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Created May 17, 2012 04:16
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  • Save theVDude/2716297 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save theVDude/2716297 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. plugin for ircnode bot using mongodb
// A nowplaying plugin.
// Author: thevdude (
// Uses installed node modules mongoose, lastfm, inflection, and bitly.
// Current functions include:
// Display user's currently or last played track (np)
// Compare lastfm users with the tasteometer (cp)
// Get a users lastfm url (url)
// Find a user's top ten artists for different time periods (topten)
// Register a lastfm name with the bot (reg)
// Register an authtenticated sesskey with the bot (lovereg)
// Love and Unlove lastfm tracks (love, unlove)
// this is an ircbot, so we'll want this stuff
var irc = global.irc;
// mongoose is a node module for easier interaction with mongodb, which works
// well for this plugin and most things I'd imagine an irc bot would be doing.
// This sets up the model that we'll be interacting with.
var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
db = mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/lastfm'),
Schema = mongoose.Schema,
User = new Schema({
nick: String,
hmask: String,
lastfm: String,
skey: String
var UserModel = mongoose.model('User', User);
// lastfm module simplifies the connection and API calls, and for all authenti-
// cation it generates the api_sig that lastfm looks for.
var LastFmNode = require('lastfm').LastFmNode;
var lastfm = new LastFmNode({
api_key: irc.config.lfmapi,
secret: irc.config.lfmsecret,
useragent: irc.config.lfmuseragent,
// inflection is used for ordinalization of the number of plays. Not mandatory,
// but it is nice to say "played SONG for the {1st, 2nd, 5th, 23rd} time"
var inflection = require('inflection');
// bitly is a url shortening service.
var Bitly = require('bitly');
var bitly = new Bitly(irc.config.bitlyuser, irc.config.bitlyapi);
// crypto is used for md5 hashing to create the authToken for lovereg
var crypto = require('crypto');
function unlove(lfm, skey, act) {
var trckreq = lastfm.request('user.getRecentTracks', {
user: lfm,
handlers: {
success: function (trck) {
var track = trck.recenttracks.track[0].name;
var artist = trck.recenttracks.track[0].artist['#text'];
var unloveit = lastfm.request('track.unlove', {
track: track,
artist: artist,
sk: skey,
handlers: {
success: function (a) {
irc.privmsg(act.nick, 'unloved "' + track + '" by ' + artist);
error: function (e) {
irc.privmsg(act.nick, 'ERROR: ' + e.message);
error: function (e) {
var unlove_handler = function (act) {
UserModel.findOne({$or: [{ hmask: }, { nick: act.nick.toLowerCase}] }, function (err, luv) {
if (!luv) {
irc.privmsg(act.source, 'Not registered for love/unlove, .lovereg [lastfmuser] [token], .token for more help with token.');
} else {
unlove(luv.lastfm, luv.skey, act);
function love(lfm, skey, act) {
var trckreq = lastfm.request('user.getRecentTracks', {
user: lfm,
handlers: {
success: function (trck) {
var track = trck.recenttracks.track[0].name;
var artist = trck.recenttracks.track[0].artist['#text'];
var loveit = lastfm.request('', {
track: track,
artist: artist,
sk: skey,
handlers: {
success: function (a) {
irc.privmsg(act.nick, 'loved "' + track + '" by ' + artist);
error: function (e) {
irc.privmsg(act.nick, 'ERROR: ' + e.message);
error: function (e) {
var love_handler = function (act) {
UserModel.findOne({$or: [{ hmask: }, { nick: act.nick.toLowerCase}] }, function (err, luv) {
if (!luv) {
irc.privmsg(act.source, 'Not registered for love/unlove, .lovereg [lastfmuser] [token], .token for more help with token.');
} else {
love(luv.lastfm, luv.skey, act);
function np(lfm, nck, act) {
var lfmuser = lfm;
var trckreq = lastfm.request("user.getRecentTracks", {
user: lfmuser,
handlers: {
success: function (npdata) {
var trck = npdata.recenttracks.track[0];
var trckinforeq = lastfm.request("track.getInfo", {
username: lfmuser,
artist: trck.artist['#text'],
handlers: {
success: function (moredata) {
var trckinfo = moredata.track;
var msg = '';
// Checks if track is Now Playing
if ('@attr' in trck) {
if ('nowplaying' in trck['@attr'] && trck['@attr'].nowplaying === 'true') {
msg = nck + ' is now playing';
//Otherwise, last played
else {
msg = nck + ' last played';
//Check if it's a loved track
if (trckinfo.userloved === '1') {
msg = msg + ' a loved track,';
msg = msg + ' "' + + '" by ' + trck.artist['#text'];
//If album name is there, add that in too
if (trck.album['#text'] !== '') {
msg = msg + ' -- from the album "' + trck.album['#text'] + '" --';
var usrcnt = trckinfo.userplaycount;
if (usrcnt !== undefined) {
usrcnt = parseInt(usrcnt, 10) + 1;
} else {
usrcnt = 1;
msg = msg + ' for the ' + inflection.ordinalize(usrcnt.toString()) + ' time.';
//Have the bot say it.
