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Created September 14, 2015 15:27
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2014-09-14 00:01:19 --> ThisFrickinSite| (~kvirc@ has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 00:01:27 --> MrJoehobo (4c100b56@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 00:03:04 <-- Aniball (450669c1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 00:03:29 --> Exquisite (180ea501@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 00:03:31 Exquisite !test chaos ball
2014-09-14 00:03:32 some_bot Sorry, I cannot find "chaos ball" in my brain! Did you mean one of these: Chaos Arena, BaseBALL ?
2014-09-14 00:03:40 Exquisite !test chaos arena
2014-09-14 00:03:42 some_bot (chaos arena)
2014-09-14 00:03:47 +pooppants chaos ball was fun
2014-09-14 00:04:04 <-- ThisFrickinSite (~kvirc@ has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
2014-09-14 00:04:53 <-- Exquisite (180ea501@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Client Quit)
2014-09-14 00:06:00 <-- PKSubball ( has quit (Quit: Git Good)
2014-09-14 00:12:02 --> BilldaCat ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 00:12:02 [TagPro] [BilldaCat] REMOVE EVERYTHING
2014-09-14 00:12:34 * Trondby removes his clothes
2014-09-14 00:12:57 memeganoob trondby could u sell your clothes to me
2014-09-14 00:13:19 --> Exquisite (180ea501@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 00:13:37 Trondby I would but I removed my ability to ship clothes as well
2014-09-14 00:14:06 Exquisite hey steppin we got a lot of people playing chaos ball in your server, you think you can make it up to 30?
2014-09-14 00:14:33 --> Destar (81154c91@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 00:14:37 memeganoob no
2014-09-14 00:14:58 Exquisite steppin :(?
2014-09-14 00:15:51 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 4 games / 3 players. likely or
2014-09-14 00:15:55 Exquisite ^
2014-09-14 00:16:00 Exquisite WE NEED MORE ROOM
2014-09-14 00:16:03 Exquisite help me pleasee
2014-09-14 00:16:37 Dikembe !seen WhiskeyTim
2014-09-14 00:16:37 some_bot WhiskeyTim was last seen in #tagpro 22 hours, 21 minutes, and 13 seconds ago: <WhiskeyTim> gotta go for bit, friend just randomly showed up
2014-09-14 00:17:05 Dikembe "Gotta go for a bit"
2014-09-14 00:17:09 Dikembe "for a bit
2014-09-14 00:17:12 Dikembe "bit"
2014-09-14 00:17:18 Dikembe 22 hours
2014-09-14 00:18:04 Trondby His friend is really demanding
2014-09-14 00:19:49 memeganoob maybe his friend is having sex with him
2014-09-14 00:20:36 Dikembe Gotta love playing pranks on my friends
2014-09-14 00:21:26 steppin Exquisite: yeah, one sec
2014-09-14 00:21:32 steppin Exquisite: server will get restarted though
2014-09-14 00:21:39 Exquisite okay cool
2014-09-14 00:21:41 Exquisite thanks
2014-09-14 00:22:06 steppin Exquisite: done
2014-09-14 00:22:24 Exquisite thankyou so much
2014-09-14 00:22:27 memeganoob BYE BYE TRONDBY
2014-09-14 00:22:29 memeganoob I LOVE YOU
2014-09-14 00:22:36 memeganoob ONLY YOU
2014-09-14 00:22:39 memeganoob NOT STEPPIN
2014-09-14 00:22:40 Trondby ❤
2014-09-14 00:22:55 memeganoob STEPPIN IS GAY
2014-09-14 00:23:20 +McBride36 wow mo
2014-09-14 00:23:24 +McBride36 memeganoob,
2014-09-14 00:23:27 Trondby memeganoob pls
2014-09-14 00:23:29 krankenwagen !grab memeganoob
2014-09-14 00:23:29 some_bot The operation succeeded.
2014-09-14 00:23:30 +McBride36 dude, there's a saying
2014-09-14 00:23:44 +McBride36 man who is hungry think of bread
2014-09-14 00:23:47 memeganoob don't grab me :( i don't like being grabbed
2014-09-14 00:24:13 memeganoob did u kno Confucius once said, "TOO MUCH SOUP MAKE U POOP. TOO MUCH TEA MAKE U PEE"
2014-09-14 00:24:41 KR212 what lol
2014-09-14 00:27:54 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 3 games / 4 players. likely or
2014-09-14 00:30:27 DISTRACTION screw that
2014-09-14 00:31:01 <-- Exquisite (180ea501@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 00:34:34 <-- Detective (18b63dce@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 00:35:10 <-- ThisFrickinSite| (~kvirc@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2014-09-14 00:35:36 --> ThisFrickinSite| (~kvirc@ has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 00:39:42 One_ !random memeganoob
2014-09-14 00:39:42 some_bot <memeganoob> newcompte will u b my bb pls i need a bae in my life and french ppl r so secy
2014-09-14 00:39:52 --> McBriddle (~McBride36@unaffiliated/mcbride36) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 00:39:52 [TagPro] [McBriddle] All mimsy were the borogoves,
2014-09-14 00:40:06 -- Mode #tagpro [+v McBriddle] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 00:40:49 --> ThisFrickinSite (~kvirc@ has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 00:40:51 <-- One_ (724c3f46@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 00:41:02 --> Ballzilla ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 00:41:02 [TagPro] [Ballzilla]
2014-09-14 00:41:29 <-- memeganoob (4936bab2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 00:41:33 Trondby !random
2014-09-14 00:41:33 some_bot <BallBorg> zircon is rude when you go back in time ago
2014-09-14 00:41:43 Trondby !any *zircon*
2014-09-14 00:41:43 some_bot *zircon* could be zircon (3 weeks, 0 days, 12 hours, 24 minutes, and 9 seconds ago), zircon___ (4 weeks, 1 day, 7 hours, 5 minutes, and 46 seconds ago), zircon__ (13 weeks, 3 days, 13 hours, 4 minutes, and 5 seconds ago), zircon_ (13 weeks, 3 days, 20 hours, 55 minutes, and 11 seconds ago), lolzircongood (13 weeks, 4 days, 7 hours, 27 minutes, and 54 seconds ago), _zirconpls (14 weeks, 1 day, 21 hours, 8 (3 more messages)
2014-09-14 00:41:57 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 1 players. likely or
2014-09-14 00:42:10 <-- ThisFrickinSite (~kvirc@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2014-09-14 00:42:13 +McBriddle lol
2014-09-14 00:42:19 <-- McBride36 (~McBride36@unaffiliated/mcbride36) has quit (Disconnected by services)
2014-09-14 00:42:30 -- McBriddle is now known as McBride35
2014-09-14 00:42:33 -- McBride35 is now known as McBride36
2014-09-14 00:42:33 <-- Ballzilla ( has quit (Client Quit)
2014-09-14 00:42:37 --> ThisFrickinSite (~kvirc@ has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 00:43:15 Hootie .afk Auto-Timeout: Zzzz....
2014-09-14 00:43:16 tagbot See you soon Hootie!
2014-09-14 00:43:44 <-- ThisFrickinSite| (~kvirc@ has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
2014-09-14 00:43:46 Trondby !random
2014-09-14 00:43:46 some_bot <Cignul9> I need being Mormon to be over so I can go home and start drinking to pregame the rest of my life.
2014-09-14 00:45:28 --> ThisFrickinSite| (~kvirc@ has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 00:45:39 +McBride36 ThisFrickinSite, get ur shit 2gether
2014-09-14 00:47:42 --> xuzt (~xuzt@unaffiliated/xuzt) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 00:47:42 [TagPro] [xuzt] Cignul9 <3
2014-09-14 00:48:16 <-- ThisFrickinSite (~kvirc@ has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
2014-09-14 00:48:36 <-- BilldaCat ( has quit (Quit: BilldaCat)
2014-09-14 00:48:53 Ion_ hiya xuzt
2014-09-14 00:48:59 xuzt hey Ion_
2014-09-14 00:49:16 <-- ThisFrickinSite| (~kvirc@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2014-09-14 00:49:43 --> ThisFrickinSite| (~kvirc@ has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 00:50:13 krankenwagen ThisFrickinSite| pls
2014-09-14 00:50:48 MrJoehobo
2014-09-14 00:50:48 AnkhBot Title: TagPro Group |
2014-09-14 00:51:05 <-- MrJoehobo (4c100b56@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 00:51:29 --> PurpleTeam[LAD] ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 00:52:33 --> ThisFrickinSite (~kvirc@ has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 00:53:58 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 2 games / 2 players. likely or
2014-09-14 00:55:04 <-- ThisFrickinSite| (~kvirc@ has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
2014-09-14 00:55:06 -- Mode #tagpro [+o McBride36] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 00:55:06 -- Mode #tagpro [+o McBride36] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 00:55:11 -- Mode #tagpro [+b ThisFrickinSite*!*@*$##fix_your_connection] by McBride36
2014-09-14 01:01:18 <-- ThisFrickinSite (~kvirc@ has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
2014-09-14 01:02:13 --> cz (~roxy@2601:5:c00:82a:d9:b232:17b2:5f55) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 01:02:13 -- Mode #tagpro [+v cz] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 01:02:21 <-- Aaron215 ( has quit (Quit: I'm done with you guys. Nah, just kidding, I gotta go.)
2014-09-14 01:02:31 <-- KR212 (42292f51@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 01:06:00 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 1 players. likely or
2014-09-14 01:10:58 xuzt .restart
2014-09-14 01:11:09 <-- tagbot ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 01:11:09 <-- tagbotgame1 ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 01:11:49 +pooppants !test the holy see
2014-09-14 01:11:51 some_bot (the holy see)
2014-09-14 01:11:52 --> tagbot ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 01:11:53 --> tagbotgame ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 01:11:54 [TagPro] [tagbotgame] see you in #tagprogames
2014-09-14 01:13:53 xuzt .optin maptest
2014-09-14 01:13:54 tagbot xuzt, you have already opted in.
2014-09-14 01:14:28 <-- tagbotgame ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 01:14:28 <-- tagbot ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 01:14:44 +pooppants xuzt: pls
2014-09-14 01:15:08 xuzt pooppants: just a few more times dw
2014-09-14 01:15:13 --> tagbotgame ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 01:15:13 --> tagbot ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 01:15:14 [TagPro] [tagbotgame] see you in #tagprogames
2014-09-14 01:16:23 xuzt .restart
2014-09-14 01:16:30 <-- tagbotgame ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 01:16:30 <-- tagbot ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 01:16:56 --> tagbotgame ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 01:16:56 --> tagbot ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 01:16:57 [TagPro] [tagbotgame] see you in #tagprogames
2014-09-14 01:17:40 xuzt testing below pls ignore
2014-09-14 01:17:48 xuzt .optin maptest
2014-09-14 01:17:49 tagbot xuzt, you have already opted in.
2014-09-14 01:17:59 xuzt .maptest
2014-09-14 01:17:59 tagbot Maptest: xuzt Ballgruuf mocl4 zircon bbq_ Ion_ Ooooh zircooon Gator_ BallBorg oneC4us zziirrccoonn zircon__ abazaba Trondby
2014-09-14 01:18:11 xuzt yiss
2014-09-14 01:19:09 krankenwagen so this is happeneing on tangent rn
2014-09-14 01:19:10 krankenwagen
2014-09-14 01:19:13 --> assaw (186b06da@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 01:19:21 Ion_ good god
2014-09-14 01:19:34 krankenwagen
2014-09-14 01:19:34 AnkhBot Title: TagPro Group |
2014-09-14 01:19:35 krankenwagen
2014-09-14 01:19:35 AnkhBot Title: TagPro Group |
2014-09-14 01:19:37 Trondby u tryna get banned from tangent m8
2014-09-14 01:19:42 krankenwagen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2014-09-14 01:19:58 Ion_ oh my god the chat
2014-09-14 01:20:01 krankenwagen ikr
2014-09-14 01:20:05 krankenwagen i cant even read it
2014-09-14 01:20:23 Ion_ it's like twitch chat
2014-09-14 01:20:27 krankenwagen faster
2014-09-14 01:20:40 Ion_ I didn't even know such a thing was possible
2014-09-14 01:20:48 krankenwagen i think steppin upped the limit
2014-09-14 01:20:54 krankenwagen for tangent
2014-09-14 01:21:02 Ion_ no that's how many people can play in a normal group
2014-09-14 01:21:05 Ion_ 45
2014-09-14 01:21:08 Ion_ definitely
2014-09-14 01:21:41 assaw !maptest danger zone 3
2014-09-14 01:21:43 some_bot (danger zone 3)
2014-09-14 01:22:42 Ion_ 50% loss
2014-09-14 01:22:43 Ion_ gg
2014-09-14 01:23:45 <-- tagbotgame ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 01:23:45 <-- tagbot ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 01:24:00 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 4 games / 4 players. likely or
2014-09-14 01:24:13 --> tagbot ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 01:24:14 --> tagbotgame ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 01:24:14 [TagPro] [tagbotgame] see you in #tagprogames
2014-09-14 01:25:41 krankenwagen oh we're on mumble btw
2014-09-14 01:25:45 krankenwagen for the tangent game
2014-09-14 01:25:48 krankenwagen !online
2014-09-14 01:26:04 some_bot [total: 282p in 38g] bola: ?p in ?g | sector: ?p in ?g | centra: 85p in 11g | origin: 66p in 7g | pi: 45p in 5g | diameter: 33p in 4g | radius: 30p in 3g | sphere: 21p in 3g | maptest: 1p in 5g | tangent: 1p in 0g | chord: 0p in 0g | arc: 0p in 0g | orbit: 0p in 0g
2014-09-14 01:26:11 krankenwagen lol tangent pls
2014-09-14 01:26:44 @McBride36 tits on tinder
2014-09-14 01:26:44 @McBride36 nice
2014-09-14 01:26:55 +pooppants lol
2014-09-14 01:26:56 +pooppants pls
2014-09-14 01:27:04 --> WhiskeyTim ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 01:27:05 [TagPro] [WhiskeyTim] Beep Beep I'm a Jeep
2014-09-14 01:27:08 <-- tagbot ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 01:27:08 <-- tagbotgame ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 01:27:37 --> tagbot ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 01:27:38 --> tagbotgame ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 01:27:38 [TagPro] [tagbotgame] see you in #tagprogames
2014-09-14 01:28:17 WhiskeyTim call me out you fuck
2014-09-14 01:29:04 * McBride36 calls WhiskeyTim out
2014-09-14 01:29:21 +pooppants !view smirk
2014-09-14 01:29:22 some_bot (smirk)
2014-09-14 01:29:27 WhiskeyTim did i get reported or banned yet?
2014-09-14 01:29:28 <-- assaw (186b06da@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 01:30:48 @McBride36 should i check
2014-09-14 01:31:10 WhiskeyTim please do
2014-09-14 01:31:25 WhiskeyTim i'd love to know
2014-09-14 01:33:04 @McBride36 lol you have a report against you
2014-09-14 01:33:12 @McBride36 probably because youcalled someone a whore
2014-09-14 01:33:23 --> lebronxjames ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 01:33:23 [TagPro] [lebronxjames] tat my fucking name so i know it's real | #ballz #realballz #banthemods |
2014-09-14 01:33:40 <-- JuicyJuke (4435442f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 01:33:47 WhiskeyTim i did.
2014-09-14 01:36:02 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 2 games / 3 players. likely or
2014-09-14 01:42:37 @McBride36 hey
2014-09-14 01:42:50 @McBride36 if i sent the girl who posted her tits a message on tinder, would that be creepy
2014-09-14 01:43:41 @McBride36 2late
2014-09-14 01:43:42 @McBride36 yolo
2014-09-14 01:44:24 Ion_ lol
2014-09-14 01:44:32 <-- DISTRACTION (4b6d5cb6@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 01:44:49 Dikembe Send her the McDick
2014-09-14 01:46:59 WhiskeyTim hey ion_ hey dikembe
2014-09-14 01:47:08 Ion_ hiya WhiskeyTim
2014-09-14 01:47:23 <-- lebronxjames ( has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2014-09-14 01:48:05 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 1 players. likely or
2014-09-14 01:48:27 @McBride36 interesting
2014-09-14 01:49:02 --> lebronxjames ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 01:49:02 [TagPro] [lebronxjames] tat my fucking name so i know it's real | #ballz #realballz #banthemods |
2014-09-14 01:49:22 Dikembe WhiskeyTim
2014-09-14 01:49:34 WhiskeyTim whats up
2014-09-14 01:52:01 Dikembe Just finished watching a heartbreaker.
2014-09-14 01:52:01 -- Mode #tagpro [-o McBride36] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 01:52:03 +pooppants pls
2014-09-14 01:52:46 +McBride36 rood
2014-09-14 01:54:28 +pooppants lol ikr
2014-09-14 01:57:19 +McBride36 i helped ur gf out a lot
2014-09-14 01:57:25 +McBride36 with LoL skillz
2014-09-14 01:58:53 <-- DiannaAgron ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 01:59:45 +McBride36 i should play dwarf fortress
2014-09-14 01:59:51 +McBride36 2morrow
2014-09-14 02:00:06 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 1 players. likely or
2014-09-14 02:03:12 PurpleTeam[LAD] !mods
2014-09-14 02:03:12 some_bot Flail, konichiwa, Hoog, NewCompte, Watball, Corhal, _Ly {Ly} [Ly] , tim-sanchez, _Ron, Troball, rk, Aaron215, Jet2, JGibbs, Radian, cz, Canadsian, tinkerc, Bull_tagpro, pooppants, turtlemansam, McBride36, deeznutz, bizkut, poopv, Rems, Nitro_, Rambo, bbq, Akiki, EbolaMod, hyphae
2014-09-14 02:03:17 +McBride36 hi
2014-09-14 02:03:17 PurpleTeam[LAD] asiancreampi
2014-09-14 02:03:23 PurpleTeam[LAD] on centra
2014-09-14 02:03:25 PurpleTeam[LAD] game just ended
2014-09-14 02:03:40 +cz mmmm asaincreampi
2014-09-14 02:04:22 +McBride36 i don't see anyone witht hat name
2014-09-14 02:04:23 +pooppants McBride36: wat did you tell her for LoL
2014-09-14 02:04:47 <-- thefatalace ( has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
2014-09-14 02:04:47 +pooppants is an asian creme pi like a banana creme pie?
2014-09-14 02:04:51 +McBride36 i helped her with adc role
2014-09-14 02:04:54 +McBride36 and what to build for kog
2014-09-14 02:04:59 +pooppants what is ADC
2014-09-14 02:05:04 +McBride36 attack damage carry
2014-09-14 02:05:09 +pooppants what does that mean
2014-09-14 02:05:13 +McBride36 it's what ur gf is supposed ot be if she plays kog
2014-09-14 02:05:15 +pooppants lk
2014-09-14 02:05:16 +pooppants k
2014-09-14 02:05:25 +McBride36 they deal out ridic damage with auto attacks
2014-09-14 02:05:28 +McBride36 and melt down tanks
2014-09-14 02:05:29 +pooppants McBride36: i should be in bed but fuk that i'm an adult
2014-09-14 02:05:32 +McBride36 lol
2014-09-14 02:05:33 +McBride36 <3
2014-09-14 02:05:35 +McBride36 m2
2014-09-14 02:05:44 +pooppants i'm watching preggo the dog
2014-09-14 02:05:47 +McBride36 lol
2014-09-14 02:05:58 +McBride36 i'm playin' dungeon keeper
2014-09-14 02:06:12 +pooppants i should play dwarffortress also
2014-09-14 02:06:25 +McBride36 i'm too tired to play DF
2014-09-14 02:06:28 +McBride36 i 4get how
2014-09-14 02:06:29 +pooppants ikr
2014-09-14 02:06:32 +McBride36 and it'll jsut be bad
2014-09-14 02:06:48 +pooppants i should set up subway or shoutIRC
2014-09-14 02:06:58 +McBride36 wat is tht
2014-09-14 02:07:01 +pooppants
2014-09-14 02:07:01 AnkhBot Title: thedjpetersen/subway · GitHub |
2014-09-14 02:07:16 +pooppants
2014-09-14 02:07:16 AnkhBot Title: erming/shout · GitHub |
2014-09-14 02:07:19 +pooppants AnkhBot: fuck you
2014-09-14 02:07:44 --> Allison__ ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 02:07:44 [TagPro] [Allison__] This pen, sells in. Squishy grip, little clip. Silver and orange..., I mean, orange and silver...
2014-09-14 02:08:09 krankenwagen i think the DC penalty should be an auto community report
2014-09-14 02:08:34 krankenwagen or maybe 1 half of a community report
2014-09-14 02:08:57 krankenwagen after the first 30 seconds are up of course
2014-09-14 02:09:28 +pooppants i think
2014-09-14 02:09:31 +pooppants that will never happen
2014-09-14 02:09:48 krankenwagen probably not
2014-09-14 02:09:57 +McBride36 pooppants, the jungler we had was rly bad
2014-09-14 02:10:00 +pooppants lol
2014-09-14 02:10:02 +McBride36 and gave ur gf bad advice
2014-09-14 02:10:04 +pooppants the heimerdonger jungler?
2014-09-14 02:10:07 +McBride36 well, the nasus was worse
2014-09-14 02:10:13 +McBride36 well, he was bad
2014-09-14 02:10:20 +McBride36 but the xin was the one i was talkin about
2014-09-14 02:10:29 +pooppants she shouted down to me and said "this guy with heimer wants to jungle"
2014-09-14 02:10:34 +pooppants and I shouted up "tell him not to"
2014-09-14 02:10:41 +McBride36 anyone can jungle
2014-09-14 02:10:45 +pooppants pls
2014-09-14 02:10:46 +McBride36 depends on clear time
2014-09-14 02:10:54 +pooppants donger is too slow and smooshy
2014-09-14 02:11:23 +pooppants i wonder if the powercord for my laptop reaches the mattress i brought out
2014-09-14 02:11:46 +pooppants yiss
2014-09-14 02:12:08 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 1 players. likely or
2014-09-14 02:13:07 +McBride36 he is too slow
2014-09-14 02:13:12 +McBride36 and it's okay if hes squish
2014-09-14 02:13:27 +McBride36 but he's a terrible jungle choice lol
2014-09-14 02:13:41 +pooppants also he shouldn't hide away in the jungle
2014-09-14 02:13:45 +pooppants he's too swag
2014-09-14 02:13:58 +McBride36 you need ot learn how to actually suport
2014-09-14 02:14:02 <-- WhiskeyTim ( has quit
2014-09-14 02:14:11 +pooppants pls i'll just mid lane 4ever
2014-09-14 02:14:18 +McBride36 you don't even go midlane
2014-09-14 02:14:24 +pooppants i will
2014-09-14 02:14:26 +McBride36 you go bot and take gold from ur adc lol
2014-09-14 02:14:35 +pooppants LOLOL
2014-09-14 02:14:45 +pooppants it's not my fault grlfrn can't last hit
2014-09-14 02:15:29 +McBride36 lol it totally is
2014-09-14 02:15:36 +McBride36 those turrets do it all
2014-09-14 02:15:54 +McBride36 but she isn't very good at last hitting
2014-09-14 02:16:03 +McBride36 even when i was supporting
2014-09-14 02:17:46 +pooppants WELL MAYBE IF THEY WOULD JUST NERF HEIMER
2014-09-14 02:17:51 +McBride36 pft
2014-09-14 02:17:54 +McBride36 why would they?
2014-09-14 02:17:58 +McBride36 he's so out of meta right now
2014-09-14 02:18:19 +McBride36 he really is'nt that difficult to shut down
2014-09-14 02:19:04 +pooppants ikr
2014-09-14 02:19:07 +pooppants :(
2014-09-14 02:19:19 <-- DD321123 (~DD321123@unaffiliated/nokturnus) has quit (Quit: night)
2014-09-14 02:21:48 +McBride36 lol
2014-09-14 02:21:50 +McBride36 my main
2014-09-14 02:21:54 +McBride36 syndra? loves him
2014-09-14 02:21:59 +McBride36 i can grab his turrets
2014-09-14 02:22:01 +McBride36 and throw them at him
2014-09-14 02:22:14 Destar Looking for more players on Tangent currently at 21 players
2014-09-14 02:22:15 AnkhBot Title: TagPro Group |
2014-09-14 02:22:43 +pooppants McBride36: no u can't
2014-09-14 02:22:46 +pooppants ur on teh same team as me
2014-09-14 02:22:57 +McBride36 i mean laning against him
2014-09-14 02:23:03 +pooppants ughughugdjakfdf
2014-09-14 02:23:08 +pooppants fuck you node
2014-09-14 02:23:10 +McBride36 he's an easy matchup for me
2014-09-14 02:23:10 +pooppants fuck you npm
2014-09-14 02:27:05 +McBride36 and pooppants if u go against a talon
2014-09-14 02:27:09 +McBride36 you're SOL
2014-09-14 02:27:33 +pooppants pls
2014-09-14 02:27:49 +pooppants also fuk that mundo
2014-09-14 02:27:53 +McBride36 lol
2014-09-14 02:27:55 +pooppants i gave him a face full of ult rockets
2014-09-14 02:27:56 +pooppants :(
2014-09-14 02:28:01 +pooppants it was like nothing at all :(
2014-09-14 02:28:04 +McBride36 he was only a problem because of nasus and xin feeding him
2014-09-14 02:28:13 +McBride36 i know pooppants that's why you need an ADC
2014-09-14 02:28:21 +pooppants i slowed him
2014-09-14 02:28:27 +pooppants becasue rylai's
2014-09-14 02:28:28 +pooppants <3
2014-09-14 02:28:30 +McBride36 mhm
2014-09-14 02:28:39 +McBride36 but you need an adc to kill tanks really
2014-09-14 02:28:45 +pooppants his meat cleaver thing goes really far :(
2014-09-14 02:28:51 +pooppants he can hit my turrets from out of rang
2014-09-14 02:28:52 +pooppants e
2014-09-14 02:28:55 +McBride36 lol
2014-09-14 02:28:57 <-- xuzt (~xuzt@unaffiliated/xuzt) has quit (Quit: xuzt)
2014-09-14 02:29:22 <-- krankenwagen (~mocl4@unaffiliated/mocl4) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
2014-09-14 02:29:23 +pooppants k
2014-09-14 02:29:32 +pooppants i'm going to be rebooting this laptop in a minute
2014-09-14 02:29:52 +pooppants 66 day uptime is not what archlinux is for
2014-09-14 02:30:01 +McBride36 o god
2014-09-14 02:30:55 +pooppants also i uninstalled node and it's still showing in my tabcomplete
2014-09-14 02:30:56 +pooppants lululul
2014-09-14 02:31:12 --> mocl4 (~mocl4@unaffiliated/mocl4) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 02:31:12 [TagPro] [mocl4] RIP webchat users NEVER FORGET | bad idea to false report while there is a developer in game
2014-09-14 02:32:49 +pooppants i'll be back in a bit hopefully
2014-09-14 02:35:37 --> pooppants (~thevdude@unaffiliated/thevdude) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 02:35:37 -- Topic for #tagpro is "⚑ | | TagPro Mods have + next to their name. | Check out our map testing channel, #tagpromaps | Do not appeal bans here. Message the mods at ⚐"
2014-09-14 02:35:37 -- Topic set by bizkut_ ( on Fri, 12 Sep 2014 09:59:50
2014-09-14 02:35:37 -- Channel #tagpro: 50 nicks (1 op, 5 voices, 44 normals)
2014-09-14 02:35:37 -- URL for #tagpro:
2014-09-14 02:35:37 -- Mode #tagpro [+v pooppants] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 02:35:37 [TagPro] [pooppants] i luv u bby :: ::
2014-09-14 02:35:37 -- Channel created on Mon, 03 Feb 2014 13:33:51
2014-09-14 02:37:40 +pooppants lol
2014-09-14 02:37:56 +pooppants well shit
2014-09-14 02:38:01 +McBride36 uh oh
2014-09-14 02:38:02 +pooppants i thought I installed node
2014-09-14 02:38:07 +McBride36 but
2014-09-14 02:38:11 +pooppants but here it is
2014-09-14 02:38:13 +pooppants still working
2014-09-14 02:38:49 +pooppants ugh
2014-09-14 02:38:58 +pooppants because it isn't being handled by pacman anymore
2014-09-14 02:39:00 +pooppants that's fucking stupid
2014-09-14 02:39:36 +pooppants k, it's gone now
2014-09-14 02:43:21 +McBride36 yay
2014-09-14 02:43:26 +McBride36 have you ever played dungeon keeper
2014-09-14 02:44:52 <-- Destar (81154c91@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 02:46:02 --> Robocop (5fac6820@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 02:46:07 <-- aardvark74 (6b0a9d46@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 02:49:30 --> poots ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 02:49:32 poots woo
2014-09-14 02:49:38 poots I'm using subway IRC client
2014-09-14 02:50:29 +pooppants [Trondbot]: it's a browser based client
2014-09-14 02:50:38 poots close enough
2014-09-14 02:50:39 Trondby ah
2014-09-14 02:51:28 Trondby Funny how i changed it from Trondbot so ppl stop accidentially tab-completing to it
2014-09-14 02:51:37 poots my client ignores []
2014-09-14 02:51:54 Ion_ well that's a bit silly
2014-09-14 02:51:54 <-- poots ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 02:52:27 +pooppants well shit
2014-09-14 02:52:32 +pooppants it isn't supposed to disconnect
2014-09-14 02:52:38 --> kundisong (6bdb9557@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 02:52:42 Ion_ did it disconnect because I called it silly?
2014-09-14 02:52:50 Ion_ I'm very sorry if so
2014-09-14 02:52:51 +pooppants oh wait
2014-09-14 02:52:53 +pooppants it crashed
2014-09-14 02:52:54 +pooppants lolol
2014-09-14 02:52:59 Ion_ lol
2014-09-14 02:53:08 kundisong ey guys if I got reported for playing against team and I really didn't then can a mod help me with that?
2014-09-14 02:53:14 Trondby if(line.contains("silly")) socket.close();
2014-09-14 02:53:15 kundisong sorry for disrupting any convo yall were having
2014-09-14 02:53:35 Ion_ lolol Trondby
2014-09-14 02:53:45 --> poots ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 02:53:47 Ion_ no prob kundisong, a mod can help you with that, yeah
2014-09-14 02:53:48 poots lolol
2014-09-14 02:53:53 poots k try this again
2014-09-14 02:53:54 * Trondby clears throat
2014-09-14 02:53:56 Trondby silly
2014-09-14 02:54:00 poots pls
2014-09-14 02:54:04 +McBride36 i'll take a lookie kundisong
2014-09-14 02:54:11 +pooppants k look it's still here!
2014-09-14 02:54:12 kundisong thanks :)
2014-09-14 02:54:13 Ion_ Trondby, what language was that?
2014-09-14 02:54:23 +pooppants but i closed the tab!
2014-09-14 02:54:24 Ion_ if you say english I will kill you
2014-09-14 02:54:24 Trondby Java
2014-09-14 02:54:25 +pooppants hurrah!
2014-09-14 02:54:34 Ion_ ahh ok
2014-09-14 02:54:41 +bizkut !online
2014-09-14 02:54:50 +pooppants persistent browser based IRC client
2014-09-14 02:54:52 +pooppants +100
2014-09-14 02:54:56 some_bot [total: 188p in 26g] bola: ?p in ?g | sector: ?p in ?g | centra: 66p in 8g | origin: 36p in 5g | pi: 27p in 3g | diameter: 23p in 3g | sphere: 17p in 3g | radius: 17p in 3g | tangent: 2p in 1g | chord: 0p in 0g | arc: 0p in 0g | maptest: 0p in 0g | orbit: 0p in 0g
2014-09-14 02:55:02 +pooppants !view smirk
2014-09-14 02:55:03 some_bot (smirk)
2014-09-14 02:55:04 Ion_ bizkut, xuzt added .online which works a loooot faster, just fwi
2014-09-14 02:55:04 tagbot Ion_, xuzt has been afk for an hour.
2014-09-14 02:55:07 Ion_ fyi*
2014-09-14 02:55:09 Trondby .online
2014-09-14 02:55:10 tagbot 178 players in 23 games. (Centra: 58p in 8g | Pi: 27p in 3g | Chord: 0p in 0g | Diameter: 23p in 3g | Origin: 42p in 4g | Sphere: 17p in 3g | Radius: 11p in 2g | Orbit: 0p in 0g | Arc: 0p in 0g)
2014-09-14 02:55:15 +bizkut looooooool im tird and drunk, askiing in every channel
2014-09-14 02:55:19 Trondby no fancy word bolding 4/10
2014-09-14 02:55:24 Ion_ lol pls
2014-09-14 02:55:47 Trondby .list
2014-09-14 02:55:48 tagbot hello world, .afk [message], .group [server], .online, .[server], .time, .optin maptest, .maptest [link], .optout maptest, help?, .pls count, .pls count count, .msg count, .msg count count, .irc mods [message], .spec [server] [port]
2014-09-14 02:55:56 Trondby unlisted commands pls
2014-09-14 02:56:03 Ion_ wha
2014-09-14 02:56:07 Trondby wait
2014-09-14 02:56:12 Trondby <--- still can't read
2014-09-14 02:56:17 +pooppants
2014-09-14 02:56:18 AnkhBot Title: How to Smoke - YouTube |
2014-09-14 02:56:19 Ion_ haha
2014-09-14 02:56:35 Ion_ AnkhBot, ruining surprises since 2014
2014-09-14 02:56:42 Trondby AnkhBot totally removes the possibilities of rickrolls
2014-09-14 02:56:44 +pooppants
2014-09-14 02:56:45 +bizkut Its very likely I pass out bfore plying a game from thse results. i'm up just under 24 hours now inculding a thought tournament and a flat tier in my 4 hour commute making it a 5-6 hour oe
2014-09-14 02:56:51 Trondby thankfully blackstalin is still safe
2014-09-14 02:56:56 +bizkut tl;dr fuk dis shit
2014-09-14 02:57:03 +McBride36 bizkut, bby go 2 bed
2014-09-14 02:57:08 +bizkut yah
2014-09-14 02:57:17 +McBride36 i'm goin' to bed soon 2
2014-09-14 02:57:18 +bizkut gona pass out now
2014-09-14 02:57:21 +bizkut night alll
2014-09-14 02:57:23 Ion_ niiiice pooppants
2014-09-14 02:57:25 +McBride36 might jerk off first
2014-09-14 02:57:26 Trondby oh it shows active/idle users too
2014-09-14 02:57:27 +McBride36 idk
2014-09-14 02:57:28 Ion_ that's really neat
2014-09-14 02:57:28 poots yeah
2014-09-14 02:57:29 +McBride36 BED
2014-09-14 02:57:30 Trondby that's really neat
2014-09-14 02:57:34 Ion_ does it autoscroll with the messages?
2014-09-14 02:57:35 +McBride36 yes Ion_,
2014-09-14 02:57:36 +McBride36 yes it is
2014-09-14 02:57:37 poots it does
2014-09-14 02:57:44 Ion_ ooooh neaeto
2014-09-14 02:57:44 tagbot Ion_, ooooh has been afk for 9 hours ("will check up on the chicken stories").
2014-09-14 02:57:44 Trondby omg Ion_ stealing my sentences before i say them
2014-09-14 02:57:47 poots if i close and come back
2014-09-14 02:57:53 Ion_ lol Trondby
2014-09-14 02:57:54 poots it keeps it where i closed at
2014-09-14 02:58:10 Trondby ooooh ur name is too easy to accidentially say
2014-09-14 02:58:10 tagbot Trondby, ooooh has been afk for 9 hours ("will check up on the chicken stories").
2014-09-14 02:58:19 poots now I just need to borrow/get a domain and run this on it so I can be connected at work
2014-09-14 02:58:24 poots they blocked kiwiirc
2014-09-14 02:58:24 poots :(
2014-09-14 02:58:28 Ion_ wow
2014-09-14 02:58:30 Trondby quit job
2014-09-14 02:58:33 poots ikr
2014-09-14 02:58:36 poots i can use my phone
2014-09-14 02:58:39 poots but it's not the same
2014-09-14 02:58:48 poots if I had a tablet it'd be different
2014-09-14 02:58:53 +McBride36 lolol
2014-09-14 02:58:56 Trondby but with your phone you get a fancy ipv6 address
2014-09-14 02:58:59 +McBride36 weeeellll
2014-09-14 02:59:02 poots wellllll
2014-09-14 02:59:03 poots no
2014-09-14 02:59:13 kundisong so, um, McBride.. did you get a chance to look at it yet? Or should I come back later to check w/ you?
2014-09-14 02:59:19 +McBride36 i looked at it
2014-09-14 02:59:24 poots I'd just connect to the personal device wifi at work
2014-09-14 02:59:29 +McBride36 it's your only report
2014-09-14 02:59:34 +McBride36 so i wouldn't worry about it kundisong
2014-09-14 02:59:35 kundisong and?
2014-09-14 02:59:43 kundisong oh alright
2014-09-14 02:59:45 +McBride36 the guy hasn't serial reported yet
2014-09-14 02:59:47 poots if the user who gave it
2014-09-14 02:59:49 +McBride36 but if he does, i'll ban
2014-09-14 02:59:53 poots hasn't given out a lot of fake ones
2014-09-14 02:59:58 kundisong thanks for that mcbride, i appreciate it lol
2014-09-14 03:00:00 poots there isn't much we can do
2014-09-14 03:00:08 poots because they may have just misclicked
2014-09-14 03:00:13 +McBride36 well
2014-09-14 03:00:18 +McBride36 he did report on other guy
2014-09-14 03:00:24 poots also i need to poop really bad
2014-09-14 03:00:24 +McBride36 for the same reason in the same game
2014-09-14 03:00:28 kundisong alright for sure. thanks for the help guys
2014-09-14 03:01:28 +McBride36 np
2014-09-14 03:01:33 +McBride36 happy to help
2014-09-14 03:01:51 <-- bizkut ( has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 03:02:03 --> Redkiwi ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 03:02:03 [TagPro] [Redkiwi] |
2014-09-14 03:02:20 Redkiwi chur :)
2014-09-14 03:02:29 Ion_ hiya kiwi :)
2014-09-14 03:02:44 Redkiwi ion_ <3
2014-09-14 03:02:53 Redkiwi how are you?
2014-09-14 03:03:05 Ion_ I'm good, how bout you?
2014-09-14 03:03:20 Redkiwi excellent
2014-09-14 03:03:28 Ion_ good to hear :D
2014-09-14 03:03:28 Redkiwi except for jonicoupon
2014-09-14 03:03:33 Ion_ wha
2014-09-14 03:03:41 Redkiwi im drowning in ads :/
2014-09-14 03:04:19 Ion_ eh, that doesn't sound good
2014-09-14 03:04:54 Trondby !raongdom
2014-09-14 03:04:55 Redkiwi
2014-09-14 03:05:06 Redkiwi
2014-09-14 03:05:12 Redkiwi its terrible ion_
2014-09-14 03:05:19 <-- kundisong (6bdb9557@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 03:05:22 Redkiwi !random
2014-09-14 03:05:22 some_bot <n00b_> I'm a pro
2014-09-14 03:05:25 Redkiwi hahaha
2014-09-14 03:05:28 +McBride36 adblock pro
2014-09-14 03:05:29 +McBride36 plus
2014-09-14 03:05:30 +McBride36 i mean
2014-09-14 03:05:31 Ion_ yeaaaah you should probably get rid of that asap Redkiwi
2014-09-14 03:05:38 Redkiwi i cant McBride36
2014-09-14 03:05:44 +McBride36 sucks
2014-09-14 03:05:46 Ion_ nothing about that is good
2014-09-14 03:05:49 Redkiwi its blocking me from installing it
2014-09-14 03:05:53 Trondby what on earth
2014-09-14 03:05:55 +McBride36 how
2014-09-14 03:05:59 Ion_ McBride36 that's reddit lol
2014-09-14 03:06:03 Ion_ none of that should be there
2014-09-14 03:06:06 Trondby delete chrome
2014-09-14 03:06:07 Redkiwi it says NETWORK_FAILED when i try
2014-09-14 03:06:21 +McBride36 Trondby, no, he's got spyware
2014-09-14 03:06:24 +McBride36 malware
2014-09-14 03:06:25 +McBride36 w/e
2014-09-14 03:06:26 Trondby delete computer
2014-09-14 03:06:31 Ion_ lol
2014-09-14 03:06:36 Redkiwi cant find anything suspicious in my programs either
2014-09-14 03:06:43 Trondby Drag "Computer" to your recycle bin
2014-09-14 03:06:46 Redkiwi and i tried malwarebytes
2014-09-14 03:06:48 +McBride36 what antivirus are you using
2014-09-14 03:06:49 Redkiwi hahaha
2014-09-14 03:06:50 Trondby McBride36 wheres that gif
2014-09-14 03:06:52 Ion_ that is highly suspicious
2014-09-14 03:07:00 Redkiwi i dont have no antivirus McBride36
2014-09-14 03:07:02 Redkiwi :P
2014-09-14 03:07:04 poots ugh
2014-09-14 03:07:08 poots idk
2014-09-14 03:07:10 Ion_ that's not good
2014-09-14 03:07:19 +McBride36 Redkiwi, hit ctrl shift esc
2014-09-14 03:07:19 poots I don't think I'm so lazy that I can't set up ZNC
2014-09-14 03:07:21 poots but
2014-09-14 03:07:26 poots this web client is pretty oka
2014-09-14 03:07:26 poots y
2014-09-14 03:07:29 Redkiwi why McBride36?
2014-09-14 03:07:32 Redkiwi cant find it
2014-09-14 03:07:34 +McBride36 and send me a screen shot of all processes you've got running
2014-09-14 03:07:42 Redkiwi oki
2014-09-14 03:07:48 +McBride36 literally all of them
2014-09-14 03:07:54 +McBride36 make the window big, idc
2014-09-14 03:07:55 +McBride36 but all
2014-09-14 03:08:05 Ion_ Trondby:
2014-09-14 03:08:11 Redkiwi wow thats a lotta chrome processes
2014-09-14 03:08:18 Trondby (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ ion
2014-09-14 03:08:26 Redkiwi hahahaha
2014-09-14 03:08:29 Redkiwi ion_ :D
2014-09-14 03:08:30 +McBride36 chrome is a huge memory hog
2014-09-14 03:08:32 Ion_ chrome has every tab as an instance
2014-09-14 03:08:34 Ion_ because of reasons
2014-09-14 03:08:39 +pooppants lolol
2014-09-14 03:08:42 Ion_ plus any extensions
2014-09-14 03:09:14 +pooppants Redkiwi: reboot to safe mode, install malware bytes, let it update, run it
2014-09-14 03:09:28 +McBride36 chrome takes up about 2.5 gb for me
2014-09-14 03:09:32 +McBride36 of ram
2014-09-14 03:09:41 Redkiwi illtr ythat pooppants :)
2014-09-14 03:09:55 +McBride36 pooppants, i want to see the processes first, perhaps i can identify it first
2014-09-14 03:10:03 +McBride36 then it'll be easier to MDK
2014-09-14 03:10:04 Redkiwi
2014-09-14 03:10:06 Redkiwi McBride36,
2014-09-14 03:10:26 +McBride36 ENGLISH MOTHERFUCKER
2014-09-14 03:10:28 +McBride36 DO YOU SPEAK IT
2014-09-14 03:10:32 Ion_ McBride36 pls
2014-09-14 03:10:37 Redkiwi hahaha
2014-09-14 03:10:38 Redkiwi :P
2014-09-14 03:10:58 +McBride36 OPPGAVEBEHANDLING
2014-09-14 03:11:01 +McBride36 TOO LONG
2014-09-14 03:11:04 Ion_ lolol
2014-09-14 03:11:07 Trondby Says you have malwarebytes there
2014-09-14 03:11:14 Redkiwi oppgavebehandling is sucha simple word
2014-09-14 03:11:24 +McBride36 well, i know
2014-09-14 03:11:27 +McBride36 but that's not the point
2014-09-14 03:11:31 Redkiwi eeeeeww
2014-09-14 03:12:21 <-- poots ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 03:12:26 +McBride36 Redkiwi, end process tree for winlogon
2014-09-14 03:12:33 +pooppants yeah fuk that
2014-09-14 03:12:46 +McBride36 and then run malwarebytes again
2014-09-14 03:12:51 Redkiwi okay
2014-09-14 03:13:14 +McBride36 shit
2014-09-14 03:13:14 +McBride36 wait
2014-09-14 03:13:15 +McBride36 no
2014-09-14 03:13:17 +McBride36 don't do that
2014-09-14 03:13:20 Redkiwi jk
2014-09-14 03:13:25 Ion_ lol
2014-09-14 03:13:41 Redkiwi i could just end windows explorer too
2014-09-14 03:13:47 Redkiwi or system 32
2014-09-14 03:13:56 +McBride36 it woudln't kill anythng
2014-09-14 03:13:59 +McBride36 you'd just have to reboot
2014-09-14 03:14:00 Trondby ending windows explorer aint bad
2014-09-14 03:14:07 +McBride36 i end win explorer
2014-09-14 03:14:12 Trondby you can even restart explorer from task manager
2014-09-14 03:14:12 +McBride36 when i want to play AOEII
2014-09-14 03:14:15 Redkiwi "would you like to end explorer.exe?"
2014-09-14 03:14:16 +McBride36 pls
2014-09-14 03:14:17 +McBride36 win r
2014-09-14 03:14:36 Redkiwi oooh
2014-09-14 03:14:38 Redkiwi cool
2014-09-14 03:14:40 +McBride36 but yeah Redkiwi
2014-09-14 03:14:46 +McBride36 safe mode
2014-09-14 03:14:47 Redkiwi safe mode?
2014-09-14 03:14:48 Redkiwi yeah
2014-09-14 03:14:49 Trondby McBride36 on my old comp i closed it any time i tryed any memory-heavy game
2014-09-14 03:14:51 Redkiwi bai
2014-09-14 03:14:51 +McBride36 update malwarebytes
2014-09-14 03:14:54 <-- Redkiwi ( has quit (Quit: Leaving)
2014-09-14 03:14:58 Ion_ uhm
2014-09-14 03:14:59 +McBride36 Trondby, what OS?
2014-09-14 03:15:09 Trondby Vista lolololol
2014-09-14 03:15:14 +McBride36 oh fuck that
2014-09-14 03:15:42 +McBride36 pooppants, join that one channel pls
2014-09-14 03:15:51 +pooppants k
2014-09-14 03:16:29 +McBride36 no one checked mod logs today
2014-09-14 03:16:34 +McBride36 and saw that i banned myself
2014-09-14 03:18:07 +McBride36 k bedtime
2014-09-14 03:18:14 Ion_ nighty night McBride36
2014-09-14 03:18:15 +McBride36 ltr bbys
2014-09-14 03:20:19 Allison__ Hm
2014-09-14 03:22:52 <-- McBride36 (~McBride36@unaffiliated/mcbride36) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2014-09-14 03:26:18 --> Redkiwi ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 03:26:19 [TagPro] [Redkiwi] |
2014-09-14 03:26:36 Redkiwi cool hexchat has a safe mode
2014-09-14 03:26:43 --> poots ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 03:26:51 poots lol okay
2014-09-14 03:27:01 poots it should embed images with extensions now
2014-09-14 03:27:11 +pooppants
2014-09-14 03:27:19 poots yup!
