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Last active April 6, 2020 00:21
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VirtualBox for pentesting

Install Kali on VM

attack box

  • download and install VirtualBox from
  • download "Kali Linux 64-bit (Installer)" ISO from
    • for version 2020.1a sha256sum is 26d032c1f473a8430ed6894a519b6a64b7836d63e3ea1c9e9d44a172eb9cb7e2
  • go to Downloads directory and verify the hash
    • shasum -a 256 kali-linux-2020.1a-installer-amd64.iso
    • you should see a matching hash
  • open VirtualBox and go to "New"
    • Name: "Kali"
    • Type: Linux
    • Debian: 64bit
    • [Next ->]
    • Ram: 1024MB
    • Hard Disk: Create a virtual disk now
    • [Create]
    • Hard disk file type: VDI
    • [Next ->]
    • Storage on physical hard disk: Dynamically allocated
    • [Next ->]
    • File location and size: 12.00 GB
    • [Create]
  • click [Settings] for the VM
    • go to "Storage"
    • Storage Devices
      • select "Empty"
    • Attributes -> Optical Drives -> Click [DVD] icon
      • select "Choose Virtual Optical Disk Drive"
      • select "kali-linux-2020.1a-installer-amd64.iso"
    • go to "Audio"
      • disable it
    • go to "Network"
      • make sure it's set to "NAT"
    • click [OK] at the bottom
  • click the arrow next to Start (in the top bar)
    • select Detachable Start
  • the screen should show up, click the screen, and press [Enter] to select "Graphical Install"
    • Select a language
      • English
      • [Continue]
    • Select your location
      • United States
      • [Continue]
    • Configure Keyboard
      • American English
      • [Continue]
    • Enter hostname
      • Enter something not your name, not kali
      • [Continue]
    • Configure the Network: Domain Name
      • leave blank
      • [Continue]
    • Setup users and passwords
      • do it, strong password, i used full name and username "kali"
      • [Continue]
    • Configure the clock
      • Pacific
      • [Continue]
    • Partition disks
      • Guided - use entire disk
      • [Continue]
      • [Continue]
      • [Continue]
      • [Continue]
      • Write the changes to disk?
        • select Yes
      • [Continue]
    • Configure the package manager
      • [Continue]
    • Software Selection
      • enable: Kali Desktop Environment
      • disable: Xfce (default environment)
      • enable: KDE Plasma
      • leave the rest default
      • [Continue]

Install Parrot on VM

  • Download Parrot OS from
    • "Parrot Security KDE ISO"
  • Download Signed Hashes (if it's 404, grab it from here
  • Verify the download shasum -c sha512.txt
    • you should get an OK Parrot-kde-security-4.8_x64.iso: OK
  • Download and install VirtualBox
  • Create new VM
    • name: "Parrot OS"
    • type: "Linux"
    • version: "Linux 2.6 / 3.x / 4.x (64-bit)"
    • [next]
    • memory size: (1/4 to 1/3rd host memory size, minimum 1gb)
      • example: host(32gb) guest(12gb)
    • [next]
    • hard disk: create virtual disk now
    • [next]
    • hand disk type: VDI
    • [next]
    • storage on physical hard disk: dynamically allocated
    • [next]
    • file allocation and size: 24gb
      • recommend 8gb to 24gb
    • [next]
  • VM Settings
    • General Tab
      • Advanced
        • Shared Clipboard: Bidirectional
    • System Tab
      • processor count: 1/3 to 1/2 number of host processors
        • example: host(16 CPUs) guest(6 CPUs)
      • execution cap: 95%
    • Storage Tab
      • Controller IDE (empty), click the optical disk icon next to "Optical Drive: IDE Secondary Master"
      • "Choose / Create Virtual Optical Disk..."
      • add +
      • find and choose "Parrot-kde-security-4.8_x64.iso"
    • Display Tab
      • Acceleration: Enable 3D Acceleration
    • Audio Tab
      • disable audio
    • Network Tab
      • ensure NAT is selected
      • expand "Advanced"
      • open "Port Forwarding"
      • Add new rule
        • name: ssh
        • protocol: TCP
        • host ip:
        • host port: 22022
        • guest ip: ************************************
        • host port: 22
        • [ok]
    • [ok]
  • Start Parrot OS vm "Detachable Start"
    • Make sure you see the grub menu, it will default to "Live Mode"
    • Select "Install >"
    • Select "Install with GTK GUI"
    • Select options, language, location, keyboard, [next]
    • Set root password, something good that isn't your host password
    • Setup user account too, pw should not be same as root
    • Choose timezone
    • Partition Disks: Guided - Use entire disk, [continue] [continue] [continue] [continue]
      • Write the changes to disk - [yes] [continue]
    • Install Grub - [yes] [continue]
    • Install Grub Bootloader on Hard disk - choose /dev/sda [continue]
    • finish and reboot
  • Start Parrot OS vm "Detachable Start"
    • login as user
    • Open terminal
      • sudo systemctl enable ssh
      • sudo systemctl start ssh
      • mkdir ~/.ssh/ && chmod 700 ~/.ssh
      • curl >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys # your username
      • chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • Test SSH connection from host
    • Open terminal on host
    • ssh -p 22022 user@localhost # or whatever you set username to be

Run Parrot in LiveCD

attack box

  • download and install VirtualBox from
  • download Virtual Appliance from
  • download Signed Hashes from
  • go to Downloads directory and verify the hash
    • shasum -c signed-hashes.txt
    • you'll get a lot of No such file or directory and FAILED open or read errors, just make sure you get at least one OK
      • example Parrot-security-4.7_virtual.ova: OK
  • open VirtualBox and go to File -> Import Appliance -> select ~/Downloads/Parrot-security-x.y_virtual.ova
    • click import
    • select the Parrot OS and go to Settings
    • System -> Processor -> Execution Cap -> 90%
    • click OK to close Settings
  • click the arrow next to Start
    • select Detachable Start
  • if you get an error regarding USB 2.0 and VirtualBox extensions, go back to Settings -> USB -> set controller to 1.0

Setup openvpn for HackTheBox

  • download the connection pack from htb
    • this should be a username.ovpn
  • transfer to kali/parrot
    • scp username.ovpn -P 22022 user@localhost:~/htb.ovpn
  • setup systemd service

on the attack box, kali or parrot

sudo ln -s /lib/systemd/system/openvpn-client@.service /etc/systemd/user/openvpn-client@htb.service

# change-----v             use this verbatim---v  "htb.conf"
sudo mv -i ~/username.ovpn /etc/openvpn/client/htb.conf

then turn on the service

sudo systemctl start openvpn-client@htb
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