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Last active December 22, 2017 10:49
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print ASCII table from two-dimensional array
$input = [
'Title1' => [
'LargeTitle2' => [
'Titl3' => [
$space_x = 0;
$space_y = 1;
$joint = "+";
$line_x = "-";
$line_y = "|";
$nl = "\n";
* function return array of headers lengths
* @param array $headers
* @return array
function get_headers_length($headers) {
$headers_lengths = [];
foreach ($headers as $header) {
$headers_lengths[] = strlen($header);
return $headers_lengths;
* function return array of final lengths of columns
* @param array $input
* @param array $headers_results
* @return array
function get_results_lengths($input, $headers_results) {
$results_lenghts = [];
foreach ($input as $head => $row) {
$max_row_length = $headers_results[$head];
foreach ($row as $cell) {
if($max_row_length < strlen($cell)) $max_row_length = strlen($cell);
return $results_lenghts;
* function return row separator for rows of table (+-------+------+)
* @param array $results_lenghts
* @param string $joint '+'
* @param string $line_x '-'
* @param integer $space_x
* @param string $nl '\n'
* @return string
function row_separator($results_lenghts, $joint, $line_x, $space_x, $nl) {
$row = '';
foreach ($results_lenghts as $length){
$row .= $joint . str_repeat($line_x, ($space_x*2) + $length);
$row .= $joint . $nl;
return $row;
* function return headers_row of table with values
* @param type $headers
* @param type $results_lenghts
* @param integer $space_x
* @param type $line_y
* @param string $nl '\n'
* @param string $cell cell value
* @return string
function row($headers, $results_lenghts, $space_x,$line_y, $nl, $cell = NULL) {
// TODO переделать эту ф-ю, дублирование кода в data_rows()
$headers_row = '';
for($i = 0; $i < count($headers); $i++) {
$current_cell = $cell ? $cell : $headers[$i];
$headers_row .= $line_y . str_repeat(" ", $space_x*2)
. str_pad($current_cell,$results_lenghts[$i], " ",STR_PAD_BOTH )
. str_repeat(" ", $space_x*2);
$headers_row .= $line_y . $nl;
return $headers_row;
* function return array with rows (with values) for table without headers_row
* @param array $input
* @param array $headers
* @param array $results_lenghts
* @param string $joint '+'
* @param string $line_x '-'
* @param integer $space_x
* @param string $line_y '|'
* @param string $nl '\n'
* @return array
function data_rows($input, $headers, $results_lenghts, $joint, $line_x, $space_x, $line_y, $nl) {
$columns_lenght = array_combine($headers, $results_lenghts);
$data = [];
$max_values = 0;
foreach ($input as $title => $values) {
if($max_values < count($values)) $max_values = count($values);
for($i = 0 ; $i < $max_values; $i++) {
$row = "";
foreach ($headers as $header) {
if(isset($input[$header][$i])) {
$cell = $input[$header][$i];
}else {
$cell = '';
$string = $line_y . str_repeat(" ", $space_x*2)
. str_pad($cell, $columns_lenght[$header], " ",STR_PAD_BOTH )
. str_repeat(" ", $space_x*2);
$row .= $string ;
$data []= $row . $line_y . $nl;
return $data;
* @param array $input
* @param array $headers
* @param array $results_lenghts
* @param string $joint
* @param string $line_x '-'
* @param integer $space_x
* @param string $line_y '|'
* @param string $nl '\n'
function draw_table ($input, $headers, $results_lenghts, $joint, $line_x, $space_x, $line_y, $nl) {
$headers_row = row($headers, $results_lenghts, $line_x, $line_y, $nl);
$separator = row_separator($results_lenghts, $joint, $line_x, $space_x, $nl);
$data = data_rows($input, $headers, $results_lenghts, $joint, $line_x, $space_x, $line_y, $nl);
for($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) {
// get headers of table
$headers = array_keys($input);
// get length of headers
$headers_lengths = get_headers_length($headers);
// create assoc array of headers and then lengths
$headers_results = array_combine($headers, $headers_lengths);
// get results lengths of columns
$results_lenghts = get_results_lengths($input, $headers_results);
echo '<pre>';
draw_table($input, $headers, $results_lenghts, $joint, $line_x, $space_x, $line_y, $nl);
echo '</pre>';
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this script will be print table like this

|    Title1    |  LargeTitle2  |       Titl3       |
|  item1_col1  |   item1_l2    |    item1_col3     |
|item2_colddfs1|  item2_col2   |item2_col3eeewrwrwr|
|  item3_col1  |   item3_ol2   |    item3_col3     |
| item4_cddol1 |item4_colarge_2|                   |
|              |  item5_col2   |                   |

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