if (act.source.indexOf('#') === -1) {
irc.privmsg(act.params[0], msg);
} else {
irc.privmsg(act.source, msg);
msg = '';
//Get `listener`s and `playcount`, calculate `ratio`, and add it to `msg`
var listeners = parseInt(trckinfo.listeners, 10);
var playcount = parseInt(trckinfo.playcount, 10);
var ratio = playcount / listeners;
msg = playcount + ' plays by ' + listeners + ' listeners (' + ratio.toFixed(2) + ':1) ::';
//If there are no tags, add that to `msg`
if (trckinfo.toptags === '\n ') {
msg = msg + ' No Tags.';
//If there ARE tags, add the first 4 to `tags[]` and join them with ', ' and add them to `msg`
else {
var tags = [];
msg = msg + ' Top Tags - ';
for (var e in trckinfo.toptags.tag) {
if (e < 4) {
tags[e] = trckinfo.toptags.tag[e].name;
if (tags.length > 1) {
msg = msg + tags.join(', ');
} else {
msg = msg +;
if (trck.streamable === '1') {
bitly.shorten(trck.url, function (err, response) {
if (err) throw err;
msg = msg + ' :: Stream it at ' +;
if (act.source.indexOf('#') === -1) {
irc.privmsg(act.params[0], msg);
} else {
irc.privmsg(act.source, msg);
} else {
if (act.source.indexOf('#') === -1) {
irc.privmsg(act.params[0], msg);
} else {
irc.privmsg(act.source, msg);
error: function (error) {
error: function (error) {
var np_handler = function (act) {
if (act.params.length === 0 || act.source.indexOf('#') === -1) {
UserModel.findOne({$or: [{ nick: act.nick.toLowerCase() }, { hmask: }] }, function (err, user) {
if (!user) {
np(act.nick, act.nick, act);
} else {
np(user.lastfm, act.nick, act);
} else {
UserModel.findOne({ nick: act.params[0].toLowerCase() }, function (err, user) {
if (!user) {
np(act.params[0], act.params[0], act);
} else {
np(user.lastfm, act.params[0], act);
function topten(lfm, nck, act) {
var lfmuser = lfm;
var periods = ['overall', '7day', '3month', '6month', '12month'];
if (act.params.length === 2) {
if (periods.indexOf(act.params[1]) > -1) {
var inforeq = lastfm.request("user.getTopArtists", {
user: lfmuser,
period: act.params[1],
handlers: {
success: function (usrinfo) {
var toparts = [];
for (var i in usrinfo.topartists.artist) {
if (i < 10) {
toparts[i] = usrinfo.topartists.artist[i].name + '(' + usrinfo.topartists.artist[i].playcount + ')';
irc.privmsg(act.source, nck + '\'s top artists: ' + toparts.join(', '));
error: function (err) {
} else {
irc.privmsg(act.source, 'Valid periods are overall, 7day, 3month, 6month, or 12month.');
} else {
var inforeq = lastfm.request("user.getTopArtists", {
user: lfmuser,
period: act.params[1],
handlers: {
success: function (usrinfo) {
var toparts = [];
for (var i in usrinfo.topartists.artist) {
if (i < 10) {
toparts[i] = usrinfo.topartists.artist[i].name + '(' + usrinfo.topartists.artist[i].playcount + ')';
irc.privmsg(act.source, nck + '\'s top artists: ' + toparts.join(', '));
error: function (err) {
var topten_handler = function (act) {
if (act.params.length === 0) {
UserModel.findOne({$or: [{ nick: act.nick.toLowerCase() }, { hmask: }] }, function (err, user) {
if (!user) {
topten(act.nick, act.nick, act);
} else {
topten(user.lastfm, act.nick, act);
} else if (act.params[0] === 'help') {
irc.privmsg(act.source, 'topten <user> <period>: Shows the top ten artists and playcounts for a user for a given time period. If left blank, user is self and time period is overall. :: Valid time periods - overall | 7day | 3month | 6month | 12month');
} else {
UserModel.findOne({ nick: act.params[0].toLowerCase() }, function (err, user) {
if (!user) {
topten(act.params[0], act.params[0], act);
} else {
topten(user.lastfm, act.params[0], act);
function cp(lfm2, nck2, lfm1, nck1, act) {
var cpreq = lastfm.request('', {
type1: 'user',
type2: 'user',
value1: lfm1,
value2: lfm2,
handlers: {
success: function (cpinfo) {
var matches = '';
var artists = [];
var percent = Math.round(cpinfo.comparison.result.score * 100);
var bar = '';
for (var e in cpinfo.comparison.result.artists.artist) {
artists[e] = cpinfo.comparison.result.artists.artist[e].name;
for (var i = 0; i < Math.round(percent / 10); i += 1) {
bar = bar + '|';
while (bar.length < 10) {
bar = bar + '.';
if (!cpinfo.comparison.result.artists['@attr']) {
matches = 'No matches!';
} else if (cpinfo.comparison.result.artists['@attr'].matches === '10') {
matches = '10 or more matching artists, including ' + artists.join(', ');
} else if (cpinfo.comparison.result.artists['@attr'].matches > '1') {
