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Created September 13, 2017 01:28
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Duke NI
System development/Usability/Related Theories
First thing to do: 1. assess 2. identify functions 3. estimate
Buy or build?
now buying a vendor system is generally considered a cheaper option due to substantial development & maintenance cost and increased functionality of the vendor solutions
Software Development LIfe Cycle (SDLC)
planning and analysis
requirement analysis
"as-is" vs. "to be" processes
USE CASES: intense documentation. includes workflows (normal flow, alternative flow), before and after system stastus of a user action, use
USER STORIES: a simpler way to represent requirements
exploration of a potential solution (review of system architecture, data storage option, user interface, etc.)
translation of user requirement into system requirements and specifications
For vendor products like Epic: Review of design and function documents of vendor products
important to have target users and IT personnel in the design review
UML Unified Modeling Language
from wikipedia:
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a general-purpose, developmental, modeling language in the field of software engineering, that is intended to provide a standard way to visualize the design of a system.
software coding
configuration of vendor products
analyst helps programmers clarify and understand user requirements and deisngs
Unit testing
integration and testing
integration of individual modules with each otehr or with a bigger system
testing with simulation and use cases in a safe, non-operation environment
piloting: provisional use of the system in a limited setting
simulation labs or a healthcare organization as a test partner -> are the testing results always transferrable to my organization?
waterfall model
traditional approach, plan driven, heavy process, lots of documentation, minimal changes across the process, quality = plan/process compliance, upfront design of software & systems architecture, large teams.
requiremtn -> design -> implementation -> verification -> maintenance
Agile model
light process, less documentation, iterative and incremental process with short iterations, close relationship with customer /end-user, quality = customer satisfaction, continuous improvement, rapid response to change, small teams.
Planned Change Theory
change as three steps (CATS, kurt Lewin)
how a change agent drives change
3 phases
1. unfreezing - reqreuiment analysis - see prob and propose changes
2. moving - development and implementation
3. refreezing - maintenance and upgrading
Diffusion of Innovation
E.M. Rogers
A process by which an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among members of a social system
Explains how individuals and communities respond to new ideas, practices, or objects
types of indivudal responders
- innovator, early adopter (the champions. the ones to invest on), early majority, late majority, laggards (don't spend too much time on them)
how to id the early adopter group.
Five characteristics of Usability
- learnability: system is relatively easy to learn
- efficiency - system improves productivity
- memorability: features supported by the system is easy to retain once learned
- satisfaction: user experience is subjectively satisfying
- error - system minimizes erros and supports error detection and recovery
how to validate usability?
Cognitive task analytic evaluation method
focus on the process of performing tasks
determines whether the typical user's knowledge and the cue generated by interface are likely to be sufficient to produce the correct goal action sequence required to perform the task
both behavior/physical actions (e.g. mouse click) and cognitive action (inference during the physical action) are coded
expert-based usability inspection
evaluation of user interface based on a set of well tested design principles such as visibility, user control, consistency, etc.
expert-based usability inspection
method for collecting empirical data of representative users performing representative tasks using the system
conducted in a real-world(like) setting
5-6 subjects can find 80% of the usability problems
uses think-aloud protocol
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