params['tag'] = current($list);
else $params['tag_slug__and'] = $list;
} // End of tags_and=''
} // End of tags=''
$params['orderby'] = $this->order_by;
$params['order'] = $this->order;
$cache_entry = strtolower($this->name).'-params';
$cache_id = md5(implode('', $params));
$cache = (EG_PLUGIN_ENABLE_CACHE ? get_transient($cache_entry) : FALSE);
if (FALSE !== $cache && isset($cache[$cache_id])) {
// eg_plugin_error_log($this->name, 'Get attachments: Use Cache', $params);
$attachments = $cache[$cache_id];
else {
// eg_plugin_error_log($this->name, 'Get attachments: No cache', $params);
* Query DB
add_filter('posts_where', array(&$this, 'where_post_mime_type') );
$attachments = get_posts($params);
remove_filter('posts_where',array(&$this, 'where_post_mime_type') );
if (EG_PLUGIN_ENABLE_CACHE && $attachments && sizeof($attachments) > 0) {
$cache[$cache_id] = $attachments;
set_transient($cache_entry, $cache, EGA_SHORTCODE_CACHE_EXPIRATION);
* Building output
if (!$attachments || sizeof($attachments) == 0 ) {
return '';
/* --- Replace the date with the file date --- */
if ($attachments) {
foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
$file_date = filemtime(get_attached_file($attachment->ID));
if ($file_date !== FALSE) $attachment->post_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $file_date);
/* --- Sort attachments --- */
//$compare = ($this->order === 'ASC')
// ? 'return strcmp($a->'.$this->order_by.', $b->'.$this->order_by.');'
// : 'return -strcmp($a->'.$this->order_by.', $b->'.$this->order_by.');';
//uasort($attachments, create_function('$a,$b', $compare));
/* --- Prepare loop --- */
$date_format = ( $this->options['date_format']!='' ? $this->options['date_format'] : get_option('date_format') );
$output = '';
add_filter('icon_dirs', array(&$this, 'icon_dirs'));
/* --- Starting loop --- */
foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
if ( post_password_required($attachment->post_parent) || ('private' == get_post_status($attachment->ID) && !is_user_logged_in()) ) {
$click_stat = '';
/* if ( $this->options['stats_enable'] > 0 ) {
$click_stat = '" onclick="return TrackClick(this,'.$attachment->ID.','.$post->ID.');';
$alt_img_icon = '';
$lock_icon = '';
$url = '';
$click_count = '';
if ( 1 == $logged_users && !is_user_logged_in()) {
$url = $file_url = $attach_url = $direct_url = ( '' != $this->options['login_url'] ?
$this->options['logged_users'] :
wp_login_url( apply_filters( 'the_permalink', get_permalink( $post->ID )))
$alt_img_icon = __('You need to login to access to the attachments', $this->textdomain);
} // End of attachments requied login
if ($alt_img_icon != '') {
$lock_icon = '<img class="lock" src="'.$this->url.'img/lock.png" height="16" width="16" alt="'.$alt_img_icon.'" />';
if ('' == $url) {
$query_args = array('aid' => $attachment->ID, 'sa' => $force_saveas);
$attach_url = add_query_arg(array_merge(array('pid' => $post->ID),$query_args), get_permalink($attachment->ID));
$file_url = wp_get_attachment_url($attachment->ID);
$direct_url = add_query_arg($query_args, get_permalink($post->ID));
if ('link' == $this->options['link'])
$url = $attach_url;
elseif ('file' == $this->options['link'])
$url = $file_url;
$url = $direct_url;
} // Url empty
$item = html_entity_decode($template_content['loop']);
if (FALSE !== strpos($item, '%COUNTER%') && $this->options['stats_enable'] && $this->options['clicks_table']) {
$sql = $wpdb->prepare('SELECT SUM(clicks_number) '.
'FROM '.$wpdb->prefix.'eg_attachments_clicks '.
