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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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Red Green Blue (css)

Red Green Blue

Exercise with Media Queries

Create a standard html5 setup linking an external stylesheet.


Start an http-server in your project root.

Set up your html5 document

  1. Create an empty, basic html5 template including a doctype declaration, head, title, and body tags.
  2. Set the title to Media Queries
  3. Create a div element with an id of container
  4. Create a div element inside of the container div, with an id of hero
  5. Create a level 1 heading elemnt inside of the hero div, with the content of Hello Heroes
  6. Create an unordered list element inside of the container div, after the hero div, with an id of super_heroes
  7. Create 3 list item elements inside of the super_heroes unordered list element, each with content containing the name of a super hero of your choosing
<div id="container">
  <div id="hero">
    <h1>Hello Heroes</h1>
  <ul id="super_heroes">

Set up your styles.css stylesheet

  • Add a link element inside of the head tags. Set the HREF to point to your style.css file

Set up your index.html page to be responsive

  • Add a meta element inside of your head element. Set a name attribute with a value of "viewport", set a content attribute with the value of "width=device-eidth, initial-scale=1"

Stylesheet Guidelines:

The first set of styles should apply to the page at any size.

Below the global styles, add appropriate media queries and styles for small, medium and large formats.

Media Query Break Points:

Small: max-width 40em
Medium: min-width 40.063em, max-width 60em
Large: min-width 60.063em

General Styles:
  • Your content should have a max width of 500px.
  • All text should:
    • use a custom sans-serif font
    • have a base font color of dark grey
Small Size Only:
  • The background should have a custom, medium dark red color
  • The container div should no special formatting
  • The hero div should:
    • be 300px tall
    • be wide enough to fill the page so that there is only 15px between the edge of this div and either edge of the page
    • have an off-white colored background
    • have a light red border with a weight of 2px
  • The super_heroes unordered list should no special formatting
  • Each list item in super_heroes should:
    • be 40px tall
    • be wide enough to fill the page so that there is only 15px between the edge of this div and the left and right edges of the page
    • be 15px away from other list items.
    • have an tan colored background
    • have a dark red border with a weight of 2px
    • contain text that is 15px away from this list item's borders
Medium Size Only:
  • The background should have a custom, medium pastel green color
  • The container div should not have any visible styles
  • The hero div should:
    • be 200px tall
    • be the width of it's containing div
    • have an almost white background (slightly blue)
    • have a light pastel blue border with a weight of 3px
  • The super_heroes unordered list should:
    • be tall enough to contain all of its child elements
    • be the width of it's containing div
    • be 20px away from the hero div
    • have an almost white background (slightly blue)
    • have a light pastel blue border with a weight of 3px
  • Each list item in super_heroes should
    • be 300px tall
    • be 20px away from other list items.
Large Size Only:
  • The background should have a custom, light pastel blue color
  • The container div should:
    • have a light blue-greenish background color
    • have a medium blue-greenish border with a weight of 3px
  • The hero div should:
    • be 300px tall
    • be the width of it's containing div, minus 40px
    • be 20px away from the container div's borders
    • have an almost white background (slightly green)
    • have no border
  • The super_heroes unordered list should:
    • be tall enough to contain all of its child elements
    • be the width of it's containing div, minus 40px
    • be 20px away from the hero div
    • be 20px away from the container div's borders
    • have an almost white background (slightly green)
    • have no border
  • Each list item in super_heroes should:
    • have a height of 300px tall
    • have a light gray bottom border with a weight of 1px
Large and Medium Sizes:
  • each list item in super_heroes contains a different background image
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