2014-09-14 03:27:26 Ion_ neato
2014-09-14 03:27:26 Redkiwi malwarebytes has found like 25 threats so far
2014-09-14 03:27:30 poots
2014-09-14 03:27:32 Ion_ heh
2014-09-14 03:27:42 Redkiwi and i still have ads
2014-09-14 03:27:45 Redkiwi in safe mode
2014-09-14 03:27:48 poots lolol
2014-09-14 03:27:50 poots LOLOL
2014-09-14 03:27:51 Ion_ uh
2014-09-14 03:27:54 Ion_ that's really not good at all
2014-09-14 03:27:57 poots LOLOLOLOLOL
2014-09-14 03:28:08 Ion_ poots wat
2014-09-14 03:28:08 Ion_ pls
2014-09-14 03:28:18 poots holy shit kiwi what did you download
2014-09-14 03:28:18 Redkiwi looks cool though
2014-09-14 03:28:37 Redkiwi nothing poots
2014-09-14 03:28:43 Ion_ "nothing"
2014-09-14 03:28:45 Ion_ lol
2014-09-14 03:28:48 poots lol
2014-09-14 03:28:49 Redkiwi just clicked a link from tim-sanchez yesterday
2014-09-14 03:28:54 Redkiwi somthing somthing dildos
2014-09-14 03:28:54 poots ugh
2014-09-14 03:28:57 poots he's the worst
2014-09-14 03:29:05 poots also please click the image and share the direct link
2014-09-14 03:29:11 Redkiwi i cant
2014-09-14 03:29:12 Ion_ well whatever it was, it fucked your computer up right good
2014-09-14 03:29:15 Trondby classic timler
2014-09-14 03:29:23 Redkiwi it directs me to more ads poots
2014-09-14 03:29:32 poots I could make the extension automagically convert those imgur links to the direct images i guess
2014-09-14 03:29:37 Redkiwi nice
2014-09-14 03:29:56 poots it's just adding an i. at the beginning and .png at the end
2014-09-14 03:29:56 Redkiwi woah 47 detected objects now
2014-09-14 03:30:02 Redkiwi ah
2014-09-14 03:30:07 Ion_ jeeeeesus
2014-09-14 03:30:15 Redkiwi now 58
2014-09-14 03:30:22 Redkiwi complete :)
2014-09-14 03:30:33 Ion_ I'm skeptical to malwarebytes being able to remove that, seeing as it still shows ads in safe mode
2014-09-14 03:31:44 Redkiwi
2014-09-14 03:31:45 Redkiwi woo
2014-09-14 03:31:48 Redkiwi ill try
2014-09-14 03:31:57 <-- Redkiwi ( has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2014-09-14 03:32:18 Ion_ Rootkits: Disabled
2014-09-14 03:32:24 Ion_ does this mean it's not looking for rootkits?
2014-09-14 03:33:15 +pooppants ugh
2014-09-14 03:33:25 +pooppants var re = /\b((?:https?:\/\/|www\d{0,3}[.]|[a-z0-9.\-]+[.][a-z]{2,4}\/)(?:[^\s()<>]+|\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\))+(?:\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\)|[^\s`!()\[\]{};:'".,<>?«»“”‘’]))/gi;
2014-09-14 03:33:26 +pooppants WHY
2014-09-14 03:33:34 --> Redkiwi ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 03:33:34 [TagPro] [Redkiwi] |
2014-09-14 03:33:34 Ion_ what in gods name is all that
2014-09-14 03:33:42 Ion_ Redkiwi, any luck?
2014-09-14 03:33:43 +pooppants that's a regex to match URLs
2014-09-14 03:33:48 Redkiwi ill check
2014-09-14 03:33:49 Ion_ ahh yes
2014-09-14 03:33:57 Ion_ pooppants you wanna see a regex that tests emails?
2014-09-14 03:34:41 Redkiwi yay!
2014-09-14 03:34:42 +pooppants lol
2014-09-14 03:34:44 +pooppants i've seen it
2014-09-14 03:34:45 Redkiwi no ads in google anymore
2014-09-14 03:34:59 Ion_ well that's good
2014-09-14 03:34:59 Redkiwi ill run one more scan though
2014-09-14 03:35:18 Ion_ so I'm never clicking on a link tim-sanchez sends me I guess
2014-09-14 03:35:22 Redkiwi where did malwarebytes go??
2014-09-14 03:35:31 Ion_ ??
2014-09-14 03:35:41 Redkiwi it disappeared from my puter
2014-09-14 03:35:54 Ion_ that's weird
2014-09-14 03:35:58 Allison__ Heh
2014-09-14 03:36:01 Allison__ Puter
2014-09-14 03:36:07 Redkiwi :)
2014-09-14 03:36:12 Redkiwi hi ally-kompis
2014-09-14 03:36:17 Allison__ Hi reddie
2014-09-14 03:36:24 Redkiwi okay found it
2014-09-14 03:36:27 Allison__ You learnt that from me
2014-09-14 03:36:31 Redkiwi yup
2014-09-14 03:36:38 +pooppants lolol
2014-09-14 03:37:03 Redkiwi what pooppants?
2014-09-14 03:37:14 +pooppants this fucking script
2014-09-14 03:37:55 <-- Robocop (5fac6820@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 03:38:40 Redkiwi HOW DARE HE
2014-09-14 03:38:59 Ion_ yeah delete that shit asap
2014-09-14 03:39:20 Ion_ then clear your recycle bin
2014-09-14 03:39:27 Ion_ then set your computer on fire and throw it out the window
2014-09-14 03:39:30 Redkiwi i kill
2014-09-14 03:39:36 poots lol
2014-09-14 03:39:36 poots wow
2014-09-14 03:39:38 Redkiwi muhaha
2014-09-14 03:39:40 poots redkiwi
2014-09-14 03:39:42 Redkiwi hi
2014-09-14 03:39:44 poots you really fucked up
2014-09-14 03:39:47 Redkiwi hehe
2014-09-14 03:39:52 poots k i gotta get some sleep
2014-09-14 03:39:55 Redkiwi bye!
2014-09-14 03:39:57 Redkiwi and thx
2014-09-14 03:39:57 Ion_ night night poots
2014-09-14 03:42:23 Redkiwi ion_ got a match?
2014-09-14 03:42:30 Ion_ huh?
2014-09-14 03:42:30 Redkiwi no wait i have a lighter
2014-09-14 03:42:35 Ion_ oh
2014-09-14 03:42:37 Ion_ lol
2014-09-14 03:43:00 Ion_ make sure you get it reaaaally well crisped
2014-09-14 03:43:26 * Redkiwi F*Z*Z*Z*T
2014-09-14 03:43:34 Ion_ well done
2014-09-14 03:44:05 Redkiwi KA-BOOOOOM
2014-09-14 03:44:14 Ion_ holy shit what is your computer made of
2014-09-14 03:44:28 Ion_ that was your computer right?
2014-09-14 03:45:12 Ion_ ...guys I think he's dead
2014-09-14 03:45:15 Redkiwi am i still here?
2014-09-14 03:45:18 Redkiwi phew
2014-09-14 03:45:19 Ion_ oh no there we go
2014-09-14 03:45:25 Redkiwi "oh no"
2014-09-14 03:45:51 Redkiwi malwarebytes cant find anyhthing
2014-09-14 03:45:59 Redkiwi dunno if thats good or bad
2014-09-14 03:46:07 Ion_ did you destroy all traces of it that you can see?
2014-09-14 03:46:20 Redkiwi with a big hammer
2014-09-14 03:46:25 Ion_ well that's all I can tell you to do
2014-09-14 03:46:49 Ion_ good lcuk
2014-09-14 03:46:51 Ion_ luck
2014-09-14 03:46:53 Ion_ and godspeed
2014-09-14 03:47:17 <-- JukeKing31 (ad1cd3ed@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
2014-09-14 03:47:49 Redkiwi thx ion_ :)
2014-09-14 03:47:53 Redkiwi i think its gone now
2014-09-14 03:47:57 Redkiwi ill just reboot
2014-09-14 03:48:00 Ion_ hopefull
2014-09-14 03:48:01 Ion_ y
2014-09-14 03:48:15 <-- Redkiwi ( has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2014-09-14 03:49:51 --> Redkiwi ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 03:49:51 [TagPro] [Redkiwi] |
2014-09-14 03:49:57 Redkiwi ah
2014-09-14 03:49:58 Ion_ still good?
2014-09-14 03:50:32 Redkiwi !YISS
2014-09-14 03:50:32 some_bot yiss
2014-09-14 03:50:37 Redkiwi it worked!
2014-09-14 03:50:38 Ion_ yay ^.^
2014-09-14 03:50:56 Redkiwi thx all :D
2014-09-14 03:51:25 Ion_ I think everyone who actually helped is gone lol
2014-09-14 03:51:53 Redkiwi oh
2014-09-14 03:51:57 Redkiwi hehe
2014-09-14 03:52:08 Redkiwi no pooppants is here
2014-09-14 03:52:29 Ion_ yeah but he went to bed
2014-09-14 03:54:09 Redkiwi okay
2014-09-14 03:58:37 <-- PurpleTeam[LAD] ( has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
2014-09-14 04:01:51 Redkiwi .afk norwegian sitcom time
2014-09-14 04:01:51 tagbot See you soon Redkiwi!
2014-09-14 04:03:12 Dikembe pls hi hue ballz
2014-09-14 04:10:05 Allison__ Wut
2014-09-14 04:10:11 Allison__ Norwegian sitcom
2014-09-14 04:10:19 Allison__ Hi Dikembe
2014-09-14 04:10:34 Dikembe !get 3594
2014-09-14 04:10:34 some_bot <Allison___> so Mr. Dikembe Mutombo Mpolondo Mukamba Jean Jacques wa Mutombo akamatonasa kowialata tatabokinoltamosa mutabola si koshkatamogo tagakirioksomotolak makaslkkm otoomanokorumbo sinotaocosama chiwatonakaloso jamalitpundi sajalu mutabaofaka nihow chichaw (Said by: Allison___!722d2c3c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/; grabbed by Dikembe!4a88c5fc@gateway/web/freenode/ip. at (1 more message)
2014-09-14 04:10:41 Dikembe Hi All
2014-09-14 04:14:28 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 1 players. likely or
2014-09-14 04:25:23 <-- Dikembe (4a88c5fc@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 04:26:11 Redkiwi hehehehe
2014-09-14 04:26:16 Redkiwi side om side is the best
2014-09-14 04:26:36 <-- cz (~roxy@2601:5:c00:82a:d9:b232:17b2:5f55) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
2014-09-14 04:27:17 Redkiwi allison__
2014-09-14 04:27:26 Redkiwi whats taiwanese sitcoms like?
2014-09-14 04:27:28 Redkiwi are
2014-09-14 04:27:33 Allison__ All the same
2014-09-14 04:27:38 Redkiwi ah
2014-09-14 04:27:43 Redkiwi name one
2014-09-14 04:27:54 Allison__ I don't watch TV
2014-09-14 04:27:59 Redkiwi neither i
2014-09-14 04:28:04 Redkiwi
2014-09-14 04:28:18 Allison__ I mean TV programs
2014-09-14 04:28:23 Redkiwi haha i know
2014-09-14 04:29:01 Allison__ I watch some horror movies at night
2014-09-14 04:29:07 Allison__ And that's it
2014-09-14 04:29:08 Redkiwi cool
2014-09-14 04:29:12 --> Ooooh ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 04:29:12 [TagPro] [Ooooh] technically we all netsplit
2014-09-14 04:29:13 AnkhBot Title: technically we all netsplit - |
2014-09-14 04:29:15 Redkiwi hi Ooooh :)
2014-09-14 04:29:16 tagbot Redkiwi, ooooh has been afk for 10 hours ("will check up on the chicken stories").
2014-09-14 04:29:21 Allison__ Well not entirely horror
2014-09-14 04:29:22 Redkiwi the what?
2014-09-14 04:29:27 Allison__ HI OOOOH
2014-09-14 04:29:27 tagbot Allison__, ooooh has been afk for 10 hours ("will check up on the chicken stories").
2014-09-14 04:29:29 Ion_ hiya Ooooh
2014-09-14 04:29:29 tagbot Ion_, ooooh has been afk for 10 hours ("will check up on the chicken stories").
2014-09-14 04:29:30 Ooooh U WUT
2014-09-14 04:29:36 Allison__ M8
2014-09-14 04:29:39 Redkiwi what chicken story lol
2014-09-14 04:29:49 Redkiwi sounds interesting
2014-09-14 04:29:58 Ooooh m8 ill eat ur chiken
2014-09-14 04:30:03 Redkiwi woah
2014-09-14 04:30:05 Redkiwi rood
2014-09-14 04:30:14 Redkiwi !grab ooooh
2014-09-14 04:30:14 some_bot The operation succeeded.
2014-09-14 04:30:19 Ooooh !plug 3
2014-09-14 04:30:20 some_bot Hey guys! Come woot with us at
2014-09-14 04:30:21 AnkhBot Title: join the party - |
2014-09-14 04:30:25 Ooooh wut
2014-09-14 04:30:29 Ooooh !plug3
2014-09-14 04:30:29 tagbot Hey guys! Come woot with us at
2014-09-14 04:30:29 some_bot
2014-09-14 04:30:30 AnkhBot Title: join the party - |
2014-09-14 04:30:30 AnkhBot Title: join the party - |
2014-09-14 04:30:33 Allison__ Ooooh pls
2014-09-14 04:30:37 Ion_ AnkhBot pls
2014-09-14 04:30:42 Allison__ You say you never join plug
2014-09-14 04:30:45 Allison__ 3
2014-09-14 04:30:49 Allison__ Plug 3
2014-09-14 04:31:06 Allison__ Well you "said"
2014-09-14 04:31:22 Ooooh stfu
2014-09-14 04:31:28 Allison__ Ugh
2014-09-14 04:31:45 Allison__ Contradictions, rude
2014-09-14 04:35:01 Kermit69 They kermits but i say he's still got it
2014-09-14 04:35:06 Ooooh ok
2014-09-14 04:35:16 Kermit69 Still
2014-09-14 04:35:24 Kermit69 Still
2014-09-14 04:36:26 Kermit69 im representing for all the gangsters all across the world
2014-09-14 04:38:38 Kermit69 still
2014-09-14 04:39:02 Ooooh ok
2014-09-14 04:39:15 Kermit69 ok
2014-09-14 04:39:44 Redkiwi hi Kermit69 :)
2014-09-14 04:39:58 Kermit69 Hey Redkiwi ;)
2014-09-14 04:40:13 Redkiwi plug?
2014-09-14 04:40:30 Kermit69 ? wut plug?
2014-09-14 04:44:03 Redkiwi
2014-09-14 04:44:04 AnkhBot Title: join the party - |
2014-09-14 04:45:16 --> rDuude (~rDuude@unaffiliated/rduude) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 04:45:17 [TagPro] [rDuude] || || technically we all netsplit
2014-09-14 04:46:25 Ooooh hi rDuude
2014-09-14 04:46:25 tagbot Ooooh, rduude has been afk for 10 hours ("night").
2014-09-14 04:46:26 Kermit69 whys it asking me to join? can't i just join your plug
2014-09-14 04:46:29 rDuude hi Ooooh
2014-09-14 04:47:09 Redkiwi hi rDuude!
2014-09-14 04:47:14 rDuude hey Redkiwi
2014-09-14 04:47:26 Redkiwi just join Kermit69
2014-09-14 04:47:31 Redkiwi if you have a user
2014-09-14 04:47:44 Kermit69 wtf are you playing lol
2014-09-14 04:47:56 Kermit69 i joined
2014-09-14 04:50:33 --> Sunna ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 04:50:33 [TagPro] [Sunna] Reduce Map Rotation to 45, Velocity, Bombing Run and Wormy pls
2014-09-14 04:54:32 Ooooh Gimme a S - S! Gimme a U - U! Gimme a N - N! Gimme a N - N! Gimme a A - A!
2014-09-14 04:54:33 Ooooh SUNNA
2014-09-14 04:54:34 Ooooh WOOO
2014-09-14 04:54:49 Sunna hahah Ooooh <3
2014-09-14 04:54:51 Sunna hi!
2014-09-14 04:55:29 rDuude hi Sunna
2014-09-14 04:55:35 Sunna hi rDuude :)
2014-09-14 05:00:51 Kermit69 i just realized I've been wearing my pants with the tag still on all fucken day
2014-09-14 05:01:59 Allison__ Sunna
2014-09-14 05:02:11 Sunna Allison__
2014-09-14 05:02:18 Allison__ How do you enter on phonr
2014-09-14 05:02:23 Allison__ Phone
2014-09-14 05:02:28 Sunna uuh
2014-09-14 05:02:33 Sunna you have to have chrome
2014-09-14 05:02:36 Sunna on phone
2014-09-14 05:02:39 Allison__ Yep
2014-09-14 05:02:40 Sunna and go to settings
2014-09-14 05:02:43 Allison__ I tried
2014-09-14 05:02:45 Sunna or menu
2014-09-14 05:02:52 Sunna and choose use desktop version
2014-09-14 05:03:05 --> brxtr_ ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 05:03:12 Allison__ The chrome settings?
2014-09-14 05:03:15 Sunna yeah
2014-09-14 05:03:17 Sunna on phone
2014-09-14 05:03:20 Sunna open chrome
2014-09-14 05:03:25 Sunna click the menu button
2014-09-14 05:03:38 Sunna and there will be option
2014-09-14 05:03:47 Sunna Request Desktop site
2014-09-14 05:03:50 Sunna and tick the box
2014-09-14 05:04:06 Ooooh hi brxtr_
2014-09-14 05:04:08 Ooooh gl tonight
2014-09-14 05:04:14 --> Steelballs ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 05:04:17 Ooooh hi Steelballs
2014-09-14 05:04:30 Ooooh my day just got brighter bb
2014-09-14 05:04:36 brxtr_ hi Ooooh
2014-09-14 05:04:43 Sunna hi Steelballs
2014-09-14 05:04:45 brxtr_ gl to me?
2014-09-14 05:04:50 Steelballs hey Ooooh
2014-09-14 05:04:52 Steelballs hey Sunna
2014-09-14 05:05:01 Steelballs did the sun just come up?
2014-09-14 05:05:08 Kermit69 i could make a playlist and get in line, but I'm sure y'all foreigners would hate my music lol
2014-09-14 05:05:20 brxtr_ brb restarting for Windows Update
2014-09-14 05:05:20 Steelballs ALL MY EXES LIVE IN TEXAS?
2014-09-14 05:05:31 Steelballs would be somehting like that wouldnt it kermit
2014-09-14 05:05:32 Kermit69 no i listen to death metal
2014-09-14 05:05:35 Steelballs cos your from america
2014-09-14 05:05:41 Steelballs and they listen to country music there
2014-09-14 05:05:43 <-- brxtr_ ( has quit (Client Quit)
2014-09-14 05:05:46 Kermit69 it would be BRING ME THE HORIZOn
2014-09-14 05:05:49 Allison__ Sunna I don't think there is one
2014-09-14 05:05:53 Steelballs THATS WHY I HANG MY HAT IN TENNESE
2014-09-14 05:05:58 Sunna really?
2014-09-14 05:06:00 Kermit69 they're from england or some shit
2014-09-14 05:06:03 Allison__ Nope
2014-09-14 05:06:11 Steelballs i played with bring me the horizon before they were big
2014-09-14 05:06:14 Allison__ Looked everywhere
2014-09-14 05:06:19 Steelballs we called them bring me the haircut
2014-09-14 05:06:21 Steelballs and laughed
2014-09-14 05:06:25 Kermit69 i love them
2014-09-14 05:06:33 Kermit69 they're huge
2014-09-14 05:06:40 Steelballs yeah they got big
2014-09-14 05:06:43 Kermit69 or five finger death punch
2014-09-14 05:06:49 --> brxtr ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 05:06:52 Ion_ ohi rDuude
2014-09-14 05:06:53 Kermit69 or eyes set to kill
2014-09-14 05:06:53 Ooooh hi brxtr
2014-09-14 05:06:56 Ooooh gl tonight
2014-09-14 05:06:59 Ion_ hiya brxtr
2014-09-14 05:07:00 Ion_ hiya Steelballs
2014-09-14 05:07:02 Steelballs rduude is here?
2014-09-14 05:07:04 rDuude hi Ion_
2014-09-14 05:07:04 Steelballs hi Ion_
2014-09-14 05:07:05 rDuude hi Steelballs
2014-09-14 05:07:15 Steelballs hi rduude
2014-09-14 05:07:16 brxtr hi Ooooh lol
2014-09-14 05:07:18 Kermit69 are you all oversees?
2014-09-14 05:07:23 Ion_ yes
2014-09-14 05:07:26 Steelballs it is eu time now
2014-09-14 05:07:31 Ooooh you are overseas
2014-09-14 05:07:32 Ooooh not us
2014-09-14 05:07:35 Kermit69 fucken europe lol
2014-09-14 05:07:36 Ion_ heheh
2014-09-14 05:07:44 Steelballs cept from Ion_
2014-09-14 05:07:47 Steelballs he honororary eu
2014-09-14 05:07:50 Ion_ ^.^
2014-09-14 05:07:51 --> Mutiny (5222a9ae@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 05:07:52 brxtr hi Ion_
2014-09-14 05:07:53 Kermit69 lol
2014-09-14 05:07:58 Ion_ hiya Mutiny
2014-09-14 05:08:02 Ooooh hi Mutiny
2014-09-14 05:08:02 Mutiny Hi
2014-09-14 05:08:02 rDuude hey Mutiny
2014-09-14 05:08:03 Kermit69 wheres ion at
2014-09-14 05:08:08 Ooooh Ohio
2014-09-14 05:08:09 Ion_ right here
2014-09-14 05:08:10 Ooooh the unlucky dude
2014-09-14 05:08:12 Steelballs ohioh
2014-09-14 05:08:12 Mutiny what's the url for newcompte's server?
2014-09-14 05:08:18 rDuude
2014-09-14 05:08:19 Ion_ wow Ooooh don't reveal my location
2014-09-14 05:08:24 Mutiny thanks
2014-09-14 05:08:27 Steelballs !whois Ion_
2014-09-14 05:08:27 rDuude no worries
2014-09-14 05:08:28 Ion_ top sekrit
2014-09-14 05:08:29 some_bot realname ( has been on server since 10:46 PM, September 13, 2014 (idle for 8 seconds) and is on #tagpro.
2014-09-14 05:08:37 Kermit69 ohio? your further west than me lol
2014-09-14 05:08:38 Ion_ that could be any columbus
2014-09-14 05:08:55 Steelballs hes so far west hes in europe bby
2014-09-14 05:09:00 Ion_ ^
2014-09-14 05:09:15 --> Lysozyme (51654462@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 05:09:18 Ooooh hi Lysozyme
2014-09-14 05:09:19 Kermit69 uh he just said ohio
2014-09-14 05:09:22 rDuude hi Lysozyme
2014-09-14 05:09:29 Lysozyme hey
2014-09-14 05:09:30 Ion_ hiya Lysozyme
2014-09-14 05:09:32 Steelballs well yea he is in ohio
2014-09-14 05:09:36 Steelballs but really hes in europe
2014-09-14 05:09:43 Ion_ I'm in a very western part of ohio
2014-09-14 05:09:47 Sunna Allison__ looks like this:
2014-09-14 05:09:49 Ion_ which happens to be in the EU
2014-09-14 05:09:52 Steelballs ^
2014-09-14 05:10:01 Lysozyme Guys guess which map gives you the highest win %
2014-09-14 05:10:08 Ooooh !get 2699
2014-09-14 05:10:08 some_bot <chiinacat> get some meth mcbriede (Said by: chiinacat!1812136a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.; grabbed by cab_at_school!d257ffe2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. at 12:00 AM, June 16, 2014)
2014-09-14 05:10:11 Ooooh !get 3699
2014-09-14 05:10:11 some_bot <Ooooh> Ion_ is an honorary EU (Said by: Ooooh!; grabbed by Ion_! at 04:46 PM, August 30, 2014)
2014-09-14 05:10:11 Kermit69 ok whatever
2014-09-14 05:10:12 rDuude Lysozyme, tell us
2014-09-14 05:10:13 Ion_ none of them
2014-09-14 05:10:14 Steelballs sunna y r u showing allinson how to hide porn
2014-09-14 05:10:16 Allison__ Hmmmm
2014-09-14 05:10:19 Ion_ because they all average out to 50%
2014-09-14 05:10:24 rDuude lol
2014-09-14 05:10:31 Sunna Steelballs pls
2014-09-14 05:10:32 brxtr Lysozyme: For me it's Bombing Run
2014-09-14 05:10:32 Lysozyme nope the average was 60 something
2014-09-14 05:10:32 rDuude a bit less
2014-09-14 05:10:32 Allison__ Steel balls pls
2014-09-14 05:10:34 rDuude because of ties
2014-09-14 05:10:39 Ion_ ahh yes
2014-09-14 05:10:44 Allison__ I use incognito routinely
2014-09-14 05:10:50 Ooooh Lysozyme, holy see
2014-09-14 05:10:54 Steelballs is it because you are buying the wife a gift?
2014-09-14 05:11:00 Ion_ sample size isn't large enough m8
2014-09-14 05:11:03 rDuude ^
2014-09-14 05:11:05 --> Ballkenende_ (b2553399@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 05:11:05 [TagPro] [Ballkenende_] ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つBRING BACK COMMAND CENTER OR WE RIOT ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
2014-09-14 05:11:09 * Ooooh hides
2014-09-14 05:11:12 rDuude if everyone in tagpro filled it, it'd be like ~49%
2014-09-14 05:11:16 Ballkenende_ hi
2014-09-14 05:11:17 Ion_ hiya Ballkenende_
2014-09-14 05:11:20 rDuude for every map
2014-09-14 05:11:25 rDuude Lysozyme, tell us!
2014-09-14 05:11:30 Ooooh holy see holy see
2014-09-14 05:11:33 Lysozyme TAKE A LOOK AT THIS:
2014-09-14 05:11:36 Ion_ ricochet
2014-09-14 05:11:40 Lysozyme MOTHA FUCKIN GAMEPAD
2014-09-14 05:11:43 Ion_ fucking GAMEPAD?
2014-09-14 05:11:43 rDuude OH FFS
2014-09-14 05:11:45 Ooooh Wuuuut
2014-09-14 05:11:54 Lysozyme IKR!!!
2014-09-14 05:12:03 Kermit69 i blame gamepad on erurope
2014-09-14 05:12:21 Ion_ that's pretty strange that they're all above 50%
2014-09-14 05:12:22 Ooooh yeah an american didnt make it ...
2014-09-14 05:12:23 Kermit69 i blame everything bad on europe
2014-09-14 05:12:31 Ion_ that must have been from one person or something
2014-09-14 05:12:34 Kermit69 we should just nuke em
2014-09-14 05:12:40 Ion_ because that's impossible
2014-09-14 05:12:53 rDuude Ion_, that's because the people that use the toolkit are people who take the game more seriously
2014-09-14 05:12:56 Ooooh Volt so low
2014-09-14 05:13:03 Ion_ volt's only low because it's new
2014-09-14 05:13:06 Ooooh youre new
2014-09-14 05:13:07 rDuude the survey was filled only by people who have tagpro toolkit
2014-09-14 05:13:09 Ion_ 45's only low because it was taken out
2014-09-14 05:13:17 rDuude 57% isn't low
2014-09-14 05:13:19 rDuude it's lower
2014-09-14 05:13:19 Sunna damn those consistent results
2014-09-14 05:13:25 Ion_ relatively low
2014-09-14 05:13:27 rDuude yeah
2014-09-14 05:13:27 Ion_ pls
2014-09-14 05:13:29 Steelballs what is this survey representing again
2014-09-14 05:13:36 Ion_ win% by map
2014-09-14 05:13:37 Ooooh brb only playing gamepad
2014-09-14 05:13:39 rDuude Steelballs, people who use tagpro toolkit, win% by map
2014-09-14 05:13:42 Kermit69 Volts been in rotation for over a month, and i fucken hate it
2014-09-14 05:13:46 Steelballs oh ok
2014-09-14 05:13:51 Ooooh I dont enjoy it either
2014-09-14 05:13:53 Ion_ pls volt is 3rd best map
2014-09-14 05:13:56 Sunna lol i suck at volt
2014-09-14 05:13:58 Ion_ 2nd wormy 1st ricochet
2014-09-14 05:14:03 Ooooh to play it well someone has to sit on buttons far too much
2014-09-14 05:14:03 Ooooh boring
2014-09-14 05:14:04 Kermit69 for newbs maye
2014-09-14 05:14:07 Kermit69 maybe
2014-09-14 05:14:10 Ion_ lol pls
2014-09-14 05:14:15 Steelballs bring back glory hole
2014-09-14 05:14:17 Ooooh ^
2014-09-14 05:14:23 Ballkenende_ is glory hole gone?
2014-09-14 05:14:26 Ooooh lol
2014-09-14 05:14:27 Kermit69 ^^]
2014-09-14 05:14:28 Ooooh this guy
2014-09-14 05:14:29 rDuude wut
2014-09-14 05:14:30 Lysozyme heres the ratings:
2014-09-14 05:14:31 Ion_ I wanna play glory now that I don't suck quite as hard
2014-09-14 05:14:31 Steelballs lol
2014-09-14 05:14:35 Steelballs this guy
2014-09-14 05:14:45 Ooooh GoS pls
2014-09-14 05:14:47 Ooooh DaEvil1 pls
2014-09-14 05:14:53 rDuude that's pretty much expected Lysozyme
2014-09-14 05:14:58 Lysozyme yeah
2014-09-14 05:15:02 Sunna Lysozyme is this average rating for each map?
2014-09-14 05:15:02 Kermit69 command centers so high…why gone
2014-09-14 05:15:07 Lysozyme yes sunna
2014-09-14 05:15:07 Ooooh inb4 Koala taken out of rotation as its too D friendly
2014-09-14 05:15:09 brxtr Why is SNES V2 so low, I really like that one
2014-09-14 05:15:10 Sunna like for everyone that submitted
2014-09-14 05:15:10 Ballkenende_ bc reasons Kermit69
2014-09-14 05:15:13 Ion_ that survey is useless
2014-09-14 05:15:16 Ion_ >ricochet not top spot
2014-09-14 05:15:17 Ion_ pls
2014-09-14 05:15:21 Ballkenende_ you dont understand that?
2014-09-14 05:15:31 Kermit69 Ballkenede fuck the reasons
2014-09-14 05:15:53 Steelballs .group chord
2014-09-14 05:15:54 tagbot
2014-09-14 05:16:02 Ion_ Lysozyme how many people submitted that survey?
2014-09-14 05:16:05 Sunna yeah the three last results are the ones i dont like playing
2014-09-14 05:16:05 Ion_ for the ratings that is
2014-09-14 05:16:11 Sunna colors gamepad and grail of speed
2014-09-14 05:16:16 Lysozyme only like 40
2014-09-14 05:16:17 rDuude i dislike colors and gamepad
2014-09-14 05:16:20 rDuude but i like GoS
2014-09-14 05:16:23 Lysozyme so not that many for a survey
2014-09-14 05:16:25 Sunna and then danger zone
2014-09-14 05:16:31 Kermit69 to many for pubs so i left
2014-09-14 05:16:31 Sunna but only because its so fucking chaotic
2014-09-14 05:16:41 Sunna i dislike chaotic maps
2014-09-14 05:16:46 Sunna but apparently im good at them?
2014-09-14 05:17:00 Sunna eh f that
2014-09-14 05:17:01 Lysozyme <- Differences between liking and winning
2014-09-14 05:17:22 <-- sirquine_work ( has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2014-09-14 05:17:26 Ballkenende_ That pretty fucking interesting
2014-09-14 05:17:34 Sunna yeah
2014-09-14 05:17:43 Sunna gamepad is one of my highest win percentages
2014-09-14 05:17:48 Sunna I dont fucking like gamepad
2014-09-14 05:17:58 Sunna it's like
2014-09-14 05:18:05 Sunna 86% win on Gamepad
2014-09-14 05:18:09 Ballkenende_ ^
2014-09-14 05:18:13 Kermit69 shit i was sb1 i didn't even realize
2014-09-14 05:18:15 Ooooh you screwed up the survey Sunna
2014-09-14 05:18:16 Ooooh thanks
2014-09-14 05:18:19 Ion_ lel
2014-09-14 05:18:20 Ballkenende_ bc fuk Gamepad
2014-09-14 05:18:23 Sunna Ooooh all my fault
2014-09-14 05:18:24 Steelballs well done sunna
2014-09-14 05:18:27 Sunna I gave gamepad a 1
2014-09-14 05:18:30 Sunna or a 0
2014-09-14 05:18:32 Sunna or whatever
2014-09-14 05:18:34 Lysozyme haha
2014-09-14 05:18:37 rDuude so, winning =/= fun
2014-09-14 05:18:41 Steelballs i dnt even know what tagpro toolkit is
2014-09-14 05:18:41 Sunna ^
2014-09-14 05:18:43 Ion_ apparently not
2014-09-14 05:18:44 Steelballs damn kids
2014-09-14 05:18:55 Lysozyme thats all ive done so far
2014-09-14 05:18:57 rDuude that's interesting
2014-09-14 05:19:20 Kermit69 i can't join the current group because i got kicked lol
2014-09-14 05:19:34 Kermit69 no clue why i was some ball and not me
2014-09-14 05:20:28 Lysozyme alright i'm going, i just wanted to share the news of the glory of gamepad
2014-09-14 05:20:39 Lysozyme byyyee
2014-09-14 05:20:47 <-- Lysozyme (51654462@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #tagpro
2014-09-14 05:23:34 Kermit69 8 wins….lets go
2014-09-14 05:23:50 Ooooh Steelballs,
2014-09-14 05:23:54 Ooooh why did you let Ballkenende_ play
2014-09-14 05:23:57 Ion_ and now we wait for Rookie
2014-09-14 05:23:58 Steelballs i have no idea
2014-09-14 05:24:00 Ooooh doesnt even understand group play
2014-09-14 05:24:03 Ion_ lol pls
2014-09-14 05:24:08 Ballkenende_ please
2014-09-14 05:25:29 <-- Mutiny (5222a9ae@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 05:31:48 Steelballs Ooooh,
2014-09-14 05:31:49 Ballkenende_ Ooooh: pls
2014-09-14 05:31:50 Steelballs NO MAD
2014-09-14 05:32:05 Ooooh if he wants to call me a douche fine but im not grouping with him
2014-09-14 05:32:28 Steelballs ok bby
2014-09-14 05:32:30 Ballkenende_ The fact is that i have lag i have a shit computer
2014-09-14 05:32:38 Ballkenende_ So dont call me a liar
2014-09-14 05:32:38 Ooooh ok no need to call me a douche
2014-09-14 05:33:03 Ballkenende_ ok mb
2014-09-14 05:33:58 Steelballs move back home tomorrow
2014-09-14 05:34:01 Steelballs eurgh
2014-09-14 05:34:08 Steelballs gotta tidy
2014-09-14 05:34:13 Steelballs come tidy for me Ooooh pls
2014-09-14 05:34:27 Ooooh move home?
2014-09-14 05:34:31 Ooooh where you been at?
2014-09-14 05:34:42 Steelballs my parents
2014-09-14 05:34:44 Steelballs told you
2014-09-14 05:34:53 Ooooh I thought that was just the w/e
2014-09-14 05:34:59 Steelballs ironically they're in chicago
2014-09-14 05:35:01 Steelballs lol
2014-09-14 05:35:18 Ooooh My place needs cleaning first
2014-09-14 05:35:34 Ballkenende_ and Ooooh why did you say i dont understand group play
2014-09-14 05:35:46 Ion_ Steelballs we can pub on origin/pi then ^.^
2014-09-14 05:35:47 Ooooh Stuff i say in group chat doesnt need to be repeated to all chat
2014-09-14 05:36:07 Ion_ Ballkenende_, hit G for group chat
2014-09-14 05:36:15 Ion_ it's like team chat but it's to the group only
2014-09-14 05:36:18 Ooooh I was joking about having a noob team but when you repeat that to everyone it looks shit
2014-09-14 05:36:20 Ballkenende_ Ion_: Didnt know thank you
2014-09-14 05:36:33 Ballkenende_ Ooooh: I took that way to seriously mb
2014-09-14 05:37:35 Steelballs Ion_ pls im not in chicago my parents are
2014-09-14 05:37:44 Ion_ yeah but you said you're moving back home pls
2014-09-14 05:37:55 Ooooh lol
2014-09-14 05:37:58 Steelballs yeah to the next village
2014-09-14 05:37:59 Steelballs lol
2014-09-14 05:38:02 Ballkenende_ gotta go
2014-09-14 05:38:05 Ion_ wha
2014-09-14 05:38:05 <-- Ballkenende_ (b2553399@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 05:38:30 Steelballs my parents are on holiday
2014-09-14 05:38:34 Steelballs in chicago
2014-09-14 05:38:38 Ion_ OH
2014-09-14 05:38:40 Steelballs im looking after their house
2014-09-14 05:38:41 Steelballs lol
2014-09-14 05:38:42 Ion_ I see
2014-09-14 05:38:59 Ooooh surely you could stay at yours
2014-09-14 05:39:01 Ooooh and pop over
2014-09-14 05:39:09 Steelballs two dogs at my house is too much
2014-09-14 05:39:10 Ooooh My parents live in Dubai and have someone come over once a week
2014-09-14 05:39:11 Ooooh and its fine
2014-09-14 05:39:13 Steelballs i only have teeny house
2014-09-14 05:39:16 Ooooh ah
2014-09-14 05:39:17 Ion_ I was wondering why you weren't complaining about lag lol
2014-09-14 05:50:43 Ooooh !viewgreet
2014-09-14 05:50:48 Ooooh technically we all netsplit
2014-09-14 05:50:48 AnkhBot Title: technically we all netsplit - |
2014-09-14 05:50:53 Ooooh good laugh
2014-09-14 05:55:41 Ion_ man I wish I was there that day
2014-09-14 05:56:09 Ooooh I wish you were there that day, bb.
2014-09-14 05:58:58 --> someball (cdfafd3f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 05:59:08 someball hey. are the test servers back?
2014-09-14 05:59:19 Ion_ I dunno, give it a try :)
2014-09-14 05:59:31 someball !test 45
2014-09-14 05:59:33 some_bot (45)
2014-09-14 05:59:36 Ion_ yay!
2014-09-14 05:59:37 someball yus!
2014-09-14 06:00:31 someball now whats the site where i can see all the maps? :P
2014-09-14 06:00:42 Ion_ :)
2014-09-14 06:01:32 Ooooh
2014-09-14 06:01:34 Ooooh cus it looks better
2014-09-14 06:01:41 Ion_ lol pls
2014-09-14 06:01:54 someball the ever helpful Ion_, and friends :D
2014-09-14 06:02:06 Ion_ hehe
2014-09-14 06:02:27 Ooooh Ooooh, now known as friend
2014-09-14 06:03:22 Ooooh
2014-09-14 06:03:23 Ooooh lol
2014-09-14 06:03:35 Ion_ wha
2014-09-14 06:03:54 Ion_ I don't get it because american scrub
2014-09-14 06:04:06 Ion_ pls explain
2014-09-14 06:04:51 Ooooh Independance vote this thursday
2014-09-14 06:04:59 Ooooh someone climbed up and put this "Yes" sign
2014-09-14 06:05:00 Ion_ ohhhh
2014-09-14 06:05:04 Ion_ lol
2014-09-14 06:05:05 Ooooh thats Edinburgh castle
2014-09-14 06:05:13 Ooooh it most definitely shouldnt be there :P
2014-09-14 06:05:45 Ion_ I thought the word "Yes" was a natural feature on cliffs in the UK
2014-09-14 06:05:51 someball did you guys see the groundskeeper Willie's video on Scotland independence
2014-09-14 06:05:51 Steelballs NO BUT HORSES ARE
2014-09-14 06:05:56 Ion_ wot
2014-09-14 06:06:13 Ion_ hehe I think I did someball
2014-09-14 06:06:20 Steelballs
2014-09-14 06:06:29 Ion_ lolol
2014-09-14 06:06:42 Steelballs
2014-09-14 06:06:50 Steelballs we always draw horses on cliffs
2014-09-14 06:06:54 Steelballs for shits and giggles
2014-09-14 06:07:03 Ion_ what a lovely pasttime
2014-09-14 06:07:12 Ooooh someball, link me
2014-09-14 06:07:16 someball
2014-09-14 06:07:17 AnkhBot Title: Willie's Views On Scottish Independence | THE SIMPSONS | ANIMATION on FOX - YouTube |
2014-09-14 06:07:35 Steelballs THIS IS NOT A TATTOO ITS A BIRTHMARK
2014-09-14 06:07:36 Steelballs hahaha
2014-09-14 06:07:39 someball lol
2014-09-14 06:08:30 someball i started watching a bunch of groundskeeper willie videos after that. and its not a birthmark!
2014-09-14 06:08:33 Ion_ lolol
2014-09-14 06:08:34 someball he lied
2014-09-14 06:09:18 someball
2014-09-14 06:09:19 AnkhBot Title: Grease me up woman! - YouTube |
2014-09-14 06:09:48 someball :P
2014-09-14 06:10:35 someball now that the test sever is back, i cant remember what i wanted it for
2014-09-14 06:10:44 Ooooh 45
2014-09-14 06:10:45 Ion_ heheh
2014-09-14 06:11:15 someball that was just to see if it was up. it was the shortest map name i know
2014-09-14 06:11:28 Ion_ I always do star for some reason
2014-09-14 06:11:33 Ion_ I don't even like that map :\
2014-09-14 06:11:48 someball i won my first cltp this week on star!
2014-09-14 06:12:00 Ion_ nice haha
2014-09-14 06:12:04 Kermit69 sorry i had to close the plug, i can only listen to music i don't like for so long
2014-09-14 06:12:18 Ooooh fair enough
2014-09-14 06:12:22 someball but i still dont really like it.
2014-09-14 06:14:06 Kermit69 this my shit
2014-09-14 06:14:07 AnkhBot Title: Five Finger Death Punch - Wrong Side Of Heaven - YouTube |
2014-09-14 06:14:12 Ooooh hey Ion_ how does this make you feel
2014-09-14 06:14:26 Ion_ I'm not sure
2014-09-14 06:14:42 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 1 players. likely or
2014-09-14 06:14:51 Ion_ it's some strange mixture of envy and awe
2014-09-14 06:15:16 Ooooh it just makes me want to dig hellevators
2014-09-14 06:15:57 Ion_ wow he's only got like 4 npc houses
2014-09-14 06:15:58 Ion_ what a scrub
2014-09-14 06:17:37 Ooooh hogwarts
2014-09-14 06:17:48 Ion_ oh god no
2014-09-14 06:17:55 Ion_ my hand hurts just looking at that
2014-09-14 06:18:39 --> Ballkenende_ (b2553399@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 06:18:39 [TagPro] [Ballkenende_] ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つBRING BACK COMMAND CENTER OR WE RIOT ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
2014-09-14 06:18:46 Ballkenende_ !today
2014-09-14 06:18:46 [TagPro] Ballkenende_ (Ballkenende) today: Time Played: 00:14:46 / Games: 3 / w/l/dc/%: 3/0/0/100% Caps: 3 / Drops: 12 / Grabs: 15 / Hold: 00:01:27 / Pops: 15 / Prevent: 00:00:21 / Returns: 5 / Support: 45 / Tags: 8
2014-09-14 06:18:52 Ballkenende_ :D
2014-09-14 06:19:06 Kermit69 !today
2014-09-14 06:19:07 [TagPro] Kermit69 (Kermit69) today: Time Played: 00:39:31 / Games: 11 / w/l/dc/%: 4/7/0/36% (lose much? #lrn2tagpro) Caps: 2 / Drops: 26 / Grabs: 28 / Hold: 00:03:37 / Pops: 58 / Prevent: 00:02:27 / Returns: 24 / Support: 91 / Tags: 35
2014-09-14 06:19:12 Kermit69 lol
2014-09-14 06:19:15 Ballkenende_ wow...
2014-09-14 06:19:20 Ion_ D:
2014-09-14 06:19:35 Kermit69 im drtunk as fuck so idk
2014-09-14 06:19:45 Ion_ >drtunk
2014-09-14 06:19:47 Ion_ confirmed drunk
2014-09-14 06:19:51 Ballkenende_ We see at yout spelling
2014-09-14 06:19:55 Ooooh >yout
2014-09-14 06:19:55 Ballkenende_ ^
2014-09-14 06:20:00 Ooooh Ballkenende_, drtunk too
2014-09-14 06:20:01 Ion_ confirmed drunk
2014-09-14 06:20:02 Ballkenende_ yeah.....
2014-09-14 06:20:19 Ballkenende_ I dont think its good if you are drunk at your 15th
2014-09-14 06:20:23 Kermit69 its 620 am here ckearkt I'm fucked up
2014-09-14 06:20:40 Ion_ not sure what word you were going for there
2014-09-14 06:20:49 Ballkenende_ 420
2014-09-14 06:20:52 Kermit69 clearler
2014-09-14 06:20:57 Ion_ almost
2014-09-14 06:20:58 Kermit69 clearly*
2014-09-14 06:21:01 Ion_ lol
2014-09-14 06:21:17 Ballkenende_ how many weeds and bears
2014-09-14 06:21:25 Ballkenende_ Yes.
2014-09-14 06:21:30 Kermit69 no weeds lotgs of beetrs
2014-09-14 06:21:38 Ion_ what
2014-09-14 06:21:39 Kermit69 LOTS OF BEERS*
2014-09-14 06:21:56 Ion_ that was mostly directed at Ballkenende_ but lol
2014-09-14 06:22:06 Ballkenende_ hi
2014-09-14 06:22:11 Ion_ hi
2014-09-14 06:22:17 Ballkenende_ wait did i say bears?
2014-09-14 06:22:19 Ballkenende_ oh god
2014-09-14 06:22:24 Ion_ yes lo
2014-09-14 06:22:25 Ion_ l
2014-09-14 06:22:28 Kermit69 yes
2014-09-14 06:22:45 Ballkenende_ 7
2014-09-14 06:22:47 Kermit69 can't kill bears here, well we can but only 1 day
2014-09-14 06:22:52 Ion_ 7 bears
2014-09-14 06:22:54 Ion_ AH AH AH
2014-09-14 06:23:19 Kermit69 and I'm not allowed to have guns so i can't kill bears
2014-09-14 06:23:20 Ballkenende_ wat
2014-09-14 06:23:31 Ion_ aww man you can only kill one bear per day where you live?
