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Created September 4, 2019 15:06
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{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
module Main where
import qualified System.Posix.Memory as M
import qualified System.Posix.Types as P
import qualified Foreign as F
import qualified Foreign.C as F
import qualified Foreign.C.Error as F
import qualified Foreign.Storable as F
import System.IO.Error
import Data.Bits
-- with no error handling whatsoever
main :: IO ()
main = do
let pageSize = fromIntegral M.sysconfPageSize
blk <- createBlock pageSize
mkMultiplier blk 101
f <- mkExec blk pageSize
let res = f 9
print res
M.memoryUnmap blk pageSize
type Block = F.Ptr F.CChar
type MulFun = F.CLong -> F.CLong
foreign import ccall "dynamic"
mkFun :: F.FunPtr MulFun -> MulFun
createBlock :: F.CSize -> IO Block
createBlock size =
M.memoryMap Nothing size
[M.MemoryProtectionWrite, M.MemoryProtectionRead]
M.MemoryMapPrivate Nothing (P.COff 0)
mkExec :: Block -> F.CSize -> IO MulFun
mkExec blk size = do
M.memoryProtect blk size
[ M.MemoryProtectionRead
, M.MemoryProtectionExecute
let fptr = F.castPtrToFunPtr blk
pure $ mkFun fptr
mkMultiplier :: Block -> Int -> IO ()
mkMultiplier blk mul = do
write 0 0x48
write 1 0xb8
write 2 $ fromIntegral $ (mul .&. 0x00000000000000ff) `shiftR` 0
write 3 $ fromIntegral $ (mul .&. 0x000000000000ff00) `shiftR` 8
write 4 $ fromIntegral $ (mul .&. 0x0000000000ff0000) `shiftR` 16
write 5 $ fromIntegral $ (mul .&. 0x00000000ff000000) `shiftR` 24
write 6 $ fromIntegral $ (mul .&. 0x000000ff00000000) `shiftR` 32
write 7 $ fromIntegral $ (mul .&. 0x0000ff0000000000) `shiftR` 40
write 8 $ fromIntegral $ (mul .&. 0x00ff000000000000) `shiftR` 48
write 9 $ fromIntegral $ (mul .&. 0xff00000000000000) `shiftR` 56
write 10 0x48
write 11 0x0f
write 12 0xaf
write 13 0xc7
write 14 0xc3
write :: Int -> F.CChar -> IO ()
write = F.pokeByteOff blk
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