matches = cpinfo.comparison.result.artists['@attr'].matches + ' matching artists, including ' + artists.join(', ');
} else {
matches = cpinfo.comparison.result.artists['@attr'].matches + ' matching artist, ' +;
irc.privmsg(act.source, nck1 + ' and ' + nck2 + ' [' + bar + '] ' + percent + '% :: ' + matches);
error: function (err) {
var cp_handler = function (act) {
if (act.params.length === 0) {
irc.privmsg(act.source, 'cp <user1> [user2]: Compare user1 and user2. If no user2 given, defaults to self.');
} else if (act.params[0] === 'help') {
irc.privmsg(act.source, 'cp <user1> [user2]: Compare user1 and user2. If no user2 given, defaults to self.');
} else if (act.params.length === 1 || act.params[1] === '') {
UserModel.findOne({$or: [{ nick: act.nick.toLowerCase() }, {hmask: }] }, function (err, user) {
if (!user) {
UserModel.findOne({ nick: act.params[0].toLowerCase() }, function (err, user2) {
if (!user2) {
cp(act.params[0], act.params[0], act.nick, act.nick, act);
} else {
cp(user2.lastfm, act.params[0], act.nick, act.nick, act);
} else {
UserModel.findOne({ nick: act.params[0].toLowerCase() }, function (err, user2) {
if (!user2) {
cp(act.params[0], act.params[0], user.lastfm, act.nick, act);
} else {
cp(user2.lastfm, act.params[0], user.lastfm, act.nick, act);
} else {
UserModel.findOne({ nick: act.params[0].toLowerCase() }, function (err, user) {
if (!user) {
UserModel.findOne({ nick: act.params[1].toLowerCase() }, function (err, user2) {
if (!user2) {
cp(act.params[1], act.params[1], act.params[0], act.params[0], act);
} else {
cp(user2.lastfm, act.params[1], act.params[0], act.params[0], act);
} else {
UserModel.findOne({ nick: act.params[1].toLowerCase() }, function (err, user2) {
if (!user2) {
cp(act.params[1], act.params[1], user.lastfm, act.params[0], act);
} else {
cp(user2.lastfm, act.params[1], user.lastfm, act.params[0], act);
var reg_handler = function (act) {
if (act.params.length === 2) {
UserModel.update({ nick: act.params[0].toLowerCase() }, { lastfm: act.params[1] }, { upsert: true}, function () {});
irc.privmsg(act.source, 'I have remembered ' + act.params[0] + ' by nick to be "' + act.params[1] + '" on');
} else if (act.params.length === 1) {
UserModel.update({ nick: act.nick.toLowerCase() }, { nick: act.nick.toLowerCase(), hmask:, lastfm: act.params[0] }, { upsert: true }, function () {});
irc.privmsg(act.source, 'I have remembered you by nick and host to be "' + act.params[0] + '" on');
} else {
irc.privmsg(act.source, ".reg LASTFMUSER to register with me!");
var lovereg_handler = function (act) {
if (act.params.length < 2) {
irc.privmsg(act.source, '.lovereg [lastfmuser] [md5password] to register for love/unlove. This command should be given in private.');
} else {
var tkn = crypto.createHash('md5').update(act.params[0] + act.params[1]).digest('hex');
// comment previous line and uncomment these two for plaintext password
//var md5 = crypto.createHash('md5').update(act.params[1]).digest('hex');
//var tkn = crypto.createHash('md5').update(act.params[0]+md5).digest('hex');
var authreq = lastfm.request('auth.getmobilesession', {
username: act.params[0],
authToken: tkn,
handlers: {
success: function (sesskey) {
UserModel.update({ nick: act.nick.toLowerCase() }, { nick: act.nick.toLowerCase(), hmask:, lastfm: act.params[0], skey: sesskey.session.key }, { upsert: true }, function (err) { console.log(err); });
irc.privmsg(act.source, 'I\'ve got you down and you\'re ready to .love and .unlove tracks, ' + act.nick);
var url_handler = function (act) {
if (act.params.length === 0) {
UserModel.findOne({$or: [{ nick: act.nick.toLowerCase() }, { hmask: }] }, function (err, user) {
if (!user) {
irc.privmsg(act.source, 'URL for ' + act.nick + ':' + act.nick);
} else {
irc.privmsg(act.source, 'URL for ' + act.nick + ':' + user.lastfm);
} else {
UserModel.findOne({ nick: act.params[0].toLowerCase() }, function (err, user) {
if (!user) {
irc.privmsg(act.source, 'URL for ' + act.params[0] + ':' + act.params[0]);
} else {
irc.privmsg(act.source, 'URL for ' + act.params[0] + ':' + user.lastfm);
}; = ['np', 'topten', 'cp', 'reg', 'url', 'lovereg', 'love', 'unlove'];
exports.handler = [np_handler, topten_handler, cp_handler, reg_handler, url_handler, lovereg_handler, love_handler, unlove_handler];
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