2014-09-14 06:23:39 Ballkenende_ that sucks
2014-09-14 06:23:41 Ballkenende_ alot
2014-09-14 06:23:42 Ion_ they're taking away our freedoms I tells you
2014-09-14 06:23:42 Kermit69 no only 1 day a year
2014-09-14 06:23:47 Ion_ oh
2014-09-14 06:23:55 Ion_ that's still a lot of bears
2014-09-14 06:24:03 Kermit69 we have to follow these shit rules in america
2014-09-14 06:24:08 Ion_ that's like, one bear a year
2014-09-14 06:24:18 Kermit69 or like 15 in one day
2014-09-14 06:24:24 Ion_ I've never killed a bear but I think once a year is good enough
2014-09-14 06:24:38 Kermit69 big they won't let me have a gun in america
2014-09-14 06:24:48 Kermit69 so i can't hunt them
2014-09-14 06:24:59 Ion_ kill them with your hands you scrub
2014-09-14 06:25:43 Ion_ you haven't lived until you've looked into the eyes of a bear while you strangle the life out of it
2014-09-14 06:25:56 Kermit69 I've literally went to a friends house that sees bears often just so i could try and wrestle that fuck, but he never showed up when i was there
2014-09-14 06:26:40 Kermit69 i would love to fite a bear
2014-09-14 06:26:58 Kermit69 ill either die, or have the best story ever
2014-09-14 06:27:25 Ion_ there are stupider ways to die
2014-09-14 06:27:29 Ion_ not very many, but there are
2014-09-14 06:27:38 Kermit69 im 6'1 and insane.
2014-09-14 06:28:00 Ion_ bears are 8' and don't give a shit
2014-09-14 06:28:01 <-- Ballkenende_ (b2553399@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 06:28:08 Ooooh fuck 9am start tomorrow
2014-09-14 06:28:21 Kermit69 exactly why i wanna fite em
2014-09-14 06:28:49 Ooooh well i have 2 hours on monday and 2 hours thursday
2014-09-14 06:28:49 Redkiwi hi Sunna brxtr_ Steelballs brxtr mutiny lysozyme Ballkenende_ someball and Ballkenende_
2014-09-14 06:28:50 Ion_ well, good luck with that
2014-09-14 06:28:53 Ooooh easy start to the week
2014-09-14 06:29:00 Ooooh wow Redkiwi way to spam names
2014-09-14 06:29:04 Redkiwi huehue
2014-09-14 06:29:08 Steelballs hi Redkiwi
2014-09-14 06:29:09 Redkiwi theyre all gone
2014-09-14 06:29:09 Ion_ one of them twice lol
2014-09-14 06:29:25 Redkiwi oh steelballs is still ehre
2014-09-14 06:29:26 Redkiwi <3
2014-09-14 06:29:36 brxtr pls
2014-09-14 06:29:40 someball ohai redkiwi
2014-09-14 06:29:47 Kermit69 fuck you you don't say hai to me :(
2014-09-14 06:29:49 Redkiwi hahah hi all :P
2014-09-14 06:29:54 Redkiwi you didnt join Kermit69
2014-09-14 06:29:57 Redkiwi but hi
2014-09-14 06:30:07 Kermit69 lol thanks
2014-09-14 06:30:16 * Redkiwi waits
2014-09-14 06:30:27 * Ion_ sits on a cactus
2014-09-14 06:30:29 Kermit69 rip tho im bout go fite bears
2014-09-14 06:30:31 Ion_ what are we waiting for
2014-09-14 06:30:32 someball and whats with all this bear hate? wow i missed a lot
2014-09-14 06:30:49 Ion_ shhh don't say you hate bears
2014-09-14 06:30:50 Ion_ they'll hear you
2014-09-14 06:31:05 Redkiwi i like alot
2014-09-14 06:31:14 Redkiwi better than bear
2014-09-14 06:31:16 Sunna hi redkiwi :)
2014-09-14 06:31:22 Redkiwi haha hi :)
2014-09-14 06:31:30 Redkiwi or should i say hæ
2014-09-14 06:31:41 Redkiwi hæ is huh in norwegian though
2014-09-14 06:32:25 Kermit69 i know I'm a bit nuts but i can't see why i would lose a fite with an black bear
2014-09-14 06:33:07 Ion_ Kermit69 go home you're dtrunk
2014-09-14 06:33:20 Ion_ drtunk, sorry
2014-09-14 06:33:24 Kermit69 i am home Ion_
2014-09-14 06:33:34 Ion_ well I can't help you then
2014-09-14 06:33:52 Ion_ you threw all that out the window when you started talking about fighting bears
2014-09-14 06:33:59 someball you tried Ion_
2014-09-14 06:34:03 Ion_ I know, I know
2014-09-14 06:34:30 Ion_ rip kermit
2014-09-14 06:34:33 Kermit69 i have a pit bull and I've jumped in his fites, gotten holes in my hands for that, still didn't give a fuck
2014-09-14 06:34:37 Redkiwi why would you win Kermit69?
2014-09-14 06:34:56 Kermit69 cause bears are shit
2014-09-14 06:35:04 Kermit69 pusssy fucks
2014-09-14 06:35:05 Redkiwi wait black bears are those angry ones right?
2014-09-14 06:35:11 Ion_ SSHHH THEY'LL HEAR YOU
2014-09-14 06:35:11 Kermit69 yes
2014-09-14 06:35:22 Redkiwi not like those teddy norwegian ones
2014-09-14 06:35:33 Redkiwi heh
2014-09-14 06:35:38 Ion_ Kermit69 I would pay good money to see you fight a polar bear
2014-09-14 06:35:40 Kermit69 ill skin a motherfucken black bear while its still alive
2014-09-14 06:35:41 Ion_ gg no re
2014-09-14 06:35:53 Redkiwi polar bears are cute
2014-09-14 06:35:58 Redkiwi why would i fight one?
2014-09-14 06:36:10 Kermit69 yea who fucks with polars you scum bag
2014-09-14 06:36:12 Ion_ you wouldn't because you're a sensible human being Kermit69
2014-09-14 06:36:26 Ion_ err, Redkiwi
2014-09-14 06:36:31 Kermit69 but I'm not, I'm insane.
2014-09-14 06:36:39 Ion_ yeah I know I said the wrong person
2014-09-14 06:37:09 someball pretty sure im fighting a polarbear everytime i drive a car :P
2014-09-14 06:37:16 someball no more ice for them
2014-09-14 06:37:18 Ion_ lol
2014-09-14 06:37:40 Kermit69 lmao somball
2014-09-14 06:38:18 someball huehuehue
2014-09-14 06:38:20 Ooooh inb4 DaEvil1 joins
2014-09-14 06:38:39 Kermit69 my f350 is great for the environment lol
2014-09-14 06:38:52 Redkiwi what do you mean Ooooh?
2014-09-14 06:38:55 Ion_ why is he joining Ooooh
2014-09-14 06:39:01 Ooooh pls
2014-09-14 06:39:10 Redkiwi you pls
2014-09-14 06:39:19 Kermit69 pls
2014-09-14 06:39:26 Redkiwi you too pls
2014-09-14 06:39:30 Ion_ everyone pls
2014-09-14 06:39:38 Redkiwi pls all
2014-09-14 06:39:42 Kermit69 stop pls
2014-09-14 06:39:54 Ion_ pls pls
2014-09-14 06:40:02 --> Allison___ (722d2f4a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 06:40:02 [TagPro] [Allison___]
2014-09-14 06:40:04 Redkiwi #pls4bestpls2stoppls
2014-09-14 06:40:07 Redkiwi hi ally
2014-09-14 06:40:08 Ion_ I see what you mean now Ooooh
2014-09-14 06:40:09 Ion_ hiya Allison__
2014-09-14 06:40:30 Allison___ hi Ion_
2014-09-14 06:40:32 Allison___ hi Redkiwi
2014-09-14 06:41:09 Redkiwi
2014-09-14 06:41:19 Allison___ heh
2014-09-14 06:41:20 Allison___ a canoe
2014-09-14 06:41:21 Redkiwi
2014-09-14 06:41:44 Redkiwi a bigger canoe ^
2014-09-14 06:41:56 Redkiwi lars monsen is using ally
2014-09-14 06:42:44 Redkiwi hes norways bear grylls
2014-09-14 06:42:45 Redkiwi
2014-09-14 06:43:00 Allison___ "Norway's Bear Grylls"
2014-09-14 06:43:04 <-- someball (cdfafd3f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 06:43:08 Allison___ interesting.
2014-09-14 06:43:11 Redkiwi pls
2014-09-14 06:43:12 Redkiwi
2014-09-14 06:43:32 Allison___ did you make that?
2014-09-14 06:44:05 --> Ballkenende_ (b2553399@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 06:44:05 [TagPro] [Ballkenende_] ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つBRING BACK COMMAND CENTER OR WE RIOT ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
2014-09-14 06:44:11 Ballkenende_ hi
2014-09-14 06:44:13 Redkiwi hi
2014-09-14 06:44:16 Allison___ hi Ballkenende_
2014-09-14 06:44:17 Redkiwi i didnt Allison__
2014-09-14 06:44:20 Redkiwi found it
2014-09-14 06:44:37 Ballkenende_ !setgreet I am 2 ex prime minister 4 u
2014-09-14 06:45:08 Ooooh Ion_, lets play Terraria
2014-09-14 06:45:12 Redkiwi /setgreet
2014-09-14 06:45:14 Ooooh Steelballs come play
2014-09-14 06:45:18 Redkiwi i too terraria!
2014-09-14 06:45:31 Ooooh ^
2014-09-14 06:45:38 Steelballs come play what
2014-09-14 06:45:46 Allison___ wut
2014-09-14 06:45:47 Ooooh wut
2014-09-14 06:45:50 Allison___ Terraria?
2014-09-14 06:45:52 Ion_ Ooooh I am so burnt out still :(
2014-09-14 06:45:56 Ooooh Ugh
2014-09-14 06:45:57 Ooooh scrub
2014-09-14 06:46:03 Ion_ I'm sry bb ;_;
2014-09-14 06:46:03 Steelballs i dont have terrararriaa
2014-09-14 06:46:12 Ooooh its ok
2014-09-14 06:46:14 Ooooh Ion_, is a scrub
2014-09-14 06:46:18 Ion_ pls
2014-09-14 06:46:19 rDuude i have a copy
2014-09-14 06:46:22 Ion_ I made 2 sad faces
2014-09-14 06:46:26 Ion_ is that not enough for you
2014-09-14 06:46:28 Ooooh no
2014-09-14 06:46:44 Ion_ :'(
2014-09-14 06:46:45 Allison___ :) :( :)
2014-09-14 06:46:50 Allison___ mo' Aladeen
2014-09-14 06:46:52 Allison___ enuff?
2014-09-14 06:46:55 Ooooh how is ;_; a sad face
2014-09-14 06:46:56 Redkiwi whos llamapalozza again?
2014-09-14 06:47:02 Ion_ crying
2014-09-14 06:47:02 Ion_ pls
2014-09-14 06:47:05 Ooooh ooh
2014-09-14 06:47:07 Ooooh looks dumb
2014-09-14 06:47:09 Allison___ pls
2014-09-14 06:47:11 Allison___ Ooooh
2014-09-14 06:47:13 Allison___ not ooh
2014-09-14 06:47:14 Ion_ your face looks dumb
2014-09-14 06:47:16 Ooooh no u
2014-09-14 06:47:17 Ion_ #rekt
2014-09-14 06:47:50 Redkiwi who is this? LlamaPaLooza
2014-09-14 06:48:01 Redkiwi is ti you rDuude?
2014-09-14 06:48:22 Allison___ wut
2014-09-14 06:48:25 Allison___ are you talkin about
2014-09-14 06:48:26 Ballkenende_ wat
2014-09-14 06:48:30 Allison___ Tina the Llama?
2014-09-14 06:48:31 Redkiwi someone on steam
2014-09-14 06:48:33 rDuude ?
2014-09-14 06:48:39 Ion_ Redkiwi, that's pooppants lol
2014-09-14 06:48:42 Redkiwi oooh
2014-09-14 06:48:46 Allison___ I'd say Sunna, but I wouldn't guarantee
2014-09-14 06:48:47 Allison___ oh
2014-09-14 06:48:55 Trondby 5:58 am sounds like a wonderful time to finally go to bed
2014-09-14 06:48:57 Redkiwi how to play terraria?
2014-09-14 06:49:02 Ion_ Trondby, oh it is
2014-09-14 06:49:12 Ballkenende_ Trondby: no, bot at all
2014-09-14 06:49:14 Ballkenende_ not
2014-09-14 06:49:16 Allison___ Ion_ what's your time?
2014-09-14 06:49:18 Redkiwi Ooooh, how do i play
2014-09-14 06:49:19 Ballkenende_ jjesus christ
2014-09-14 06:49:21 Allison___ on kiwi can't use ctcp
2014-09-14 06:49:24 Ion_ Ballkenende_ pls Trondby has a bot
2014-09-14 06:49:24 tagbot Ion_, trondby has been afk for a few seconds.
2014-09-14 06:49:35 Redkiwi bye trondby
2014-09-14 06:49:35 tagbot Redkiwi, trondby has been afk for a few seconds.
2014-09-14 06:49:37 Ion_ ohohoh the stealthy afk
2014-09-14 06:49:37 Redkiwi sleep well
2014-09-14 06:49:37 Ballkenende_ Thats what i thought too :D
2014-09-14 06:49:40 Allison___ trondby?
2014-09-14 06:49:40 tagbot Allison___, trondby has been afk for a few seconds.
2014-09-14 06:49:42 Allison___ cya
2014-09-14 06:49:49 Ion_ Allison__, it's 6:50 am
2014-09-14 06:49:49 Ballkenende_ trondby?
2014-09-14 06:49:49 tagbot Ballkenende_, trondby has been afk for a few seconds.
2014-09-14 06:49:55 --> Robocop (5fac6820@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 06:49:56 Redkiwi how do i make tagbot say that?
2014-09-14 06:50:00 Ion_ Redkiwi wat
2014-09-14 06:50:00 Redkiwi hi robocop :)
2014-09-14 06:50:03 Allison___ so Ion_ you just woke
2014-09-14 06:50:03 Ion_ hiya Robocop
2014-09-14 06:50:07 Ion_ Allison__ nope
2014-09-14 06:50:13 Allison___ haven't slept?
2014-09-14 06:50:16 Redkiwi Ooooh, i wanna play!
2014-09-14 06:50:17 --> PaintBall ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 06:50:20 Ion_ nope :\
2014-09-14 06:50:23 Ooooh hmm
2014-09-14 06:50:24 Allison___ uh
2014-09-14 06:50:26 Allison___ drunk?
2014-09-14 06:50:29 Ion_ inb4 we can't because Ion_ is a scrub
2014-09-14 06:50:31 Ooooh Ion_, can you set up a server for us?
2014-09-14 06:50:32 Ion_ Allison__ pls
2014-09-14 06:50:35 Ion_ Ooooh, I sure can :)
2014-09-14 06:50:39 Ooooh u dabes
2014-09-14 06:50:40 Redkiwi :)
2014-09-14 06:50:43 Ooooh no scrub
2014-09-14 06:50:44 Ion_ <3 bb
2014-09-14 06:50:45 Allison___ Ion_ pls what's your fucking status
2014-09-14 06:50:54 Ion_ Allison__ ask rDuude
2014-09-14 06:51:07 Allison___ half-sober half-drunk I guess
2014-09-14 06:51:12 rDuude ?
2014-09-14 06:51:18 Ion_ about my sleepings
2014-09-14 06:51:23 rDuude they're bad
2014-09-14 06:51:24 Ion_ Redkiwi, Ooooh new world?
2014-09-14 06:51:26 Allison___ ah
2014-09-14 06:51:27 Ion_ yeah they're bad
2014-09-14 06:51:30 Ooooh yes pls
2014-09-14 06:51:30 Ion_ what he said
2014-09-14 06:51:34 Redkiwi Redkiwi world ion_!
2014-09-14 06:51:35 Allison___ k i understand
2014-09-14 06:51:38 Ooooh good bye next week
2014-09-14 06:51:45 Ion_ Redkiwi might as well be new world lol
2014-09-14 06:51:50 Redkiwi eh okay
2014-09-14 06:51:57 Ooooh new character Redkiwi ?
2014-09-14 06:52:01 Redkiwi ?
2014-09-14 06:52:06 Redkiwi do i need to make a new one?
2014-09-14 06:52:07 Ooooh are you making a new character?
2014-09-14 06:52:13 Redkiwi no im waiting
2014-09-14 06:52:24 Redkiwi maybe i should though
2014-09-14 06:52:26 Redkiwi its fun
2014-09-14 06:52:37 Allison___
2014-09-14 06:52:38 AnkhBot Title: How did you react the first time you masturbated? : AskReddit |
2014-09-14 06:52:45 Allison___ Weird post huh
2014-09-14 06:52:45 Ion_ okay
2014-09-14 06:52:46 Ballkenende_ So, my 23 year old brother and his girlfriend has gone shopping in a banana onesie (Brother) and a monkey onesie (Girlfriend)
2014-09-14 06:52:51 Allison___ yet can't stop reading this shit
2014-09-14 06:52:54 Ballkenende_ for my effin' b'day
2014-09-14 06:52:57 Ion_ Ballkenende_, that's odd
2014-09-14 06:53:04 Ooooh odd family
2014-09-14 06:53:08 Allison___ ^
2014-09-14 06:53:16 Allison___ One's a furry
2014-09-14 06:53:22 Ion_ lol
2014-09-14 06:53:22 Allison___ one's an ex prime minister
2014-09-14 06:53:23 Redkiwi i should stop filtering nsfw Allison__ :P
2014-09-14 06:53:23 Ballkenende_ Nope just crazy
2014-09-14 06:53:35 Ion_ Redkiwi pls why would you filter nsfw
2014-09-14 06:53:38 Allison___ ^
2014-09-14 06:53:44 Allison___ Redkiwi pls I'm 16
2014-09-14 06:53:46 Redkiwi embarrasing at school
2014-09-14 06:53:47 Allison___ you're
2014-09-14 06:53:49 Allison___ you're 16
2014-09-14 06:53:50 Redkiwi 16
2014-09-14 06:53:50 Ion_ lel
2014-09-14 06:54:07 Allison___ wow why the fuck do I fuck up pronouns
2014-09-14 06:54:20 Ion_ Allison__ pls
2014-09-14 06:54:22 Allison___ never used to typing I guess
2014-09-14 06:54:23 Ion_ pronouns are for scrubs
2014-09-14 06:54:38 Allison___ Ion_ pls
2014-09-14 06:54:39 Redkiwi so, are we playing terraria?
2014-09-14 06:54:48 Allison___ "embarassing at school"
2014-09-14 06:54:49 Allison___ psst
2014-09-14 06:54:50 Allison___ never
2014-09-14 06:54:51 Ion_ forwarding ports and porwarding forts
2014-09-14 06:54:54 Ion_ just a sec
2014-09-14 06:55:15 Ooooh Steelballs, join in
2014-09-14 06:55:19 Ooooh rDuude, has a free copy to give you
2014-09-14 06:55:24 Ooooh although its like £3
2014-09-14 06:55:33 Ballkenende_
2014-09-14 06:55:34 Redkiwi and how do i minimize terraria without ctrl+shift+esc?
2014-09-14 06:55:35 AnkhBot Title: GrammerNasi comments on How did you react the first time you masturbated? |
2014-09-14 06:55:38 Ballkenende_ I am dead
2014-09-14 06:55:41 Ion_ Redkiwi, alt tab lol
2014-09-14 06:55:43 Redkiwi oh
2014-09-14 06:55:47 rDuude o.o
2014-09-14 06:55:56 Ooooh o.o
2014-09-14 06:55:57 Allison___ lel
2014-09-14 06:56:03 Allison___ what is ctrl shift esc?
2014-09-14 06:56:03 Ion_ lolol
2014-09-14 06:56:07 Allison___ I use alt tab all the time
2014-09-14 06:56:10 Ion_ it's uhh
2014-09-14 06:56:13 Ooooh im giving away your stuff for you rDuude
2014-09-14 06:56:18 Allison___ also ctrl tab
2014-09-14 06:56:18 rDuude Allison__, task manager
2014-09-14 06:56:20 Ion_ task managet
2014-09-14 06:56:23 Allison___ and incognito
2014-09-14 06:56:23 Ion_ damnit rDuude
2014-09-14 06:56:28 Allison___ shit nvm the last one
2014-09-14 06:56:28 rDuude yup Ooooh
2014-09-14 06:56:34 Redkiwi ctrl+shift+n
2014-09-14 06:56:43 Allison___ goddamnit redkiwi you use that too?
2014-09-14 06:56:48 Redkiwi hehe
2014-09-14 06:56:50 Ion_ my router has a section for "radio" for some reason
2014-09-14 06:56:57 Ion_ Allison__ pls everyone uses that
2014-09-14 06:57:17 Allison___ I didn't expect Redkiwi to use that
2014-09-14 06:57:19 Ballkenende_ I have the rainbow road tune from mario kart double dash in my head
2014-09-14 06:57:23 Allison___ well everyone does
2014-09-14 06:57:26 Redkiwi how come Allison__?
2014-09-14 06:57:27 Ballkenende_ Just saying
2014-09-14 06:57:35 Allison___ I always felt Redkiwi as a
2014-09-14 06:57:38 Allison___ Mormon-ish
2014-09-14 06:57:41 Ion_ Redkiwi, Ooooh, pming IP+port now
2014-09-14 06:57:41 Redkiwi hahaha
2014-09-14 06:57:44 Redkiwi oki
2014-09-14 06:57:57 Allison___ No'vegan
2014-09-14 06:58:12 Allison___ Redkiwi, you vegan?
2014-09-14 06:58:16 Redkiwi .afk terraria
2014-09-14 06:58:16 tagbot See you soon Redkiwi!
2014-09-14 06:59:56 Ballkenende_ Am i the only one who thought Allison___ is a girl
2014-09-14 07:00:02 Allison___ pls
2014-09-14 07:00:05 Allison___ Ballkenende_ pls
2014-09-14 07:00:12 Allison___ everyone does
2014-09-14 07:00:20 Allison___ I disproved them all
2014-09-14 07:01:38 --> Rorro ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 07:02:00 Ballkenende_ so why is your username Allison___
2014-09-14 07:02:13 Allison___ Allons-y -> Allison___
2014-09-14 07:02:26 Allison___ nicks pls
2014-09-14 07:02:37 Ballkenende_ wat
2014-09-14 07:03:32 Ballkenende_ Can Super smash bros please come out
2014-09-14 07:03:46 Ooooh Steelballs, rDuude
2014-09-14 07:03:49 rDuude hi
2014-09-14 07:03:50 Ooooh we're doing Terraria
2014-09-14 07:03:51 Steelballs hi
2014-09-14 07:03:53 Ooooh Ion fell for it
2014-09-14 07:04:04 rDuude cool
2014-09-14 07:04:07 Steelballs i dont have teraria
2014-09-14 07:04:13 rDuude i have a copy
2014-09-14 07:04:15 Ion_ I try to get out but the keep sucking me back in >:|
2014-09-14 07:06:20 --> tim-sanchez ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 07:06:20 -- Mode #tagpro [+v tim-sanchez] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 07:06:20 [TagPro] [tim-sanchez] watch this
2014-09-14 07:06:21 AnkhBot Title: The Life and Times of Tim 1x02 S01E02 'Latino Tim/The Priest Is Drunk' Full Episode - YouTube |
2014-09-14 07:06:25 rDuude hi tim-sanchez
2014-09-14 07:06:28 Ion_ hiya timmy
2014-09-14 07:06:31 Ion_ hiya Rorro
2014-09-14 07:06:34 Allison___ hi tim-sanchez
2014-09-14 07:06:40 Rorro hey Ion_
2014-09-14 07:06:53 +tim-sanchez hi r
2014-09-14 07:06:55 +tim-sanchez Rorro
2014-09-14 07:06:57 +tim-sanchez rDuude
2014-09-14 07:06:58 +tim-sanchez ffs
2014-09-14 07:07:01 +tim-sanchez hi Ion_
2014-09-14 07:07:04 +tim-sanchez hi Allison___
2014-09-14 07:07:07 Rorro tim-sanchez
2014-09-14 07:07:08 Ion_ lol
2014-09-14 07:07:18 Rorro hi
2014-09-14 07:07:19 --> defense_bot (4757c65e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 07:07:19 [TagPro] [defense_bot] REMOVE ONE WAY TICKET | REMOVE GRAIL OF SPEED | REMOVE GAMEPAD
2014-09-14 07:07:36 defense_bot why does irc have a captcha
2014-09-14 07:07:43 -- defense_bot is now known as Guest69286
2014-09-14 07:07:45 Rorro it does?
2014-09-14 07:07:47 Guest69286 because bots are actually allowed on irc channels
2014-09-14 07:07:49 Rorro oh yeah. lol
2014-09-14 07:07:51 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 1 players. likely or
2014-09-14 07:07:52 --> xuzt (~xuzt@unaffiliated/xuzt) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 07:07:52 [TagPro] [xuzt] Cignul9 <3
2014-09-14 07:08:07 -- Guest69286 is now known as stupid_bot
2014-09-14 07:08:08 Rorro It was long time ago I used irc on the web
2014-09-14 07:08:11 Rorro hexchat ftw
2014-09-14 07:08:17 stupid_bot yeah I used to use kiwi
2014-09-14 07:08:24 stupid_bot but then it broke for some reason
2014-09-14 07:08:32 stupid_bot ;'(
2014-09-14 07:08:52 <-- xuzt (~xuzt@unaffiliated/xuzt) has quit (Client Quit)
2014-09-14 07:09:32 Allison___ heh
2014-09-14 07:09:42 Allison___ #hexchat4lyfe
2014-09-14 07:10:06 Ballkenende_ hi stupid_bot
2014-09-14 07:10:20 stupid_bot hi
2014-09-14 07:11:00 Ballkenende_ defense_bot ?
2014-09-14 07:11:13 stupid_bot yes
2014-09-14 07:11:41 stupid_bot hm hexchat doesn't work
2014-09-14 07:11:44 stupid_bot D:
2014-09-14 07:12:42 Ballkenende_ what hexchat?
2014-09-14 07:12:44 Ballkenende_ whats
2014-09-14 07:13:16 Redkiwi .afk dinner
2014-09-14 07:13:16 tagbot See you soon Redkiwi!
2014-09-14 07:13:20 rDuude what do you mean stupid_bot ?
2014-09-14 07:13:59 Ballkenende_ Ugh. i want smash bros NOW
2014-09-14 07:14:02 Ballkenende_ GODDAMMIT
2014-09-14 07:14:04 Ballkenende_ NOW
2014-09-14 07:14:11 stupid_bot hexchat is an irc client
2014-09-14 07:14:25 stupid_bot rDuude: it wouldn't open
2014-09-14 07:14:29 stupid_bot I have a mac
2014-09-14 07:14:46 Ballkenende_ Oh declares alot /s
2014-09-14 07:14:49 rDuude when did you try it?
2014-09-14 07:14:54 stupid_bot all it does is "quit unexpectedly"
2014-09-14 07:14:56 stupid_bot just now
2014-09-14 07:16:04 stupid_bot i cri evertim
2014-09-14 07:16:25 <-- PaintBall ( has quit (Quit: Leaving)
2014-09-14 07:16:28 Ballkenende_ pusseh
2014-09-14 07:18:05 Ballkenende_ Is it 4 octobe already?
2014-09-14 07:19:56 rDuude stupid_bot, that's very weird
2014-09-14 07:20:01 rDuude but there are other clients for mac
2014-09-14 07:20:14 Ion_ Ballkenende_ pls it's september
2014-09-14 07:20:29 Ballkenende_ Dont crush my dreams Ion_
2014-09-14 07:20:31 <-- stupid_bot (4757c65e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 07:20:34 Ion_ sry bb
2014-09-14 07:21:05 Ballkenende_ Europe release dates suck
2014-09-14 07:27:09 --> stupid_bot (4757c65e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 07:27:26 stupid_bot here I am
2014-09-14 07:27:32 Ballkenende_ ok
2014-09-14 07:27:43 stupid_bot ok
2014-09-14 07:28:25 Ballkenende_ ok
2014-09-14 07:30:18 stupid_bot ^
2014-09-14 07:31:55 Ballkenende_ are the new maps out?
2014-09-14 07:32:29 stupid_bot are you out
2014-09-14 07:32:32 stupid_bot of the closet
2014-09-14 07:32:43 stupid_bot !rke Ballkenende_
2014-09-14 07:32:43 some_bot Bnekelldnae_ jsut got rekt.
2014-09-14 07:32:47 Allison___ heh
2014-09-14 07:32:55 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 1 players. likely or
2014-09-14 07:33:07 stupid_bot farewell everyone
2014-09-14 07:33:14 <-- stupid_bot (4757c65e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: farewell)
2014-09-14 07:35:41 Ballkenende_ pls
2014-09-14 07:36:06 Ballkenende_ ./r/8yearoldjokes
2014-09-14 07:37:50 Allison___ pls
2014-09-14 07:38:02 Allison___ ./r/14yearoldjokes
2014-09-14 07:41:01 Steelballs .afk forrest gump
2014-09-14 07:41:01 tagbot See you soon Steelballs!
2014-09-14 07:41:04 Ballkenende_ u do dis
2014-09-14 07:41:13 Ion_ Steelballs are you watching it for the first time
2014-09-14 07:41:14 tagbot Ion_, steelballs has been afk for a few seconds ("forrest gump").
2014-09-14 07:41:14 Ballkenende_ I am not longer offended by that :)
2014-09-14 07:41:46 Redkiwi i watched the hitchikers guide to the galalxy for the first time on friday
2014-09-14 07:41:55 Ion_ yeah that was good
2014-09-14 07:42:09 Ion_ anyway
2014-09-14 07:42:14 Ion_ .afk bedtime, night night
2014-09-14 07:42:14 tagbot See you soon Ion_!
2014-09-14 07:42:34 Redkiwi .afk terraria
2014-09-14 07:42:34 tagbot See you soon Redkiwi!
2014-09-14 07:42:48 Ooooh Steelballs, srs?
2014-09-14 07:42:48 tagbot Ooooh, steelballs has been afk for 2 minutes ("forrest gump").
2014-09-14 07:42:50 Ooooh can i come
2014-09-14 07:42:52 Ooooh ill bring pizza
2014-09-14 07:42:53 Ooooh and beer
2014-09-14 07:43:04 * Steelballs SAYS YES
2014-09-14 07:43:09 * Ion_ omg that was such a good movie
2014-09-14 07:45:08 Ballkenende_ Who the fuck is some ball 3
2014-09-14 07:45:18 Ballkenende_ And why does he know my birthday
2014-09-14 07:46:17 Sunna loool
2014-09-14 07:46:17 Steelballs back for a bit
2014-09-14 07:46:23 Steelballs downloading bettery copy
2014-09-14 07:47:41 Steelballs momma sed they were my magic shoes
2014-09-14 07:48:04 Kermit69 holy fuck i wanted to curse this motherfucker out
2014-09-14 07:48:17 Kermit69 fucken stupid fuck french pos
2014-09-14 07:48:45 Kermit69 end rant
2014-09-14 07:49:04 Kermit69 and end of my time on chord for now
2014-09-14 07:50:01 Ballkenende_ why are you even at chord?
2014-09-14 07:50:41 Kermit69 why not
2014-09-14 07:51:08 Kermit69 there was a lot of pppl on chord
2014-09-14 07:57:29 Ballkenende_ !online
2014-09-14 07:57:43 Ballkenende_ !today
2014-09-14 07:57:44 [TagPro] Ballkenende_ (Ballkenende) today: Time Played: 00:32:42 / Games: 9 / w/l/dc/%: 7/2/0/78% Caps: 5 / Drops: 30 / Grabs: 35 / Hold: 00:04:58 / Pops: 37 / Prevent: 00:01:24 / Returns: 14 / Support: 89 / Tags: 18
2014-09-14 07:57:45 some_bot [total: 155p in 18g] bola: ?p in ?g | sector: ?p in ?g | diameter: 59p in 4g | orbit: 36p in 5g | chord: 35p in 4g | origin: 14p in 2g | centra: 6p in 1g | radius: 2p in 1g | tangent: 2p in 1g | pi: 1p in 0g | sphere: 0p in 0g | arc: 0p in 0g | maptest: 0p in 0g
2014-09-14 07:57:51 Ballkenende_ not bad
2014-09-14 07:58:01 Ballkenende_ More on Orbit :O
2014-09-14 08:01:34 Kermit69 fuck yea. hit 121 degree's
2014-09-14 08:02:07 Kermit69 YISSSSSS
2014-09-14 08:04:46 Ballkenende_ !yiss
2014-09-14 08:04:46 some_bot yiss
2014-09-14 08:04:55 Kermit69 !hype
2014-09-14 08:05:10 Kermit69 damnit
2014-09-14 08:08:00 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 2 players. likely or
2014-09-14 08:08:32 Steelballs !seen worldcup
2014-09-14 08:08:32 some_bot worldcup was last seen in #tagpro 8 weeks, 5 days, 18 hours, 51 minutes, and 52 seconds ago: <WorldCup> !!! HYPE !!! HYPE !!! HYPE !!! HYPE !!! HYPE !!! HYPE !!! HYPE !!! HYPE !!! HYPE !!! HYPE !!! HYPE !!! HYPE !!! HYPE !!! HYPE !!!
2014-09-14 08:08:37 Steelballs there you go
2014-09-14 08:08:42 Kermit69 king foid just said "hello war machine" after i made my name Kermit69
2014-09-14 08:09:04 Kermit69 he asked how i have 2 over 100 degree accounts lol
2014-09-14 08:09:20 Steelballs do you not work
2014-09-14 08:09:22 Kermit69 i guess he doesn't realize I CAN CHANGE MY FUCKEN NAME lol
2014-09-14 08:09:25 Allison___ Steelballs pls
2014-09-14 08:09:27 Allison___ do you work?
2014-09-14 08:09:30 Steelballs yes
2014-09-14 08:09:31 Allison___ selling ovens?
2014-09-14 08:09:33 Steelballs yes
2014-09-14 08:09:43 Ballkenende_ !today
2014-09-14 08:09:43 [TagPro] Ballkenende_ (Ballkenende) today: Time Played: 00:42:57 / Games: 11 / w/l/dc/%: 8/3/0/73% Caps: 7 / Drops: 44 / Grabs: 51 / Hold: 00:06:17 / Pops: 55 / Prevent: 00:02:22 / Returns: 26 / Support: 132 / Tags: 32
2014-09-14 08:09:44 Allison___ I don't think that's...
2014-09-14 08:09:46 Ballkenende_ meh
2014-09-14 08:09:50 Allison___ uh nvm
2014-09-14 08:09:54 Kermit69 i own a construction company and work 50 hrs a week
2014-09-14 08:10:08 Steelballs wanna give me a job?
2014-09-14 08:10:14 Kermit69 you live in nj?
2014-09-14 08:10:18 Steelballs i can do
2014-09-14 08:10:29 Kermit69 can do what
2014-09-14 08:10:34 Steelballs live in nj
2014-09-14 08:10:41 Kermit69 north nj
2014-09-14 08:10:45 Kermit69 its a big state
2014-09-14 08:10:49 Steelballs yep np
2014-09-14 08:11:06 Kermit69 not a problem your hired, you can start wednesday
2014-09-14 08:11:16 rDuude lol
2014-09-14 08:11:27 Ballkenende_ !hire Steelballs
2014-09-14 08:11:27 some_bot Steelballs was hired only to be immediately ULTRA FIRED.
2014-09-14 08:11:32 Steelballs awesome please file out my H-2B visa form
2014-09-14 08:11:32 Allison___ meh
2014-09-14 08:11:32 Kermit69 we start an addition on wednestday
2014-09-14 08:11:50 Steelballs i wont let you down boss
2014-09-14 08:13:10 Kermit69 thats the shithole were doing
2014-09-14 08:13:26 Steelballs we're knocking it down?
2014-09-14 08:13:37 Kermit69 we have the roof ripped off, but were waiting for the new foundation in the front and back to build on
2014-09-14 08:14:39 Kermit69 its coming out 6 foot in the front and the same in the back, the footings are poured but the blocks taking a bit of time
2014-09-14 08:14:52 Steelballs okay cool
2014-09-14 08:14:59 Steelballs hey Ooooh i work in construction now gg
2014-09-14 08:15:41 Allison___ the "misused" gg
2014-09-14 08:15:45 Allison___ always love it when it occurs
2014-09-14 08:15:49 Steelballs do i get good benefits?
2014-09-14 08:20:59 Ooooh wut
2014-09-14 08:21:09 Allison___ ^
2014-09-14 08:21:18 Allison___ I, too, ponder
2014-09-14 08:22:56 Ballkenende_ LETS TYPE ALL THE TIME AND NOT CHASING
2014-09-14 08:22:58 Ballkenende_ YEAH
2014-09-14 08:23:04 Ballkenende_ Chord logic
2014-09-14 08:23:54 --> TenTonMuffin (4a67ad2d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 08:23:54 tagbot Hey there TenTonMuffin: If you're new to the irc channel, say "hello world"!
2014-09-14 08:24:01 Allison___ pls
2014-09-14 08:24:04 Allison___ Ballkenende_
2014-09-14 08:26:30 Ballkenende_ it was completly true
2014-09-14 08:26:33 Ballkenende_ !today
2014-09-14 08:26:33 [TagPro] Ballkenende_ (Ballkenende) today: Time Played: 00:58:17 / Games: 13 / w/l/dc/%: 8/5/0/62% Caps: 8 / Drops: 64 / Grabs: 73 / Hold: 00:10:09 / Pops: 77 / Prevent: 00:03:20 / Returns: 38 / Support: 185 / Tags: 45
2014-09-14 08:26:43 Ballkenende_ 1/2 of that hold is that game
2014-09-14 08:27:05 Allison___ pls
2014-09-14 08:27:09 Allison___ only 5 mins?
2014-09-14 08:27:19 Allison___ i've got 10 mins when people
2014-09-14 08:27:26 Allison___ do nothing but blabber
2014-09-14 08:28:01 Allison___ 4v4 instantly becomes 1v1
2014-09-14 08:28:36 TenTonMuffin I literally just spent 10 minutes trying to figure out how to type in chat because I'm a fucking idiot
2014-09-14 08:28:44 TenTonMuffin hello world
2014-09-14 08:29:04 Allison___ lel
2014-09-14 08:29:11 Allison___ it took me a night
2014-09-14 08:29:23 Allison___ when i first joined
2014-09-14 08:29:26 --> Rookie (5c15a508@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 08:29:26 tagbot Hey there Rookie: If you're new to the irc channel, say "hello world"!
2014-09-14 08:29:31 Allison___ so don't be too embarassed
2014-09-14 08:29:32 rDuude hey Rookie
2014-09-14 08:29:38 Rookie hey boss
2014-09-14 08:29:40 rDuude hey TenTonMuffin
2014-09-14 08:29:44 Rookie so this is irc
2014-09-14 08:29:48 rDuude so it is
2014-09-14 08:29:51 TenTonMuffin hello
2014-09-14 08:29:51 rDuude welcome
2014-09-14 08:29:52 Allison___ yep
2014-09-14 08:30:00 Rookie like a huge facebook chat?
2014-09-14 08:30:00 Allison___ welcome newcomers
2014-09-14 08:30:03 Ballkenende_ 10 secs afk "Afk topo much"
2014-09-14 08:30:14 rDuude Rookie, pretty much a big chatroon
2014-09-14 08:30:17 Allison___ it IS too much
2014-09-14 08:30:19 Ballkenende_ fucking seriusly
2014-09-14 08:30:21 Rookie coolio
2014-09-14 08:30:25 rDuude with bots and a few good features
2014-09-14 08:30:30 rDuude you can test maps and stuff
2014-09-14 08:30:31 Allison___ HEH
2014-09-14 08:30:34 Allison___ HEH
2014-09-14 08:30:35 Sunna hey Rookie!
2014-09-14 08:30:39 Rookie sunny
2014-09-14 08:30:42 rDuude also there's spam and stuff
2014-09-14 08:30:42 Rookie go to bed
2014-09-14 08:30:45 rDuude lol
2014-09-14 08:30:49 Sunna Rookie pls
2014-09-14 08:30:52 Rookie i love spam
2014-09-14 08:30:52 rDuude .afk lunch
2014-09-14 08:30:52 tagbot See you soon rDuude!
2014-09-14 08:30:57 Steelballs HI ROOKIE
2014-09-14 08:30:58 Rookie peace
2014-09-14 08:31:02 Rookie steels my man
2014-09-14 08:31:05 Steelballs :D
2014-09-14 08:31:12 Steelballs !register
2014-09-14 08:31:12 some_bot How to register your nick -->
2014-09-14 08:31:14 Rookie i thought u were dead
2014-09-14 08:31:17 Steelballs please do that ^^
2014-09-14 08:31:23 Rookie ???
2014-09-14 08:31:28 Steelballs just click the link
2014-09-14 08:31:33 Steelballs follow the structions
2014-09-14 08:31:33 -- ZzZMorpork is now known as AMorpork
2014-09-14 08:31:35 Allison___ !grab rookie
2014-09-14 08:31:35 some_bot The operation succeeded.
2014-09-14 08:31:41 TenTonMuffin help?
2014-09-14 08:31:41 tagbot Say one of the following commands to learn more: irc?, some_bot?, tagbot?, preview?, test?, msg?, mods?
2014-09-14 08:31:45 Allison___ !quotelist rookie
2014-09-14 08:31:45 some_bot #3832: <Rookie> ???
2014-09-14 08:31:50 Allison___ !ungrab 3832
2014-09-14 08:31:51 some_bot The operation succeeded.
2014-09-14 08:31:53 TenTonMuffin tagbot?
2014-09-14 08:31:53 tagbot Useful commands: "hello world", ".afk [message]", ".group [server]", ".optin maptest", ".maptest [link]", ".optout maptest", "help?", ".irc mods [message]".
2014-09-14 08:32:03 Rookie im so lost
2014-09-14 08:32:18 Steelballs its okay its a steep learning curve
2014-09-14 08:32:21 Rookie what did i press?
2014-09-14 08:32:21 Steelballs but you can do it
2014-09-14 08:32:26 Steelballs !register
2014-09-14 08:32:26 some_bot How to register your nick -->
2014-09-14 08:32:28 Steelballs ^^
2014-09-14 08:32:51 Rookie why am i registering a nick?
2014-09-14 08:33:00 Steelballs so that no one else can take it
2014-09-14 08:33:03 Allison___ ^
2014-09-14 08:33:07 Rookie oh gotcha
2014-09-14 08:33:14 Allison___ people do that all the time
2014-09-14 08:33:19 Rookie ok ill read that link and such
2014-09-14 08:33:32 Steelballs and its not A nick its YOUR nick
2014-09-14 08:33:42 Sunna somehow I used my nick for a month before I registered
2014-09-14 08:33:45 Sunna no one took it :D
2014-09-14 08:33:48 Rookie wait i dont have a password
2014-09-14 08:33:54 Steelballs that would be because no one likes you :P
2014-09-14 08:34:01 Sunna :(
2014-09-14 08:34:03 Sunna that's mean
2014-09-14 08:34:04 Allison___ lel
2014-09-14 08:34:06 Steelballs lel
2014-09-14 08:34:21 rDuude you can't register Rookie
2014-09-14 08:34:24 rDuude it's already registered
2014-09-14 08:34:25 Sunna welp then i better leave :(
2014-09-14 08:34:27 rDuude so you need another nick
2014-09-14 08:34:31 Steelballs oh nuts
2014-09-14 08:34:33 rDuude also TenTonMuffin do you need help?
2014-09-14 08:34:46 Steelballs pls dnt leave sunna
2014-09-14 08:34:48 rDuude well you can try and reclaim Rookie, Rookie
2014-09-14 08:34:50 Steelballs i <3 you
2014-09-14 08:34:54 Sunna pls
2014-09-14 08:34:54 rDuude because the person hasn't logged in in 2 years
2014-09-14 08:34:57 Rookie ok so it says rookie is already registerd?
2014-09-14 08:35:01 Kermit69 fucken asshole
2014-09-14 08:35:01 TenTonMuffin sure, the nick registering, d i just enter the command in chat?
2014-09-14 08:35:07 rDuude yeah TenTonMuffin
2014-09-14 08:35:10 Steelballs yes
2014-09-14 08:35:12 rDuude Rookie, i just told you that pls
2014-09-14 08:35:14 Kermit69 can't i just meet a chick thats not fucken nuts
2014-09-14 08:35:17 rDuude TenTonMuffin, /ns register password email
2014-09-14 08:35:24 Rookie what i
2014-09-14 08:35:27 rDuude replacing password and email with your password and email
2014-09-14 08:35:28 Rookie what
2014-09-14 08:35:33 Steelballs heh heh heh
2014-09-14 08:35:34 rDuude Rookie, someone took the name "Rookie" 2 years ago
2014-09-14 08:35:39 Rookie ok
2014-09-14 08:35:43 rDuude so, you either register another name
2014-09-14 08:35:44 Rookie thats nice
2014-09-14 08:35:51 rDuude or try and talk to freenode staff and get yours
2014-09-14 08:35:54 Sunna just add an o
2014-09-14 08:35:54 Kermit69 both my ex's are fucken nutz
2014-09-14 08:35:56 Sunna Roookie
2014-09-14 08:35:57 Allison___ rookie_
2014-09-14 08:35:58 Sunna or something
2014-09-14 08:36:01 Rookie so why am i rookie now?
2014-09-14 08:36:02 Steelballs lets talk to freenode
2014-09-14 08:36:06 Allison___ it'd be nice
2014-09-14 08:36:06 Rookie lets
2014-09-14 08:36:12 Kermit69 i want a nice fucken girl for once
2014-09-14 08:36:13 rDuude Rookie, because the person hasn't logged in to the nick in 2 years
2014-09-14 08:36:13 Steelballs because the person who has rookie hasnt got enforce on
2014-09-14 08:36:17 rDuude and he hasn't enforce on
2014-09-14 08:36:24 rDuude Steelballs, do you know how to do it?
2014-09-14 08:36:27 Rookie but why does it let me be rookie now?
2014-09-14 08:36:29 Rookie <<<
2014-09-14 08:36:37 rDuude Rookie, because the person has to do this: /ns set enforce on
2014-09-14 08:36:41 rDuude and if they do, you have 30 seconds on the nick
2014-09-14 08:36:44 rDuude until you get booted
2014-09-14 08:36:45 Rookie oh
2014-09-14 08:36:51 Rookie yeah
2014-09-14 08:36:52 Rookie ok
2014-09-14 08:36:53 TenTonMuffin shit i misspelled my email
2014-09-14 08:36:56 rDuude lol TenTonMuffin
2014-09-14 08:37:02 Rookie ok ill just pick a new name?
2014-09-14 08:37:03 Steelballs we can just lobby on #freenode right rduude?
2014-09-14 08:37:03 Allison___ TenTonMuffin it's ok
2014-09-14 08:37:04 TenTonMuffin gmail not gmal
2014-09-14 08:37:06 rDuude yeah Rookie
2014-09-14 08:37:09 Allison___ I've done that twice
2014-09-14 08:37:13 rDuude Steelballs, you can msg staff
2014-09-14 08:37:15 rDuude staff are voiced
2014-09-14 08:37:15 TenTonMuffin i can resend it?
2014-09-14 08:37:16 Rookie then save the new name?
2014-09-14 08:37:20 Allison___ wait for tomorow
2014-09-14 08:37:23 Rookie staff?
2014-09-14 08:37:28 Rookie this place has staff?