'WHERE attach_id=%d '.
'AND post_id=%d ',
$click_count = $wpdb->get_var($sql);
if (!is_numeric($click_count))
$click_count = 0;
$file_date = '';
if (FALSE !== strpos($item, '%DATE%')) {
$file_date = filemtime(get_attached_file($attachment->ID));
if ($file_date !== FALSE) $file_date = date($date_format, $file_date);
else $file_date = mysql2date($date_format, $attachment->post_date, TRUE);
$file_date = mysql2date($date_format, $attachment->post_date, TRUE);
$item = html_entity_decode(stripslashes($template_content['loop']));
$item = preg_replace("/%LINK_URL%/", $attach_url, $item);
$item = preg_replace("/%URL%/", $url, $item); // Compatibility with previous version
$item = preg_replace("/%FILE_URL%/", $file_url, $item);
$item = preg_replace("/%DIRECT_URL%/", $direct_url, $item);
$item = preg_replace("/%GUID%/", $attachment->guid, $item);
$item = $this->get_icon($item, $attachment);
$item = preg_replace("/%ICONURL%/", $this->get_icon_url($attachment->ID), $item);
$item = preg_replace("/%TITLE%/", esc_html($attachment->post_title), $item);
$item = preg_replace("/%TITLE_LABEL%/", esc_html__('Title'), $item);
$item = preg_replace("/%CAPTION%/", esc_html($attachment->post_excerpt), $item);
$item = preg_replace("/%CAPTION_LABEL%/", esc_html__('Caption', $this->textdomain), $item);
$item = preg_replace("/%DESCRIPTION%/", esc_html($attachment->post_content), $item);
$item = preg_replace("/%DESCRIPTION_LABEL%/", esc_html__('Description', $this->textdomain), $item);
$item = preg_replace("/%FILENAME%/", esc_html(basename(get_attached_file($attachment->ID))), $item);
$item = preg_replace("/%FILENAME_LABEL%/", esc_html__('Filename', $this->textdomain), $item);
$item = preg_replace("/%FILESIZE%/", esc_html($this->get_file_size($attachment->ID)), $item);
$item = preg_replace("/%FILESIZE_LABEL%/", esc_html__('Size', $this->textdomain), $item);
$item = preg_replace("/%ATTID%/", $attachment->ID, $item); //For use with stylesheets
$item = preg_replace("/%TYPE%/", esc_html(strtoupper($this->get_type($attachment->post_mime_type))), $item);
$item = preg_replace("/%TYPE_LABEL%/", esc_html__('Type', $this->textdomain), $item);
$item = preg_replace("/%DATE%/", esc_html($file_date), $item);
$item = preg_replace("/%DATE_LABEL%/", esc_html__('Date', $this->textdomain), $item);
$item = preg_replace("/%SHOWLOCK%/", $lock_icon, $item);
$item = preg_replace("/%COUNTER%/", esc_html($click_count), $item);
if ('' === $click_count || 0 == $click_count)
$item = preg_replace("/%COUNTER_LABEL%/", '', $item);
$item = preg_replace("/%COUNTER_LABEL%/", esc_html__((1==$click_count?'click':'clicks'), $this->textdomain), $item);
if ( $nofollow )
$item = preg_replace("/%NOFOLLOW%/", 'rel="nofollow"', $item);
$item = preg_replace("/%NOFOLLOW%/", '', $item);
if ( $target ) {
$item = preg_replace("/%TARGET=(^ )*%/", 'target=$1', $item);
$item = preg_replace("/%TARGET%/", 'target="_blank', $item);
else {
$item = preg_replace("/%TARGET=(^ )*%/", '', $item);
$item = preg_replace("/%TARGET%/", '', $item);
$output .= $item;
} // End foreach attachment
remove_filter('icon_dirs', array(&$this, 'icon_dirs'));
if ($output != '') {
//if ( $this->options['stats_enable'] > 0 ) {
// $output = $this->add_click_counter($output);
$output = html_entity_decode($template_content['before']) . $output . html_entity_decode($template_content['after']);
$output = $this->shortcode_title($output, $title, $titletag);
