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Created December 1, 2018 21:27
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Advent of Code 2018, Day 1
-- I don't know if I'm gonna continue doing Advent of Code till the end,
-- but I felt that I should share with the world, the horror that is this module's `main`
module Adv1 where
import qualified Data.IntSet as S
partOne :: [Int] -> Int
partOne = sum
partTwo :: [Int] -> Int
partTwo ls = goThrough (cycle ls) 0 S.empty
goThrough list frq frqs = if newFrq `S.member` frqs
then newFrq
else goThrough (tail list) newFrq (S.insert newFrq frqs)
newFrq = frq + (head list)
main = (loop []) >>= mconcat . (print <$>) . (<*>) [partOne, partTwo] . (: [])
loop listed = do
line <- getLine
if line == ""
then pure listed
else loop $ listed ++ [read' line]
read' s = if head s == '+' then read $ tail s else read s
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