2014-09-14 08:37:29 rDuude freenode staff
2014-09-14 08:37:30 Steelballs rookie let's see if we can get your name
2014-09-14 08:37:32 rDuude the server you're in
2014-09-14 08:37:33 Rookie lol
2014-09-14 08:37:33 Allison___ it'll dissipate
2014-09-14 08:37:36 Steelballs click this link #freenode
2014-09-14 08:37:39 Rookie i thought nthis was tagpro only
2014-09-14 08:37:45 Allison___ nope
2014-09-14 08:37:47 Rookie is this the whole world??
2014-09-14 08:37:47 rDuude no Rookie, this is a ~8 year old network
2014-09-14 08:37:51 Allison___ ^
2014-09-14 08:37:52 rDuude more even, i think
2014-09-14 08:37:57 rDuude 2001?
2014-09-14 08:37:57 Allison___ I'd reckon 12
2014-09-14 08:38:01 Rookie i prefer msn messenger
2014-09-14 08:38:03 rDuude not sure
2014-09-14 08:38:04 rDuude pls
2014-09-14 08:38:04 Allison___ yea around
2014-09-14 08:38:29 Steelballs rookie pls join this channel #freenode
2014-09-14 08:38:31 Allison___ rDuude
2014-09-14 08:38:33 Allison___ it's 1988
2014-09-14 08:38:36 Rookie how do i join?
2014-09-14 08:38:39 Steelballs click it
2014-09-14 08:38:42 Steelballs the hashtag
2014-09-14 08:38:43 Ballkenende_ !mods
2014-09-14 08:38:43 some_bot Flail, konichiwa, Hoog, NewCompte, Watball, Corhal, _Ly {Ly} [Ly] , tim-sanchez, _Ron, Troball, rk, Aaron215, Jet2, JGibbs, Radian, cz, Canadsian, tinkerc, Bull_tagpro, pooppants, turtlemansam, McBride36, deeznutz, bizkut, poopv, Rems, Nitro_, Rambo, bbq, Akiki, EbolaMod, hyphae
2014-09-14 08:39:00 -- FlailSleep is now known as Flail
2014-09-14 08:39:18 Allison___ freenode's around since 1995
2014-09-14 08:39:18 Ballkenende_ Got reported twice for offensive and smappy chat for pushing teammates not to grab
2014-09-14 08:39:31 Ballkenende_ and afk too much for 10 secs
2014-09-14 08:40:16 +Flail >pls stfu reportes
2014-09-14 08:40:17 +Flail why the fuck did you grab
2014-09-14 08:40:17 +Flail pls stfu
2014-09-14 08:40:22 +Flail Ballkenende_ pls
2014-09-14 08:40:24 rDuude lolol
2014-09-14 08:40:32 Allison___ lel
2014-09-14 08:40:34 Allison___ Flail pls
2014-09-14 08:40:36 Ballkenende_ thats not offensive
2014-09-14 08:40:36 rDuude awesome Allison__
2014-09-14 08:40:39 Allison___ be nice to children
2014-09-14 08:40:40 Kermit69 hahah
2014-09-14 08:40:42 rDuude "shut the fuck up" is pretty offensive
2014-09-14 08:40:54 Kermit69 not if the guy was spamming
2014-09-14 08:41:04 rDuude well at least it's not non-offensive, so it isn't a false report
2014-09-14 08:41:06 Ballkenende_ It started with why the fuk did you grab
2014-09-14 08:41:10 Allison___ yea that should be into account
2014-09-14 08:41:19 Redkiwi bye!
2014-09-14 08:41:22 Allison___ uh wut
2014-09-14 08:41:23 <-- Redkiwi ( has quit (Quit: Leaving)
2014-09-14 08:41:25 +Flail also, the afk report seems to stem from you checking IRC mid game
2014-09-14 08:41:28 rDuude ^
2014-09-14 08:41:30 +Flail soooooooooo
2014-09-14 08:41:31 Ballkenende_ yup
2014-09-14 08:41:31 rDuude you said it yourself
2014-09-14 08:41:35 TenTonMuffin why is my freenode chat not automatically scrolling down when new messages pop up?
2014-09-14 08:41:39 +Flail maybe don't afk during games?
2014-09-14 08:41:43 rDuude TenTonMuffin, webchat works like that
2014-09-14 08:41:45 Ballkenende_ it was 10 secs
2014-09-14 08:41:48 TenTonMuffin ah ok
2014-09-14 08:41:49 +Flail or if you do, don't start a shitstorm about it
2014-09-14 08:41:50 rDuude you can use or get a real client
2014-09-14 08:41:50 Steelballs cus webchat is busted
2014-09-14 08:41:53 <-- Robocop (5fac6820@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 08:42:01 Allison___ TenTonMuffin switch to hexchat
2014-09-14 08:42:02 Ballkenende_ Nothing happened
2014-09-14 08:42:05 Allison___ or kiwiirc
2014-09-14 08:42:09 Allison___ I prefer HexChat
2014-09-14 08:42:10 Ballkenende_ so why do they report
2014-09-14 08:42:12 Ballkenende_ afk
2014-09-14 08:42:13 +Flail welp, someone thought something happened enough to report
2014-09-14 08:42:17 +Flail it's not a non-valid report
2014-09-14 08:42:38 rDuude ^
2014-09-14 08:42:40 Ballkenende_ I am not getting banned?
2014-09-14 08:42:40 TenTonMuffin i would but im on a chromebook so no clients
2014-09-14 08:42:50 +Flail not just from this, but try to be nicer k?
2014-09-14 08:42:52 rDuude oh :(
2014-09-14 08:42:58 rDuude TenTonMuffin, check out then
2014-09-14 08:43:02 Allison___ ^
2014-09-14 08:43:20 Ballkenende_ ok
2014-09-14 08:43:29 Ballkenende_ But i was just pushing to not grab
2014-09-14 08:43:49 Ballkenende_ And they did go on without listening and they just reported me
2014-09-14 08:44:01 Steelballs he got it!
2014-09-14 08:44:07 Allison___ k let me get this clear
2014-09-14 08:44:12 Allison___ it's not about snowy isn't it
2014-09-14 08:44:18 Ballkenende_ Allison___: pls
2014-09-14 08:44:28 TenTonMuffin damn kiwiirc says my name is already taken
2014-09-14 08:44:28 Ballkenende_ Havent heard of him like a week
2014-09-14 08:44:29 rDuude Steelballs, awesome
2014-09-14 08:44:31 Ballkenende_ thank god
2014-09-14 08:44:36 Allison___ TenTonMuffin it's because
2014-09-14 08:44:37 rDuude TenTonMuffin, cos you're currently on it :P
2014-09-14 08:44:38 Allison___ you're here
2014-09-14 08:44:48 TenTonMuffin lol okay im incompetent
2014-09-14 08:44:51 Allison___ wait wait wait
2014-09-14 08:44:54 <-- TenTonMuffin (4a67ad2d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 08:44:54 Allison___ snowy is a him?
2014-09-14 08:44:59 Sunna Rookie did it work?
2014-09-14 08:45:00 Rookie lol, i dont know what im doing
2014-09-14 08:45:06 Steelballs rookie pls come back to here now
2014-09-14 08:45:12 Ballkenende_ Is he Allison___ ?
2014-09-14 08:45:12 --> TenTonMuffin (4a67ad2d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 08:45:16 Ballkenende_ wait
2014-09-14 08:45:16 Allison___ Ballkenende_ pls
2014-09-14 08:45:19 TenTonMuffin yay it worked
2014-09-14 08:45:20 Rookie i am herer?
2014-09-14 08:45:22 Ballkenende_ is he? Allison___
2014-09-14 08:45:22 Rookie here
2014-09-14 08:45:23 Ballkenende_ better
2014-09-14 08:45:25 rDuude wb TenTonMuffin
2014-09-14 08:45:28 rDuude congrats Rookie
2014-09-14 08:45:29 Allison___ lel
2014-09-14 08:45:35 Sunna Rookie have you registered it?
2014-09-14 08:45:36 rDuude oh now you have to register it
2014-09-14 08:45:37 Rookie how?
2014-09-14 08:45:41 Steelballs !register
2014-09-14 08:45:41 some_bot How to register your nick -->
2014-09-14 08:45:43 rDuude Rookie, type this: /ns register password email
2014-09-14 08:45:47 rDuude Steelballs, no need for that pls
2014-09-14 08:45:53 Rookie i did do that
2014-09-14 08:45:58 rDuude you need to do it again
2014-09-14 08:46:00 Rookie it said no
2014-09-14 08:46:06 Sunna rDuude4IRCmod
2014-09-14 08:46:06 rDuude because it was registered at the time
2014-09-14 08:46:06 Sunna pls
2014-09-14 08:46:06 Allison___ wut
2014-09-14 08:46:07 Steelballs it will say yes now
2014-09-14 08:46:09 rDuude Sunna pls
2014-09-14 08:46:15 Allison___ register roookie
2014-09-14 08:46:17 Sunna rDuude pls
2014-09-14 08:46:17 Allison___ or rookie_
2014-09-14 08:46:20 rDuude Allison__, pls
2014-09-14 08:46:20 Allison___ or _rookie
2014-09-14 08:46:22 Sunna you are always helping everyone
2014-09-14 08:46:24 rDuude it has been droppd
2014-09-14 08:46:27 Allison___ oh
2014-09-14 08:46:28 rDuude don't confuse people Allison__
2014-09-14 08:46:28 Steelballs Allison___ pls
2014-09-14 08:46:36 rDuude Sunna pls
2014-09-14 08:46:37 Allison___ wait wait what
2014-09-14 08:46:38 Sunna Allison___ pls
2014-09-14 08:46:40 Allison___ there are two mes
2014-09-14 08:46:47 TenTonMuffin Thanks for the help rDuude and allison
2014-09-14 08:46:49 Rookie so put in my email/
2014-09-14 08:46:50 Rookie ?
2014-09-14 08:46:52 Sunna yeah
2014-09-14 08:46:53 rDuude no worries TenTonMuffin, anything you need ask
2014-09-14 08:46:55 rDuude yes Rookie
2014-09-14 08:46:55 Steelballs yes
2014-09-14 08:46:56 rDuude and your password
2014-09-14 08:47:01 Allison___ np TenTonMuffin
2014-09-14 08:47:02 rDuude whichever password you want
2014-09-14 08:47:04 Sunna yep
2014-09-14 08:47:04 Steelballs password then email
2014-09-14 08:47:06 Rookie but then ul se my email pasword?
2014-09-14 08:47:09 Steelballs no
2014-09-14 08:47:09 Rookie see
2014-09-14 08:47:10 Sunna no
2014-09-14 08:47:13 Steelballs because /ns is a command
2014-09-14 08:47:14 Sunna it doesnt send to us
2014-09-14 08:47:16 Rookie hmmmm
2014-09-14 08:47:19 Rookie ok
2014-09-14 08:47:45 rDuude nope, everything starting with a / only you see
2014-09-14 08:48:03 Steelballs /really?
2014-09-14 08:48:04 Kermit69 im gonna stab my ex with a fish hook and rip her face apart if she doesn't stfu\
2014-09-14 08:48:21 Ooooh /i love dick
2014-09-14 08:48:26 Ooooh so no one saw that right?
2014-09-14 08:48:28 TenTonMuffin lol
2014-09-14 08:48:36 Allison___ Kermit69 wut
2014-09-14 08:48:38 Kermit69 !grab Ooooh
2014-09-14 08:48:38 some_bot The operation succeeded.
2014-09-14 08:48:41 Steelballs ns identify awesomerawson
2014-09-14 08:48:44 Steelballs dammit
2014-09-14 08:48:48 Ooooh ;)
2014-09-14 08:48:51 Steelballs forgot the slash
2014-09-14 08:48:52 Steelballs loool
2014-09-14 08:48:57 Allison___ the new hunter2
2014-09-14 08:48:57 rDuude Rookie, you still haven't registered pls
2014-09-14 08:48:59 Kermit69 my ex is driving me fucken nuts right now
2014-09-14 08:49:00 Allison___ has arrived
2014-09-14 08:49:04 Allison___ hm
2014-09-14 08:49:06 Allison___ instant ex
2014-09-14 08:49:09 Kermit69 im gonna shoot her.
2014-09-14 08:49:13 Steelballs Ooooh pls
2014-09-14 08:49:18 rDuude Kermit69 pls
2014-09-14 08:49:18 Ooooh xoxo
2014-09-14 08:49:32 TenTonMuffin why are you talking to your ex
2014-09-14 08:49:39 Steelballs children
2014-09-14 08:49:46 Allison___ ^ possibly
2014-09-14 08:49:48 Kermit69 yea i won't shoot her, ill just slowly cut her to fucken peices
2014-09-14 08:49:50 Kermit69 yes.
2014-09-14 08:49:54 rDuude yeah don't say that
2014-09-14 08:49:54 Steelballs the only reason anyone talks to exes
2014-09-14 08:49:57 TenTonMuffin holy crap kermit
2014-09-14 08:50:05 Rookie /msg NickServ register <password> <>
2014-09-14 08:50:06 Allison___ nah
2014-09-14 08:50:06 Sunna a slash and ns doesnt show other people Rookie
2014-09-14 08:50:09 Steelballs Kermit69 pics?
2014-09-14 08:50:13 rDuude Rookie pls
2014-09-14 08:50:14 Kermit69 don't say what?
2014-09-14 08:50:16 rDuude you put a space in that
2014-09-14 08:50:16 Sunna just try it
2014-09-14 08:50:21 Sunna haha
2014-09-14 08:50:24 Sunna /ns
2014-09-14 08:50:26 Rookie lol
2014-09-14 08:50:29 Rookie i see
2014-09-14 08:50:30 rDuude you need to not put a space before the /
2014-09-14 08:50:31 Allison___
2014-09-14 08:50:32 Steelballs rookie dafuck r u doing
2014-09-14 08:50:32 AnkhBot Title: Slow slicing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
2014-09-14 08:50:34 Sunna space before makes it show here
2014-09-14 08:50:35 rDuude ok, two things you're doing wrong
2014-09-14 08:50:35 Allison___ mhm
2014-09-14 08:50:46 Kermit69 she has great tits if that the pics you ment
2014-09-14 08:50:46 rDuude you need to type /ns register password email
2014-09-14 08:50:48 rDuude no <>
2014-09-14 08:50:51 Sunna dont to the <>
2014-09-14 08:50:51 TenTonMuffin they aren't trying to scam you out of your email password
2014-09-14 08:50:56 rDuude and replacing password and email with your password and email
2014-09-14 08:50:56 Sunna and no spaces before the slash
2014-09-14 08:51:02 rDuude CHOOSE A DIFFERENT PASSWORD FOR IRC
2014-09-14 08:51:07 rDuude if you don't feel safe doing it
2014-09-14 08:51:07 Allison___ heh
2014-09-14 08:51:09 Sunna DONT USE PASSWORD
2014-09-14 08:51:11 Allison___ I use universal passwords
2014-09-14 08:51:16 Allison___ LISTEN TO THEM
2014-09-14 08:51:16 Sunna like
2014-09-14 08:51:18 rDuude Allison__, freenode was hacked yesterday
2014-09-14 08:51:19 Ooooh use something silly like abc123
2014-09-14 08:51:20 Sunna password for password
2014-09-14 08:51:24 Allison___ rDuude wut
2014-09-14 08:51:28 rDuude so yeah, good luck with that
2014-09-14 08:51:32 Allison___ ugh
2014-09-14 08:51:47 TenTonMuffin time to change all your passwords
2014-09-14 08:51:49 TenTonMuffin have fun
2014-09-14 08:51:50 Allison___ wow fuck
2014-09-14 08:51:51 Allison___ truth
2014-09-14 08:51:52 Kermit69 im gonna skin my ex, and wear that shit
2014-09-14 08:51:59 Allison___ well kermit69
2014-09-14 08:52:04 Allison___ that's another method
2014-09-14 08:52:07 Steelballs Kermit69 pics
2014-09-14 08:52:11 TenTonMuffin hannibal lecter?
2014-09-14 08:52:11 Allison___ maybe stoning?
2014-09-14 08:52:19 rDuude Kermit69, can you please tone that down?
2014-09-14 08:52:23 TenTonMuffin make some lamp shades dude
2014-09-14 08:52:27 Kermit69 never said eat her, i just wanna wear her skin
2014-09-14 08:52:31 rDuude ...
2014-09-14 08:52:55 Kermit69 rDuude, cry about it :)
2014-09-14 08:53:03 Steelballs awww sheet
2014-09-14 08:53:06 rDuude i can do better than that
2014-09-14 08:53:07 Steelballs now you gon dun it
2014-09-14 08:53:15 rDuude .irc mods Kermit69's language
2014-09-14 08:53:15 tagbot LuckySpammer steppin ylambda SmileyTsu \mSg theVDude Watball bizkut_ WreckingBall PrivateMajor Stalin_ NewCompte poopv McBride36 DeezNutz turtlemansam tim-sanchez
2014-09-14 08:53:24 Steelballs tim-sanchez GOOOOOOO
2014-09-14 08:53:29 Kermit69 its english
2014-09-14 08:53:38 Kermit69 i can answer that for you dude
2014-09-14 08:53:39 Allison___ lel
2014-09-14 08:53:42 +tim-sanchez this is weird
2014-09-14 08:53:44 Allison___ Which dialect
2014-09-14 08:53:50 Allison___ Northern New Jersey
2014-09-14 08:53:51 Allison___ k
2014-09-14 08:53:53 rDuude hi tim, can you please make him stop?
2014-09-14 08:53:54 Steelballs SWING THAT BAN HAMMER
2014-09-14 08:53:57 Kermit69 how'd you know that
2014-09-14 08:54:02 Allison___ hmmm
2014-09-14 08:54:04 Allison___ guessing?
2014-09-14 08:54:10 Kermit69 lies you knew
2014-09-14 08:54:15 Allison___ heh
2014-09-14 08:54:19 +tim-sanchez I don't want to be implicated in a murder case
2014-09-14 08:54:20 Allison___ k don't bother me
2014-09-14 08:54:25 Kermit69 hahah tim
2014-09-14 08:54:30 TenTonMuffin he's using his hacker skillz to trace your IP
2014-09-14 08:54:35 Allison___ I'm reading things bout Chinese execution methods
2014-09-14 08:54:40 Allison___ pls
2014-09-14 08:54:44 Allison___ TenTonMuffin
2014-09-14 08:54:48 Allison___ we've all got IPs
2014-09-14 08:54:49 Kermit69 thats fine i like tim and respect his decitions
2014-09-14 08:54:51 Allison___ well some of them
2014-09-14 08:54:55 Steelballs Rookie, srsly how long does it take you to register a name
2014-09-14 08:54:56 Steelballs jesus
2014-09-14 08:55:04 Rookie im reading
2014-09-14 08:55:05 rDuude i think he gave up
2014-09-14 08:55:16 Steelballs reading what?!
2014-09-14 08:55:17 rDuude Rookie, you just need to type this: /ns register password email
2014-09-14 08:55:22 Rookie it keeps saying my email is invalid
2014-09-14 08:55:24 TenTonMuffin i registered my name under a misspelled email and i can't finish the registration
2014-09-14 08:55:25 Kermit69 i assume he found no reason for a ban
2014-09-14 08:55:32 rDuude replace the password and email for your password and email
2014-09-14 08:55:39 Kermit69 which i kind of expected
2014-09-14 08:55:41 rDuude Rookie, you need to remove the "<>"
2014-09-14 08:56:07 Rookie ok ill be bk in a bit
2014-09-14 08:56:13 rDuude ok
2014-09-14 08:56:18 Steelballs just write /ns register rookielovescookies
2014-09-14 08:56:29 rDuude ^
2014-09-14 08:56:38 Allison___ \lel
2014-09-14 08:56:47 Steelballs /lel
2014-09-14 08:56:57 Allison___ \/o\/
2014-09-14 08:57:05 Ooooh lel
2014-09-14 08:57:07 Allison___ ./o\
2014-09-14 08:57:10 Kermit69 i would just change my ip anywyas
2014-09-14 08:57:19 rDuude o.o
2014-09-14 08:57:28 Allison___ don't make me do that
2014-09-14 08:57:46 Kermit69 thats not my ip lol allison
2014-09-14 08:57:47 TenTonMuffin did you just spend five minutes figuring out your static IP so you could post it?
2014-09-14 08:57:48 Sunna .afk lunch
2014-09-14 08:57:49 tagbot See you soon Sunna!
2014-09-14 08:57:56 rDuude lol TenTonMuffin i think he did
2014-09-14 08:57:58 Allison___ TenTonMuffin pls
2014-09-14 08:58:01 Allison___ just click a username
2014-09-14 08:58:06 Allison___ and their IP will appear
2014-09-14 08:58:11 rDuude Allison__, reread what he said
2014-09-14 08:58:14 TenTonMuffin oh im stupid
2014-09-14 08:58:23 Kermit69 i posted what i use to change it, thats not my ip lol
2014-09-14 08:58:43 Steelballs \o/ /o\ /o/ /o\
2014-09-14 08:58:51 Allison___ wait what
2014-09-14 08:58:55 +pooppants lol
2014-09-14 08:58:56 +pooppants lolol
2014-09-14 08:59:06 Allison___ rDuude wut
2014-09-14 08:59:14 +pooppants look at this kid cry
2014-09-14 08:59:24 rDuude lol
2014-09-14 08:59:28 Allison___ that's not even crying
2014-09-14 08:59:32 Kermit69 is a site to change my ip… not my ip
2014-09-14 08:59:32 Allison___ more than depression
2014-09-14 08:59:37 Steelballs if that was in my car i would not be fucken hapy
2014-09-14 08:59:41 Allison___ oh
2014-09-14 08:59:43 +pooppants lol this kid too
2014-09-14 08:59:44 AnkhBot Title: the ice-cream van - YouTube |
2014-09-14 09:00:25 Allison___ wait si
2014-09-14 09:00:26 rDuude Rookie, you've received the next step on your email, follow that
2014-09-14 09:00:26 Allison___ *so
2014-09-14 09:00:30 Steelballs why would you record your kids eating beans on toast
2014-09-14 09:00:31 Allison___ the kid pushed the other kid?
2014-09-14 09:00:41 Allison___ or two kids fell simultaneously
2014-09-14 09:00:49 Allison___ well nearly
2014-09-14 09:00:56 Rookie ok
2014-09-14 09:01:08 TenTonMuffin is beans on toast a british thing?
2014-09-14 09:01:12 Rookie ok
2014-09-14 09:01:39 <-- Kermit69 (4352110e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 09:01:39 Steelballs yes
2014-09-14 09:01:47 Steelballs very british
2014-09-14 09:01:57 rDuude ok Rookie, now type this: /ns set enforce on
2014-09-14 09:01:57 Allison___ k I gotta watch some ADoseofBuckley
2014-09-14 09:02:04 rDuude that'll make it so nobody can take your nick
2014-09-14 09:02:09 rDuude and then you're done
2014-09-14 09:02:15 +pooppants well
2014-09-14 09:02:17 Steelballs FINALLY
2014-09-14 09:02:19 +pooppants people can sort of take your nick
2014-09-14 09:02:19 Rookie am i really done tho?
2014-09-14 09:02:22 rDuude yeah Rookie
2014-09-14 09:02:26 Steelballs for 30 seconds
2014-09-14 09:02:27 rDuude pooppants, shhh, he's already very confused
2014-09-14 09:02:28 +pooppants if you come online and you can't use it
2014-09-14 09:02:31 Allison___ heh
2014-09-14 09:02:32 Rookie is thatr why u have a red name?
2014-09-14 09:02:32 --> Nini ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 09:02:32 +pooppants you have to RELEASE it
2014-09-14 09:02:36 Allison___ hi nini
2014-09-14 09:02:42 rDuude Rookie, when you login you type /ns identify password
2014-09-14 09:02:44 +pooppants we'll help you if it ever happens
2014-09-14 09:02:44 Allison___ ~define Allison
2014-09-14 09:02:47 rDuude i have a red name because i'm saying yours
2014-09-14 09:02:57 rDuude yeah, if you can't take your nick, type /ns release Rookie password
2014-09-14 09:02:58 Rookie oh
2014-09-14 09:02:58 Nini hi Allison__!
2014-09-14 09:03:02 rDuude but that's a story for another time
2014-09-14 09:03:07 rDuude hi Nini
2014-09-14 09:03:09 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 1 players. likely or
2014-09-14 09:03:11 poots lol
2014-09-14 09:03:11 Steelballs dont worry rookie
2014-09-14 09:03:17 Steelballs you've just about done
2014-09-14 09:03:17 Rookie lol
2014-09-14 09:03:26 Steelballs the rest you can learn over time
2014-09-14 09:03:27 Allison___ wait who's poots
2014-09-14 09:03:27 Rookie this whole thing is too much
2014-09-14 09:03:32 rDuude Rookie pls
2014-09-14 09:03:35 rDuude it's a one time thing
2014-09-14 09:03:36 Rookie do i just close it to leave?
2014-09-14 09:03:39 rDuude yeah...
2014-09-14 09:03:40 Steelballs yes
2014-09-14 09:03:41 Nini olá rDuude!
2014-09-14 09:03:41 Rookie ok
2014-09-14 09:03:45 rDuude hallo Nini
2014-09-14 09:03:48 Nini :D
2014-09-14 09:03:48 Steelballs or type /quit
2014-09-14 09:03:56 Rookie of course
2014-09-14 09:04:11 Rookie so why is duude rduude?
2014-09-14 09:04:20 Allison___ because someone took duude
2014-09-14 09:04:20 --> Kermit69 (4352110e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 09:04:21 rDuude duude is taken, it's a bot
2014-09-14 09:04:22 Steelballs becaus ehe cant get duude
2014-09-14 09:04:27 Rookie slack
2014-09-14 09:04:39 poots lolol yissss
2014-09-14 09:04:47 poots never have to log in again, just open a new tab!
2014-09-14 09:05:07 Steelballs anyway rookie now im not dead
2014-09-14 09:05:09 Rookie back in the day, i had a private sesh with danny, hoiw dfo u do those?
2014-09-14 09:05:10 Steelballs ive been here all along
2014-09-14 09:05:15 Steelballs this is where i live
2014-09-14 09:05:16 poots Steelballs:
2014-09-14 09:05:19 poots oops
2014-09-14 09:05:20 rDuude Rookie, /msg name message
2014-09-14 09:05:20 Rookie good job on the not being dead
2014-09-14 09:05:20 Kermit69 rduude what was that about getting me banned before?
2014-09-14 09:05:39 rDuude Kermit69, i don't know what you're talking about
2014-09-14 09:05:41 poots Steelballs: i set up a persistent web interfaced IRC client
2014-09-14 09:05:53 Steelballs ok
2014-09-14 09:05:59 poots ily bby
2014-09-14 09:06:01 <-- TenTonMuffin (4a67ad2d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
2014-09-14 09:06:02 poots ijust wanted to share
2014-09-14 09:06:06 Steelballs ty for sharing
2014-09-14 09:06:12 rDuude that's nice
2014-09-14 09:06:30 <-- Rookie (5c15a508@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 09:06:36 Kermit69 i was talking about getting my ex sliced up into nice steak sized squares, and you told me to stop with my luangage
2014-09-14 09:06:37 poots if it works okay I'd be able to let other people connect to it and then to log in to IRC they'd just have to log in to thisa
2014-09-14 09:06:44 Steelballs god dammit we lost him already
2014-09-14 09:06:55 poots and it would have all the chatlog and everything
2014-09-14 09:06:56 --> rookie (5c15a508@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 09:07:00 poots hi rookie
2014-09-14 09:07:04 rookie hey
2014-09-14 09:07:08 poots do /ns identify password
2014-09-14 09:07:14 rookie is rookie different to Rookie?
2014-09-14 09:07:14 Steelballs now you need to type /ns identify password
2014-09-14 09:07:20 -- rookie is now known as Guest74536
2014-09-14 09:07:20 poots nope
2014-09-14 09:07:23 poots whoops!
2014-09-14 09:07:23 Steelballs lel
2014-09-14 09:07:25 Kermit69 !random
2014-09-14 09:07:25 some_bot <JukeKing> Did you guys know that every time you join IRC, you are helping complete Google maps database by entering captchas about street view house numbers
2014-09-14 09:07:31 poots do /ns release rookie password
2014-09-14 09:07:38 Kermit69 !random
2014-09-14 09:07:38 Guest74536 ummm
2014-09-14 09:07:38 some_bot <Stalin_> I don't say dumb things
2014-09-14 09:07:39 poots then /ns identify rookie password
2014-09-14 09:07:40 Steelballs this is a fucken train wreck
2014-09-14 09:07:41 Steelballs loooool
2014-09-14 09:07:45 Guest74536 lol
2014-09-14 09:07:58 Kermit69 !quotelist kermit69
2014-09-14 09:07:58 Guest74536 why would i releasde my password?
2014-09-14 09:07:58 some_bot #3807: <Kermit69> people already seem to..., #3794: <Kermit69> i never wanna syringe my..., #3767: <Kermit69> I don't like big cars or real..., #3765: <Kermit69> yes, but id be happy as fuck..., #3764: <Kermit69> tbh I'm just a shit person..., #3736: <Kermit69> After i get baCK FROM buying..., #3732: <Kermit69> fuck you somebot ill grab..., #3731: <Kermit69> who doenst drink at 5 am?, #3724: <Kermit69> i (1 more message)
2014-09-14 09:08:00 Allison___ !random Kermit69
2014-09-14 09:08:00 some_bot <Kermit69> i mowed your mom
2014-09-14 09:08:01 Steelballs just do as we say
2014-09-14 09:08:04 Steelballs when we say it
2014-09-14 09:08:12 Allison___ !quote Allison__
2014-09-14 09:08:12 some_bot <Allison__> ugh, I have a Greek god on my penis
2014-09-14 09:08:20 +pooppants Guest74536: it "unlocks" your nick
2014-09-14 09:08:22 rDuude Guest74536, /ns release rookie password
2014-09-14 09:08:23 Steelballs you now need to release rookie
2014-09-14 09:08:26 rDuude so you can take back your nick
2014-09-14 09:08:28 +pooppants it's in a locked state
2014-09-14 09:08:33 Guest74536 ok
2014-09-14 09:08:35 Guest74536 brb
2014-09-14 09:08:35 Steelballs because you fucked up and didnt enter your password
2014-09-14 09:08:39 +pooppants woah
2014-09-14 09:08:39 Steelballs no no brb
2014-09-14 09:08:40 Steelballs do it here
2014-09-14 09:08:43 +pooppants watch ur language
2014-09-14 09:08:46 <-- Guest74536 (5c15a508@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Client Quit)
2014-09-14 09:08:48 rDuude lol srsly
2014-09-14 09:08:52 Steelballs this guy
2014-09-14 09:08:56 Kermit69 fuck fuck fuckity
2014-09-14 09:08:56 <-- poots ( has quit (Changing host)
2014-09-14 09:08:56 --> poots (~subway@unaffiliated/thevdude) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 09:08:56 -- Mode #tagpro [+v poots] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 09:09:02 -- poots is now known as jaybird
2014-09-14 09:09:04 Allison___ fuck fuck fuckity fuck
2014-09-14 09:09:04 +jaybird lolo
2014-09-14 09:09:05 +jaybird lolol
2014-09-14 09:09:06 rDuude lol pooppants pls
2014-09-14 09:09:19 Steelballs pooppants can you kick this fool
2014-09-14 09:09:25 +pooppants who, jaybird?
2014-09-14 09:09:28 Steelballs no
2014-09-14 09:09:41 -- Mode #tagpro [-v jaybird] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 09:09:47 Kermit69 me or allison___ i assumbe
2014-09-14 09:09:54 Allison___ ^
2014-09-14 09:09:55 Steelballs ^
2014-09-14 09:09:57 Kermit69 thats how assume is spelt
2014-09-14 09:10:07 +pooppants i'd like both of them too much
2014-09-14 09:10:13 +pooppants to kick them for "fuck fuckity"
2014-09-14 09:10:33 Kermit69 <3 you pooppants
2014-09-14 09:10:40 Steelballs no no id like him to be kicked for "ima cut my ex gf into steak size pieces"
2014-09-14 09:10:57 rDuude ^
2014-09-14 09:11:01 +pooppants i think we've all felt that way one time or another
2014-09-14 09:11:03 Kermit69 who doesn't love steak steelballs
2014-09-14 09:11:04 Allison___ Steelballs that means I get parole?
2014-09-14 09:11:21 --> notrookie (5c15a508@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 09:11:25 rDuude pooppants, i don't go around describing how i'd wear my ex's skin
2014-09-14 09:11:30 Steelballs ^
2014-09-14 09:11:31 notrookie ok so i broke it?
2014-09-14 09:11:40 Steelballs you need to do as we say notrookie
2014-09-14 09:11:42 +pooppants notrookie: seriously, just listen to me
2014-09-14 09:11:46 notrookie id love to
2014-09-14 09:11:50 Kermit69 i do, i think we've all felt that way
2014-09-14 09:11:52 Steelballs type /ns release rookie password
2014-09-14 09:11:54 notrookie but im locked out of that acc now?
2014-09-14 09:11:59 +pooppants notrookie: not if you listen to us
2014-09-14 09:12:09 +pooppants /ns release rookie password
2014-09-14 09:12:16 +pooppants that RELEASES the lock on the account
2014-09-14 09:12:35 notrookie ok itss released
2014-09-14 09:12:41 notrookie now log in again?>
2014-09-14 09:12:42 Steelballs now type /nick Rookie
2014-09-14 09:12:50 Kermit69 rDuude and steel balls…I'm not gonna get banned anytime soon… so give up i <3 you guys
2014-09-14 09:12:54 +pooppants Steelballs:
2014-09-14 09:12:54 +pooppants pls
2014-09-14 09:12:55 -- notrookie is now known as rookie
2014-09-14 09:12:59 Steelballs then /ns identify password
2014-09-14 09:13:00 Allison___ pooppants:
2014-09-14 09:13:01 Allison___ pls
2014-09-14 09:13:02 +pooppants do /ns identify rookie password
2014-09-14 09:13:03 rDuude i never asked for you to get banned
2014-09-14 09:13:04 +pooppants then change nick
2014-09-14 09:13:16 +pooppants it's hard to get banned from IRC guys
2014-09-14 09:13:33 Allison___ it happens everyday on #ballz
2014-09-14 09:13:35 Kermit69 they were upset i said i was gonna skin my ex
2014-09-14 09:13:36 rookie ok done
2014-09-14 09:13:41 +pooppants #ballz is dum
2014-09-14 09:13:41 rookie now what?
2014-09-14 09:13:45 rDuude pooppants, i didn't ask for anyone to be banned
2014-09-14 09:13:47 +pooppants #squarez 4 lyfe
2014-09-14 09:13:49 Steelballs enjoy the madness
2014-09-14 09:13:52 +pooppants rookie: you're logged in!
2014-09-14 09:14:01 rookie so am i logged in for good?
2014-09-14 09:14:02 Kermit69 I <3 maddness!
2014-09-14 09:14:17 Steelballs until you quit
2014-09-14 09:14:17 Ballkenende_ I think i have never won on SuperDuperStamp
2014-09-14 09:14:17 +pooppants every time you come on you'll have to supply your password
2014-09-14 09:14:21 rookie or do i log in each tiem?
2014-09-14 09:14:24 rookie ok
2014-09-14 09:14:29 Allison___ Ballkenende_ pls
2014-09-14 09:14:33 Allison___ If you leave
2014-09-14 09:14:37 Allison___ your team will win
2014-09-14 09:14:38 Steelballs are you using webchat?
2014-09-14 09:14:42 +pooppants he is
2014-09-14 09:14:46 +pooppants he is using freenode webchat
2014-09-14 09:14:47 Allison___ trustme
2014-09-14 09:14:47 Sunna has rookie registered yet?
2014-09-14 09:14:52 rookie i dont know
2014-09-14 09:14:52 +pooppants Sunna: he did
2014-09-14 09:14:57 Sunna yiss!
2014-09-14 09:14:59 Ballkenende_ !month
2014-09-14 09:14:59 [TagPro] Ballkenende_ (Ballkenende) month: Time Played: 27:02:44 / Games: 340 / w/l/dc/%: 155/185/0/46% Caps: 188 / Drops: 2010 / Grabs: 2201 / Hold: 05:16:37 / Pops: 2657 / Prevent: 01:13:05 / Returns: 794 / Support: 4044 / Tags: 1108
2014-09-14 09:15:05 +pooppants !today
2014-09-14 09:15:05 [TagPro] pooppants (<3<3<3) today: Time Played: 00:00:00 / Games: 0 (Play Much?) / w/l/dc/%: 0/0/0/0% Caps: 0 / Drops: 0 / Grabs: 0 / Hold: 00:00:00 / Pops: 0 / Prevent: 00:00:00 / Returns: 0 / Support: 0 / Tags: 0
2014-09-14 09:15:06 Ballkenende_ No DC's :D
2014-09-14 09:15:09 +pooppants lol
2014-09-14 09:15:12 Sunna !month
2014-09-14 09:15:12 [TagPro] Sunna (Sunna) month: Time Played: 20:36:25 / Games: 225 / w/l/dc/%: 131/89/5/58% Caps: 187 / Drops: 1331 / Grabs: 1522 / Hold: 04:57:40 / Pops: 1843 / Prevent: 01:09:19 / Returns: 757 / Support: 2842 / Tags: 1056
2014-09-14 09:15:12 Steelballs then you can log on before you join by clicking the tickbox that says "auth to services"
2014-09-14 09:15:14 Ballkenende_ while
2014-09-14 09:15:15 +pooppants !month
2014-09-14 09:15:16 [TagPro] pooppants (<3<3<3) month: Time Played: 00:00:00 / Games: 0 (Play Much?) / w/l/dc/%: 0/0/0/0% Caps: 0 / Drops: 0 / Grabs: 0 / Hold: 00:00:00 / Pops: 0 / Prevent: 00:00:00 / Returns: 0 / Support: 0 / Tags: 0
2014-09-14 09:15:17 Ballkenende_ !all
2014-09-14 09:15:17 [TagPro] Ballkenende_ (Ballkenende) all: Time Played: 163:11:31 / Games: 2422 / w/l/dc/%: 1027/1284/112/42% Caps: 1014 / Drops: 9700 / Grabs: 10721 / Hold: 25:03:15 / Pops: 14533 / Prevent: 08:51:26 / Returns: 4609 / Support: 20534 / Tags: 6290
2014-09-14 09:15:19 rookie the fuck is al this
2014-09-14 09:15:21 Ballkenende_ has 112
2014-09-14 09:15:23 +pooppants wow
2014-09-14 09:15:25 +pooppants 163 hours
2014-09-14 09:15:25 Kermit69 46% lol
2014-09-14 09:15:28 +pooppants !all
2014-09-14 09:15:28 [TagPro] pooppants (<3<3<3) all: Time Played: 21:09:15 / Games: 333 / w/l/dc/%: 163/138/32/49% Caps: 149 / Drops: 744 / Grabs: 893 / Hold: 01:44:52 / Pops: 1525 / Prevent: 01:32:41 / Returns: 854 / Support: 1650 / Tags: 1346
2014-09-14 09:15:32 +pooppants 21 hours
2014-09-14 09:15:34 +pooppants <3
2014-09-14 09:15:34 Steelballs thats pooppants stats
2014-09-14 09:15:38 rookie oh
2014-09-14 09:15:40 Sunna !all
2014-09-14 09:15:40 [TagPro] Sunna (Sunna) all: Time Played: 197:00:36 / Games: 2863 / w/l/dc/%: 1286/1402/175/45% Caps: 1626 / Drops: 12601 / Grabs: 14239 / Hold: 39:03:07 / Pops: 19322 / Prevent: 10:05:45 / Returns: 5691 / Support: 21324 / Tags: 8341
2014-09-14 09:15:42 Allison___ !all
2014-09-14 09:15:42 [TagPro] Allison___ (Allons-y) all: Time Played: 204:40:04 / Games: 3049 / w/l/dc/%: 1456/1292/301/48% Caps: 2175 / Drops: 15235 / Grabs: 17421 / Hold: 50:22:06 / Pops: 22176 / Prevent: 06:20:14 / Returns: 4850 / Support: 26504 / Tags: 6361
2014-09-14 09:15:44 Sunna dem horrible stats
2014-09-14 09:15:44 Steelballs thats sunnas
2014-09-14 09:15:47 Allison___ ugh
2014-09-14 09:15:49 Steelballs and allisons
2014-09-14 09:15:50 Kermit69 !all
2014-09-14 09:15:50 Allison___ 48%
2014-09-14 09:15:50 [TagPro] Kermit69 (Kermit69) all: Time Played: 597:09:54 / Games: 8350 / w/l/dc/%: 3965/4064/321/47% Caps: 2917 / Drops: 24946 / Grabs: 27876 / Hold: 66:08:28 / Pops: 45481 / Prevent: 72:34:02 / Returns: 30826 / Support: 61507 / Tags: 35956
2014-09-14 09:15:53 Ballkenende_ !all
2014-09-14 09:15:54 [TagPro] Ballkenende_ (Ballkenende) all: Time Played: 163:11:31 / Games: 2422 / w/l/dc/%: 1027/1284/112/42% Caps: 1014 / Drops: 9700 / Grabs: 10721 / Hold: 25:03:15 / Pops: 14533 / Prevent: 08:51:26 / Returns: 4609 / Support: 20534 / Tags: 6290
2014-09-14 09:15:56 Allison___ pls
2014-09-14 09:15:57 +pooppants holy shit kermit
2014-09-14 09:15:59 Allison___ !all Steelballs
2014-09-14 09:15:59 [TagPro] Steelballs (steelballs) all: Time Played: 115:58:30 / Games: 1688 / w/l/dc/%: 824/794/70/49% Caps: 1054 / Drops: 6806 / Grabs: 7864 / Hold: 18:07:23 / Pops: 10382 / Prevent: 04:32:10 / Returns: 3804 / Support: 12330 / Tags: 5619
2014-09-14 09:16:00 Steelballs GUYS PLS
2014-09-14 09:16:03 rDuude ...
2014-09-14 09:16:04 rookie cease
2014-09-14 09:16:06 Allison___ Steelballs pls
2014-09-14 09:16:08 Ballkenende_ !all Meep.
2014-09-14 09:16:09 [TagPro] Meep. doesn't appear to have their profile added yet. Perhaps you could pursuade them to !add <their profile>. Click "Profile" and copy the part after /profile/
2014-09-14 09:16:09 Allison___ 1% only?
2014-09-14 09:16:10 Allison___ scrub
2014-09-14 09:16:11 rookie robots cease
2014-09-14 09:16:12 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 1 players. likely or
2014-09-14 09:16:17 Ballkenende_ oh
2014-09-14 09:16:20 Kermit69 3 hours away from 600
2014-09-14 09:16:27 Steelballs !rek rookie
2014-09-14 09:16:27 some_bot rookie just got rekt.
2014-09-14 09:16:31 rookie lol
2014-09-14 09:16:34 rookie what
2014-09-14 09:16:38 Allison___ Steelballs ye scrub
2014-09-14 09:16:47 Steelballs !burn rookie
2014-09-14 09:16:47 [TagPro] rookie just got BURNED. This one's for you rookie:
2014-09-14 09:16:48 AnkhBot Title: List of burn centers in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
2014-09-14 09:16:52 jaybird lool
2014-09-14 09:16:55 Steelballs lol thanks ankhbot
2014-09-14 09:16:56 rookie lol wowo
2014-09-14 09:17:07 jaybird !rke Steelballs
2014-09-14 09:17:07 some_bot Sbatleells just got rekt.
2014-09-14 09:17:12 Allison___ ^
2014-09-14 09:17:13 Ballkenende_ !hire rookie
2014-09-14 09:17:13 some_bot rookie was hired only to be immediately ULTRA FIRED.
2014-09-14 09:17:14 jaybird !seurperk Steelballs
2014-09-14 09:17:15 some_bot Setelballs just got so rket their oafiifcl ttlie is now 'Setlblaels the Anally Dstaetaved'.
2014-09-14 09:17:16 Steelballs !seurperk jaybird
2014-09-14 09:17:17 some_bot jbayird jsut got so rekt tiher ocfaifil tlite is now 'jaribyd the Alnlay Dtsaaetved'.
2014-09-14 09:17:19 rookie ok so theres a ton of codes tehn?
2014-09-14 09:17:20 Allison___ !SUPERREK Steelballs
2014-09-14 09:17:20 some_bot Steelballs just got so rekt their official title is now 'Steelballs the Anally Devastated'.
2014-09-14 09:17:27 Steelballs there is indeed
2014-09-14 09:17:32 rookie lol ok nice
2014-09-14 09:17:39 jaybird !tagprolaw1
2014-09-14 09:17:39 some_bot Thou shalt juke with much fervor
2014-09-14 09:17:45 rookie amd u guys just live on here?
2014-09-14 09:17:45 Steelballs there are many useful ones as well
2014-09-14 09:17:47 Allison___ just !grab some valuable ones
2014-09-14 09:17:47 Ballkenende_ !grab rookie
2014-09-14 09:17:47 some_bot The operation succeeded.
2014-09-14 09:17:48 Kermit69 ballkenede you have almost 9 hrs of prevent
2014-09-14 09:17:50 Steelballs like maptests
2014-09-14 09:17:53 Ballkenende_ !quotelist rookie
2014-09-14 09:17:53 some_bot #3833: amd u guys just live on here?
2014-09-14 09:17:58 Steelballs so you can write !testeu 45
2014-09-14 09:18:06 Steelballs !testeu 45
2014-09-14 09:18:07 some_bot I tried to upload the map but I had trouble reaching the server (!
2014-09-14 09:18:08 some_bot Trying another server..
2014-09-14 09:18:09 some_bot (45)
2014-09-14 09:18:10 AnkhBot Title: TagPro |
2014-09-14 09:18:11 Allison___ !rainbow [superrek $randomnick]
2014-09-14 09:18:11 some_bot Guest8 just got so rekt their official title is now 'jdp the Anally Devastated'.
2014-09-14 09:18:15 jaybird wow AnkhBot
2014-09-14 09:18:17 Ballkenende_ !Ungrab 3833
2014-09-14 09:18:18 some_bot The operation succeeded.
2014-09-14 09:18:19 Steelballs and that will be a test of 45
2014-09-14 09:18:22 jaybird lol
2014-09-14 09:18:23 rookie ok
2014-09-14 09:18:24 Kermit69 i have 72 hours
2014-09-14 09:18:28 jaybird so this webclient doesn't do color codes
2014-09-14 09:18:32 rookie ill just stick to chat for now
2014-09-14 09:18:39 Steelballs mhmm
2014-09-14 09:18:40 Allison___ hehe
2014-09-14 09:18:42 rookie so kermit is murdering?
2014-09-14 09:18:47 rDuude is this "scare the new guy away" time?