$output = '<div class="attachments">'.$output.'<p>'.$error_msg.'</p></div>';
} // End of $output
if ( FALSE === $cache || !isset($cache[$cache_id]) ) {
if ( FALSE === $cache )
$cache = array();
$cache[$cache_id] = $output;
set_transient($this->name.'-lists', $cache, EGA_SHORTCODE_CACHE_EXPIRATION);
} // End of cache empty
return ($output);
} // End of get_attachments
* shortcode_auto_check_manual_shortcode
* Detect manual shortcode
* @return TRUE auto-shortcode can be displayed, FALSE, auto shortcode is not displayed
function shortcode_auto_check_manual_shortcode() {
global $post;
$value = TRUE;
if ( isset($post) && $this->options['shortcode_auto_exclusive'] > 0 ) {
$value = (strpos($post->post_excerpt.' '.$post->post_content, '['.EGA_SHORTCODE) === FALSE);
return ($value);
} */ // End of shortcode_auto_check_manual_shortcode
function shortcode_auto_excerpt($output) {
if ($output &&
$this->shortcode_is_visible() &&
$this->shortcode_auto_check_manual_shortcode(EGA_SHORTCODE)) {
$attrs = array(
'template' => $this->options['shortcode_auto_template'],
'doctype' => $this->options['shortcode_auto_doc_type'],
'title' => $this->options['shortcode_auto_title'],
'titletag' => $this->options['shortcode_auto_title_tag'],
'orderby' => $this->options['shortcode_auto_orderby'].' '.$this->options['shortcode_auto_order'],
'limit' => $this->options['shortcode_auto_limit']
$output = $this->get_attachments($attrs).$output;
} // End of shortcode activated and visible
return ($output);
} // End of shortcode_auto_excerpt
* shortcode_auto_content
* Display list of attachment in the post content
* @param strong $content post_content
* @return string modified post content
function shortcode_auto_content($content = '') {
global $post;
if ($this->options['shortcode_auto'] > 0 &&
$this->shortcode_is_visible() &&
$this->shortcode_auto_check_manual_shortcode(EGA_SHORTCODE)) {
$attrs = array(
'template' => $this->options['shortcode_auto_template'],
'doctype' => $this->options['shortcode_auto_doc_type'],
'title' => $this->options['shortcode_auto_title'],
'titletag' => $this->options['shortcode_auto_title_tag'],
'orderby' => $this->options['shortcode_auto_orderby'].' '.$this->options['shortcode_auto_order'],
'limit' => $this->options['shortcode_auto_limit']
$shortcode_output = $this->get_attachments($attrs);
switch ($this->options['shortcode_auto']) {
case 2: // At the end of post
if (FALSE === strpos( $content, '#more-'.$post->ID) && FALSE === strpos($content, 'class="more-link"') )
$content .= $shortcode_output;
case 3: // Before the excerpt
if (! $post->post_excerpt)
$content = $shortcode_output . $content;
case 4:
if ($post->post_excerpt) {
// Case of manual excerpt
$content = $shortcode_output . $content;
else {
// Case of teaser
if(strpos($content, 'span id="more-')) {
$parts = preg_split('/(<span id="more-' . $post->ID . '"><\/span>)/', $content, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
$content = $parts[0].$parts[1].$shortcode_output.$parts[2];
} // End of detect tag "more"
} // End of teaser case
} // End of switch
} // End of shortcode is activated and visible
return ($content);
} // End of shortcode_auto_content
* load
* Add "init" hook to the plugin
* @param none
* @return none
function load() {
add_action('init', array( &$this, 'init'));
} // End of load
} /* End of Class */
} /* End of if class_exists */
$eg_attach_public = new EG_Attachments_Public(
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