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Last active July 26, 2021 20:43
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const { Router } = require('express')
const fetch = require('node-fetch')
const app = Router()
const noaaUrl = sid => `${sid}.txt`
const units = 'm'
const omitComments = waveRow => !waveRow.startsWith('#')
const omitEmptyRow = waveRow => waveRow.length > 0
const rowsWithWVHT = waveRow => waveRow.WVHT !== 'MM'
const waveFormat = waveRow => ({
time: rowToTime(waveRow),
height: `${waveRow.WVHT}${units}`
const rowToTime = waveRow => `${waveRow.YY}-${waveRow.MM}-${waveRow.DD}`
// [YY, MM, DD, ...]
const waveRowToHeaders = headers =>
headers = headers.substr(1) // remove the leading #
// input: [2020, 08, ...]
// output: { YY: 2020, MM: 08, ... }
// mapping function -----------v
const waveRowToObj = headers => waveRow =>
headers.reduce((obj, _header, idx) => ({
[headers[idx]]: waveRow[idx]
}), {})
// mapping function ----------------v
const highestWaves = (headers, n) => waveData =>
.map(row => row.split(/\s+/))
.sort((a,b) => parseFloat(b.WVHT) - parseFloat(a.WVHT))
// takes sid and n, returns [{ time, height }] or {error}
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
const { sid, n } = req.query
// validation
if(sid === undefined){
const error = 'Missing required param: sid'
return res.json({error})
if(n === undefined){
const error = 'Missing required param: n'
return res.json({error})
.then(response => response.text())
.then(response => {
const waveHeaders = waveRowToHeaders(response.split('\n')[0])
return highestWaves(waveHeaders, n)(response)
.catch(error => {
res.json({ error })
module.exports = app
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theRemix commented Jul 22, 2021


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