2014-09-14 09:18:51 rDuude rookie, yup
2014-09-14 09:19:03 rookie sounds fun
2014-09-14 09:19:08 rDuude pretty much usual tbh
2014-09-14 09:19:10 Steelballs rDuude pls its rookie
2014-09-14 09:19:11 Steelballs hes not new
2014-09-14 09:19:12 Allison___ 72 = 3 days
2014-09-14 09:19:12 Kermit69 rookie type !all
2014-09-14 09:19:14 Allison___ yep
2014-09-14 09:19:16 rDuude new to irc guy
2014-09-14 09:19:38 Steelballs rookie is scared of anything to do with computers
2014-09-14 09:19:40 rookie ok so that list on the right
2014-09-14 09:19:44 rookie true
2014-09-14 09:19:45 Steelballs yep
2014-09-14 09:19:45 Allison___ lol 101 degrees
2014-09-14 09:19:46 rDuude is the people list
2014-09-14 09:19:48 Allison___ more than most of us
2014-09-14 09:19:49 rookie i like pen n paper
2014-09-14 09:19:51 Steelballs thats whos here
2014-09-14 09:20:05 rookie but most are afk?
2014-09-14 09:20:11 Steelballs but ust cos they are in the list doesnt mean they are here
2014-09-14 09:20:13 Kermit69 im 121 what you mean 101
2014-09-14 09:20:17 rDuude rookie, many people are idling
2014-09-14 09:20:20 Allison___ Kermit69 I said most
2014-09-14 09:20:23 rookie ok
2014-09-14 09:20:23 Steelballs like sunna
2014-09-14 09:20:26 Steelballs shes never here
2014-09-14 09:20:28 Steelballs but always here
2014-09-14 09:20:35 rookie so its ok to have it on and not talk?
2014-09-14 09:20:38 Steelballs mhmm
2014-09-14 09:20:38 Kermit69 ooo gotcha allison__
2014-09-14 09:20:41 rDuude yeah it is rookie
2014-09-14 09:20:44 rookie i see
2014-09-14 09:20:53 rookie what terrible etiquette
2014-09-14 09:20:57 rDuude lol pls
2014-09-14 09:21:01 Steelballs we have a feature for if you are gonna be afk and want to catch your messages tho
2014-09-14 09:21:02 Allison___ Kermit69 I thought you were 122
2014-09-14 09:21:04 Kermit69 Rookike type !all and hit enter
2014-09-14 09:21:06 Steelballs you just type .afk
2014-09-14 09:21:12 Sunna Steelballs pls
2014-09-14 09:21:15 Sunna I'm always here
2014-09-14 09:21:17 Steelballs hi sunna
2014-09-14 09:21:23 Allison___ wb Sunna
2014-09-14 09:21:29 Kermit69 Allison__shit i think I'm 121 idk
2014-09-14 09:21:58 Steelballs if you write someones name rookie it nickalerts them
2014-09-14 09:22:06 rookie nickalertt?
2014-09-14 09:22:07 Kermit69 def 121
2014-09-14 09:22:11 Steelballs ping
2014-09-14 09:22:13 Ooooh Steelballs, did you mean Sunna or Sophira
2014-09-14 09:22:14 Ooooh ;)
2014-09-14 09:22:19 rDuude lol
2014-09-14 09:22:21 rookie sophira??
2014-09-14 09:22:26 Steelballs sophira is my lover
2014-09-14 09:22:31 Ooooh wow
2014-09-14 09:22:32 Ooooh no
2014-09-14 09:22:32 rookie are they still around?
2014-09-14 09:22:33 Ooooh mine
2014-09-14 09:22:37 rDuude yes rookie
2014-09-14 09:22:40 Steelballs sophira is Ooooh s lover
2014-09-14 09:22:43 rookie huh
2014-09-14 09:22:45 Sunna lol
2014-09-14 09:22:47 rookie makes sense
2014-09-14 09:22:48 rDuude she's here in the channel but idling most of the time
2014-09-14 09:22:56 Sunna that was a quick change steelballs
2014-09-14 09:22:59 Sunna what happened
2014-09-14 09:23:00 rDuude lol
2014-09-14 09:23:00 <-- Ballkenende_ (b2553399@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 09:23:01 rookie oh yeah i see the nam e
2014-09-14 09:23:13 Steelballs she didnt respond to me quick enough
2014-09-14 09:23:15 Steelballs not like you
2014-09-14 09:23:15 Ooooh he found someone else
2014-09-14 09:23:16 rDuude usually responds an hour after being mentioned
2014-09-14 09:23:16 Steelballs ily
2014-09-14 09:23:18 Sunna ah
2014-09-14 09:23:22 +pooppants ily Steelballs
2014-09-14 09:23:25 +pooppants ily Ooooh
2014-09-14 09:23:26 Steelballs ily pooppants
2014-09-14 09:23:28 +pooppants ily Sunna
2014-09-14 09:23:30 +pooppants ily rDuude
2014-09-14 09:23:33 Sunna ily pooppants <3
2014-09-14 09:23:35 rDuude ily pooppants
2014-09-14 09:23:35 +pooppants ily <3<3<3
2014-09-14 09:23:36 +pooppants <3
2014-09-14 09:23:40 +pooppants pls
2014-09-14 09:23:41 +pooppants .pls count
2014-09-14 09:23:42 tagbot For today, the pls count so far is 96.
2014-09-14 09:23:48 rDuude .msg count
2014-09-14 09:23:48 tagbot For today, the msg count so far is 2078.
2014-09-14 09:23:50 rDuude dying
2014-09-14 09:23:51 Ooooh pooppants, thats enough drink for today
2014-09-14 09:23:52 Steelballs one of the best things to do in IRC rookie is if you see a bandwagon jump on it
2014-09-14 09:23:53 Sunna oh wow thats low
2014-09-14 09:23:58 Sunna pls pls pls pls
2014-09-14 09:24:00 rDuude the pls is dying
2014-09-14 09:24:00 Sunna .pls count
2014-09-14 09:24:00 tagbot For today, the pls count so far is 101.
2014-09-14 09:24:02 rookie !bandwagon
2014-09-14 09:24:04 Sunna :D
2014-09-14 09:24:05 rDuude technically we all netsplit
2014-09-14 09:24:10 Ooooh inb4 someone spams pls
2014-09-14 09:24:13 Ooooh pls
2014-09-14 09:24:13 +pooppants .pls count count
2014-09-14 09:24:14 tagbot For today, the pls count count so far is 2.
2014-09-14 09:24:15 Sunna pls
2014-09-14 09:24:15 Steelballs pls
2014-09-14 09:24:16 Sunna pls
2014-09-14 09:24:17 Ooooh pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls
2014-09-14 09:24:18 Sunna pls
2014-09-14 09:24:19 Sunna pls
2014-09-14 09:24:21 -- Mode #tagpro [+o pooppants] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 09:24:21 <-- jaybird (~subway@unaffiliated/thevdude) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 09:24:21 rDuude .pls count^9
2014-09-14 09:24:21 [TagPro] tagbot be lazy. For today, the pls count count count count count count count count so far is 0.
2014-09-14 09:24:23 rookie well plsd
2014-09-14 09:24:24 @pooppants wat
2014-09-14 09:24:25 Steelballs oh o
2014-09-14 09:24:26 Allison___ technically we don't netsplit
2014-09-14 09:24:27 @pooppants lol
2014-09-14 09:24:28 Allison___ oh wait
2014-09-14 09:24:35 @pooppants apparently if I op up it kicks my client off
2014-09-14 09:24:46 rookie ok what is a client?
2014-09-14 09:24:46 rDuude lolol
2014-09-14 09:24:48 rDuude makes sense
2014-09-14 09:24:54 rDuude rookie, it's the thing you use to connect to IRC
2014-09-14 09:25:00 rDuude you're currently on a webclient, webchat
2014-09-14 09:25:02 rookie my laptop is a client?
2014-09-14 09:25:06 Ooooh lol
2014-09-14 09:25:07 rDuude i'm on a client that i downloaded, called HexChat
2014-09-14 09:25:08 rDuude pls
2014-09-14 09:25:09 Ooooh yes
2014-09-14 09:25:09 Steelballs lol
2014-09-14 09:25:13 --> _Ron (56a339eb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 09:25:13 [TagPro] [_Ron] WOET!
2014-09-14 09:25:16 Ooooh OMG
2014-09-14 09:25:16 rDuude _RON!
2014-09-14 09:25:18 -- Mode #tagpro [+v _Ron] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 09:25:18 Ooooh _RON
2014-09-14 09:25:18 Steelballs _RON
2014-09-14 09:25:19 rookie wait
2014-09-14 09:25:21 Steelballs OMG RON
2014-09-14 09:25:24 rookie woet is still around?
2014-09-14 09:25:24 rDuude IT'S _RON
2014-09-14 09:25:27 Steelballs no
2014-09-14 09:25:27 rDuude no rookie, he's gone
2014-09-14 09:25:29 Steelballs woet is gone
2014-09-14 09:25:32 rookie oh
2014-09-14 09:25:38 +_Ron aww hey guys <3
2014-09-14 09:25:40 rDuude <3
2014-09-14 09:25:40 Steelballs you can msg him tho if you write /msg woet
2014-09-14 09:25:41 rookie i liked woet
2014-09-14 09:25:47 rDuude I MISSED YOU _RON
2014-09-14 09:26:00 --> jaybird (~jaybird@unaffiliated/thevdude) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 09:26:00 -- Mode #tagpro [+v jaybird] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 09:26:00 Steelballs _ron ily
2014-09-14 09:26:00 rookie ron
2014-09-14 09:26:02 +_Ron missed you too buddy!
2014-09-14 09:26:06 +jaybird that was weird
2014-09-14 09:26:09 +_Ron didn't miss Steelballs though
2014-09-14 09:26:11 rDuude ^
2014-09-14 09:26:13 Steelballs :'(
2014-09-14 09:26:14 rDuude understandable
2014-09-14 09:26:17 +_Ron he is ignoring eltp
2014-09-14 09:26:18 -- Mode #tagpro [-v jaybird] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 09:26:21 Steelballs I AM NOT
2014-09-14 09:26:23 +_Ron so i hate him now
2014-09-14 09:26:24 rDuude lol are you surprised?
2014-09-14 09:26:26 Steelballs I SHOWED UP AT LEAST 3 TIMES
2014-09-14 09:26:34 -- Mode #tagpro [-o pooppants] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 09:26:37 Steelballs NONE OF THOSE TIMES YOU WERE THERE
2014-09-14 09:26:39 -- Mode #tagpro [+o pooppants] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 09:26:43 -- Mode #tagpro [-o pooppants] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 09:26:45 +_Ron hey rookie how's it going?
2014-09-14 09:26:45 rookie why does ron have a plus sign?
2014-09-14 09:26:48 rDuude pooppants pls stop flopping your dick
2014-09-14 09:26:50 rDuude rookie, cos he's a mod
2014-09-14 09:26:51 rookie hey ron
2014-09-14 09:26:52 +pooppants mods have +
2014-09-14 09:26:52 Steelballs because hes a mod
2014-09-14 09:26:54 Ooooh agPro Mods have + next to their name.
2014-09-14 09:27:00 Ooooh T
2014-09-14 09:27:01 rookie ron can i be mod
2014-09-14 09:27:04 +pooppants rDuude: I was seeing if it caused my webclient to crash pls
2014-09-14 09:27:04 rDuude lol
2014-09-14 09:27:04 Steelballs no
2014-09-14 09:27:09 rDuude psl
2014-09-14 09:27:10 rDuude psl
2014-09-14 09:27:12 rDuude ...
2014-09-14 09:27:12 rDuude pls
2014-09-14 09:27:13 +_Ron i don't get to choose rookie :(
2014-09-14 09:27:21 Steelballs no but you do get to vote
2014-09-14 09:27:24 +_Ron rDuude when are you becoming a mod?
2014-09-14 09:27:24 Steelballs and you didnt vote for me
2014-09-14 09:27:25 rookie thats not a very mod thing to say
2014-09-14 09:27:26 Steelballs scumbag
2014-09-14 09:27:27 rDuude _Ron pls
2014-09-14 09:27:30 +pooppants LOL
2014-09-14 09:27:41 +_Ron Steelballs: implying i read the mod subreddit
2014-09-14 09:27:52 +_Ron i'm channeling my inner woet
2014-09-14 09:27:54 rDuude ^ good mod right here
2014-09-14 09:27:58 rookie ron why did u steal steels from rekkers?
2014-09-14 09:27:58 Steelballs you are literally te worst mod
2014-09-14 09:28:13 +_Ron because he's my favourite, rookie
2014-09-14 09:28:16 Steelballs :D
2014-09-14 09:28:24 +_Ron but now i hate him with a burning passion
2014-09-14 09:28:24 rookie no i loved him first
2014-09-14 09:28:28 +_Ron nononono
2014-09-14 09:28:42 rDuude _Ron, can i be your favourite now?
2014-09-14 09:28:47 +_Ron hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
2014-09-14 09:28:54 * rDuude blinks
2014-09-14 09:28:56 Ooooh i hate ron
2014-09-14 09:29:01 +_Ron i'll weigh up my options and get back to you
2014-09-14 09:29:04 rDuude wow
2014-09-14 09:29:06 rDuude i don't want to anymore
2014-09-14 09:29:09 +_Ron Ooooh is out of the running
2014-09-14 09:29:15 Ooooh come join me in #RonSucks
2014-09-14 09:29:23 rDuude inb4 banned
2014-09-14 09:29:24 +_Ron omg
2014-09-14 09:29:29 rookie !ron is a bellend
2014-09-14 09:29:30 +_Ron i'm readying my hammer
2014-09-14 09:29:43 +_Ron !raise your rongers
2014-09-14 09:29:43 some_bot ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your rongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
2014-09-14 09:29:51 rookie lol
2014-09-14 09:29:54 <-- Allison___ (722d2f4a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
2014-09-14 09:29:54 Ooooh i didnt even ban you rDuude
2014-09-14 09:29:55 rookie i love it
2014-09-14 09:30:44 rookie so if hes rduude, is there an active duude?
2014-09-14 09:31:17 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 3 games / 1 players. likely or
2014-09-14 09:31:24 rDuude yes rookie, it's a bot
2014-09-14 09:31:34 rookie oh wait yeah u said
2014-09-14 09:31:37 rDuude yeah i did
2014-09-14 09:31:41 rookie mb
2014-09-14 09:31:46 rDuude np
2014-09-14 09:31:50 rookie overwhelmed with clients atm
2014-09-14 09:32:02 rDuude lol
2014-09-14 09:32:09 rDuude you mean IRC clients?
2014-09-14 09:32:15 rookie probably
2014-09-14 09:33:25 rDuude lolwut
2014-09-14 09:34:27 rookie so why does this irc look like its from the 80s, is this the best there is?
2014-09-14 09:34:34 rDuude no
2014-09-14 09:34:35 --> Ballkenende_ (b2553399@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 09:34:35 [TagPro] [Ballkenende_] I am 2 ex prime minister 4 u
2014-09-14 09:34:38 rDuude google HexChat
2014-09-14 09:34:44 rDuude that one's one of the best
2014-09-14 09:34:48 rookie the why are we here?
2014-09-14 09:34:52 Ballkenende_ hi
2014-09-14 09:34:55 rDuude you're here, i'm on HexChat
2014-09-14 09:34:55 Ooooh you're there
2014-09-14 09:34:57 Ballkenende_ back again
2014-09-14 09:35:05 rDuude because it's easier to access
2014-09-14 09:35:12 rDuude doubleclicking a link vs installing a program
2014-09-14 09:35:13 rookie bloody isnt
2014-09-14 09:35:17 rookie oh ok
2014-09-14 09:36:36 +tim-sanchez _Ron get in #TagProMods
2014-09-14 09:36:47 +tim-sanchez also AMorpork pls
2014-09-14 09:37:18 +_Ron duty calls
2014-09-14 09:37:32 rDuude wow _Ron is actually doing mod work? that's a new one
2014-09-14 09:37:53 +_Ron hey i did some awesome mod work for someone the other day!
2014-09-14 09:38:03 +_Ron i came on here late and sorted NO DEF = WIN right out
2014-09-14 09:38:10 +_Ron people were abusing the reports on him
2014-09-14 09:38:36 Ooooh hahaha pull the other one
2014-09-14 09:38:47 +_Ron so suck it rDuude i am a great mod
2014-09-14 09:38:50 +_Ron Ooooh pls :(
2014-09-14 09:39:05 rDuude sure you are _Ron buddy, suuuure you are
2014-09-14 09:39:28 +_Ron
2014-09-14 09:39:29 AnkhBot Title: Taylor Swift - Mean - YouTube |
2014-09-14 09:39:45 rookie my jam
2014-09-14 09:39:53 +_Ron wow it was supposed to be a surprise
2014-09-14 09:39:54 rDuude pls
2014-09-14 09:39:55 +_Ron AnkhBot pl
2014-09-14 09:39:56 +_Ron s
2014-09-14 09:40:00 rDuude no surprises anymroe
2014-09-14 09:40:05 +_Ron no alarms
2014-09-14 09:40:08 +_Ron and no surpises?
2014-09-14 09:40:12 rDuude pleeeeease
2014-09-14 09:40:32 +_Ron you get the reference?
2014-09-14 09:40:33 +_Ron pls rDuude
2014-09-14 09:40:34 rDuude yes
2014-09-14 09:40:42 +_Ron cool. cool cool cool.
2014-09-14 09:40:45 rDuude thiiiiiiis isssss my final fiiit
2014-09-14 09:40:52 rDuude my finaaaaaaaal bellyaacheeee
2014-09-14 09:40:53 rDuude etc
2014-09-14 09:41:19 rookie icecream van
2014-09-14 09:41:20 rookie im off
2014-09-14 09:41:25 +_Ron okay i've made my decision
2014-09-14 09:41:28 rookie this was pleasant
2014-09-14 09:41:31 +_Ron rDuude is my new favourite
2014-09-14 09:41:35 +_Ron also rookie
2014-09-14 09:41:41 +_Ron laters dude!
2014-09-14 09:41:42 rDuude :D
2014-09-14 09:41:42 rookie peace kids
2014-09-14 09:41:46 rDuude cya rookie
2014-09-14 09:41:56 <-- rookie (5c15a508@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 09:42:16 +_Ron rDuude you passed test 1 but failed test 2
2014-09-14 09:42:47 rDuude what was it
2014-09-14 09:42:59 +_Ron finding test 2 is test 3
2014-09-14 09:43:01 +_Ron >:)
2014-09-14 09:43:31 rDuude WAT
2014-09-14 09:43:34 +_Ron huehuehue
2014-09-14 09:43:56 rDuude :(
2014-09-14 09:44:15 +_Ron okay you can still be #1 in my heart
2014-09-14 09:44:21 rDuude !yiss
2014-09-14 09:44:21 some_bot yiss
2014-09-14 09:44:30 +_Ron i'm gonna have to go tell woet though
2014-09-14 09:44:40 rDuude go ahead
2014-09-14 09:44:47 rDuude tell me how it went
2014-09-14 09:44:50 rDuude if you're still alive
2014-09-14 09:45:21 +_Ron he isn't replying :'(
2014-09-14 09:47:16 Steelballs oh so i just get kicked out of your heart just like that
2014-09-14 09:47:17 Steelballs well
2014-09-14 09:47:57 +_Ron pls Steelballs you're boring
2014-09-14 09:48:02 rDuude ^
2014-09-14 09:48:03 +_Ron nothing ever happens in your life
2014-09-14 09:48:06 rDuude lol
2014-09-14 09:48:09 Steelballs lol
2014-09-14 09:48:13 Steelballs rDuude he knows..
2014-09-14 09:48:19 rDuude lol
2014-09-14 09:49:23 Ooooh lol
2014-09-14 09:49:42 +_Ron i know nothing
2014-09-14 09:49:47 +_Ron john snuuuuuh
2014-09-14 09:50:35 Ballkenende_ wait my stats doesnt seem right
2014-09-14 09:50:38 Ballkenende_ !today
2014-09-14 09:50:39 [TagPro] Ballkenende_ (Ballkenende) today: Time Played: 01:33:34 / Games: 19 / w/l/dc/%: 12/7/0/63% Caps: 10 / Drops: 111 / Grabs: 122 / Hold: 00:16:48 / Pops: 137 / Prevent: 00:05:52 / Returns: 57 / Support: 267 / Tags: 74
2014-09-14 09:50:51 Ballkenende_ Caps: 10 / Drops: 111 / Grabs: 122
2014-09-14 09:50:52 Ballkenende_ wat
2014-09-14 09:51:17 +_Ron you held the flag at the end of a game
2014-09-14 09:51:21 Ballkenende_ i think so
2014-09-14 09:51:26 +_Ron so it isn't a drop or a cap
2014-09-14 09:51:28 Ballkenende_ dont remember
2014-09-14 09:51:31 +_Ron but it was a grab
2014-09-14 09:51:42 Ballkenende_ Oh wait i know
2014-09-14 09:51:43 lebronxjames Kermit69, you seem to know the legal system pretty well...i need advice
2014-09-14 09:51:44 Ballkenende_ nm
2014-09-14 09:52:09 rDuude lolol
2014-09-14 09:52:30 --> MostDeaths ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 09:53:47 rDuude hi MostDeaths
2014-09-14 09:53:54 MostDeaths hey rDuude
2014-09-14 09:54:02 MostDeaths hows it going
2014-09-14 09:54:07 rDuude fine, you?
2014-09-14 09:54:17 MostDeaths same here
2014-09-14 09:58:01 <-- Ballkenende_ (b2553399@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 10:00:22 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 1 players. likely or
2014-09-14 10:01:01 --> robtherad ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 10:03:24 <-- Ooooh ( has quit (Quit: technically we all netsplit)
2014-09-14 10:04:02 [TagPro] Congratulations to LiddiLidd on getting the FIRST EVER world flair! -
2014-09-14 10:04:06 AnkhBot Title: Congratulations to LiddiLidd on getting the FIRST EVER world flair! : TagPro |
2014-09-14 10:06:37 Steelballs .afk forrest gump again
2014-09-14 10:06:38 tagbot See you soon Steelballs!
2014-09-14 10:07:41 +_Ron right so now to do what i came here to do
2014-09-14 10:07:43 +_Ron tim-sanchez
2014-09-14 10:07:46 +_Ron tim-sanchez
2014-09-14 10:07:51 +tim-sanchez _Ron pls
2014-09-14 10:07:53 rDuude lol
2014-09-14 10:08:08 +_Ron do you know where i can find the draft list for s3?
2014-09-14 10:08:13 --> nub_ (5197efda@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 10:08:13 [TagPro] [nub_] [BallBorg]: bitches love stew
2014-09-14 10:08:14 +_Ron like the draft order
2014-09-14 10:08:15 +tim-sanchez what do you mean?
2014-09-14 10:08:24 +_Ron who got picked where
2014-09-14 10:08:25 +tim-sanchez isn't it on the rosters page?
2014-09-14 10:08:26 +_Ron and stuff
2014-09-14 10:08:28 nub_ you two
2014-09-14 10:08:30 nub_ chord
2014-09-14 10:08:33 nub_ 3
2014-09-14 10:08:35 nub_ some ball 2
2014-09-14 10:08:36 +_Ron yeah but it's been chaged since draft
2014-09-14 10:08:37 nub_ just finished
2014-09-14 10:08:47 +tim-sanchez nub_ the suspense
2014-09-14 10:09:01 nub_ well i wanted you to ban him but i was too late
2014-09-14 10:09:05 +_Ron nub_ pls i'm not your bitch
2014-09-14 10:09:07 +tim-sanchez lol, he admitted to being adilator
2014-09-14 10:09:19 +_Ron okay as a mod i kinda am
2014-09-14 10:09:57 nub_ lol
2014-09-14 10:10:12 --> Ooooh ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 10:10:12 [TagPro] [Ooooh] technically we all netsplit
2014-09-14 10:10:13 AnkhBot Title: technically we all netsplit - |
2014-09-14 10:11:28 rDuude hi Ooooh
2014-09-14 10:11:32 Ooooh .
2014-09-14 10:11:55 +_Ron rDuude you gonna win tonight?
2014-09-14 10:11:59 rDuude yup
2014-09-14 10:12:00 rDuude you?
2014-09-14 10:12:03 +_Ron ofc
2014-09-14 10:12:09 Ooooh Koala ez
2014-09-14 10:12:10 rDuude awesome
2014-09-14 10:12:10 +_Ron gonna rek rangers again
2014-09-14 10:12:14 rDuude !yiss
2014-09-14 10:12:14 some_bot yiss
2014-09-14 10:12:17 +_Ron to assert dominance
2014-09-14 10:12:19 nub_ please do ron
2014-09-14 10:12:24 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 1 players. likely or
2014-09-14 10:12:26 +_Ron we have a full team
2014-09-14 10:12:28 nub_ did you beat them first game?
2014-09-14 10:12:30 rDuude we're gonna get revenge on RBC
2014-09-14 10:12:31 +_Ron so won't even be a challenge
2014-09-14 10:12:43 +_Ron yep nub_, beat them without poo
2014-09-14 10:12:46 nub_ nice
2014-09-14 10:12:49 +_Ron although they had no fat
2014-09-14 10:12:53 nub_ lol
2014-09-14 10:12:54 +_Ron so will be a good match
2014-09-14 10:12:59 nub_ fat is pretty key
2014-09-14 10:13:00 +_Ron with both available
2014-09-14 10:13:02 nub_ we beat them without watball
2014-09-14 10:13:17 nub_ yeah you better win tho
2014-09-14 10:13:22 +_Ron we will no worries
2014-09-14 10:13:23 nub_ you playing them with no watball again today
2014-09-14 10:13:27 +_Ron :o
2014-09-14 10:13:28 rDuude wut
2014-09-14 10:13:29 +_Ron is he not here?
2014-09-14 10:13:38 nub_ no
2014-09-14 10:13:41 +_Ron yissssssssssssssssssss
2014-09-14 10:13:46 rDuude heh
2014-09-14 10:13:54 +_Ron i can man mark dn
2014-09-14 10:13:56 nub_ I think they will lose both this week
2014-09-14 10:13:57 +_Ron and get in his head
2014-09-14 10:14:10 +_Ron he fears me, i can smell it
2014-09-14 10:14:14 nub_ lol
2014-09-14 10:14:22 +_Ron that's what i tell myself any way
2014-09-14 10:14:23 +_Ron ._.
2014-09-14 10:14:23 lebronxjames anyone want to USpug?
2014-09-14 10:14:28 lebronxjames come to mumble
2014-09-14 10:14:34 lebronxjames ok nvm
2014-09-14 10:14:36 lebronxjames but still come
2014-09-14 10:14:55 +_Ron nty
2014-09-14 10:15:01 +_Ron who you playing nub_ ?
2014-09-14 10:15:11 nub_ poppenham and ballern
2014-09-14 10:15:16 --> rookie (5c15b715@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 10:15:23 +_Ron hmm
2014-09-14 10:15:28 +_Ron you should do well
2014-09-14 10:15:39 -- rookie is now known as Guest71355
2014-09-14 10:15:48 +_Ron Guest71355 pls
2014-09-14 10:15:49 Guest71355 guys do have do the password thing every time?
2014-09-14 10:15:54 rDuude Guest71355, /ns release rookie password
2014-09-14 10:15:54 rDuude yes
2014-09-14 10:16:04 rDuude if you get a real client, you can make it auto login
2014-09-14 10:16:05 +_Ron it's such a ballache rookie
2014-09-14 10:16:07 nub_ I think liddi will have his own strategy that we will be able to destroy
2014-09-14 10:16:10 Guest71355 christ
2014-09-14 10:16:16 rDuude wow it's a single line
2014-09-14 10:16:17 Guest71355 no way to stay logged in?
2014-09-14 10:16:19 rDuude with 3 words
2014-09-14 10:16:28 rDuude nope, you can auto login though
2014-09-14 10:16:28 nub_ /ban Guest71355
2014-09-14 10:16:32 rDuude ^
2014-09-14 10:16:33 Guest71355 lol
2014-09-14 10:16:33 nub_ gottem
2014-09-14 10:16:38 rDuude lolol
2014-09-14 10:16:49 Guest71355 ok whats the cheat coder to fix it?
2014-09-14 10:16:57 rDuude Guest71355, just told you: /ns release rookie password
2014-09-14 10:16:59 rDuude then /nick rookie
2014-09-14 10:17:01 Guest71355 thx bb
2014-09-14 10:17:02 +_Ron nub_ lidd isn't the big worry, nevermind is godly
2014-09-14 10:17:05 rDuude then /ns identify password
2014-09-14 10:17:33 nub_ lidd will try to use the button the whole game
2014-09-14 10:17:33 +_Ron anyway i'm off
2014-09-14 10:17:36 nub_ see ya
2014-09-14 10:17:40 +_Ron laters guys
2014-09-14 10:17:44 Guest71355 laters
2014-09-14 10:17:48 +_Ron i'll be back in like a year probs
2014-09-14 10:17:56 nub_ see ya in a year
2014-09-14 10:18:01 <-- _Ron (56a339eb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 10:18:02 MostDeaths cya clera
2014-09-14 10:18:06 MostDeaths too late
2014-09-14 10:18:57 --> Corhal (4ea570d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 10:19:15 rDuude CORHAL
2014-09-14 10:19:25 rDuude CONGRATULATIONS!!!
2014-09-14 10:19:29 -- Guest71355 is now known as [rookie]
2014-09-14 10:19:32 Corhal hey rDuude :-)
2014-09-14 10:19:40 Corhal thank you!!
2014-09-14 10:19:41 rDuude [rookie], that's not the right nick
2014-09-14 10:19:51 [rookie] this is gay as
2014-09-14 10:19:52 rDuude how did it go Corhal? from 1 to HOLY SHIT, how happy are you???
2014-09-14 10:20:08 rDuude [rookie], it's really simple, you're making it more complicated than it is
2014-09-14 10:20:12 [rookie] lol
2014-09-14 10:20:19 Ooooh Hey Corhal
2014-09-14 10:20:19 rDuude do this: /ns release rookie password
2014-09-14 10:20:20 [rookie] congrats corhal
2014-09-14 10:20:22 Ooooh did she say yes
2014-09-14 10:20:24 [rookie] why congrats
2014-09-14 10:20:25 Sunna CONGRATS CORHAL
2014-09-14 10:20:25 rDuude Ooooh pls
2014-09-14 10:20:25 Corhal went very well. the room was beautifully decorated and all. very very happy
2014-09-14 10:20:29 rDuude :D :D
2014-09-14 10:20:33 Ooooh So she said yes?
2014-09-14 10:20:34 rDuude i'm so happy for you Corhal !
2014-09-14 10:20:35 [rookie] oh u married?
2014-09-14 10:20:37 Ooooh wow surprise surprise
2014-09-14 10:20:38 [rookie] tidy
2014-09-14 10:20:38 Corhal thanks! and yes she did
2014-09-14 10:20:40 Ooooh JOKES CONGRATZ
2014-09-14 10:20:42 rDuude [rookie], engaged
2014-09-14 10:20:49 Ooooh Happy for you
2014-09-14 10:20:52 [rookie] potato/tomato
2014-09-14 10:20:54 rDuude pls
2014-09-14 10:20:57 Corhal thanks <3
2014-09-14 10:21:10 rDuude is the date set?
2014-09-14 10:21:18 --> DD321123 (~DD321123@unaffiliated/nokturnus) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 10:22:00 --> lysozyme (51654462@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 10:22:03 MostDeaths big up corhal !
2014-09-14 10:22:27 Corhal nah. She wants spring/summer so next year is probably too little time to plan. Possibly not until '16 :-( but going on a wedding expo in novekber
2014-09-14 10:22:35 Corhal thanks MostDeaths!
2014-09-14 10:23:18 rDuude awesome Corhal, that's great!
2014-09-14 10:23:19 <-- [rookie] (5c15b715@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #tagpro
2014-09-14 10:23:27 Ooooh Are you still surprised she said yes?
2014-09-14 10:23:49 Corhal haha I was hoping she would
2014-09-14 10:23:56 Ooooh n00b is mad
2014-09-14 10:24:00 Ooooh go ez on her
2014-09-14 10:24:03 <-- lysozyme (51654462@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Client Quit)
2014-09-14 10:24:06 --> Rookie (5c15b715@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 10:24:13 Corhal yea :-( no ring for her
2014-09-14 10:24:17 Rookie ???
2014-09-14 10:24:26 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 1 players. likely or
2014-09-14 10:24:28 Rookie are you gonna share one?
2014-09-14 10:24:59 Corhal oh no I meant for n00b. she was gonna get the engagement ring if my fiancee said no :-D
2014-09-14 10:25:09 Rookie mb
2014-09-14 10:25:24 Corhal you missed some chat from oooh while you were gone
2014-09-14 10:25:32 Rookie i guessed
2014-09-14 10:25:43 Rookie wp tho, v exciting
2014-09-14 10:26:04 Rookie do you guys have to ask permission?
2014-09-14 10:26:18 rDuude wut
2014-09-14 10:26:18 Corhal man Im annoyed I will miss the match tonight. internrt at hotel is really spotty. here at a beach bar (watching the augsburg football game) is pretty good though
2014-09-14 10:26:29 nub_ congrats corhal!
2014-09-14 10:26:37 Corhal thanks nub_!
2014-09-14 10:26:39 Rookie my bro asked his father in law permission to propose
2014-09-14 10:26:41 rDuude Corhal pls, fiancee > tagpro
2014-09-14 10:26:49 rDuude holiday > tagpro too
2014-09-14 10:26:52 <-- Allison__ ( has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
2014-09-14 10:27:22 --> PKSubball ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 10:27:22 Corhal I did too but I didnt have to. we are best buds anyway (go to every augsburg home game together for example)
2014-09-14 10:27:22 [TagPro] [PKSubball] I've never even heard of PK, Just GET HIM! - DICK LICKER
2014-09-14 10:27:25 rDuude Rookie, here there's none of that, i guess it depends on tradition religion and stuff
2014-09-14 10:27:36 rDuude haha that's cute Corhal
2014-09-14 10:27:38 rDuude hey PKSubball
2014-09-14 10:27:40 PKSubball hiya
2014-09-14 10:27:47 PKSubball anybody here do any texture pack making / editing?
2014-09-14 10:27:54 rDuude not me, sorry
2014-09-14 10:27:54 Rookie yeah just curious
2014-09-14 10:27:59 rDuude pooppants does i think
2014-09-14 10:28:02 Rookie no pk
2014-09-14 10:28:04 rDuude he did an awful one at least
2014-09-14 10:28:12 PKSubball lul
2014-09-14 10:28:15 rDuude hehe
2014-09-14 10:28:22 PKSubball do you know what information people need to modify them?
2014-09-14 10:28:24 PKSubball just the png?
2014-09-14 10:28:26 PKSubball or is there more
2014-09-14 10:28:32 rDuude just the png i think
2014-09-14 10:28:38 Corhal think so too
2014-09-14 10:28:59 nub_ just png
2014-09-14 10:29:12 Rookie wait so u are on holiday now, but on tp irc?
2014-09-14 10:29:31 Corhal yea watching the footy and its half time break
2014-09-14 10:29:33 rDuude PKSubball, there's some useful information here:
2014-09-14 10:29:34 AnkhBot Title: modding - TagPro |
2014-09-14 10:29:43 Corhal nothing ber to doter
2014-09-14 10:29:44 Rookie classic
2014-09-14 10:29:47 rDuude Rookie pls irc > all
2014-09-14 10:29:55 PKSubball im too dumb to do it myself
2014-09-14 10:29:58 PKSubball / too incompetent
2014-09-14 10:30:04 Rookie duude u know i dont know what that means
2014-09-14 10:30:14 PKSubball i just want the powerups from one and the rest from another lol
2014-09-14 10:31:15 rDuude Rookie, you don't know the greater than sign?
2014-09-14 10:31:21 Corhal anyway break is almost over. enjoy your games tonight guys and Ill see you on tuesday!
2014-09-14 10:31:35 Rookie yeah i figured it was one of your codes
2014-09-14 10:31:39 Rookie i get it now
2014-09-14 10:31:53 Rookie laters corhal
2014-09-14 10:32:02 <-- Corhal (4ea570d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #tagpro
2014-09-14 10:33:39 Steelballs oh i missed corhal :(
2014-09-14 10:34:04 Rookie hes balls deep
2014-09-14 10:34:17 Ooooh lol
2014-09-14 10:34:21 Ooooh so romantic
2014-09-14 10:34:23 MostDeaths rDuude, that was a chaotic game
2014-09-14 10:34:26 rDuude yup
2014-09-14 10:34:27 Steelballs not surprised with the size of the rock
2014-09-14 10:34:31 rDuude they started playing on a 2v1
2014-09-14 10:34:32 rDuude not nice
2014-09-14 10:36:28 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 1 players. likely or
2014-09-14 10:36:55 Ooooh rDuude, git gud
2014-09-14 10:37:00 Ooooh then u win 2v1
2014-09-14 10:37:01 Ooooh or 3v1
2014-09-14 10:37:02 Ooooh or 4v1
2014-09-14 10:37:49 rDuude sure
2014-09-14 10:40:29 Ooooh k
2014-09-14 10:40:33 Ooooh im ironing
2014-09-14 10:40:34 Ooooh cool
2014-09-14 10:40:39 Ooooh living the life
2014-09-14 10:41:50 rDuude adult stuff, yay
2014-09-14 10:42:32 --> TheMy5teryMan_ (32860f6a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 10:42:42 TheMy5teryMan_ !test Sal's Time Trial
2014-09-14 10:42:44 some_bot (Sal's Time Trial)
2014-09-14 10:44:21 --> DiannaAgron ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 10:45:42 TheMy5teryMan_ !test Sal's Time Trial
2014-09-14 10:45:44 some_bot (Sal's Time Trial)
2014-09-14 10:45:45 TheMy5teryMan_ so hard
2014-09-14 10:47:05 --> thefatalace ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 10:49:18 Ooooh yes it is
2014-09-14 10:50:31 TheMy5teryMan_ i stand corrected
2014-09-14 10:50:41 TheMy5teryMan_ what I said is an understatement
2014-09-14 10:53:11 Ooooh SMD ADULTHOOD! IRONING DONE
2014-09-14 10:53:15 Ooooh TIME TO VIDEOGAME
2014-09-14 10:53:42 --> Robocop (5fac6820@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 10:54:10 --> Pandana (05678711@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 10:54:23 <-- Robocop (5fac6820@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Client Quit)
2014-09-14 10:55:52 --> ZumgAPanda ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 10:55:52 [TagPro] [ZumgAPanda]
2014-09-14 10:56:12 Ooooh hi ZumgAPanda
2014-09-14 10:56:15 ZumgAPanda ey
2014-09-14 10:56:18 ZumgAPanda !seen Rems
2014-09-14 10:56:19 some_bot Rems was last seen in #tagpro 22 hours, 4 minutes, and 4 seconds ago: <Rems> just going to get it working again with a huge scan brb
2014-09-14 10:56:21 ZumgAPanda fk
2014-09-14 10:56:26 Ooooh timmie is here
2014-09-14 10:56:28 Ooooh he's basically rems
2014-09-14 10:57:53 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 1 players. likely or
2014-09-14 11:01:39 rDuude hey ZumgAPanda
2014-09-14 11:01:42 ZumgAPanda hi
2014-09-14 11:01:49 rDuude i heard you disappeared
2014-09-14 11:01:52 rDuude u ok?
2014-09-14 11:01:57 ZumgAPanda i didnt
2014-09-14 11:01:58 ZumgAPanda im here see
2014-09-14 11:02:04 rDuude is that the real you?
2014-09-14 11:02:08 * rDuude pokes ZumgAPanda
2014-09-14 11:02:10 rDuude you don't seem real
2014-09-14 11:02:21 +tim-sanchez wtf wtf wtf wtf
2014-09-14 11:02:28 +tim-sanchez so windows 8 just forces restarts
2014-09-14 11:02:31 +tim-sanchez I'm going guys
2014-09-14 11:02:38 +tim-sanchez the 15 minute countdown has begun
2014-09-14 11:02:49 Rookie panda why did u die?
2014-09-14 11:02:54 ZumgAPanda i didnt
2014-09-14 11:02:59 Rookie i saw u die
2014-09-14 11:03:40 rDuude ^
2014-09-14 11:04:12 --> GForce917 ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 11:05:24 <-- Pandana (05678711@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 11:06:04 rDuude hey tim, wasn't asimx banned?
2014-09-14 11:06:04 <-- tim-sanchez ( has quit (Quit:
2014-09-14 11:06:32 Hootie morning, team
2014-09-14 11:06:33 rDuude lol
2014-09-14 11:06:33 rDuude k
2014-09-14 11:06:34 rDuude hi Hootie
2014-09-14 11:07:07 Hootie hiya rDuude :)
2014-09-14 11:07:59 Rookie hello
2014-09-14 11:08:13 Hootie Hello Rookie
2014-09-14 11:08:57 Sunna !seen n00b_
2014-09-14 11:08:57 some_bot n00b_ was last seen in #tagpro 2 days, 0 hours, 2 minutes, and 37 seconds ago: <n00b_> :(
2014-09-14 11:09:04 Sunna n00b_ pls
2014-09-14 11:09:55 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 3 games / 4 players. likely or
2014-09-14 11:15:12 --> tim-sanchez ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 11:15:13 -- Mode #tagpro [+v tim-sanchez] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 11:15:13 [TagPro] [tim-sanchez] watch this
2014-09-14 11:15:14 AnkhBot Title: The Life and Times of Tim 1x02 S01E02 'Latino Tim/The Priest Is Drunk' Full Episode - YouTube |
2014-09-14 11:16:03 Hootie Timmay!
2014-09-14 11:16:33 rDuude !mods false report, wasn't the only one
2014-09-14 11:16:34 some_bot Flail, konichiwa, Hoog, NewCompte, Watball, Corhal, _Ly {Ly} [Ly] , tim-sanchez, _Ron, Troball, rk, Aaron215, Jet2, JGibbs, Radian, cz, Canadsian, tinkerc, Bull_tagpro, pooppants, turtlemansam, McBride36, deeznutz, bizkut, poopv, Rems, Nitro_, Rambo, bbq, Akiki, EbolaMod, hyphae
2014-09-14 11:16:47 Hootie rDuude pls
2014-09-14 11:16:58 rDuude i mean, someone else complained about being reported, might be a serial reporter
2014-09-14 11:17:05 rDuude also, AsimX was on that game, is he still banned?
2014-09-14 11:17:07 +Flail looking into it, rDuude
2014-09-14 11:17:09 Hootie Mmmmm, cereal
2014-09-14 11:17:10 rDuude thanks Flail
2014-09-14 11:17:23 Hootie rDuude, reports on you are probably deserved, lol
2014-09-14 11:17:28 rDuude pls
2014-09-14 11:17:31 Hootie <3
2014-09-14 11:17:33 rDuude <3
2014-09-14 11:17:37 Hootie what server do you play on normally?
2014-09-14 11:17:40 rDuude chord
2014-09-14 11:17:44 Hootie I never see you in pubs
2014-09-14 11:17:47 rDuude orbit very rarely
2014-09-14 11:17:49 rDuude pls i'm EU
2014-09-14 11:17:55 rDuude you're... NA?
2014-09-14 11:17:57 Hootie pls I'm worldwide
2014-09-14 11:17:59 rDuude pls
2014-09-14 11:18:06 rDuude well you're not on chord enough
2014-09-14 11:18:10 rDuude tbf i don't pub very much
2014-09-14 11:18:17 Hootie Let me hop on my private jet and I will be in Lisbon in 6 hours
2014-09-14 11:18:23 rDuude uh
2014-09-14 11:18:27 Rookie im assuming all the names here i dont know are american
2014-09-14 11:18:30 rDuude did you know i was portuguese or was that random?
2014-09-14 11:18:43 Hootie I knew you were portuguese
2014-09-14 11:18:48 rDuude oh haha
2014-09-14 11:18:51 Rookie everyone knows
2014-09-14 11:18:51 --> tim-sanchez_ ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 11:18:51 -- Mode #tagpro [+v tim-sanchez_] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 11:18:54 rDuude Rookie pls
2014-09-14 11:19:13 Hootie pls timmy get gud at irc
2014-09-14 11:19:15 Rookie what is pls in porto?
2014-09-14 11:19:28 +Flail taken care of, thanks rDuude
2014-09-14 11:19:36 rDuude no, thank you Flail !
2014-09-14 11:19:38 rDuude was he banned?
2014-09-14 11:19:41 +tim-sanchez_ Hootie the route is rekt
2014-09-14 11:19:43 rDuude whoever it was
2014-09-14 11:19:43 --> Ion___ ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 11:19:52 +Flail yeah
2014-09-14 11:19:52 Hootie rekt it back timmay
2014-09-14 11:19:55 rDuude awesome, thanks
2014-09-14 11:20:05 +Flail and your report was stricken
2014-09-14 11:20:06 <-- tim-sanchez ( has quit (Disconnected by services)
2014-09-14 11:20:10 -- tim-sanchez_ is now known as tim-sanchez
2014-09-14 11:20:13 rDuude oh right, you can do that now, thanks!
2014-09-14 11:20:24 Hootie rduude should be a EU mod
2014-09-14 11:20:30 rDuude pls
2014-09-14 11:20:42 Hootie i saw someone asking for more EU server mods
2014-09-14 11:20:47 Hootie I nominate
2014-09-14 11:20:50 Rookie wait hootie are you rekt?
2014-09-14 11:20:57 Hootie In fact, I wil head up the campaign
2014-09-14 11:21:05 Hootie Am I rekt? Always mate,
2014-09-14 11:21:13 Hootie i got rekt last night for sure
2014-09-14 11:21:22 Rookie i m ean u play as the white name rekt?
2014-09-14 11:21:32 rDuude i do think we need more EU mods
2014-09-14 11:21:37 rDuude but i don't think i'm the man for the job
2014-09-14 11:21:37 Rookie i will mod
2014-09-14 11:21:40 Rookie mod me
2014-09-14 11:21:58 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 2 games / 2 players. likely or
2014-09-14 11:21:59 rDuude pls
2014-09-14 11:22:01 Hootie No Rookie, I am "Hootie" in-game
2014-09-14 11:22:07 Rookie ah fair enuf
2014-09-14 11:22:15 Hootie I can see your campaign commercial
2014-09-14 11:22:18 Rookie i was playing with a rekt the other day
2014-09-14 11:22:26 Hootie He's not just any dude....he's rDuuude
2014-09-14 11:22:47 rDuude haha pls
2014-09-14 11:22:48 Rookie who is that rduude imposter?
2014-09-14 11:22:55 rDuude Rookie pls
2014-09-14 11:22:59 rDuude i'm the real deal
2014-09-14 11:23:02 rDuude ohhh
2014-09-14 11:23:05 rDuude you mean ingame?
2014-09-14 11:23:05 Rookie we saw him on daevils map
2014-09-14 11:23:09 rDuude yeah
2014-09-14 11:23:09 Rookie yeah
2014-09-14 11:23:10 rDuude it's Ooooh
2014-09-14 11:23:14 Rookie oh
2014-09-14 11:23:17 Rookie oooh
2014-09-14 11:23:37 Rookie i miss imposters
2014-09-14 11:23:48 rDuude ugh
2014-09-14 11:23:51 --> Thick (32b2e0d5@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 11:24:05 rDuude hi Thick
2014-09-14 11:24:18 Rookie anyone watching qpr?
2014-09-14 11:24:19 Thick hey
2014-09-14 11:24:21 Rookie hey
2014-09-14 11:24:23 Thick what
2014-09-14 11:24:27 rDuude what's qpr
2014-09-14 11:24:42 Rookie qpr vs man united football
2014-09-14 11:24:46 rDuude oh right
2014-09-14 11:24:47 rDuude nope
2014-09-14 11:24:50 --> Ninii ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 11:24:50 [TagPro] [Ninii] Join us at :D <3
2014-09-14 11:24:51 AnkhBot Title: join the party - |
2014-09-14 11:24:54 <-- mocl4 (~mocl4@unaffiliated/mocl4) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 11:24:55 <-- Ion_ ( has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 11:24:55 <-- DiannaAgron ( has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 11:24:55 -- Ninii is now known as 21WABAAEN
2014-09-14 11:24:55 <-- Nini ( has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 11:24:56 <-- Rorro ( has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 11:24:57 Rookie the other ball game
2014-09-14 11:25:04 rDuude yeah i see
2014-09-14 11:25:11 Thick oh queens
2014-09-14 11:25:15 --> mocl4 (~mocl4@unaffiliated/mocl4) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 11:25:16 Thick nah
2014-09-14 11:25:16 --> Rorro ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 11:25:17 [TagPro] [mocl4] RIP webchat users NEVER FORGET | bad idea to false report while there is a developer in game
2014-09-14 11:25:17 rDuude yup
2014-09-14 11:25:19 rDuude hi Rorro
2014-09-14 11:25:21 rDuude hi mocl4
2014-09-14 11:25:21 tagbot rDuude, mocl4 has been afk for 9 hours ("sleeping").
2014-09-14 11:25:29 Ooooh youre the imposter
2014-09-14 11:25:30 rDuude pls
2014-09-14 11:25:33 Rorro hi rDuude
2014-09-14 11:25:37 Ooooh rDuude is the real you right
2014-09-14 11:25:40 rDuude no
2014-09-14 11:25:42 Ooooh Duude is fake
2014-09-14 11:25:44 rDuude nope
2014-09-14 11:26:00 Ooooh oh right cus rDuude in game is real
2014-09-14 11:26:03 Ooooh right
2014-09-14 11:26:06 rDuude nope
2014-09-14 11:26:12 rDuude well, it's a real person
2014-09-14 11:26:12 Ooooh ok so Duude in game is fake
2014-09-14 11:26:13 rDuude but it's you
2014-09-14 11:26:13 Ooooh gotcha
2014-09-14 11:26:17 rDuude sure
2014-09-14 11:26:23 Ooooh phew
2014-09-14 11:26:26 Ooooh glad thats over with
2014-09-14 11:26:31 rDuude yup, me too
2014-09-14 11:27:50 Ooooh hey rDuude wanna party
2014-09-14 11:27:56 Sophira Oh, I'm Ooooh's lover now?
2014-09-14 11:27:59 rDuude what for?
2014-09-14 11:28:07 Rookie congrats
2014-09-14 11:28:08 rDuude wow Sophira, a few hours this time
2014-09-14 11:28:17 Sophira ;p
2014-09-14 11:28:20 Ooooh hey lover
2014-09-14 11:28:33 Sophira !echo Ooooh x $randomnick OTP
2014-09-14 11:28:33 some_bot Ooooh x azizLIGHT OTP
2014-09-14 11:28:35 rDuude Ooooh, she didn't reject the idea straight away, you have a change!
2014-09-14 11:28:37 rDuude *chance
2014-09-14 11:28:39 Ooooh OTP?
2014-09-14 11:28:46 Sophira OTP = One True Pairing. :)
2014-09-14 11:29:09 Ooooh !echo Ooooh and $randomnick together4ever
2014-09-14 11:29:09 some_bot Ooooh and steppin together4ever
2014-09-14 11:29:09 Sophira The term comes from fandom.
2014-09-14 11:29:11 Ooooh ugh
2014-09-14 11:29:14 Ooooh i dont like this
2014-09-14 11:29:19 rDuude lolol
2014-09-14 11:29:39 --> mentalfist (54fa784e@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 11:29:47 mentalfist !mods davinnamcball being mean on chord and 420 got a false report
2014-09-14 11:29:47 some_bot Flail, konichiwa, Hoog, NewCompte, Watball, Corhal, _Ly {Ly} [Ly] , tim-sanchez, _Ron, Troball, rk, Aaron215, Jet2, JGibbs, Radian, cz, Canadsian, tinkerc, Bull_tagpro, pooppants, turtlemansam, McBride36, deeznutz, bizkut, poopv, Rems, Nitro_, Rambo, bbq, Akiki, EbolaMod, hyphae
2014-09-14 11:29:54 Rookie lol theres a code for everything
2014-09-14 11:30:00 +tim-sanchez jeez again?
2014-09-14 11:30:05 rDuude hi mentalfist
2014-09-14 11:30:07 +tim-sanchez I warned him/her earlier
2014-09-14 11:30:08 mentalfist hi hi
2014-09-14 11:30:12 mentalfist he is calling everyone a bitch
2014-09-14 11:30:19 --> PKSubball_ ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 11:30:39 mentalfist also assuming he was the one reporting me falsely for telling him to not be mean
2014-09-14 11:30:56 --> ZumgAPanda_ ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 11:31:30 --> DiannaAgron ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 11:35:14 mentalfist tim-sanchez: can u confirm it was him who reported me
2014-09-14 11:35:35 Rorro AMorpork, you have a reddit message.
2014-09-14 11:35:41 --> defense_bot (4757c65e@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 11:35:41 [TagPro] [defense_bot] REMOVE ONE WAY TICKET | REMOVE GRAIL OF SPEED | REMOVE GAMEPAD
2014-09-14 11:37:01 defense_bot \o/
2014-09-14 11:37:04 <-- TheMy5teryMan_ (32860f6a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 11:37:08 rDuude dat rage quit Ooooh
2014-09-14 11:37:11 defense_bot !yiss
2014-09-14 11:37:11 some_bot yiss
2014-09-14 11:37:11 PKSubball_ yiss
2014-09-14 11:37:14 Ooooh they won
2014-09-14 11:37:15 Ooooh i left
2014-09-14 11:37:19 defense_bot bye
2014-09-14 11:37:19 rDuude pls
2014-09-14 11:37:20 defense_bot pls
2014-09-14 11:37:48 defense_bot um hello yes I need to speak to Lej
2014-09-14 11:37:55 rDuude can you hold?
2014-09-14 11:38:05 rDuude i'll check if he's around
2014-09-14 11:38:07 defense_bot okay thanks
2014-09-14 11:38:17 rDuude *on hold music*
2014-09-14 11:38:20 <-- ZumgAPanda ( has quit (*.net *.split)
2014-09-14 11:38:23 <-- PKSubball ( has quit (*.net *.split)
2014-09-14 11:38:23 <-- jaybird (~jaybird@unaffiliated/thevdude) has quit (*.net *.split)
2014-09-14 11:38:23 <-- Steelballs ( has quit (*.net *.split)
2014-09-14 11:38:23 -- ZumgAPanda_ is now known as ZumgAPanda
2014-09-14 11:38:29 rDuude okay, thanks for waiting
2014-09-14 11:38:34 defense_bot is he there
2014-09-14 11:38:41 rDuude it appears Mr. Lej isn't here right now, do you wish to leave a message?
2014-09-14 11:38:50 defense_bot no that's okay I'll just call back later
2014-09-14 11:38:51 <-- Rookie (5c15b715@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 11:38:55 --> Steelballs ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 11:38:56 * defense_bot slams phone down
2014-09-14 11:38:59 rDuude alright sir, thank you very ...
2014-09-14 11:38:59 defense_bot dammit
2014-09-14 11:39:10 defense_bot can't get good help these days
2014-09-14 11:39:16 rDuude yup, awful stuff
2014-09-14 11:39:21 defense_bot shameful
2014-09-14 11:39:29 rDuude people are getting paid to do this
2014-09-14 11:39:33 defense_bot tsk tsk
2014-09-14 11:40:52 <-- thefatalace ( has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2014-09-14 11:43:29 --> thefatalace ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 11:46:47 <-- rDuude (~rDuude@unaffiliated/rduude) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2014-09-14 11:46:58 <-- mentalfist (54fa784e@gateway/web/freenode/session) has quit (Changing host)
2014-09-14 11:46:58 --> mentalfist (54fa784e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 11:47:11 <-- defense_bot (4757c65e@gateway/web/freenode/session) has quit (Changing host)
2014-09-14 11:47:11 --> defense_bot (4757c65e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 11:47:11 [TagPro] [defense_bot] REMOVE ONE WAY TICKET | REMOVE GRAIL OF SPEED | REMOVE GAMEPAD
2014-09-14 11:49:02 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 1 players. likely or
2014-09-14 11:49:29 [TagPro] [MLTP] Week 6 Preview Thread -
2014-09-14 11:49:30 AnkhBot Title: [MLTP] Week 6 Preview Thread : TagPro |
2014-09-14 11:50:03 +AMorpork Rorro: I appreciate the suggestion. It's actually already a feature in the rewrite. The rewrite is just taking longer than I expected it to.
2014-09-14 11:50:12 <-- DiannaAgron ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 11:51:22 Rorro ah, great to hear AMorpork. You're doing an awesome job with the website
2014-09-14 11:52:06 --> rDuude (~rDuude@unaffiliated/rduude) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 11:52:06 [TagPro] [rDuude] || || technically we all netsplit
2014-09-14 11:52:47 Ooooh hi rDuude
2014-09-14 11:52:52 rDuude hi Ooooh
2014-09-14 11:53:05 defense_bot hi rduude
2014-09-14 11:53:11 rDuude hi defense_bot
2014-09-14 11:53:20 mentalfist !mods
2014-09-14 11:53:20 some_bot Flail, konichiwa, Hoog, NewCompte, Watball, Corhal, _Ly {Ly} [Ly] , tim-sanchez, _Ron, Troball, rk, Aaron215, Jet2, JGibbs, Radian, cz, Canadsian, tinkerc, Bull_tagpro, pooppants, turtlemansam, McBride36, deeznutz, bizkut, poopv, Rems, Nitro_, Rambo, bbq, Akiki, EbolaMod, hyphae
2014-09-14 11:53:31 mentalfist some some ball(s) have been harassing me past week
2014-09-14 11:53:37 mentalfist can u check for me who it is
2014-09-14 11:53:44 defense_bot we'll beat 'em up for you
2014-09-14 11:53:56 mentalfist saying mean stuff outta nowhere every now and then, its getting a bit annoying
2014-09-14 11:53:59 defense_bot hi Ooooh
2014-09-14 11:54:24 mentalfist i just reported a some ball 6 who did it
2014-09-14 11:55:41 +Flail taken care of, ty mentalfist
2014-09-14 11:59:08 mentalfist aight thanks flail
2014-09-14 11:59:13 +Flail np bb
2014-09-14 11:59:53 --> McBride36 (~McBride36@unaffiliated/mcbride36) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 11:59:53 [TagPro] [McBride36] O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'
2014-09-14 12:00:06 -- Mode #tagpro [+v McBride36] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 12:00:11 Steelballs hi McBride36
2014-09-14 12:01:04 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 1 players. likely or
2014-09-14 12:02:00 --> turtlemansam (~turtleman@unaffiliated/turtlemansam) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 12:02:00 -- Mode #tagpro [+v turtlemansam] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 12:02:00 [TagPro] [turtlemansam] ————————————— Begin Session —————————————
2014-09-14 12:02:36 <-- Rorro ( has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 12:02:41 +McBride36 hey Steelballs
2014-09-14 12:02:54 Steelballs i hear you have a date
2014-09-14 12:02:55 Steelballs :D
2014-09-14 12:05:21 +McBride36 somethin' like that
2014-09-14 12:10:49 Ooooh i hate Terraria
2014-09-14 12:10:57 +McBride36 Ooooh, why
2014-09-14 12:11:03 Ooooh keep dieing
2014-09-14 12:11:11 +McBride36 git gud
2014-09-14 12:12:02 --> straw_hat (~straw_hat@ has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 12:12:19 +McBride36 are you farming a boss??
2014-09-14 12:12:37 --> MikeC (5698e98f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 12:12:42 Ooooh nah
2014-09-14 12:12:43 defense_bot Ooooh pls u suk
2014-09-14 12:12:45 Ooooh started new world
2014-09-14 12:12:46 Ooooh new character
2014-09-14 12:12:55 Ooooh with Ion___ and redkiwi
2014-09-14 12:12:55 tagbot Ooooh, ion_ has been afk for 5 hours ("bedtime, night night").
2014-09-14 12:12:57 +McBride36 well, yesh, you die a lot
2014-09-14 12:13:04 Ooooh but they left quickly
2014-09-14 12:13:06 defense_bot \o/
2014-09-14 12:13:08 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 1 players. likely or
2014-09-14 12:13:13 Ooooh defense_bot, you can talk
2014-09-14 12:13:24 defense_bot I am talking
2014-09-14 12:13:30 Ooooh youre like the worst bot ever
2014-09-14 12:13:37 +McBride36 i'm considering buying skyrim
2014-09-14 12:13:39 defense_bot :'(
2014-09-14 12:13:55 defense_bot I would probably buy it if my computer could run it
2014-09-14 12:13:56 +McBride36 condsideration over
2014-09-14 12:14:03 defense_bot did you buy it
2014-09-14 12:14:07 +McBride36 no
2014-09-14 12:14:10 +McBride36 i have it for xbox
2014-09-14 12:14:14 defense_bot good job on saving mone
2014-09-14 12:14:15 defense_bot y
2014-09-14 12:14:25 defense_bot you have 5 extra dollars
2014-09-14 12:14:35 +McBride36 legendary edition
2014-09-14 12:14:39 +McBride36 14 extra dollars
2014-09-14 12:14:40 defense_bot tagpro is better than skyrim anyway
2014-09-14 12:14:47 --> Ballkenende_ (b2553399@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 12:14:47 [TagPro] [Ballkenende_] I am 2 ex prime minister 4 u
2014-09-14 12:15:11 -- Ballkenende_ is now known as Guest93878
2014-09-14 12:15:30 Guest93878 UGH
2014-09-14 12:15:41 +McBride36 git gud
2014-09-14 12:15:43 Guest93878 why mot 1 minute to put the pass word in
2014-09-14 12:15:51 Guest93878 jesus christ
2014-09-14 12:16:07 +McBride36 because it can be abused
2014-09-14 12:16:12 <-- Guest93878 (b2553399@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Client Quit)
2014-09-14 12:17:14 --> Ballkenende (b2553399@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 12:17:15 [TagPro] [Ballkenende] Balkenende: 1. To die of boredom 2. Being cheaper than a regular Dutch 3. Having a bad hair day a'l the time
2014-09-14 12:17:30 <-- MikeC (5698e98f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Client Quit)
2014-09-14 12:17:42 --> Patabugen (~Patabugen@pdpc/supporter/active/patabugen) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 12:17:44 Patabugen hey hey
2014-09-14 12:17:53 +McBride36 hi
2014-09-14 12:18:32 Patabugen Hows Sunday treating everyone?
2014-09-14 12:18:48 +McBride36 quite good
2014-09-14 12:19:09 Ooooh rDuude, dont be smart
2014-09-14 12:19:12 Ooooh not cool
2014-09-14 12:19:14 rDuude sorry Ooooh
2014-09-14 12:20:56 -- Ballkenende is now known as Ballkenende_
2014-09-14 12:21:08 <-- straw_hat (~straw_hat@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 12:21:12 Ballkenende_ HEH
2014-09-14 12:21:15 Ballkenende_ hi there
2014-09-14 12:22:34 <-- nub_ (5197efda@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 12:24:44 Kermit69 Hates
2014-09-14 12:25:07 Kermit69 Haters
2014-09-14 12:25:39 Kermit69 HAI HATERS
2014-09-14 12:25:45 +McBride36 Kermit69, pls
2014-09-14 12:25:49 Kermit69 lol
2014-09-14 12:26:05 +McBride36 dont hate the player, hate the game
2014-09-14 12:26:13 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 2 games / 2 players. likely or
2014-09-14 12:26:25 Kermit69 but i don't hate tag pro :(
2014-09-14 12:26:39 +McBride36 irc is the game son
2014-09-14 12:26:44 +McBride36 i don't tagpro
2014-09-14 12:26:45 +McBride36 duh
2014-09-14 12:26:48 Ooooh im the player
2014-09-14 12:26:49 Ooooh ;)
2014-09-14 12:26:50 Ooooh ladies pls
2014-09-14 12:26:51 Kermit69 PSHHHH MIND BLOWN
2014-09-14 12:26:59 Ballkenende_ kermit69 are you ok?
2014-09-14 12:27:03 Kermit69 nos
2014-09-14 12:27:06 Ooooh nah his mind blew up
2014-09-14 12:27:09 +McBride36 ask Ooooh
2014-09-14 12:27:11 Ooooh we should call an ambulance
2014-09-14 12:27:14 +McBride36 Ooooh,do i play tagpro
2014-09-14 12:27:17 Ooooh badly
2014-09-14 12:27:22 +McBride36 ^
2014-09-14 12:27:24 Kermit69 i need a wamulance
2014-09-14 12:27:37 defense_bot hey
2014-09-14 12:27:44 Kermit69 at least he's honest
2014-09-14 12:27:46 defense_bot I need my script to work on multiple pages
2014-09-14 12:27:47 defense_bot but i
2014-09-14 12:27:54 defense_bot but it needs to do different stuff
2014-09-14 12:27:57 Ooooh rDuude, just saw wilson in a pub
2014-09-14 12:28:01 Ooooh he told you to get your ass to practice
2014-09-14 12:28:02 defense_bot do I have to make separate scripts
2014-09-14 12:28:10 rDuude Ooooh, that pub was with him
2014-09-14 12:28:11 Ooooh also to git gud
2014-09-14 12:28:14 defense_bot ^
2014-09-14 12:28:14 Ooooh nah after
2014-09-14 12:28:18 rDuude the CC
2014-09-14 12:28:20 rDuude oh k
2014-09-14 12:28:23 Kermit69 i didn't know Ooooh didn't suck till this morning
2014-09-14 12:28:36 +McBride36 Ooooh is actually decent
2014-09-14 12:28:40 defense_bot psh
2014-09-14 12:28:42 defense_bot NOT REALLY
2014-09-14 12:28:46 Ooooh whats going on
2014-09-14 12:28:48 rDuude ^
2014-09-14 12:28:52 defense_bot ur dum
2014-09-14 12:28:55 Ooooh u
2014-09-14 12:28:57 defense_bot pls
2014-09-14 12:29:00 Kermit69 although i was playing on a server 5,000 miles from mr
2014-09-14 12:29:14 Ooooh id still beat you on Origin
2014-09-14 12:29:21 Kermit69 you wish homie
2014-09-14 12:29:26 Ooooh Radius 100%
2014-09-14 12:29:31 Ooooh Origin 99%
2014-09-14 12:29:39 Kermit69 COME SEE ME
2014-09-14 12:29:41 Ooooh Ok
2014-09-14 12:29:43 Kermit69 when I'm soberer
2014-09-14 12:29:49 defense_bot more soberer
2014-09-14 12:29:59 Kermit69 ^^
2014-09-14 12:30:17 Ballkenende_ defense_bot: why did you rek me earlier today :(
2014-09-14 12:30:23 defense_bot wat
2014-09-14 12:30:29 defense_bot when was this
2014-09-14 12:30:33 defense_bot you probably deserved it
2014-09-14 12:30:39 Kermit69 haha''
2014-09-14 12:30:40 defense_bot oh wait
2014-09-14 12:30:44 defense_bot I remember
2014-09-14 12:30:46 Ballkenende_ something with a closet
2014-09-14 12:30:54 defense_bot idk why though
2014-09-14 12:30:55 Kermit69 get out of it ball
2014-09-14 12:31:03 defense_bot yeah
2014-09-14 12:31:09 defense_bot ^
2014-09-14 12:31:18 Ballkenende_ Kermit69: pls
2014-09-14 12:31:25 <-- MostDeaths ( has quit (Quit: Leaving)
2014-09-14 12:31:49 defense_bot hm hm hm
2014-09-14 12:31:58 defense_bot I need to work on the page where you're looking for a game
2014-09-14 12:32:07 defense_bot but of course there's only a few seconds on that page
2014-09-14 12:32:15 defense_bot because it puts you in a game as soon as possible
2014-09-14 12:32:25 defense_bot hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
2014-09-14 12:32:26 Patabugen Does TB automatically say gg at the end of the game?
2014-09-14 12:32:29 Patabugen TP*
2014-09-14 12:32:37 defense_bot if you have the tagpro toolkit I think
2014-09-14 12:32:42 Patabugen ahh
2014-09-14 12:32:54 defense_bot pretty sure you can turn that off if you want though
2014-09-14 12:32:57 Patabugen ah yeah, got it
2014-09-14 12:33:02 defense_bot \o/ \o/ \o/
2014-09-14 12:40:15 <-- thefatalace ( has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
2014-09-14 12:43:54 +tim-sanchez Ballkenende_ every time I suicided they never got the idea of regrab
2014-09-14 12:43:56 +tim-sanchez the whole match
2014-09-14 12:44:01 +tim-sanchez they tried to block for me
2014-09-14 12:44:19 Ballkenende_ tim-sanchez: that seemed really frustrating
2014-09-14 12:44:30 Ballkenende_ bot a good team tbh
2014-09-14 12:49:06 Ballkenende_ Dat team tho tim-sanchez
2014-09-14 12:49:10 --> SQRLcat (51aea8d8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 12:49:22 Ballkenende_ they were defending their own base
2014-09-14 12:52:03 --> PurpleTeam[LAD] ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 12:53:18 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 1 players. likely or
2014-09-14 12:54:17 --> Duude_ (~rDuude@unaffiliated/rduude) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 12:54:22 <-- rDuude (~rDuude@unaffiliated/rduude) has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
2014-09-14 12:54:26 Ballkenende_ they were defending their own base
2014-09-14 12:54:29 Ballkenende_ fuck
2014-09-14 12:54:38 Ballkenende_ touched up
2014-09-14 12:54:56 -- Duude_ is now known as rDuude
2014-09-14 13:00:43 --> Rorro ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 13:01:13 +AMorpork
2014-09-14 13:01:13 AnkhBot Title: Bagger 288! - YouTube |
2014-09-14 13:02:07 Ooooh youre right AnkhBot is useful
2014-09-14 13:02:20 +AMorpork Ooooh: don't sass me boy i will end u
2014-09-14 13:02:26 Ooooh hehe
2014-09-14 13:02:52 Steelballs decent film that
2014-09-14 13:03:39 +AMorpork hahahaha holy shit this is awful design
2014-09-14 13:03:41 +AMorpork
2014-09-14 13:04:09 -- dddeeefff[away] is now known as dddeeefff
2014-09-14 13:04:20 Ooooh pretty terrible
2014-09-14 13:05:08 +McBride36 Steelballs, pls
2014-09-14 13:05:13 Steelballs wut
2014-09-14 13:05:22 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 2 games / 2 players. likely or
2014-09-14 13:05:25 +McBride36 "decent film that"
2014-09-14 13:05:30 Steelballs forrest gump
2014-09-14 13:05:32 Steelballs :D
2014-09-14 13:05:34 +McBride36 if you're ever gonna be an american, we don't talk like that
2014-09-14 13:05:36 +McBride36 scrub
2014-09-14 13:05:45 +AMorpork THAT MOVIE WASN'T SHIT.
2014-09-14 13:05:47 Steelballs fuck you i'll talk how i want
2014-09-14 13:05:57 +McBride36 THERE WE GO
2014-09-14 13:06:02 Steelballs and i'll be loved for it
2014-09-14 13:06:03 Ballkenende_ !today
2014-09-14 13:06:04 [TagPro] Ballkenende_ (Ballkenende) today: Time Played: 02:04:19 / Games: 26 / w/l/dc/%: 14/12/0/54% Caps: 14 / Drops: 141 / Grabs: 156 / Hold: 00:21:34 / Pops: 184 / Prevent: 00:07:10 / Returns: 73 / Support: 344 / Tags: 95
2014-09-14 13:06:14 defense_bot i am so stupi
2014-09-14 13:06:17 Ballkenende_ My best games are when i lose
2014-09-14 13:06:25 Steelballs if you say any different i'll sue you
2014-09-14 13:06:27 defense_bot I truly am the worst bot
2014-09-14 13:06:29 Steelballs ^^ better?
2014-09-14 13:06:30 <-- mentalfist (54fa784e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 13:06:32 +McBride36 eh
2014-09-14 13:07:03 defense_bot I just spent 20 minutes wondering why my code wasn't working
2014-09-14 13:07:13 defense_bot and the > was facing the wrong way
2014-09-14 13:07:20 +McBride36 defense_bot, it's because you need to add this bit "#define ; eh"
2014-09-14 13:07:36 Steelballs i was once told a story by an american that a burglar was trying to break into a house. Fell through a skylite and landed on a knife. He then sued the homeowner for leaving the knife out. AND WON
2014-09-14 13:08:08 defense_bot pls
2014-09-14 13:08:49 --> thefatalace ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 13:09:08 Ooooh sounds like BS
2014-09-14 13:09:15 +McBride36
2014-09-14 13:09:16 AnkhBot Title: The burglar and the skylight: another debunking that isn't - Overlawyered |
2014-09-14 13:09:31 defense_bot o noes
2014-09-14 13:10:12 Steelballs tldr is that saying my story is bullshit or real
2014-09-14 13:10:38 Ooooh Bodine sued for $8 million (in 1984 dollars, about $16 million today) and settled for the nuisance sum of $260,000 plus $1200/month for life, about the equivalent of a million dollars in conservatively-estimated 2006 present value.
2014-09-14 13:10:51 Steelballs !!!
2014-09-14 13:11:00 Steelballs real
2014-09-14 13:11:02 Steelballs gg
2014-09-14 13:12:34 Steelballs crime pays kids
2014-09-14 13:14:05 +McBride36 sure
2014-09-14 13:14:08 +McBride36 in 1980s
2014-09-14 13:14:15 +McBride36 when everyone was high on cocaine
2014-09-14 13:17:25 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 4 games / 3 players. likely or
2014-09-14 13:18:13 --> love ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 13:18:35 love ugh
2014-09-14 13:18:50 -- love is now known as love_
2014-09-14 13:18:54 love_ !random
2014-09-14 13:18:54 some_bot <konichiwa> woet stfu adults are talking
2014-09-14 13:19:24 Ooooh hi love_
2014-09-14 13:19:32 love_ hi Ooooh
2014-09-14 13:20:15 love_ !setgreet I have returned
2014-09-14 13:20:16 AnkhBot Title: Starcraft 1 Protoss unit - Dragoons sounds and quotes - YouTube |
2014-09-14 13:20:22 love_ AnkhBot pls
2014-09-14 13:22:04 <-- defense_bot (4757c65e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 13:23:40 Ballkenende_ !today
2014-09-14 13:23:41 [TagPro] Ballkenende_ (Ballkenende) today: Time Played: 02:17:50 / Games: 30 / w/l/dc/%: 16/14/0/53% Caps: 16 / Drops: 155 / Grabs: 172 / Hold: 00:23:45 / Pops: 202 / Prevent: 00:07:29 / Returns: 83 / Support: 373 / Tags: 110
2014-09-14 13:23:47 Ballkenende_ meh.
2014-09-14 13:24:08 love_ !weather nyc
2014-09-14 13:24:09 [TagPro] love_: From Murray Hill, New York, New York (1:23p Sep 14 14) temp(64.9 F / 18.3 C) cond(Clear)
2014-09-14 13:25:22 <-- tim-sanchez ( has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2014-09-14 13:25:47 --> Curl (4b80046c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 13:26:18 Ballkenende_ !weather the netherlands
2014-09-14 13:26:21 [TagPro] Ballkenende_: From Teresina Aeroporto, Brazil (2:00p Sep 14 14) temp(100 F / 38 C) cond(Partly Cloudy)
2014-09-14 13:26:27 Ballkenende_ WAT
2014-09-14 13:27:10 love_ lol
2014-09-14 13:27:15 love_ !weather amsterdam
2014-09-14 13:27:15 [TagPro] love_: Please narrow your search or search by INTL station ID
2014-09-14 13:27:33 love_ hm
2014-09-14 13:27:44 --> GospelofJuke (1876f2c7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 13:27:48 love_ !weather netherlands
2014-09-14 13:27:50 [TagPro] love_: Please narrow your search or search by INTL station ID
2014-09-14 13:28:00 love_ hello GospelofJuke
2014-09-14 13:28:13 GospelofJuke hey
2014-09-14 13:29:27 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 2 players. likely or
2014-09-14 13:30:51 Curl !mods
2014-09-14 13:30:51 some_bot Flail, konichiwa, Hoog, NewCompte, Watball, Corhal, _Ly {Ly} [Ly] , tim-sanchez, _Ron, Troball, rk, Aaron215, Jet2, JGibbs, Radian, cz, Canadsian, tinkerc, Bull_tagpro, pooppants, turtlemansam, McBride36, deeznutz, bizkut, poopv, Rems, Nitro_, Rambo, bbq, Akiki, EbolaMod, hyphae
2014-09-14 13:31:14 +turtlemansam whats up Curl
2014-09-14 13:32:25 Ballkenende_ dis gun b gud
2014-09-14 13:34:29 Curl turtlemansam I just got revenge reported
2014-09-14 13:34:35 Curl a couple of games ago
2014-09-14 13:35:10 --> defense_bot (4757c65e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 13:35:10 [TagPro] [defense_bot] REMOVE ONE WAY TICKET | REMOVE GRAIL OF SPEED | REMOVE GAMEPAD
2014-09-14 13:35:20 --> straw_hat (~straw_hat@ has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 13:35:29 --> TerraMaris ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 13:35:29 [TagPro] [TerraMaris] BRING BACK HYPER REACTOR (remove gamepad)
2014-09-14 13:35:34 love_ hello TerraMaris
2014-09-14 13:35:34 tagbot love_, terramaris has been afk for 17 hours ("sleeping").
2014-09-14 13:35:36 -- defense_bot is now known as Guest45848
2014-09-14 13:35:38 love_ tagbot pls
2014-09-14 13:35:48 Guest45848 ugh
2014-09-14 13:35:53 love_ lol
2014-09-14 13:35:54 TerraMaris Hey!
2014-09-14 13:35:56 -- Guest45848 is now known as defens_bot
2014-09-14 13:36:01 defens_bot what
2014-09-14 13:36:19 TerraMaris lol
2014-09-14 13:36:20 love_ huehuehue
2014-09-14 13:36:33 --> tim-sanchez ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 13:36:33 -- Mode #tagpro [+v tim-sanchez] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 13:36:33 [TagPro] [tim-sanchez] watch this
2014-09-14 13:36:34 AnkhBot Title: The Life and Times of Tim 1x02 S01E02 'Latino Tim/The Priest Is Drunk' Full Episode - YouTube |
2014-09-14 13:36:37 rDuude hmm
2014-09-14 13:36:50 rDuude are group names with slurs acceptable?
2014-09-14 13:37:02 rDuude if not, there's a group on chord called "gay fags" (sorry for language)
2014-09-14 13:37:05 love_
2014-09-14 13:37:11 love_ it's not me this time
2014-09-14 13:37:16 +McBride36 .chord
2014-09-14 13:37:16 tagbot Chord has 6 games with 82 players and 34 spectators, so it may not be a good time to play in this server:
2014-09-14 13:37:22 defens_bot I'M OFFENDED RDUUDE
2014-09-14 13:37:25 rDuude pls
2014-09-14 13:37:25 defens_bot CAN U NOT
2014-09-14 13:37:28 rDuude McBride36, can you check it out?
2014-09-14 13:37:31 rDuude defens_bot pls
2014-09-14 13:37:33 defens_bot pls
2014-09-14 13:38:38 <-- GospelofJuke (1876f2c7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 13:38:44 love_ .afk hw and essays
2014-09-14 13:38:44 tagbot See you soon love_!
2014-09-14 13:39:26 <-- Curl (4b80046c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 13:41:14 Steelballs wow rDuude
2014-09-14 13:41:16 Steelballs language
2014-09-14 13:41:16 Steelballs pls
2014-09-14 13:41:30 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 1 players. likely or
2014-09-14 13:41:35 +McBride36 rDuude, i took care of it
2014-09-14 13:43:11 Ooooh Steelballs, language pls
2014-09-14 13:44:12 Steelballs Ooooh language pls
2014-09-14 13:44:24 Ooooh u wot
2014-09-14 13:44:28 Steelballs FITE ME
2014-09-14 13:44:32 Ooooh kk
2014-09-14 13:44:33 Steelballs .ofm Ooooh
2014-09-14 13:44:40 Ooooh .playeu ofm Steelballs
2014-09-14 13:44:54 Ooooh PG 18
2014-09-14 13:45:51 <-- Rorro ( has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 13:48:02 Ballkenende_ !today
2014-09-14 13:48:02 [TagPro] Ballkenende_ (Ballkenende) today: Time Played: 02:38:00 / Games: 37 / w/l/dc/%: 18/19/0/49% Caps: 21 / Drops: 177 / Grabs: 199 / Hold: 00:28:29 / Pops: 228 / Prevent: 00:11:02 / Returns: 94 / Support: 417 / Tags: 123
2014-09-14 13:49:17 --> sirquine_work (~quine_wor@2601:1:8d80:9d3:1c8a:35d2:6e64:6599) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 13:51:26 rDuude thanks McBride36 <3
2014-09-14 13:51:35 +McBride36 lol
2014-09-14 13:54:17 --> Redkiwi ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 13:54:18 [TagPro] [Redkiwi] |
2014-09-14 13:54:24 Redkiwi chur :D
2014-09-14 13:54:51 Redkiwi !plug3
2014-09-14 13:54:51 tagbot Hey guys! Come woot with us at
2014-09-14 13:54:51 some_bot
2014-09-14 13:54:52 AnkhBot Title: join the party - |
2014-09-14 13:54:52 AnkhBot Title: join the party - |
2014-09-14 13:55:02 Ballkenende_ This is the marathon of maps Ballkenende_ likes but cant play bc he is fucking tired and he is awful so he will lose and fuck everything up
2014-09-14 13:55:09 Redkiwi wut
2014-09-14 13:55:38 Ballkenende_ ^^
2014-09-14 13:56:15 --> Bee ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 13:56:32 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 1 players. likely or
2014-09-14 13:57:13 Ballkenende_ !today
2014-09-14 13:57:14 [TagPro] Ballkenende_ (Ballkenende) today: Time Played: 02:43:45 / Games: 38 / w/l/dc/%: 18/20/0/47% Caps: 21 / Drops: 184 / Grabs: 206 / Hold: 00:29:38 / Pops: 238 / Prevent: 00:11:02 / Returns: 95 / Support: 424 / Tags: 126
2014-09-14 13:57:18 Ballkenende_ LOOK AT THIS
2014-09-14 13:57:27 Ballkenende_ FUCKING DISGRACE
2014-09-14 13:57:32 Ooooh Hey Bee :)
2014-09-14 13:57:32 Ballkenende_ FUCKING DISGRACE
2014-09-14 13:57:33 Redkiwi hi Bee!
2014-09-14 13:57:37 Redkiwi wb Ooooh
2014-09-14 13:57:42 Bee hi Ooooh!
2014-09-14 13:57:47 +McBride36 Redkiwi, is ur computer fixed
2014-09-14 13:57:49 Bee Hi Redkiwi!
2014-09-14 13:57:51 Redkiwi yiss!
2014-09-14 13:57:56 +pooppants urughur
2014-09-14 13:57:58 Ballkenende_ thank you drogba for commentating
2014-09-14 13:57:59 Redkiwi yuore dabes McBride36 :D
2014-09-14 13:58:05 Redkiwi and thx pooppants
2014-09-14 13:58:08 +McBride36 lol what was the fix then?
2014-09-14 13:58:19 Redkiwi huh
2014-09-14 13:58:45 +pooppants McBride36: $600 to build a new one
2014-09-14 13:58:56 +McBride36 pooppants, build new what?
2014-09-14 13:58:59 +pooppants McBride36: we had puppies
2014-09-14 13:59:04 +McBride36 i know
2014-09-14 13:59:07 +pooppants McBride36: that was the solution to fix his computer
2014-09-14 13:59:08 +McBride36 congrats
2014-09-14 13:59:29 Redkiwi pooppants paid
2014-09-14 13:59:31 +pooppants lol
2014-09-14 13:59:32 Redkiwi hes cool
2014-09-14 13:59:45 +McBride36 o rly
2014-09-14 13:59:47 +pooppants fuck
2014-09-14 13:59:51 +pooppants i moved the wrong files off my sd card
2014-09-14 14:00:08 +McBride36 ;)
2014-09-14 14:02:50 Redkiwi not much going on tonight, eh?
2014-09-14 14:02:52 defens_bot ur dum
2014-09-14 14:02:53 Patabugen !today
2014-09-14 14:02:53 [TagPro] Patabugen, Gotta !add <your profile>. Click "Profile" and copy the part after /profile/
2014-09-14 14:03:26 Redkiwi defens_bot pls
2014-09-14 14:03:36 defens_bot pooppants is dum
2014-09-14 14:03:55 +pooppants i am
2014-09-14 14:04:02 +pooppants !all
2014-09-14 14:04:02 [TagPro] pooppants (<3<3<3) all: Time Played: 21:09:15 / Games: 333 / w/l/dc/%: 163/138/32/49% Caps: 149 / Drops: 744 / Grabs: 893 / Hold: 01:44:52 / Pops: 1525 / Prevent: 01:32:41 / Returns: 854 / Support: 1650 / Tags: 1346
2014-09-14 14:04:25 --> VetDave (6cdda12a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 14:04:28 Patabugen !add
2014-09-14 14:04:29 [TagPro] Patabugen, It doesn't look like that's a valid Profile ID.
2014-09-14 14:04:47 VetDave Hey All
2014-09-14 14:04:53 Patabugen !add 540f1e3c8bfb32ab702ea83b
2014-09-14 14:04:53 [TagPro] Patabugen, Your Profile ID has been added. Now you can !today/!week/!month/!all to your hearts content.
2014-09-14 14:04:58 Patabugen !today
2014-09-14 14:04:58 [TagPro] Patabugen (Patabugen) today: Time Played: 00:04:51 / Games: 2 / w/l/dc/%: 1/1/0/50% Caps: 0 / Drops: 2 / Grabs: 2 / Hold: 00:00:16 / Pops: 6 / Prevent: 00:00:44 / Returns: 1 / Support: 5 / Tags: 1
2014-09-14 14:05:13 +pooppants !all Patabugen
2014-09-14 14:05:14 [TagPro] Patabugen (Patabugen) all: Time Played: 01:26:20 / Games: 24 / w/l/dc/%: 2/21/1/8% (lose much? #lrn2tagpro) Caps: 4 / Drops: 55 / Grabs: 59 / Hold: 00:04:50 / Pops: 168 / Prevent: 00:05:18 / Returns: 20 / Support: 163 / Tags: 33
2014-09-14 14:05:20 +pooppants LOL lose much?
2014-09-14 14:05:28 Redkiwi heheh
2014-09-14 14:06:03 Patabugen lrn2tagpro?
2014-09-14 14:06:09 Patabugen ahh
2014-09-14 14:06:25 Patabugen lol
2014-09-14 14:06:37 Redkiwi !plug3
2014-09-14 14:06:37 tagbot Hey guys! Come woot with us at
2014-09-14 14:06:37 some_bot
2014-09-14 14:06:38 AnkhBot Title: join the party - |
2014-09-14 14:06:39 AnkhBot Title: join the party - |
2014-09-14 14:06:44 Redkiwi tagbot pls
2014-09-14 14:06:48 Redkiwi what are you talking about
2014-09-14 14:07:00 love_ !online
2014-09-14 14:07:04 +McBride36 not tagbot, it's AnkhBot!
2014-09-14 14:07:08 Ooooh ouch Patabugen tough day
2014-09-14 14:07:16 some_bot [total: 368p in 51g] bola: ?p in ?g | sector: ?p in ?g | chord: 86p in 10g | radius: 73p in 9g | origin: 60p in 8g | pi: 54p in 7g | centra: 41p in 7g | orbit: 30p in 5g | sphere: 22p in 3g | arc: 1p in 1g | maptest: 1p in 1g | diameter: 0p in 0g | tangent: 0p in 0g
2014-09-14 14:07:30 Redkiwi hi love_ <
2014-09-14 14:07:34 Patabugen Wins and Loses means the team I was on won/lost right?
2014-09-14 14:07:39 Redkiwi yeah
2014-09-14 14:07:39 Ooooh yes
2014-09-14 14:07:43 +pooppants fucking AnkhBot
2014-09-14 14:07:44 +pooppants pls
2014-09-14 14:07:47 Patabugen Is that rounds, or games?
2014-09-14 14:07:50 +McBride36 pooppants, pls
2014-09-14 14:08:04 Redkiwi games Patabugen
2014-09-14 14:08:08 Redkiwi rounds?
2014-09-14 14:08:11 Redkiwi heh
2014-09-14 14:08:12 Patabugen I don't recall playing 24 games today, but could be ;)
2014-09-14 14:08:17 Redkiwi haha
2014-09-14 14:08:17 Patabugen Rounds as in caps
2014-09-14 14:08:21 Redkiwi oh
2014-09-14 14:08:25 Redkiwi yeah games then
2014-09-14 14:08:34 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 1 players. likely or
2014-09-14 14:08:41 --> WhiteBread (47c5a4a8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 14:08:42 Patabugen I'd just better make sure my other half doesn't get hold of those stats
2014-09-14 14:08:53 Patabugen !all
2014-09-14 14:08:53 Redkiwi your other half?
2014-09-14 14:08:53 [TagPro] Patabugen (Patabugen) all: Time Played: 01:26:20 / Games: 24 / w/l/dc/%: 2/21/1/8% (lose much? #lrn2tagpro) Caps: 4 / Drops: 55 / Grabs: 59 / Hold: 00:04:50 / Pops: 168 / Prevent: 00:05:18 / Returns: 20 / Support: 163 / Tags: 33
2014-09-14 14:08:59 Patabugen my girlfriend
2014-09-14 14:09:04 Patabugen !today
2014-09-14 14:09:05 [TagPro] Patabugen (Patabugen) today: Time Played: 00:04:51 / Games: 2 / w/l/dc/%: 1/1/0/50% Caps: 0 / Drops: 2 / Grabs: 2 / Hold: 00:00:16 / Pops: 6 / Prevent: 00:00:44 / Returns: 1 / Support: 5 / Tags: 1
2014-09-14 14:09:13 Redkiwi hey guys this Patabugen got a gf
2014-09-14 14:09:21 Patabugen lol, yeah but he's new here
2014-09-14 14:09:30 Redkiwi i noticed :P
2014-09-14 14:09:30 Patabugen there's still time
2014-09-14 14:09:36 Redkiwi for what?
2014-09-14 14:09:39 Redkiwi losing the gf?
2014-09-14 14:09:43 Patabugen her to leave me for playing too much
2014-09-14 14:09:48 Redkiwi oooh
2014-09-14 14:09:52 Redkiwi dont try
2014-09-14 14:09:53 Patabugen she put up with my last game mind
2014-09-14 14:10:13 Patabugen caps + drops = grabs right?
2014-09-14 14:10:17 +turtlemansam !today
2014-09-14 14:10:17 [TagPro] turtlemansam (turtlemansam) today: Time Played: 00:00:00 / Games: 0 (Play Much?) / w/l/dc/%: 0/0/0/0% Caps: 0 / Drops: 0 / Grabs: 0 / Hold: 00:00:00 / Pops: 0 / Prevent: 00:00:00 / Returns: 0 / Support: 0 / Tags: 0
2014-09-14 14:10:25 +pooppants grabs is how many times you've grabbed
2014-09-14 14:10:25 Redkiwi grabs is when you grab the flag
2014-09-14 14:10:27 +pooppants so yeah
2014-09-14 14:10:46 +pooppants caps + drops will almost always equal grabs
2014-09-14 14:10:47 +pooppants BUT
2014-09-14 14:10:48 Patabugen and pops is when I pop someone with the flag? (or when I've got a TagPro powerup?)
2014-09-14 14:11:01 +pooppants sometimes you grab and the game ends with you holding the flag
2014-09-14 14:11:05 +pooppants pops is when you pop
2014-09-14 14:11:09 Redkiwi both Patabugen
2014-09-14 14:11:10 Patabugen ah because of the timer?
2014-09-14 14:11:15 Patabugen coolio
2014-09-14 14:11:21 +pooppants against a spike, gate, powerup, or getting returned
2014-09-14 14:11:30 Redkiwi how did you find out about tagpro?
2014-09-14 14:11:39 +pooppants tags is when you pop someone with a gate, tagpro, or return the flag
2014-09-14 14:12:02 Patabugen I used to play/dev , but it's largely dead now so I asked about and someone suggested this
2014-09-14 14:12:08 Patabugen I asked what other games they play
2014-09-14 14:12:14 Redkiwi ah nice
2014-09-14 14:12:20 Redkiwi who suggested tagpro?
2014-09-14 14:12:48 Ballkenende_ back
2014-09-14 14:12:51 Patabugen hmmm not sure I remember their alias
2014-09-14 14:12:56 Redkiwi oki
2014-09-14 14:12:56 Patabugen it wasn't a player I knew
2014-09-14 14:13:05 Redkiwi i tried that game once
2014-09-14 14:13:08 Patabugen It was Snow or sometihng
2014-09-14 14:13:11 Redkiwi hahaha
2014-09-14 14:13:18 Redkiwi i think i know him
2014-09-14 14:13:21 Patabugen Recently or in it's heyday?
2014-09-14 14:13:26 Redkiwi recently
2014-09-14 14:13:32 Patabugen What did you think?
2014-09-14 14:13:36 Redkiwi someone mentioned it on reddit
2014-09-14 14:13:43 Redkiwi i never understood how to play
2014-09-14 14:13:49 Patabugen haha yeah there was a thing on the forum to try and get new players via Reddit
2014-09-14 14:14:01 Redkiwi it was on r/tagpro
2014-09-14 14:14:05 Redkiwi so i dnot think so
2014-09-14 14:14:17 Patabugen Yeah... it's a great game but the owners are terribly badly organised
2014-09-14 14:14:28 Patabugen So we've lost most of the really good community created content ever made
2014-09-14 14:14:33 Redkiwi tagpro or the other game?
2014-09-14 14:14:35 Patabugen incluing awesome tutorials, guides, videos etc
2014-09-14 14:14:37 Redkiwi ok
2014-09-14 14:14:37 Patabugen AC
2014-09-14 14:14:39 Redkiwi yeah
2014-09-14 14:14:58 Patabugen The game is in Java but the lobby & website are in PHP and NodEJS
2014-09-14 14:15:15 Patabugen I was a lobby dev, but the owners never cared too much for the lobby - wanting only to invest in the game itself
2014-09-14 14:15:43 Ooooh .afk
2014-09-14 14:15:43 tagbot See you soon Ooooh!
2014-09-14 14:15:45 Patabugen Where as I wanted to add all kinds of cool welcome to the game things in the lobby
2014-09-14 14:16:12 Redkiwi i see
2014-09-14 14:16:22 Redkiwi maybe ill give it a try some day
2014-09-14 14:16:27 Redkiwi maybe tonight
2014-09-14 14:16:32 Redkiwi maybe now
2014-09-14 14:16:33 Patabugen Give me a shout if you do, I'll show you it
2014-09-14 14:16:40 Patabugen brb
2014-09-14 14:16:42 Redkiwi got time for it now?
2014-09-14 14:16:45 Redkiwi ah oki
2014-09-14 14:16:55 Redkiwi !seen deeznutz
2014-09-14 14:16:55 some_bot deeznutz was last seen in #tagpro 1 day, 15 hours, 14 minutes, and 40 seconds ago: <DeezNutz> welp
2014-09-14 14:17:01 Redkiwi !seen n00b_
2014-09-14 14:17:01 some_bot n00b_ was last seen in #tagpro 2 days, 3 hours, 10 minutes, and 41 seconds ago: <n00b_> :(
2014-09-14 14:17:08 Redkiwi is n00b_ sleeping?
2014-09-14 14:17:13 Redkiwi or is she still mad?
2014-09-14 14:17:21 Redkiwi or is she just drinking?
2014-09-14 14:17:54 Redkiwi and deeznutz will you pls finish TTT?
2014-09-14 14:17:55 Patabugen the game's all but dead when there isn't an organised game going on now
2014-09-14 14:18:03 Redkiwi okay
2014-09-14 14:18:07 Redkiwi lets try 2v2 then
2014-09-14 14:18:11 Redkiwi if thats poosible
2014-09-14 14:18:13 Patabugen I've got a few min
2014-09-14 14:18:15 Redkiwi nice
2014-09-14 14:18:21 Patabugen lemme grab a mouse
2014-09-14 14:18:21 Redkiwi im r0llo or something
2014-09-14 14:19:06 Patabugen coolio
2014-09-14 14:19:13 Patabugen I'm Patabugen, usually
2014-09-14 14:19:24 Redkiwi okay im roll0
2014-09-14 14:19:37 --> Walrus_ (43b7188f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 14:20:37 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 3 games / 3 players. likely or
2014-09-14 14:20:44 Ballkenende_ anybody wants to with me?
2014-09-14 14:20:57 Redkiwi im plaing armor critical atm
2014-09-14 14:20:58 Ballkenende_ simple soccer game
2014-09-14 14:21:03 Redkiwi ill join later
2014-09-14 14:21:07 Ballkenende_ ok R0ll0
2014-09-14 14:21:10 Redkiwi haha
2014-09-14 14:21:14 Redkiwi im Roll0 now
2014-09-14 14:21:30 Ballkenende_ yeah, ok thats what i meant haha
2014-09-14 14:21:37 <-- Kermit69 (4352110e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 14:21:40 <-- turtlemansam (~turtleman@unaffiliated/turtlemansam) has quit (Quit: turtle's out!)
2014-09-14 14:23:24 Ballkenende_ my god that community is terrible
2014-09-14 14:23:33 Ballkenende_ you get called out for noob
2014-09-14 14:23:59 Patabugen Ballkenende_, ArmorCritical you mean?
2014-09-14 14:24:08 Ballkenende_ nope
2014-09-14 14:24:10 Ballkenende_ haxball
2014-09-14 14:25:19 Patabugen ah
2014-09-14 14:25:23 Patabugen AC isn't much different lol
2014-09-14 14:26:25 Ballkenende_ what is it
2014-09-14 14:29:12 WhiteBread OFM anyone?
2014-09-14 14:30:04 --> Nini ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 14:30:05 <-- Nini ( has quit (Client Quit)
2014-09-14 14:30:28 Patabugen A capture the flag game with rockets and lasers
2014-09-14 14:30:34 Patabugen
2014-09-14 14:31:08 --> Hyphae (0e023a06@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 14:31:09 <-- Hyphae (0e023a06@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Client Quit)
2014-09-14 14:31:37 --> Hyphae (0e023a06@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 14:32:08 <-- 21WABAAEN ( has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2014-09-14 14:32:38 --> Aniball (45066c9b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 14:32:40 Sunna My captain doesn't allow me to play D in scrimms :(
2014-09-14 14:32:41 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 1 players. likely or
2014-09-14 14:33:05 love_ :(
2014-09-14 14:38:03 <-- love_ ( has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
2014-09-14 14:39:32 --> Faceless (4a8dfbdf@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 14:39:32 [TagPro] [Faceless] Hey all, everybody!
2014-09-14 14:39:45 Faceless Bee!
2014-09-14 14:40:13 Bee hi Faceless!
2014-09-14 14:40:36 Faceless i tried to join your team, but it kicked me into a joiner loop :(
2014-09-14 14:41:11 Faceless on the positive side, i was able to recover from my 0-5 run
2014-09-14 14:41:56 --> love ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 14:42:02 Bee what? what team?
2014-09-14 14:42:16 Faceless lol, in the pubs yesterday
2014-09-14 14:43:15 Bee oh! haha
2014-09-14 14:43:23 Bee next time
2014-09-14 14:43:24 Bee :)
2014-09-14 14:43:30 --> Anne_Frank (186bae24@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 14:43:37 Bee hey Anne_Frank
2014-09-14 14:43:39 Faceless im sure it looked like i bailed, but it was the joiner not me :P
2014-09-14 14:43:41 SQRLcat COME WATCH SOME ELTP ACTION!
2014-09-14 14:43:53 SQRLcat
2014-09-14 14:43:53 AnkhBot Title: Twitch |
2014-09-14 14:43:57 Faceless hola Anne_Frank
2014-09-14 14:44:05 Faceless !seen balloon
2014-09-14 14:44:05 some_bot balloon was last seen in #tagpro 1 week, 3 days, 19 hours, and 19 seconds ago: <BallOON> Can anyone help me connect to mumble..It's not connecting for me
2014-09-14 14:44:20 Faceless !seen Hootie
2014-09-14 14:44:20 some_bot Hootie was last seen in #tagpro 3 hours, 21 minutes, and 53 seconds ago: <Hootie> He's not just any dude....he's rDuuude
2014-09-14 14:44:21 Anne_Frank hey Flail could you look at someones chat for me? he kept saying people had downs syndrome and then called his entire team "downs faggots" at the end of the game
2014-09-14 14:44:26 Anne_Frank hey Faceless and Bee
2014-09-14 14:44:34 mocl4 hi Anne_Frank
2014-09-14 14:44:39 Hootie I'm right here!
2014-09-14 14:44:41 mocl4 i thought you were a mod yourself
2014-09-14 14:44:42 Faceless sounds like a swell guy
2014-09-14 14:44:43 Anne_Frank hey krakenwagon
2014-09-14 14:44:44 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 3 players. likely or
2014-09-14 14:44:57 mocl4 pls its krankenwagen
2014-09-14 14:45:03 Anne_Frank oh mb
2014-09-14 14:45:07 mocl4 lol
2014-09-14 14:45:13 <-- WhiteBread (47c5a4a8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 14:45:22 Redkiwi really good game Patabugen :)
2014-09-14 14:45:23 Ballkenende_ haxball pls
2014-09-14 14:45:25 Redkiwi ill play more
2014-09-14 14:45:26 --> WhiteBread (47c5a4a8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 14:45:28 --> camus_ (82fd5304@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 14:45:29 Redkiwi okay haxball now
2014-09-14 14:45:32 Faceless so Anne_Frank, is VetDave gonna join us?
2014-09-14 14:45:36 camus_ ok
2014-09-14 14:45:39 Anne_Frank idk
2014-09-14 14:45:42 <-- Aniball (45066c9b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 14:45:50 Patabugen Thanks Redkiwi, I've played it for about 13 years
2014-09-14 14:45:53 Redkiwi hahaha
2014-09-14 14:45:54 Patabugen it's been through a lot
2014-09-14 14:46:08 Redkiwi i knew it was old, but wow
2014-09-14 14:46:10 Redkiwi 13 years
2014-09-14 14:46:15 Ooooh .
2014-09-14 14:46:16 VetDave i will
2014-09-14 14:46:21 Hootie !seen Faceless
2014-09-14 14:46:21 some_bot Faceless was last seen in #tagpro 48 seconds ago: <Faceless> so Anne_Frank, is VetDave gonna join us?
2014-09-14 14:46:23 VetDave what are we doing?
2014-09-14 14:46:25 Ooooh Welcome back Ooooh! While you were afk, there were 0 messages regarding you.
2014-09-14 14:46:25 Patabugen
2014-09-14 14:46:25 AnkhBot Title: Attack Retrieve Capture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
2014-09-14 14:46:27 Ooooh i h8 u all
2014-09-14 14:46:28 Patabugen That's the original game
2014-09-14 14:46:36 Redkiwi Ooooh what is it?
2014-09-14 14:46:42 Faceless but am i really here?
2014-09-14 14:46:45 Redkiwi yes
2014-09-14 14:46:46 mocl4 <3
2014-09-14 14:46:47 Ballkenende_ He is on his period
2014-09-14 14:46:54 Redkiwi mocl4 best wagen
2014-09-14 14:47:00 Redkiwi Ooooh pls
2014-09-14 14:47:11 Redkiwi Ballkenende_, what room?
2014-09-14 14:47:11 Patabugen Same game, but several eons ago, is a fan-created clone
2014-09-14 14:47:12 mocl4 Redkiwi best kiwi!
2014-09-14 14:47:20 Patabugen Righo, I'm off. See yer all laters
2014-09-14 14:47:20 Ballkenende_ Dutch one
2014-09-14 14:47:21 Faceless VetDave: destroyin the USC
2014-09-14 14:47:26 Ballkenende_ Ballkenende
2014-09-14 14:47:27 Redkiwi bye Patabugen!
2014-09-14 14:47:31 Ballkenende_ the joke works
2014-09-14 14:47:33 Faceless one forfiet at a time
2014-09-14 14:47:33 mocl4 bye pat
2014-09-14 14:47:33 Ballkenende_ this time
2014-09-14 14:47:40 Ballkenende_ bc you are a ball there 2
2014-09-14 14:47:49 VetDave I like destroying things
2014-09-14 14:47:55 Patabugen .afk
2014-09-14 14:47:55 tagbot See you soon Patabugen!
2014-09-14 14:48:10 camus_ does tagprogames still exist?
2014-09-14 14:48:13 Patabugen (Does doing .afk actually do anything?)
2014-09-14 14:48:32 mocl4 yes
2014-09-14 14:48:37 lebronxjames hi mocl4
2014-09-14 14:48:43 mocl4 lebronxjames, pls
2014-09-14 14:48:47 lebronxjames :(
2014-09-14 14:49:04 Patabugen ooh that's kinda cool
2014-09-14 14:49:05 Patabugen righto
2014-09-14 14:49:05 Faceless Hootie: has SISTA sent his care package to you yet?
2014-09-14 14:49:06 Patabugen .afk
2014-09-14 14:49:06 tagbot See you soon Patabugen!
2014-09-14 14:49:23 camus_ k
2014-09-14 14:50:06 Hootie No Faceless, I havent seen it yet
2014-09-14 14:50:08 Hootie no hurry tho
2014-09-14 14:50:08 camus_ want to ofm lebronxjames
2014-09-14 14:50:24 lebronxjames not really but ok
2014-09-14 14:50:42 Faceless yea, i wasnt sure if he sent it yet or was still putting it together
2014-09-14 14:50:43 lebronxjames !test open field masters
2014-09-14 14:50:45 some_bot (open field masters)
2014-09-14 14:50:50 lebronxjames pls camus_
2014-09-14 14:51:09 camus_ pls
2014-09-14 14:51:37 Faceless testing
2014-09-14 14:51:40 Faceless 1
2014-09-14 14:51:41 Faceless 2
2014-09-14 14:51:41 Faceless 3
2014-09-14 14:53:50 Hyphae nipples
2014-09-14 14:54:04 Hyphae *drops mic*
2014-09-14 14:54:08 <-- Hyphae (0e023a06@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 14:54:50 --> kikie (473f880e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 14:54:51 kikie hi
2014-09-14 14:54:56 mocl4 hi
2014-09-14 14:55:29 defens_bot hi
2014-09-14 14:55:44 love hi kikie
2014-09-14 14:55:49 kikie hey
2014-09-14 14:57:15 Ooooh hi
2014-09-14 14:57:20 --> bizkut ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 14:57:20 -- Mode #tagpro [+v bizkut] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 14:57:20 [TagPro] [bizkut] I love my hypno-seal
2014-09-14 14:57:22 Ooooh hi
2014-09-14 14:57:30 <-- Anne_Frank (186bae24@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 14:57:54 Ooooh Redkiwi, you playing ?
2014-09-14 14:57:57 lebronxjames pls camus_
2014-09-14 14:58:11 Redkiwi yea Ooooh
2014-09-14 14:58:14 Redkiwi what is it?
2014-09-14 14:58:23 Ooooh terraria
2014-09-14 14:58:38 Redkiwi haha maybe later
2014-09-14 14:58:41 kikie nice seal
2014-09-14 14:59:42 camus_ pls lebronxjames
2014-09-14 14:59:46 camus_ why did that happen
2014-09-14 15:00:08 defens_bot !test wtf
2014-09-14 15:00:11 some_bot (wtf)
2014-09-14 15:00:15 camus_ so should i play mLTP or MLTP
2014-09-14 15:00:17 --> Snowball (63f1711b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 15:00:33 Redkiwi snowball do you play AC?
2014-09-14 15:00:40 Snowball AC?
2014-09-14 15:00:42 Ballkenende_ Redkiwi: i was laggin to much
2014-09-14 15:00:48 Redkiwi i was lagging too
2014-09-14 15:00:58 Redkiwi holladn is far away
2014-09-14 15:01:02 Redkiwi netherlands
2014-09-14 15:01:13 lebronxjames we are still in there camus_
2014-09-14 15:01:13 Redkiwi o hi bizkut
2014-09-14 15:01:23 Snowball whats AC?
2014-09-14 15:01:28 Redkiwi armor critical
2014-09-14 15:01:32 Redkiwi really old game
2014-09-14 15:01:34 Redkiwi but good
2014-09-14 15:01:38 Ballkenende_ Oh the people from netherlands were lagging too
2014-09-14 15:01:43 Redkiwi yeah
2014-09-14 15:01:43 camus_ denmark?
2014-09-14 15:01:45 Snowball ah
2014-09-14 15:01:52 Ballkenende_ so its not Norway i guess
2014-09-14 15:01:55 Redkiwi haha
2014-09-14 15:02:06 Redkiwi what does kenende mean btw?
2014-09-14 15:02:10 Redkiwi knower?
2014-09-14 15:02:41 Ballkenende_ jesus christ i dont know
2014-09-14 15:02:41 camus_ omg
2014-09-14 15:03:04 Ballkenende_ Ballkenende kennende zal hij wel iets stoms doen
2014-09-14 15:03:13 <-- Snowball (63f1711b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Client Quit)
2014-09-14 15:03:16 Redkiwi ok i didnt understand that
2014-09-14 15:03:17 Ballkenende_ Knowing Ballkenende_ he will so something wronng
2014-09-14 15:03:18 lebronxjames who is whitebread
2014-09-14 15:03:24 WhiteBread idk
2014-09-14 15:03:27 lebronxjames hi
2014-09-14 15:03:27 Redkiwi hahaha
2014-09-14 15:03:34 VetDave White Bread was not me, but I was SB3
2014-09-14 15:03:35 Ooooh a scrub
2014-09-14 15:03:40 Ballkenende_ something like tha
2014-09-14 15:03:47 Redkiwi Ooooh, i dont think ill manage terraria
2014-09-14 15:03:50 lebronxjames pls VetDave
2014-09-14 15:03:54 VetDave sry
2014-09-14 15:03:58 Faceless who is sb3?
2014-09-14 15:04:02 Redkiwi heh
2014-09-14 15:04:03 lebronxjames VetDave,
2014-09-14 15:04:07 lebronxjames is sb3
2014-09-14 15:04:07 VetDave :/ I saw a link, I had to click
2014-09-14 15:04:16 Ballkenende_ hi Fatdave
2014-09-14 15:04:19 Faceless oh, stupid IRC web client wont scroll down
2014-09-14 15:04:24 lebronxjames pls Faceless
2014-09-14 15:04:45 Ooooh its ok
2014-09-14 15:04:48 Faceless i have to manually scroll down each msg
2014-09-14 15:04:54 Faceless wth!!
2014-09-14 15:04:59 lebronxjames do you have a wheel on your mouse
2014-09-14 15:05:16 Faceless laptop, no mouse connected
2014-09-14 15:05:19 lebronxjames hmm
2014-09-14 15:05:21 VetDave wanna go again?
2014-09-14 15:05:26 camus_ .brb
2014-09-14 15:05:29 lebronxjames !test mini ofm
2014-09-14 15:05:30 camus_ >brb
2014-09-14 15:05:30 some_bot (mini ofm)
2014-09-14 15:05:32 camus_ !brb
2014-09-14 15:05:42 <-- Faceless (4a8dfbdf@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 15:05:43 lebronxjames jon everyone
2014-09-14 15:05:53 <-- camus_ (82fd5304@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 15:05:53 love !quote lebronxjames
2014-09-14 15:05:54 some_bot <lebronxjames> microsoft is the devil
2014-09-14 15:06:07 --> Faceless (4a8dfbdf@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 15:06:07 [TagPro] [Faceless] Hey all, everybody!
2014-09-14 15:06:23 Faceless i will know if it is fixed in about 30 msges
2014-09-14 15:07:48 -- dddeeefff is now known as dddeeefff[away]
2014-09-14 15:08:00 Ballkenende_ Gotta go guys
2014-09-14 15:08:02 Ballkenende_ bye
2014-09-14 15:08:06 Ballkenende_ have fun and stuff
2014-09-14 15:08:13 <-- Ballkenende_ (b2553399@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 15:08:18 --> MRCOW (6371d595@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 15:08:19 MRCOW hello
2014-09-14 15:08:41 lebronxjames pls love
2014-09-14 15:08:48 lebronxjames hi MRCOW
2014-09-14 15:09:09 MRCOW hi lebon
2014-09-14 15:09:20 --> snack_ (a81d1031@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 15:09:30 Ooooh Bee lets play Terraria
2014-09-14 15:09:46 kikie hey
2014-09-14 15:09:59 Bee wtf is Terraria Ooooh?
2014-09-14 15:10:12 Ooooh o.O
2014-09-14 15:10:12 Ooooh :(
2014-09-14 15:10:23 mocl4 hi Ooooh
2014-09-14 15:10:25 mocl4 prevent more
2014-09-14 15:10:28 Bee lol
2014-09-14 15:10:29 Ooooh hi mocl4
2014-09-14 15:10:31 Ooooh hold less
2014-09-14 15:10:38 love lol
2014-09-14 15:10:38 mocl4 im trying im trying
2014-09-14 15:10:57 love theres like 10 guys all watching football together
2014-09-14 15:10:58 love on mumble
2014-09-14 15:11:10 lebronxjames hi Ooooh
2014-09-14 15:11:15 Ooooh hi
2014-09-14 15:11:46 Faceless that was dif
2014-09-14 15:11:52 VetDave so small
2014-09-14 15:11:54 Faceless yea
2014-09-14 15:12:10 --> moose___ (4c585fe2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 15:12:21 VetDave Love, where are they watching football?
2014-09-14 15:12:25 love mumble
2014-09-14 15:12:30 MRCOW hi love
2014-09-14 15:12:31 love i have stream link
2014-09-14 15:12:34 love i have the stream link
2014-09-14 15:12:59 mocl4 lol mist pls
2014-09-14 15:13:00 Ooooh [Global Notice] Reminder - This weekend freenode staff identified some compromised binaries present on a number of servers in the network. These servers have been taken offline. Since password-sniffing may have taken place, we advise all users to change their passwords. /msg nickserv set password newpasshere. More information will follow later in the week.
2014-09-14 15:13:00 AnkhBot Title: Server issues | staffblog |
2014-09-14 15:13:03 Ooooh FYI guys
2014-09-14 15:13:29 kikie ok then
2014-09-14 15:13:42 VetDave thx love!
2014-09-14 15:13:49 love np
2014-09-14 15:13:57 mocl4 i like this ankhbot
2014-09-14 15:15:44 MRCOW hi love
2014-09-14 15:15:46 +McBride36 say thank you to AMorpork then
2014-09-14 15:15:49 love hi MRCOW
2014-09-14 15:15:54 MRCOW hi mcbride37
2014-09-14 15:16:01 mocl4 hi McBride36
2014-09-14 15:16:07 mocl4 hi love
2014-09-14 15:16:16 love hi mocl4
2014-09-14 15:16:24 mocl4 !echo hi $randomnick
2014-09-14 15:16:24 some_bot hi PurpleTeam[LAD]
2014-09-14 15:16:26 --> albertcamus (82fd5304@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 15:16:31 albertcamus hi again
2014-09-14 15:16:35 mocl4 hi albertcamus
2014-09-14 15:16:43 albertcamus hi again again
2014-09-14 15:16:56 mocl4 hi albertcamus again
2014-09-14 15:17:09 albertcamus hi
2014-09-14 15:17:38 kikie why hello everyone
2014-09-14 15:17:41 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 5 games / 11 players. likely or
2014-09-14 15:17:42 albertcamus hi kikie
2014-09-14 15:17:53 mocl4 hi kikie
2014-09-14 15:19:19 albertcamus dose n-e-1 want to ofm?
2014-09-14 15:19:41 love no
2014-09-14 15:19:51 MRCOW hi mloc4
2014-09-14 15:19:58 love MRCOW pls
2014-09-14 15:20:05 MRCOW sad cow
2014-09-14 15:20:07 Redkiwi hi MRCOW!
2014-09-14 15:20:08 <-- MRCOW (6371d595@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 15:20:11 Redkiwi wheres TTT?
2014-09-14 15:22:06 kikie idk
2014-09-14 15:22:28 <-- WhiteBread (47c5a4a8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 15:23:06 albertcamus hey love f
2014-09-14 15:23:07 albertcamus u
2014-09-14 15:23:11 kikie ummmm k
2014-09-14 15:23:15 love fuck u2 buddy
2014-09-14 15:23:21 love :p
2014-09-14 15:23:39 <-- SQRLcat (51aea8d8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 15:24:51 kikie that sounds like an awesome relationship
2014-09-14 15:25:15 --> Razgriz_ (46c14b0e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 15:25:33 albertcamus :'(
2014-09-14 15:25:36 Razgriz_ :)
2014-09-14 15:25:43 mocl4 hi Razgriz_
2014-09-14 15:25:44 albertcamus ^^
2014-09-14 15:25:48 Razgriz_ Yo
2014-09-14 15:25:58 albertcamus mocl4 do you just run a script that says hello and nothing else
2014-09-14 15:26:05 mocl4 pls no
2014-09-14 15:26:10 Razgriz_ pls
2014-09-14 15:26:15 mocl4 my hellos are from the heart
2014-09-14 15:26:16 albertcamus pls
2014-09-14 15:26:21 albertcamus u hav no hart
2014-09-14 15:26:21 mocl4 of a living person not a bot
2014-09-14 15:26:54 love albertcamus
2014-09-14 15:26:56 love u lier
2014-09-14 15:26:58 love stop it
2014-09-14 15:26:58 albertcamus yes?
2014-09-14 15:27:02 albertcamus :(
2014-09-14 15:27:04 mocl4 im insulted
2014-09-14 15:27:05 kikie really4
2014-09-14 15:27:10 mocl4 wow so rood
2014-09-14 15:27:14 Razgriz_ hey whats that picture of that guy staring out the window that was all over the sub way back
2014-09-14 15:27:22 kikie idr
2014-09-14 15:27:44 Razgriz_ :(
2014-09-14 15:27:45 mocl4 what pic
2014-09-14 15:27:54 Razgriz_ this one dude always posted it
2014-09-14 15:27:59 kikie sorry
2014-09-14 15:28:05 Razgriz_ it was a low quality picture of a dude staring out a window from like the 70s show
2014-09-14 15:28:24 lebronxjames hi Razgriz_
2014-09-14 15:28:27 Razgriz_ he had this ridiculous :D face on
2014-09-14 15:28:32 Razgriz_ heyyy lebronxjames
2014-09-14 15:28:53 kikie oh
2014-09-14 15:28:59 kikie google it
2014-09-14 15:29:24 Thick k
2014-09-14 15:29:44 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 4 games / 7 players. likely or
2014-09-14 15:32:59 Razgriz_ finally found it
2014-09-14 15:32:59 Razgriz_
2014-09-14 15:33:17 kikie lol
2014-09-14 15:33:19 --> Altiger (62c716a2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 15:33:19 tagbot Hey there Altiger: If you're new to the irc channel, say "hello world"!
2014-09-14 15:34:08 <-- Altiger (62c716a2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Client Quit)
2014-09-14 15:34:21 albertcamus bye altiger!
2014-09-14 15:34:25 albertcamus hi mocl4
2014-09-14 15:34:32 mocl4 hi albertcamus
2014-09-14 15:34:38 albertcamus hi again
2014-09-14 15:35:01 albertcamus HOW ar eyou
2014-09-14 15:35:02 albertcamus sorry caps
2014-09-14 15:35:04 albertcamus how are you?
2014-09-14 15:35:07 love hello albertcamus
2014-09-14 15:35:10 love hello altiger
2014-09-14 15:35:13 love *
2014-09-14 15:35:19 albertcamus hleloel my love
2014-09-14 15:35:23 albertcamus wow
2014-09-14 15:35:28 albertcamus hello
2014-09-14 15:35:30 kikie did you two make up
2014-09-14 15:35:35 albertcamus dunno
2014-09-14 15:35:39 albertcamus rough sex = best sex
2014-09-14 15:35:45 kikie wtf
2014-09-14 15:35:52 albertcamus it's like that episode of scrubs if you've seen it
2014-09-14 15:36:00 kikie oh
2014-09-14 15:36:14 kikie but really
2014-09-14 15:36:42 <-- VetDave (6cdda12a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 15:37:39 <-- Razgriz_ (46c14b0e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 15:38:38 --> Detective (18b63dce@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 15:38:38 [TagPro] [Detective]
2014-09-14 15:38:46 mocl4 hi Detective
2014-09-14 15:38:51 Detective hi mocl4
2014-09-14 15:38:57 Detective #tagpromaps
2014-09-14 15:39:04 albertcamus srry too vulgar
2014-09-14 15:39:11 albertcamus didn't mean to offend kikie
2014-09-14 15:39:52 kikie idc
2014-09-14 15:40:50 albertcamus k
2014-09-14 15:41:02 -- dddeeefff[away] is now known as dddeeefff
2014-09-14 15:41:46 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 5 games / 9 players. likely or
2014-09-14 15:42:33 kikie stop with the maps they suck please
2014-09-14 15:43:23 albertcamus so anyways, which is better, mLTP or MLTP
2014-09-14 15:43:42 +McBride36 MLTP
2014-09-14 15:43:53 kikie IDK
2014-09-14 15:44:54 Ooooh ELTP
2014-09-14 15:44:55 lebronxjames hi kikie
2014-09-14 15:45:03 kikie HEY
2014-09-14 15:45:26 kikie whoops sorry had my caps on
2014-09-14 15:46:32 kikie ok
2014-09-14 15:46:52 love kikie pls
2014-09-14 15:46:55 albertcamus should i play MLTP then
2014-09-14 15:46:56 love !scrub kikie
2014-09-14 15:46:57 some_bot HEY kikie, UNINSTALL! SCRUB!
2014-09-14 15:47:06 kikie what
2014-09-14 15:47:17 albertcamus !scrub kikie
2014-09-14 15:47:17 some_bot HEY kikie, UNINSTALL! SCRUB!
2014-09-14 15:47:24 albertcamus !superrek kikie
2014-09-14 15:47:24 some_bot kikie just got so rekt their official title is now 'kikie the Anally Devastated'.
2014-09-14 15:47:38 albertcamus !speurrek kikie
2014-09-14 15:47:41 albertcamus damnit
2014-09-14 15:47:44 albertcamus what is that one?
2014-09-14 15:47:46 kikie what
2014-09-14 15:47:58 albertcamus the scrambled superrek
2014-09-14 15:48:01 <-- moose___ (4c585fe2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 15:48:02 kikie i just got sooo confused
2014-09-14 15:48:44 mocl4 !suerperk kikie
2014-09-14 15:48:48 mocl4 lol
2014-09-14 15:49:01 mocl4 i can never remember
2014-09-14 15:49:07 albertcamus ag me neither
2014-09-14 15:49:16 albertcamus lol super perk
2014-09-14 15:49:31 --> DiannaAgron ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 15:49:32 mocl4 !commands
2014-09-14 15:49:33 some_bot To view a list of plugins, use !list. To view the commands in each plugin, use !list <plugin>. For help on a specific command, use !help <command>.
2014-09-14 15:49:38 mocl4 !list alias
2014-09-14 15:49:38 some_bot add, beep, boop, commands, donk, fire, flex, hire, justice, justice2, lock, maplist, mapmaker, maps, maptest, me, moddy, mods, mumble, mumblehelp, niss, play, plug, plug2, plug3, puggy, quotelist, quotesearch, raise, register, rek, remove, rimshot, rke, scrub, seurperk, snipe, storytime, superrek, tagprolaw0, tagprolaw1, tagprolaw2, tagprolaw3, tagprolaw4, tagprolaw5, tagprolaw6, testmap, themes, unlock, view, (1 more message)
2014-09-14 15:49:52 mocl4 !seurperk albertcamus
2014-09-14 15:49:52 some_bot atmeabculrs just got so rekt tiehr ofifacil title is now 'abemalcturs the Allnay Deaavttesd'.
2014-09-14 15:50:26 mocl4 !help moddy
2014-09-14 15:50:26 some_bot (moddy <an alias, 2 arguments>) -- Alias for "echo Server:$1 Port:$2 Name:$* Mods:[mods]".
2014-09-14 15:51:35 love !Mumblehelp
2014-09-14 15:51:35 some_bot Troubleshooting Mumble Issues:
2014-09-14 15:51:39 love !niss
2014-09-14 15:51:39 some_bot niss
2014-09-14 15:51:39 AnkhBot Title: mumbletroubleshoot - TagPro |
2014-09-14 15:51:40 love !play
2014-09-14 15:51:41 some_bot (test <mapname>) -- Creates a test game with <mapname>.
2014-09-14 15:51:59 mocl4 ankhbot pls
2014-09-14 15:51:59 albertcamus abemalcturs
2014-09-14 15:52:01 albertcamus wat
2014-09-14 15:52:04 albertcamus why mocl4
2014-09-14 15:52:05 albertcamus why
2014-09-14 15:52:08 Ooooh gg rDuude well played
2014-09-14 15:52:09 albertcamus :'(
2014-09-14 15:52:10 albertcamus !yiss
2014-09-14 15:52:10 some_bot yiss
2014-09-14 15:52:10 PKSubball_ yiss
2014-09-14 15:52:16 mocl4 !scramble [superrek albertcamus]
2014-09-14 15:52:16 some_bot acblutmears just got so rekt tehir ofacfiil tlite is now 'amabelurcts the Alnaly Dattvseead'.
2014-09-14 15:52:19 --> TheDoctor_ (4424d769@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 15:52:19 tagbot Hey there TheDoctor_: If you're new to the irc channel, say "hello world"!
2014-09-14 15:52:24 mocl4 hi TheDoctor_
2014-09-14 15:52:26 Ooooh hi TheDoctor_
2014-09-14 15:52:28 kikie hey
2014-09-14 15:52:29 TheDoctor_ hey all
2014-09-14 15:52:30 mocl4 hi Ooooh
2014-09-14 15:52:36 Ooooh hi
2014-09-14 15:52:38 kikie wow'
2014-09-14 15:52:50 mocl4 hi kikie
2014-09-14 15:53:12 TheDoctor_ Do I have to be worried about bogus kicks?
2014-09-14 15:53:13 kikie hi
2014-09-14 15:53:18 TheDoctor_ I just got kicked for "offensive name"
2014-09-14 15:53:28 mocl4 kicked or reported?
2014-09-14 15:53:30 TheDoctor_ '
2014-09-14 15:53:32 TheDoctor_ reported, mb
2014-09-14 15:53:38 rDuude Ooooh, not really
2014-09-14 15:53:42 TheDoctor_ ok cool
2014-09-14 15:53:47 kikie nah
2014-09-14 15:53:48 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 3 games / 7 players. likely or
2014-09-14 15:53:49 TheDoctor_ I left the game, they were a bunch of less than nice people
2014-09-14 15:53:55 mocl4 you can talk to a mod about it. they have the "+" sign next to their names TheDoctor_ ----->
2014-09-14 15:53:57 rDuude but thanks
2014-09-14 15:54:12 TheDoctor_ Cool thanks, if it doesn't matter then I won't bother them
2014-09-14 15:54:14 rDuude TheDoctor_, i wasn't replying to you, sorry
2014-09-14 15:54:21 TheDoctor_ Oh lol
2014-09-14 15:54:21 rDuude false reports can be removed by mods
2014-09-14 15:54:30 kikie yeah
2014-09-14 15:54:42 rDuude and, even though you need 8 to get banned, the person doing it to you could be doing it to a lot of people
2014-09-14 15:54:51 TheDoctor_ Gotchya
2014-09-14 15:54:55 rDuude i usually talk to the mods about false reports, but it's up to you
2014-09-14 15:55:16 kikie what
2014-09-14 15:55:27 rDuude what what
2014-09-14 15:55:44 Ooooh what what what
2014-09-14 15:55:50 TheDoctor_ Hmm maybe I should then. I know I've had false reports before...I wonder if they are still there
2014-09-14 15:56:02 rDuude nah TheDoctor_, they go away after 24 hours
2014-09-14 15:56:14 rDuude or at least they stop counting
2014-09-14 15:56:27 Ooooh i see blockburn demolished rangers
2014-09-14 15:56:29 Ooooh go poooo
2014-09-14 15:56:40 rDuude yup
2014-09-14 15:56:43 rDuude and go _Ron
2014-09-14 15:56:47 Ooooh no
2014-09-14 15:56:48 Ooooh dont like ron
2014-09-14 15:57:04 rDuude pls
2014-09-14 15:57:11 albertcamus .afk
2014-09-14 15:57:11 tagbot See you soon albertcamus!
2014-09-14 15:57:30 mocl4 .afk
2014-09-14 15:57:30 tagbot See you soon mocl4!
2014-09-14 15:58:06 <-- DiannaAgron ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 15:59:08 kikie heylow
2014-09-14 16:00:34 kikie bye
2014-09-14 16:00:39 <-- kikie (473f880e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 16:01:13 --> JukeKing414 (ad1cd3ed@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 16:01:50 JukeKing414 !mods I just got false reported for showboating but i wasnt. I was waiting for regrab to be setup. i have video evidence. pls remove
2014-09-14 16:01:51 some_bot Flail, konichiwa, Hoog, NewCompte, Watball, Corhal, _Ly {Ly} [Ly] , tim-sanchez, _Ron, Troball, rk, Aaron215, Jet2, JGibbs, Radian, cz, Canadsian, tinkerc, Bull_tagpro, pooppants, turtlemansam, McBride36, deeznutz, bizkut, poopv, Rems, Nitro_, Rambo, bbq, Akiki, EbolaMod, hyphae
2014-09-14 16:02:10 --> rabbat (18832e7d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 16:02:17 <-- rabbat (18832e7d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Client Quit)
2014-09-14 16:02:50 --> rabbat (18832e7d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 16:03:00 mocl4 wb rabbat
2014-09-14 16:03:15 <-- snack_ (a81d1031@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 16:03:42 <-- rabbat (18832e7d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Client Quit)
2014-09-14 16:03:43 +McBride36 ugh
2014-09-14 16:03:46 Ooooh shiiit im gonna watch a tagpro match
2014-09-14 16:04:12 --> nub_ (569cf157@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 16:04:12 [TagPro] [nub_] [BallBorg]: bitches love stew
2014-09-14 16:04:45 --> rabbat2 (18832e7d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 16:05:02 Ooooh hi nub_
2014-09-14 16:05:03 Ooooh gratz
2014-09-14 16:05:51 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 4 games / 13 players. likely or
2014-09-14 16:06:04 <-- TheDoctor_ (4424d769@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 16:07:49 JukeKing414 McBride36 here is all the proof you need:
2014-09-14 16:07:50 AnkhBot Title: Ninjroid - YouTube |
2014-09-14 16:08:04 --> moose (4c585fe2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 16:08:37 --> Aniball (450668dd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 16:08:50 love wtf does ankhbot do
2014-09-14 16:08:56 love except say the title
2014-09-14 16:09:10 +AMorpork love: nothing
2014-09-14 16:09:13 -- Mode #tagpro [+o AMorpork] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 16:09:16 -- Mode #tagpro [-q rabbat2!*@*] by AMorpork
2014-09-14 16:09:18 -- Mode #tagpro [-q rabbat2!*@*] by AMorpork
2014-09-14 16:09:22 @AMorpork rabbat2: try talking
2014-09-14 16:09:26 JukeKing414 Notice that Ninjroid reported me for working against team, yet I wasnt doing anything like that.
2014-09-14 16:10:08 rDuude JukeKing414, don't make assumptions like that
2014-09-14 16:10:10 mocl4 how do you know who reported you?
2014-09-14 16:10:12 rDuude ^
2014-09-14 16:10:21 mocl4 ^^
2014-09-14 16:10:24 rDuude i've reported people on my team for showboating
2014-09-14 16:10:26 JukeKing414 look at the last 5 seconds of the video
2014-09-14 16:10:27 love AMorpork disappointing
2014-09-14 16:10:34 rDuude you still can't know that
2014-09-14 16:10:39 JukeKing414 Ninjroid is afk while he reporrts me
2014-09-14 16:10:43 rDuude you don't know that
2014-09-14 16:10:45 JukeKing414 i do
2014-09-14 16:10:50 rDuude no, you really don't
2014-09-14 16:10:54 mocl4 how do you know it wasnt someone off screen
2014-09-14 16:10:54 JukeKing414 IGNORE THAT
2014-09-14 16:10:59 <-- AMorpork ( has quit (Quit: WeeChat 1.0)
2014-09-14 16:11:14 --> AMorpork ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 16:11:14 -- Mode #tagpro [+v AMorpork] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 16:11:14 [TagPro] [AMorpork] boop
2014-09-14 16:11:17 JukeKing414 That's NOT THE POINT, the point is I GOT FALSE REPORTED by someone
2014-09-14 16:11:42 JukeKing414 im sure the mods can confirm it was Ninjroid which in 99% it was
2014-09-14 16:11:45 rDuude ok, you should've said that then :)
2014-09-14 16:11:49 Detective rabbat2
2014-09-14 16:11:53 mocl4 if that wasnt the point then why did you specify that ninjroid was the one to report you
2014-09-14 16:12:00 Detective are you rabbat?
2014-09-14 16:12:03 JukeKing414 after I asked who reported me, Ninjroid asked "for what?"
2014-09-14 16:12:07 JukeKing414 like he was covering up something^
2014-09-14 16:12:23 -- Mode #tagpro [+o AMorpork] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 16:12:24 -- Mode #tagpro [-q *!*@] by AMorpork
2014-09-14 16:12:28 @AMorpork try now rabbat
2014-09-14 16:12:34 @AMorpork if that doesn't work, i'm out of ideas
2014-09-14 16:12:34 JukeKing414 Point is, i need this false report removed
2014-09-14 16:12:40 <-- rabbat2 (18832e7d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
2014-09-14 16:12:44 --> rabbat (18832e7d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 16:12:49 albertcamus !scramble [!superrek JukeKing414]
2014-09-14 16:12:50 some_bot [!sueprrek JnuiKkeg414]
2014-09-14 16:12:56 albertcamus oh
2014-09-14 16:13:11 --> samiamjuke (476cb2a1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 16:13:16 samiamjuke !mods
2014-09-14 16:13:16 some_bot Flail, konichiwa, Hoog, NewCompte, Watball, Corhal, _Ly {Ly} [Ly] , tim-sanchez, _Ron, Troball, rk, Aaron215, Jet2, JGibbs, Radian, cz, Canadsian, tinkerc, Bull_tagpro, pooppants, turtlemansam, McBride36, deeznutz, bizkut, poopv, Rems, Nitro_, Rambo, bbq, Akiki, EbolaMod, hyphae
2014-09-14 16:13:23 albertcamus !seurperk Amorpork
2014-09-14 16:13:23 some_bot Apoorrmk jsut got so rekt tiehr oiffaicl ttlie is now 'Apmorrok the Alnlay Daeetsvatd'.
2014-09-14 16:13:33 samiamjuke troll by the name of kevin on centra
2014-09-14 16:13:36 mocl4 hi samiamjuke
2014-09-14 16:13:43 samiamjuke he lost us the game
2014-09-14 16:13:51 samiamjuke spammy chat
2014-09-14 16:13:51 mocl4 wow what a stoob
2014-09-14 16:13:57 JukeKing414 mods are not doing anything samiamjuke
2014-09-14 16:14:05 samiamjuke why not?
2014-09-14 16:14:16 JukeKing414 i recently got false reported and have yet to hear from a mod
2014-09-14 16:14:31 <-- moose (4c585fe2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 16:14:47 rDuude don't be a dick JukeKing414, you don't know if a mod is checking it and it was 5 minutes ago
2014-09-14 16:14:56 albertcamus lol
2014-09-14 16:15:02 +McBride36 JukeKing414, we aren't your personal bitches to remove reports
2014-09-14 16:15:45 JukeKing414 McBride36 the mods are clearly not on the same page. When I complained about false reporting, the mods said "come to IRC" and now when i come to IRC, i get no help
2014-09-14 16:16:06 JukeKing414 so where do I go for false reports
2014-09-14 16:16:18 JukeKing414 you know, reports are how you get banned
2014-09-14 16:16:29 mocl4 well if its just 1 or 2 then why do you need them removed
2014-09-14 16:16:33 <-- AMorpork ( has quit (Quit: Leaving)
2014-09-14 16:16:35 Faceless ^
2014-09-14 16:16:37 mocl4 it takes 8 to ban
2014-09-14 16:16:40 rDuude ^
2014-09-14 16:16:44 mocl4 are you near 8?
2014-09-14 16:16:46 --> AMorpork ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 16:16:46 -- Mode #tagpro [+v AMorpork] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 16:16:46 [TagPro] [AMorpork] boop
2014-09-14 16:17:45 mocl4 call me crazy but i once played tagpro for nearly 20 hours straight and i didnt even get close to 8 reports
2014-09-14 16:17:50 mocl4 so i doubt itll be a problem
2014-09-14 16:17:53 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 4 games / 5 players. likely or
2014-09-14 16:17:54 samiamjuke crazy
2014-09-14 16:17:58 samiamjuke jk
2014-09-14 16:18:02 mocl4 pls i said not to call me that
2014-09-14 16:18:06 rDuude haha
2014-09-14 16:18:14 mocl4 shit
2014-09-14 16:18:16 mocl4 nvm
2014-09-14 16:18:16 +AMorpork mocl4: ikr
2014-09-14 16:18:24 +AMorpork i've gotten like 8 reports in all my time total on tagpro
2014-09-14 16:18:40 +AMorpork even while smurfing
2014-09-14 16:18:40 Ooooh .afk
2014-09-14 16:18:40 tagbot See you soon Ooooh!
2014-09-14 16:18:48 JukeKing414 Where do I go to get false reports removed?
2014-09-14 16:18:55 JukeKing414 I also go an offensive name false report
2014-09-14 16:19:01 +AMorpork JukeKing414: what was the first report for?
2014-09-14 16:19:04 JukeKing414 yet IRC mods are ignoring that oo
2014-09-14 16:19:13 +AMorpork jesus christ JukeKing414 some of us are busy
2014-09-14 16:19:17 JukeKing414 i know
2014-09-14 16:19:20 JukeKing414 but dont ignore me
2014-09-14 16:19:23 <-- rabbat (18832e7d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 16:19:36 +AMorpork answer my question then
2014-09-14 16:19:47 JukeKing414 First one was for working against team
2014-09-14 16:19:51 +AMorpork can't remove that
2014-09-14 16:19:56 <-- Walrus_ (43b7188f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 16:19:56 JukeKing414 I HAVE PROFF
2014-09-14 16:19:58 +AMorpork i can remove the offensive name one though
2014-09-14 16:19:58 JukeKing414 proof
2014-09-14 16:20:03 JukeKing414 video evidece
2014-09-14 16:20:03 --> kxtensmxtens (4b51393d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 16:20:03 tagbot Hey there kxtensmxtens: If you're new to the irc channel, say "hello world"!
2014-09-14 16:20:10 JukeKing414 video evidence:
2014-09-14 16:20:11 AnkhBot Title: Ninjroid - YouTube |
2014-09-14 16:20:19 JukeKing414 it's 100% false
2014-09-14 16:20:19 +AMorpork what is your user id
2014-09-14 16:20:24 JukeKing414 Juke King
2014-09-14 16:20:26 --> Walrus_ (43b7188f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 16:20:31 kxtensmxtens i am new and this is me saying "hello world"
2014-09-14 16:20:37 lebronxjames hi kxtensmxtens
2014-09-14 16:20:41 nub_ hi Ooooh why are you saying grats?
2014-09-14 16:20:42 tagbot nub_, ooooh has been afk for 2 minutes.
2014-09-14 16:20:43 love hello kxtensmxtens
2014-09-14 16:20:44 lebronxjames hello world
2014-09-14 16:20:47 lebronxjames is what you want
2014-09-14 16:21:00 +AMorpork JukeKing414: you showboated. i'm not going to remove that report.
2014-09-14 16:21:00 lebronxjames or does that work too
2014-09-14 16:21:05 lebronxjames "hello world"
2014-09-14 16:21:07 JukeKing414 AMorpork are you srs?
2014-09-14 16:21:09 kxtensmxtens hello world
2014-09-14 16:21:10 +AMorpork that video proof works against you.
2014-09-14 16:21:23 JukeKing414 AMorpork I WAS WAITING FOR REGRAB TO BE SETUP
2014-09-14 16:21:29 JukeKing414 nottice how we had 4 IN BASE
2014-09-14 16:21:29 Bee JukeKing414: causing trouble again? didn't we JUST TALK ABOUT THIS?
2014-09-14 16:21:30 JukeKing414 0 ON REGRAB
2014-09-14 16:21:33 Bee shame shame
2014-09-14 16:21:39 +AMorpork i'm not removing it. stop yelling.
2014-09-14 16:21:48 +AMorpork i will remove the offensive name.
2014-09-14 16:21:49 JukeKing414 I was NOT showboating, rather i was being strategic ans smart
2014-09-14 16:21:58 lebronxjames lol JukeKing414
2014-09-14 16:22:02 rDuude lol
2014-09-14 16:22:05 Steelballs lol
2014-09-14 16:22:09 JukeKing414 this is what makes me mad, i get reporting for waiting for regrab to set up
2014-09-14 16:22:25 +AMorpork you don't have an offensive name report JukeKing414
2014-09-14 16:22:27 lebronxjames join me JukeKing414 in #banthemods
2014-09-14 16:22:28 JukeKing414 LOOK at the video AMorpork, can you not see that I am waiting for regrab to be setup
2014-09-14 16:22:37 JukeKing414 4 in base, 0 on regrab
2014-09-14 16:22:41 JukeKing414 NOT a good time to cap^
2014-09-14 16:22:43 +AMorpork ffs JukeKing414 stop arguing with me. the fact that I saw it as showboating means that somebody else did.
2014-09-14 16:22:48 +AMorpork that's their opinion
2014-09-14 16:22:50 +AMorpork it's not a false report
2014-09-14 16:22:51 JukeKing414 ffs
2014-09-14 16:22:54 JukeKing414 w/e dude
2014-09-14 16:23:00 kxtensmxtens how do i join you alls game
2014-09-14 16:23:02 JukeKing414 can you look at my offensive chat reports?
2014-09-14 16:23:09 mocl4 JukeKing414, pls the key part is that its reportable but not bannable
2014-09-14 16:23:09 JukeKing414 those are false too
2014-09-14 16:23:10 <-- samiamjuke (476cb2a1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 16:23:11 lebronxjames kxtensmxtens, wht server do you play on
2014-09-14 16:23:12 +AMorpork yes, i'll look through your chat
2014-09-14 16:23:18 kxtensmxtens pi
2014-09-14 16:23:25 kxtensmxtens but i can change if i have to
2014-09-14 16:23:35 Aniball so "working against team" includes showboating?
2014-09-14 16:23:39 +AMorpork wow, you had some spammy ass chat JukeKing414
2014-09-14 16:23:40 rDuude yes Aniball
2014-09-14 16:23:43 Aniball ok
2014-09-14 16:23:44 JukeKing414 WHAT???
2014-09-14 16:23:47 +AMorpork ah yiss
2014-09-14 16:23:49 JukeKing414 like what
2014-09-14 16:23:49 +AMorpork ah yiss
2014-09-14 16:23:51 +AMorpork ah yiss
2014-09-14 16:23:53 +AMorpork ah yiss
2014-09-14 16:23:53 Aniball never knew that
2014-09-14 16:23:55 +AMorpork ah yiss
2014-09-14 16:23:57 +AMorpork watch this
2014-09-14 16:23:59 +AMorpork watch this
2014-09-14 16:24:00 Aniball seems kind of odd to me
2014-09-14 16:24:01 +AMorpork watch this
2014-09-14 16:24:02 JukeKing414 those were IN A PUG
2014-09-14 16:24:03 +AMorpork watch this
2014-09-14 16:24:04 JukeKing414 last night
2014-09-14 16:24:06 JukeKing414 at 3 am
2014-09-14 16:24:09 JukeKing414 PUG
2014-09-14 16:24:14 kxtensmxtens how to does me join pug
2014-09-14 16:24:25 JukeKing414 I dont spam macros in PUBs
2014-09-14 16:24:36 JukeKing414 and the reports came from PUBs
2014-09-14 16:24:36 lebronxjames kxtensmxtens, do you have mumble downloaded?
2014-09-14 16:24:38 Bee in his defense on the showboating AMorpork, i played with him last night and he was actively playing the strategy of waiting for someone to get on regrab
2014-09-14 16:24:39 JukeKing414 not from PUGs
2014-09-14 16:24:41 --> PengWin (43ad9e7d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 16:24:41 [TagPro] [PengWin] (pls I'm already drafted)
2014-09-14 16:24:49 kxtensmxtens yes I do lebronxjames
2014-09-14 16:24:50 Bee just my 2 cents
2014-09-14 16:24:54 Bee good luck JukeKing414
2014-09-14 16:24:54 PengWin tim-sanchez
2014-09-14 16:24:56 Bee bye all
2014-09-14 16:24:57 Bee :)
2014-09-14 16:25:05 JukeKing414 thx Bee
2014-09-14 16:25:11 <-- Bee ( has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2014-09-14 16:25:11 lebronxjames check the pug channels kxtensmxtens
2014-09-14 16:25:13 +AMorpork Bee: It's not that I'm banning him or anything, but I can see how the other player would view that as showboating.
2014-09-14 16:25:24 +AMorpork We don't remove reports unless they're blatantly false.
2014-09-14 16:25:24 lebronxjames but it isnt
2014-09-14 16:25:26 kxtensmxtens okay whats this one called
2014-09-14 16:25:43 +AMorpork lebronxjames: but it could be viewed as such.
2014-09-14 16:25:49 +AMorpork that's what's important.
2014-09-14 16:25:53 lebronxjames but it was viewed wrongly
2014-09-14 16:25:59 lebronxjames which is a false report
2014-09-14 16:26:04 JukeKing414 yeah players without skill would see my tactic as showboating, however, skilled players would understand that i was waiting for regrab
2014-09-14 16:26:07 +AMorpork no, a false report is a report made in bad faith
2014-09-14 16:26:08 Aniball i mean, there is no way it was literally working against his team
2014-09-14 16:26:15 lebronxjames i disagree AMorpork
2014-09-14 16:26:19 Aniball i can understand it, i guess
2014-09-14 16:26:22 +AMorpork lebronxjames: that's how we treat them.
2014-09-14 16:26:28 lebronxjames #banthemods
2014-09-14 16:26:29 Aniball but he wasn't doing what the report accused him of doing
2014-09-14 16:26:46 +AMorpork Aniball: according to the player who was reported.
2014-09-14 16:26:55 JukeKing414 "dont showboat"
2014-09-14 16:26:57 +AMorpork if he was waiting for regrab, he should have waited a lot longer.
2014-09-14 16:27:09 JukeKing414 AMorpork pls
2014-09-14 16:27:13 JukeKing414 are u 100% srs right now?
2014-09-14 16:27:16 +AMorpork i am
2014-09-14 16:27:21 JukeKing414 I waited as long as I SAFELY could
2014-09-14 16:27:21 +AMorpork you waited like 1 second
2014-09-14 16:27:26 +AMorpork there were no enemies around
2014-09-14 16:27:27 JukeKing414 THE BLUE BALLS were incoming
2014-09-14 16:27:27 rDuude glad to see the old juke king is back (not really)
2014-09-14 16:27:27 lebronxjames wheres this video
2014-09-14 16:27:28 +AMorpork you had 2 blockers
2014-09-14 16:27:39 JukeKing414 omfg, amorpork, are u really gonna nit pick
2014-09-14 16:27:40 lebronxjames JukeKing414, post the video again
2014-09-14 16:27:42 JukeKing414
2014-09-14 16:27:43 AnkhBot Title: Ninjroid - YouTube |
2014-09-14 16:27:43 JukeKing414
2014-09-14 16:27:44 AnkhBot Title: Ninjroid - YouTube |
2014-09-14 16:28:21 Aniball it would only be working against the team if he had risked getting returned, in my opinion
2014-09-14 16:28:22 JukeKing414 AMorpork the tactic is risky enough, why would I wait even longer when i could get the safe cap
2014-09-14 16:28:34 JukeKing414 yeah i prolly could have waiting 0.5 seconds longer
2014-09-14 16:28:37 JukeKing414 but why?
2014-09-14 16:28:50 +AMorpork ffs, we're not arguing whether or not he was working against his team
2014-09-14 16:28:56 +AMorpork we're discussing whether it could be viewed that way
2014-09-14 16:29:00 lebronxjames looool
2014-09-14 16:29:06 JukeKing414 well discussion over, i agree with u
2014-09-14 16:29:12 <-- mocl4 (~mocl4@unaffiliated/mocl4) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2014-09-14 16:29:23 lebronxjames i disagree with the way you view false reports
2014-09-14 16:29:27 JukeKing414 im saying a noob will look at is as showboating
2014-09-14 16:29:30 PengWin is tim-sanchez here?
2014-09-14 16:29:33 JukeKing414 a pro would look at it as regrab
2014-09-14 16:29:49 kxtensmxtens im a noob and it looked a little like it but i dont see the big deal
2014-09-14 16:29:53 +AMorpork JukeKing414: i'm so glad to hear i'm a newb
2014-09-14 16:29:55 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 3 games / 9 players. likely or
2014-09-14 16:29:56 --> mocl4 (~mocl4@unaffiliated/mocl4) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 16:29:58 [TagPro] [mocl4] RIP webchat users NEVER FORGET | bad idea to false report while there is a developer in game
2014-09-14 16:30:06 JukeKing414 amorpork u think i was showboating?
2014-09-14 16:30:24 +AMorpork i thought you were the first time i saw it
2014-09-14 16:30:27 +AMorpork as i made very clear
2014-09-14 16:30:29 JukeKing414 Did you miss the part where I don't mess around in PUBs anymore?
2014-09-14 16:30:29 +AMorpork by saying
2014-09-14 16:30:33 +McBride36 lol okay guess what guys
2014-09-14 16:30:34 JukeKing414 remember when Im a good boy now?
2014-09-14 16:30:36 +McBride36 AMorpork is being nice
2014-09-14 16:30:41 +McBride36 JukeKing414, any more debate
2014-09-14 16:30:42 lebronxjames you can only showboat on the gamem winning cap
2014-09-14 16:30:44 -- Mode #tagpro [+o McBride36] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 16:30:45 lebronxjames this is ridiculous
2014-09-14 16:30:48 @McBride36 i can show you the door
2014-09-14 16:30:50 @McBride36 this is over
2014-09-14 16:31:05 JukeKing414 okay, but remove my chat reports then
2014-09-14 16:31:14 JukeKing414 cause those are not true
2014-09-14 16:31:17 @McBride36 yes, you did the right thing letting us know about false reporting
2014-09-14 16:31:24 @McBride36 however everything after that, was wrong
2014-09-14 16:31:35 JukeKing414 lol what? are we not allowed to discuss
2014-09-14 16:31:40 lebronxjames you cant showboat on a non-game winning cap
2014-09-14 16:31:42 --> mocl4_ (~mocl4@unaffiliated/mocl4) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 16:31:42 [TagPro] [mocl4_] my internet just took a massive shit
2014-09-14 16:31:44 +AMorpork JukeKing414: The chat reports have been removed.
2014-09-14 16:31:49 JukeKing414 thank you
2014-09-14 16:31:49 <-- PurpleTeam[LAD] ( has left #tagpro ("See y'all later.")
2014-09-14 16:31:50 +AMorpork However, they would have expired within an hour anyways.
2014-09-14 16:31:55 <-- mocl4 (~mocl4@unaffiliated/mocl4) has quit (Disconnected by services)
2014-09-14 16:31:55 JukeKing414 i know
2014-09-14 16:32:01 -- mocl4_ is now known as mocl4
2014-09-14 16:32:15 @McBride36 discussion over
2014-09-14 16:32:21 @McBride36 now, tell me yoour fave food
2014-09-14 16:32:30 lebronxjames chipotle guac
2014-09-14 16:32:31 +AMorpork tacos
2014-09-14 16:32:35 rDuude lasagna
2014-09-14 16:33:04 -- Mode #tagpro [+o AMorpork] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 16:33:06 -- Mode #tagpro [-o McBride36] by AMorpork
2014-09-14 16:33:08 -- Mode #tagpro [-o AMorpork] by AMorpork
2014-09-14 16:33:11 +McBride36 bitch
2014-09-14 16:33:13 +AMorpork pls
2014-09-14 16:33:15 +McBride36 do it through chanserv
2014-09-14 16:33:17 albertcamus flamin hot cheetos
2014-09-14 16:33:20 -- Mode #tagpro [+o AMorpork] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 16:33:23 -- Mode #tagpro [-o AMorpork] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 16:33:24 albertcamus so good
2014-09-14 16:33:27 +McBride36 don't gotta op up
2014-09-14 16:33:38 +AMorpork McBride36: it was easier to op up keystroke wise
2014-09-14 16:33:41 PengWin mcbride36 do you know where tim-sanchez is?
2014-09-14 16:33:43 +AMorpork /op /deop McBride36 /deop
2014-09-14 16:33:52 +McBride36 watever
2014-09-14 16:33:54 +tim-sanchez PengWin I am here
2014-09-14 16:33:55 +AMorpork McBride36 pls
2014-09-14 16:34:00 PengWin yes finally
2014-09-14 16:34:14 --> I (63eebb63@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 16:34:31 I HI there!
2014-09-14 16:34:35 lebronxjames hi I
2014-09-14 16:34:38 -- I is now known as Guest77605
2014-09-14 16:34:56 Guest77605 nick/I am COol
2014-09-14 16:35:12 Guest77605 nick/HI
2014-09-14 16:35:15 Guest77605 hey
2014-09-14 16:35:19 lebronxjames try /nick nickgoeshere
2014-09-14 16:35:20 Guest77605 how do i change my name
2014-09-14 16:35:51 -- Guest77605 is now known as LEBRONSUCKS
2014-09-14 16:35:52 --> sirquine_work_ (~quine_wor@2601:1:8d80:9d3:1c8a:35d2:6e64:6599) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 16:35:54 LEBRONSUCKS ahhhh
2014-09-14 16:35:58 LEBRONSUCKS I SEE
2014-09-14 16:35:58 lebronxjames .......
2014-09-14 16:36:00 <-- sirquine_work (~quine_wor@2601:1:8d80:9d3:1c8a:35d2:6e64:6599) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2014-09-14 16:36:01 mocl4 i love mexican food
2014-09-14 16:36:02 LEBRONSUCKS lo
2014-09-14 16:36:03 mocl4 tacos
2014-09-14 16:36:04 LEBRONSUCKS l
2014-09-14 16:36:05 mocl4 esp
2014-09-14 16:36:10 LEBRONSUCKS KYRIE IRVING
2014-09-14 16:36:12 LEBRONSUCKS LEBRON
2014-09-14 16:36:16 LEBRONSUCKS KEVIN LOVE
2014-09-14 16:36:30 lebronxjames what is 2015 nba champs?
2014-09-14 16:36:51 LEBRONSUCKS NOPE, What is wasting millions of dollars for a Eastern Conference Finals Loss
2014-09-14 16:37:01 lebronxjames pls
2014-09-14 16:37:09 lebronxjames eastern conference sucks
2014-09-14 16:37:15 LEBRONSUCKS and then losing Kevin Love to Golden State in Free Agency
2014-09-14 16:37:25 lebronxjames lol
2014-09-14 16:38:15 lebronxjames kevin love isnt stupid
2014-09-14 16:38:30 LEBRONSUCKS actually has better chance there
2014-09-14 16:38:35 lebronxjames no
2014-09-14 16:38:51 <-- kxtensmxtens (4b51393d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #tagpro
2014-09-14 16:39:55 PengWin mcbride36 we should do a chicago meetup
2014-09-14 16:40:03 +McBride36 aye
2014-09-14 16:40:42 PengWin we could have you me trane, lublue, xile, rk, exquisite, and other people
2014-09-14 16:41:03 +McBride36 bee, trondb
2014-09-14 16:41:05 +McBride36 etc
2014-09-14 16:41:07 +McBride36 a whole bunch
2014-09-14 16:41:21 PengWin so many peeps
2014-09-14 16:41:57 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 2 games / 7 players. likely or
2014-09-14 16:42:32 lebronxjames holy crap the jets are winning
2014-09-14 16:43:44 lebronxjames oooooomggggggggg
2014-09-14 16:45:11 love ohhhhhhhh
2014-09-14 16:45:57 +tim-sanchez lebronxjames YEAAHHHHHH
2014-09-14 16:46:10 lebronxjames :D
2014-09-14 16:46:17 rDuude :(
2014-09-14 16:46:52 <-- PengWin (43ad9e7d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 16:48:19 lebronxjames shitty stream :(
2014-09-14 16:49:48 love pls
2014-09-14 16:51:38 <-- LEBRONSUCKS (63eebb63@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 16:51:49 --> DiannaAgron ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 16:52:46 lebronxjames booooooooooo
2014-09-14 16:53:59 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 5 games / 11 players. likely or
2014-09-14 16:57:55 <-- Faceless (4a8dfbdf@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 16:59:10 <-- Walrus_ (43b7188f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 17:01:48 <-- love ( has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
2014-09-14 17:02:49 albertcamus anyone watching the broncos game??
2014-09-14 17:02:58 --> love (60fa259c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 17:03:05 albertcamus k
2014-09-14 17:03:31 love !random albertcamus
2014-09-14 17:03:34 love albertcamus: pls
2014-09-14 17:03:36 love u have no quotes
2014-09-14 17:03:56 --> Nqoba4 (438eebfc@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 17:03:56 tagbot Hey there Nqoba4: If you're new to the irc channel, say "hello world"!
2014-09-14 17:03:56 albertcamus yea
2014-09-14 17:03:57 albertcamus i know
2014-09-14 17:04:05 love !grab albertcamus
2014-09-14 17:04:05 some_bot The operation succeeded.
2014-09-14 17:05:23 albertcamus y grab me?
2014-09-14 17:05:27 albertcamus what does that mean?
2014-09-14 17:06:01 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 4 games / 7 players. likely or
2014-09-14 17:06:05 <-- love (60fa259c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Client Quit)
2014-09-14 17:07:38 lebronxjames !random albertcamus
2014-09-14 17:07:38 some_bot <albertcamus> i know
2014-09-14 17:08:08 --> sportmonkey (477a9cb3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 17:08:10 <-- Nqoba4 (438eebfc@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 17:08:47 sportmonkey test
2014-09-14 17:09:40 sportmonkey are my messages sending?
2014-09-14 17:09:54 sportmonkey hello?
2014-09-14 17:10:40 <-- sportmonkey (477a9cb3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Client Quit)
2014-09-14 17:10:56 --> sportmonkey (477a9cb3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 17:11:00 --> worst (42578a3c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 17:11:02 Redkiwi hi sportmonkey :)
2014-09-14 17:11:06 worst sup
2014-09-14 17:11:10 sportmonkey hello
2014-09-14 17:11:11 Redkiwi haha
2014-09-14 17:11:14 worst how you doin?
2014-09-14 17:11:16 sportmonkey were my messages sending before?
2014-09-14 17:11:18 Redkiwi fine
2014-09-14 17:11:28 Redkiwi yeah
2014-09-14 17:11:32 sportmonkey ok
2014-09-14 17:11:36 worst does anyone know salty vic
2014-09-14 17:11:43 Redkiwi who?
2014-09-14 17:11:44 sportmonkey nope sorry
2014-09-14 17:11:49 worst ahh okay
2014-09-14 17:11:57 sportmonkey ok i gtg. i jsut had to send Ion___ a message
2014-09-14 17:11:58 tagbot sportmonkey, ion_ has been afk for 9 hours ("bedtime, night night").
2014-09-14 17:12:06 sportmonkey silly ion___
2014-09-14 17:12:07 tagbot sportmonkey, ion_ has been afk for 9 hours ("bedtime, night night").
2014-09-14 17:12:14 sportmonkey cya redkiwiw
2014-09-14 17:12:21 <-- sportmonkey (477a9cb3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Client Quit)
2014-09-14 17:12:27 lebronxjames hi worst
2014-09-14 17:14:23 albertcamus sportmonkey
2014-09-14 17:14:30 albertcamus i can see your messages bb
2014-09-14 17:14:48 worst hey man
2014-09-14 17:14:57 albertcamus !superrek lebronxjames
2014-09-14 17:14:57 some_bot lebronxjames just got so rekt their official title is now 'lebronxjames the Anally Devastated'.
2014-09-14 17:15:18 mocl4 !mods bruhhh is workng against us
2014-09-14 17:15:18 some_bot Flail, konichiwa, Hoog, NewCompte, Watball, Corhal, _Ly {Ly} [Ly] , tim-sanchez, _Ron, Troball, rk, Aaron215, Jet2, JGibbs, Radian, cz, Canadsian, tinkerc, Bull_tagpro, pooppants, turtlemansam, McBride36, deeznutz, bizkut, poopv, Rems, Nitro_, Rambo, bbq, Akiki, EbolaMod, hyphae
2014-09-14 17:15:58 mocl4 well he was
2014-09-14 17:16:08 lebronxjames pls albertcamus
2014-09-14 17:16:15 lebronxjames pls mocl4
2014-09-14 17:16:25 albertcamus pls lebronxjames, u r my ligth
2014-09-14 17:16:27 albertcamus light
2014-09-14 17:18:03 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 2 games / 5 players. likely or
2014-09-14 17:18:53 DiannaAgron oh yes
2014-09-14 17:18:54 DiannaAgron
2014-09-14 17:18:58 AnkhBot Title: La Bouche-Be my lover *LYRICS* - YouTube |
2014-09-14 17:20:03 -- dddeeefff is now known as dddeeefff[away]
2014-09-14 17:20:46 <-- Aniball (450668dd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 17:25:13 --> AJH (d89fa97a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 17:25:13 tagbot Hey there AJH: If you're new to the irc channel, say "hello world"!
2014-09-14 17:25:32 mocl4 hi AJH
2014-09-14 17:25:45 AJH hey can any mods please check log of EAT MY SUSU? he's being kind of an ass
2014-09-14 17:25:54 AJH hi mocl
2014-09-14 17:25:55 <-- Flail ( has quit (Quit: Leaving)
2014-09-14 17:26:16 --> TheDonDaddy (0544d708@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 17:27:05 +McBride36 sure
2014-09-14 17:27:10 AJH thanks
2014-09-14 17:27:30 TheDonDaddy !random rDuude
2014-09-14 17:27:30 some_bot <rDuude> zircon, have you slept with map committee yet?
2014-09-14 17:27:35 rDuude TheDonDaddy pls
2014-09-14 17:27:38 Redkiwi !random zircon
2014-09-14 17:27:39 some_bot <zircon> MLTP is corrupt
2014-09-14 17:27:42 AJH lol
2014-09-14 17:27:48 JukeKing414 just entered a game an immediately got reported for working aganainst team, can we see if this guy is a serial reporter? i did nothing wrong
2014-09-14 17:27:59 AJH nah i bet you deserved it
2014-09-14 17:28:00 Redkiwi "serial reporter"
2014-09-14 17:28:00 +McBride36 sure JukeKing414
2014-09-14 17:28:05 AJH lol
2014-09-14 17:28:16 Redkiwi !random thedondaddy
2014-09-14 17:28:23 Redkiwi !grab TheDonDaddy
2014-09-14 17:28:23 some_bot The operation succeeded.
2014-09-14 17:28:27 Redkiwi !random TheDonDaddy
2014-09-14 17:28:28 some_bot <TheDonDaddy> !random rDuude
2014-09-14 17:28:30 Redkiwi yay
2014-09-14 17:28:33 TheDonDaddy lol
2014-09-14 17:28:33 defens_bot \o/
2014-09-14 17:28:37 rDuude uh ok
2014-09-14 17:28:38 --> rabbat (18832e7d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 17:28:45 Redkiwi !random rabbat
2014-09-14 17:28:45 some_bot <rabbat> you are so sexy when you are getting me fonts mmmmmmm
2014-09-14 17:29:07 Redkiwi !random
2014-09-14 17:29:07 some_bot <Stalin_> I had to get off chalksy
2014-09-14 17:29:19 Redkiwi !random chalksy
2014-09-14 17:29:19 some_bot <Chalksy> FLOP FLOP FLOP
2014-09-14 17:29:22 defens_bot does anyone know how to solve a rubiks cube
2014-09-14 17:29:26 Redkiwi my sis
2014-09-14 17:29:30 TheDonDaddy Ooooh have you signed up yet?
2014-09-14 17:29:31 tagbot TheDonDaddy, ooooh has been afk for an hour.
2014-09-14 17:29:31 <-- worst (42578a3c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 17:29:33 Redkiwi she tried to teach me
2014-09-14 17:29:33 AJH i used to. cant anymore, forgot how
2014-09-14 17:29:35 TheDonDaddy oh
2014-09-14 17:29:37 --> Nawman (ad234535@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 17:29:38 defens_bot o noes
2014-09-14 17:29:47 Nawman !mods
2014-09-14 17:29:47 some_bot Flail, konichiwa, Hoog, NewCompte, Watball, Corhal, _Ly {Ly} [Ly] , tim-sanchez, _Ron, Troball, rk, Aaron215, Jet2, JGibbs, Radian, cz, Canadsian, tinkerc, Bull_tagpro, pooppants, turtlemansam, McBride36, deeznutz, bizkut, poopv, Rems, Nitro_, Rambo, bbq, Akiki, EbolaMod, hyphae
2014-09-14 17:29:47 defens_bot I need to know how to do the M slice
2014-09-14 17:29:47 Redkiwi you make a cross
2014-09-14 17:29:48 -- Mode #tagpro [+o McBride36] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 17:29:52 Nawman rvidxr klvn
2014-09-14 17:29:52 @McBride36 Nawman, hi
2014-09-14 17:29:53 defens_bot because there's not an easy way
2014-09-14 17:29:54 Nawman origin
2014-09-14 17:29:56 defens_bot it's super awkward
2014-09-14 17:29:59 Nawman chat
2014-09-14 17:30:05 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 4 games / 6 players. likely or
2014-09-14 17:30:07 -- Mode #tagpro [-q *!*@*] by McBride36
2014-09-14 17:30:08 Nawman he openly admitted to not wanting to chase
2014-09-14 17:30:13 mocl4 i was in that game i can vouce for nawman
2014-09-14 17:30:16 Nawman and kept on talking shit to me
2014-09-14 17:30:18 Redkiwi whos that McBride36?
2014-09-14 17:30:22 @McBride36 rabbat
2014-09-14 17:30:25 Redkiwi oh
2014-09-14 17:30:37 rabbat what
2014-09-14 17:30:37 Nawman i said fuck once or twice, but still
2014-09-14 17:30:40 rabbat WOO I CAN SPEAK
2014-09-14 17:30:42 rabbat i did it :)
2014-09-14 17:30:43 Redkiwi brb
2014-09-14 17:30:47 Nawman "chase nuga" mfw when i have the flag >_>
2014-09-14 17:30:55 @McBride36 Nawman, what was his name
2014-09-14 17:30:57 rabbat someone needs to maek a userscript to alter the way powerups look on balls
2014-09-14 17:31:03 rabbat why hasn't this happened yet like omg
2014-09-14 17:31:05 Nawman rvixdr klvn
2014-09-14 17:31:05 +pooppants jhsdakfd
2014-09-14 17:31:07 +pooppants home from kennel
2014-09-14 17:31:08 Nawman something like that
2014-09-14 17:31:12 +pooppants have itty bitty baby puppies
2014-09-14 17:31:24 Nawman klvn is his last part of name
2014-09-14 17:31:30 @McBride36 i see him
2014-09-14 17:32:15 --> LiddiLidd (56adc226@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 17:32:15 [TagPro] [LiddiLidd] O! O HAI IS ME LIDDILIDD :P
2014-09-14 17:32:23 Nawman sup liddi
2014-09-14 17:32:27 Nawman nice flair
2014-09-14 17:32:29 LiddiLidd hai
2014-09-14 17:32:30 LiddiLidd :P
2014-09-14 17:32:39 LiddiLidd thanks
2014-09-14 17:32:47 LiddiLidd anyone seen gingergd?
2014-09-14 17:32:52 Nawman in all seriousness how much tagpro do you play in a give n day ? :P
2014-09-14 17:33:00 +pooppants
2014-09-14 17:33:03 +pooppants fresh puppies!
2014-09-14 17:33:07 albertcamus .afk
2014-09-14 17:33:07 tagbot See you soon albertcamus!
2014-09-14 17:33:16 Nawman !yiss
2014-09-14 17:33:16 some_bot yiss
2014-09-14 17:33:17 PKSubball_ yiss
2014-09-14 17:33:20 @McBride36 mfw when pooppants uses fresh
2014-09-14 17:33:28 +pooppants Sunna: i have puppies and you can actually see them in this picture
2014-09-14 17:33:35 +pooppants McBride36: they're still warm
2014-09-14 17:33:37 Sunna awwwwww
2014-09-14 17:33:38 +pooppants that's how fresh they are
2014-09-14 17:33:50 Sunna omg so cute :3
2014-09-14 17:34:01 +pooppants <3
2014-09-14 17:34:14 defens_bot well poop
2014-09-14 17:34:21 defens_bot I was trying to glue a sticker down
2014-09-14 17:34:24 +AMorpork pooppants: gimme puppies now
2014-09-14 17:34:26 defens_bot and I got super glue all over my hand
2014-09-14 17:34:38 defens_bot and glued some paper towel and a toothpick to my hand
2014-09-14 17:34:49 defens_bot imdabes
2014-09-14 17:35:07 +pooppants puppy pile
2014-09-14 17:35:20 DiannaAgron I wonder if having a channel for each server would be an interesting idea
2014-09-14 17:35:22 +AMorpork omigosh
2014-09-14 17:35:24 DiannaAgron (as well)
2014-09-14 17:35:26 defens_bot those puppies look stupid
2014-09-14 17:35:37 +pooppants DiannaAgron: it'd be not a great idea
2014-09-14 17:35:42 defens_bot #pi
2014-09-14 17:36:04 defens_bot it wasn't a good ideoa
2014-09-14 17:36:14 defens_bot lonely channel
2014-09-14 17:36:15 DiannaAgron but I hate sphere users=(((
2014-09-14 17:36:20 defens_bot lel
2014-09-14 17:36:24 defens_bot come to pi
2014-09-14 17:36:25 DiannaAgron mostly because I'm in Kansas and play on radius
2014-09-14 17:36:27 DiannaAgron they love me <3
2014-09-14 17:36:49 defens_bot lame
2014-09-14 17:38:02 AJH hey mcbride thoughts on eat my susu?
2014-09-14 17:38:13 @McBride36 watching him
2014-09-14 17:38:21 AJH oh thanks
2014-09-14 17:38:29 lebronxjames pls DiannaAgron
2014-09-14 17:38:43 DiannaAgron what mom
2014-09-14 17:38:51 JukeKing414 updates? mcbride36
2014-09-14 17:38:59 @McBride36 JukeKing414, watching
2014-09-14 17:39:08 JukeKing414 ok
2014-09-14 17:39:28 <-- Steelballs ( has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
2014-09-14 17:39:54 --> worst (42578a3c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 17:40:13 rabbat AMorpork
2014-09-14 17:40:22 +AMorpork what
2014-09-14 17:40:32 rabbat Do you know if there are any userscripts that alter the way powerups look on the ball?
2014-09-14 17:40:38 +AMorpork i have no idea
2014-09-14 17:40:42 rabbat :(
2014-09-14 17:40:53 rabbat Have you ever considered becoming the person who writes that userscript?
2014-09-14 17:40:54 lebronxjames hi rabbat
2014-09-14 17:41:09 rabbat whadup lebron
2014-09-14 17:41:33 +AMorpork rabbat: sorry, i have way too many other things on my plate
2014-09-14 17:41:35 rabbat well AMorpork, how is the powerup look decided? is it an image file or is it a piece of code?
2014-09-14 17:41:37 +AMorpork bug someone in #tagproscripts
2014-09-14 17:41:43 <-- Redkiwi ( has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
2014-09-14 17:41:47 +AMorpork rabbat: tagpro is the only one that has a 'look'
2014-09-14 17:41:49 rabbat mfw #tagproscripts is a thing
2014-09-14 17:41:57 rabbat oh right
2014-09-14 17:42:07 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 2 games / 4 players. likely or
2014-09-14 17:42:08 rabbat so for bomb, it's just coded to blink?
2014-09-14 17:42:35 +AMorpork yeah, it's all just part of the updatePlayers function
2014-09-14 17:43:05 rabbat oh if only i knew what the heck that was
2014-09-14 17:44:32 Patabugen !today
2014-09-14 17:44:32 [TagPro] Patabugen (Patabugen) today: Time Played: 00:08:38 / Games: 4 / w/l/dc/%: 1/3/0/25% (lose much? #lrn2tagpro) Caps: 0 / Drops: 4 / Grabs: 4 / Hold: 00:00:30 / Pops: 13 / Prevent: 00:00:47 / Returns: 1 / Support: 8 / Tags: 1
2014-09-14 17:47:03 mocl4 !today
2014-09-14 17:47:04 [TagPro] mocl4 (mocl4) today: Time Played: 00:00:00 / Games: 0 (Play Much?) / w/l/dc/%: 0/0/0/0% Caps: 0 / Drops: 0 / Grabs: 0 / Hold: 00:00:00 / Pops: 0 / Prevent: 00:00:00 / Returns: 0 / Support: 0 / Tags: 0
2014-09-14 17:47:09 mocl4 oh
2014-09-14 17:47:16 mocl4 !month
2014-09-14 17:47:17 [TagPro] mocl4 (mocl4) month: Time Played: 07:17:15 / Games: 86 / w/l/dc/%: 57/29/0/66% Caps: 50 / Drops: 246 / Grabs: 297 / Hold: 01:06:12 / Pops: 391 / Prevent: 01:19:47 / Returns: 655 / Support: 864 / Tags: 774
2014-09-14 17:48:19 lebronxjames !today
2014-09-14 17:48:20 [TagPro] lebronxjames (LEBRON*JAMES) today: Time Played: 00:12:04 / Games: 4 / w/l/dc/%: 4/0/0/100% Caps: 4 / Drops: 9 / Grabs: 14 / Hold: 00:01:49 / Pops: 13 / Prevent: 00:00:03 / Returns: 3 / Support: 33 / Tags: 15
2014-09-14 17:48:32 lebronxjames dat ass
2014-09-14 17:48:33 mocl4 dat win%
2014-09-14 17:48:56 lebronxjames mmmmhm
2014-09-14 17:54:09 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 2 games / 1 players. likely or
2014-09-14 17:56:03 defens_bot !test wtf
2014-09-14 17:56:05 some_bot (wtf)
2014-09-14 17:56:28 --> love ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 17:56:52 -- love is now known as Guest66855
2014-09-14 17:57:00 Guest66855 wtf
2014-09-14 17:57:16 worst someone pls ban worst
2014-09-14 17:57:23 -- Guest66855 is now known as love
2014-09-14 17:57:27 mocl4 love pls
2014-09-14 17:57:31 love mocl4 pls
2014-09-14 17:57:40 lebronxjames pls tim-sanchez
2014-09-14 17:58:06 +tim-sanchez lebronxjames I can't even watch
2014-09-14 17:58:10 +tim-sanchez don't even go there
2014-09-14 17:59:24 lebronxjames fak
2014-09-14 18:00:01 lebronxjames !test dangerzone
2014-09-14 18:00:02 some_bot Sorry, I cannot find "dangerzone" in my brain! Did you mean one of these: Danger Zone, Danger Zone 2, Danger Zone 3, Danger Zone 3.1, Danger Zone 3.2 ?
2014-09-14 18:00:07 love !test danger zone 3.2
2014-09-14 18:00:07 lebronxjames !test danger zone
2014-09-14 18:00:09 some_bot (danger zone 3.2)
2014-09-14 18:00:10 some_bot (danger zone)
2014-09-14 18:00:10 love :^)
2014-09-14 18:00:12 lebronxjames oh
2014-09-14 18:00:14 lebronxjames ty
2014-09-14 18:00:22 lebronxjames thats not it
2014-09-14 18:01:00 lebronxjames !test danger zone 3.2
2014-09-14 18:01:02 some_bot (danger zone 3.2)
2014-09-14 18:01:10 lebronxjames thats not is
2014-09-14 18:01:11 lebronxjames it
2014-09-14 18:01:21 lebronxjames !test danger zone 3
2014-09-14 18:01:23 some_bot (danger zone 3)
2014-09-14 18:01:46 lebronxjames !test danger zone 3.2
2014-09-14 18:01:48 some_bot (danger zone 3.2)
2014-09-14 18:01:48 --> Storydude (41070df0@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 18:01:48 [TagPro] [Storydude] WASD is superior to all others
2014-09-14 18:02:05 lebronxjames what the hell love
2014-09-14 18:02:15 love what?
2014-09-14 18:02:20 lebronxjames which one is the real one
2014-09-14 18:02:23 Storydude what did love do this time
2014-09-14 18:02:25 +tim-sanchez I can't watch
2014-09-14 18:02:28 +tim-sanchez I'm playing tagpro
2014-09-14 18:02:31 lebronxjames pls tim-sanchez
2014-09-14 18:02:33 love ???
2014-09-14 18:02:39 lebronxjames DANGER ZONE LOVE
2014-09-14 18:02:41 lebronxjames THE REAL ONE
2014-09-14 18:02:45 lebronxjames WHERE IS IT
2014-09-14 18:02:51 love it's danger zone 3
2014-09-14 18:02:52 love bby
2014-09-14 18:02:54 love u scrub
2014-09-14 18:02:54 lebronxjames k
2014-09-14 18:02:58 lebronxjames !test danger zone 3
2014-09-14 18:02:59 lebronxjames lol
2014-09-14 18:02:59 some_bot Sorry, all testing games are full at the moment!
2014-09-14 18:03:00 Storydude !test Danger Zone
2014-09-14 18:03:02 some_bot Sorry, all testing games are full at the moment!
2014-09-14 18:03:03 lebronxjames FAK U SOME_BOT
2014-09-14 18:03:08 lebronxjames !test danger zone 3
2014-09-14 18:03:10 some_bot Sorry, all testing games are full at the moment!
2014-09-14 18:03:10 love huehuehue
2014-09-14 18:03:13 love !testeu
2014-09-14 18:03:14 some_bot (testeu <mapname>) -- Creates a test game with <mapname> on a european server.
2014-09-14 18:03:15 lebronxjames !test danger zone 3
2014-09-14 18:03:17 some_bot (danger zone 3)
2014-09-14 18:03:17 lebronxjames !test danger zone 3
2014-09-14 18:03:19 some_bot Sorry, all testing games are full at the moment!
2014-09-14 18:03:51 Storydude !test best map ever
2014-09-14 18:03:52 some_bot Sorry, I cannot find "best map ever" in my brain!
2014-09-14 18:04:13 Storydude !test Boosts
2014-09-14 18:04:15 some_bot (Boosts)
2014-09-14 18:05:06 lebronxjames pls love
2014-09-14 18:05:14 love lebronxjames pls
2014-09-14 18:05:19 Storydude i miss Boosts
2014-09-14 18:05:23 albertcamus pls lebronxjames
2014-09-14 18:05:25 albertcamus me too
2014-09-14 18:05:27 love ^
2014-09-14 18:05:40 albertcamus boosts and bounce r awesome
2014-09-14 18:06:18 lebronxjames pls albertcamus
2014-09-14 18:06:27 albertcamus pls\
2014-09-14 18:06:33 albertcamus pls lebronxjames pls
2014-09-14 18:06:49 albertcamus do you disagree?
2014-09-14 18:07:04 --> storybot ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 18:07:12 Storydude roll
2014-09-14 18:07:12 storybot 3
2014-09-14 18:07:22 lebronxjames yes
2014-09-14 18:07:26 Storydude there was no reason for this
2014-09-14 18:07:30 Storydude just wanted him here
2014-09-14 18:07:40 Storydude roll
2014-09-14 18:07:41 storybot 3
2014-09-14 18:07:46 Storydude roll
2014-09-14 18:07:47 storybot 1
2014-09-14 18:07:52 Storydude roll
2014-09-14 18:07:52 storybot 16
2014-09-14 18:08:37 <-- storybot ( has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2014-09-14 18:08:47 <-- Storydude (41070df0@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 18:09:03 love roll
2014-09-14 18:09:05 love :(
2014-09-14 18:09:54 lebronxjames pls loveroll
2014-09-14 18:09:56 lebronxjames roll
2014-09-14 18:10:43 --> FutureYPR (637b1d1e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 18:10:43 [TagPro] [FutureYPR] I am the writer of The Tagpro Times
2014-09-14 18:10:52 FutureYPR !mods
2014-09-14 18:10:52 tagbot Hey mods, use this link:
2014-09-14 18:10:53 some_bot Flail, konichiwa, Hoog, NewCompte, Watball, Corhal, _Ly {Ly} [Ly] , tim-sanchez, _Ron, Troball, rk, Aaron215, Jet2, JGibbs, Radian, cz, Canadsian, tinkerc, Bull_tagpro, pooppants, turtlemansam, McBride36, deeznutz, bizkut, poopv, Rems, Nitro_, Rambo, bbq, Akiki, EbolaMod, hyphae
2014-09-14 18:10:54 FutureYPR Thor
2014-09-14 18:10:56 FutureYPR afk
2014-09-14 18:11:41 FutureYPR too late
2014-09-14 18:14:59 love lebronxjames
2014-09-14 18:15:01 love staph
2014-09-14 18:15:03 love with the pls
2014-09-14 18:15:07 lebronxjames pls love
2014-09-14 18:15:20 love kk
2014-09-14 18:15:20 --> GForce|2 ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 18:15:40 <-- GForce917 ( has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2014-09-14 18:15:45 <-- rabbat (18832e7d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 18:15:57 lebronxjames !test danger zone 3
2014-09-14 18:15:59 some_bot (danger zone 3)
2014-09-14 18:16:29 <-- FutureYPR (637b1d1e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 18:16:40 <-- straw_hat (~straw_hat@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 18:17:10 love !test the holy see
2014-09-14 18:17:12 some_bot (the holy see)
2014-09-14 18:18:29 albertcamus roll
2014-09-14 18:19:18 --> Antero_Rin (449400f8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 18:19:23 Antero_Rin !mods
2014-09-14 18:19:23 some_bot Flail, konichiwa, Hoog, NewCompte, Watball, Corhal, _Ly {Ly} [Ly] , tim-sanchez, _Ron, Troball, rk, Aaron215, Jet2, JGibbs, Radian, cz, Canadsian, tinkerc, Bull_tagpro, pooppants, turtlemansam, McBride36, deeznutz, bizkut, poopv, Rems, Nitro_, Rambo, bbq, Akiki, EbolaMod, hyphae
2014-09-14 18:24:55 albertcamus go broncs eh sports fans?
2014-09-14 18:25:52 <-- Nawman (ad234535@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 18:27:16 <-- defens_bot (4757c65e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 18:27:58 <-- Thick (32b2e0d5@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 18:29:00 +tim-sanchez can't play tagpro too tense
2014-09-14 18:29:21 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 4 games / 9 players. likely or
2014-09-14 18:29:29 +AMorpork tim-sanchez: take a poop it's scientifically proven to make you less tense
2014-09-14 18:29:57 +tim-sanchez AMorpork I don't need to though
2014-09-14 18:30:02 +tim-sanchez the jets are taking a huge poop for me
2014-09-14 18:30:08 Detective !Optin
2014-09-14 18:30:08 some_bot The operation succeeded.
2014-09-14 18:30:10 Antero_Rin !mods
2014-09-14 18:30:10 some_bot Flail, konichiwa, Hoog, NewCompte, Watball, Corhal, _Ly {Ly} [Ly] , tim-sanchez, _Ron, Troball, rk, Aaron215, Jet2, JGibbs, Radian, cz, Canadsian, tinkerc, Bull_tagpro, pooppants, turtlemansam, McBride36, deeznutz, bizkut, poopv, Rems, Nitro_, Rambo, bbq, Akiki, EbolaMod, hyphae
2014-09-14 18:30:13 Detective !pug
2014-09-14 18:30:14 some_bot Detective, love
2014-09-14 18:30:18 Detective lol
2014-09-14 18:30:22 Detective !optout
2014-09-14 18:30:23 some_bot The operation succeeded.
2014-09-14 18:30:28 <-- worst (42578a3c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 18:30:29 +tim-sanchez hi Antero_Rin
2014-09-14 18:30:52 Antero_Rin hey time. last game i had someone voted to kick me for offensive or spammy chat.
2014-09-14 18:31:01 Antero_Rin after i reported someone. care to look into it?
2014-09-14 18:31:35 love Detective
2014-09-14 18:31:38 love pls
2014-09-14 18:31:43 love link ?
2014-09-14 18:32:21 +tim-sanchez sorted Antero_Rin
2014-09-14 18:32:33 Antero_Rin thanks tim
2014-09-14 18:32:41 +tim-sanchez lol
2014-09-14 18:32:49 +tim-sanchez this guy said "what the fuck is wrong with you people"
2014-09-14 18:32:54 +tim-sanchez then complained of false reports
2014-09-14 18:33:16 Antero_Rin which guy? was it i'm too good
2014-09-14 18:34:19 +tim-sanchez Antero_Rin I don't think so
2014-09-14 18:34:25 Antero_Rin kk
2014-09-14 18:34:27 lebronxjames pls tim-sanchez
2014-09-14 18:34:33 +tim-sanchez no it wasn't
2014-09-14 18:34:39 <-- AJH (d89fa97a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 18:38:28 albertcamus i m so good at this game
2014-09-14 18:38:31 love !random albertcamus
2014-09-14 18:38:31 some_bot <albertcamus> i know
2014-09-14 18:38:41 albertcamus oh i remember that love :)
2014-09-14 18:38:43 albertcamus good times
2014-09-14 18:39:14 albertcamus ^^^^___^^^^
2014-09-14 18:40:10 --> Tofuman (4b8c4a69@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 18:40:36 --> saundy (1801e7fd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 18:40:55 albertcamus nobody can stop me
2014-09-14 18:41:17 love i can stop in #ballz
2014-09-14 18:41:23 love * i can stop u in #ballz
2014-09-14 18:41:23 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 3 games / 9 players. likely or
2014-09-14 18:43:31 --> lt3 (2ebce50c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 18:43:31 tagbot Hey there lt3: If you're new to the irc channel, say "hello world"!
2014-09-14 18:43:40 rDuude i'm off, night
2014-09-14 18:43:42 rDuude .afk night
2014-09-14 18:43:42 tagbot See you soon rDuude!
2014-09-14 18:43:52 <-- rDuude (~rDuude@unaffiliated/rduude) has quit (Quit: <Watball> If youd esperopeofjawetpo ffs desperately need a response)
2014-09-14 18:44:01 --> Fresh (6bc55099@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 18:44:26 --> CalcPie314 (6b93cfce@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 18:44:27 +tim-sanchez :(
2014-09-14 18:44:31 Fresh Guys
2014-09-14 18:44:32 <-- lt3 (2ebce50c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Client Quit)
2014-09-14 18:44:37 Fresh I accidently reported ziggy
2014-09-14 18:44:48 Fresh I meant to report methyl
2014-09-14 18:45:00 Fresh for saying " get f***ed"
2014-09-14 18:45:12 Fresh but I reported ziggy
2014-09-14 18:45:19 lebronxjames hi fresh
2014-09-14 18:45:21 Fresh is there a way to remove ?
2014-09-14 18:45:24 Fresh yo
2014-09-14 18:45:30 <-- TheDonDaddy (0544d708@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 18:48:43 --> straw_hat (~straw_hat@ has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 18:50:15 <-- Fresh (6bc55099@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 18:50:17 --> Anne (186bae24@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 18:50:29 Anne hey bizkut
2014-09-14 18:50:43 <-- LiddiLidd (56adc226@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 18:51:21 +bizkut HI
2014-09-14 18:51:31 Detective !test not thinking with portals
2014-09-14 18:51:33 some_bot (not thinking with portals)
2014-09-14 18:53:11 love hello AnkhBot
2014-09-14 18:53:13 love ugh
2014-09-14 18:53:16 love hello Anne
2014-09-14 18:54:11 Anne love: mocl4 pls
2014-09-14 18:54:21 mocl4 wat
2014-09-14 18:54:27 mocl4 who summons me
2014-09-14 18:54:35 love wut
2014-09-14 18:54:40 Anne wtf... i though love was mocl4
2014-09-14 18:54:45 love Anne
2014-09-14 18:54:47 Anne TOO MUCH TO HANDLE
2014-09-14 18:54:49 love wat r u doing
2014-09-14 18:54:50 <-- Anne (186bae24@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Client Quit)
2014-09-14 18:54:51 mocl4 /kick Anne
2014-09-14 18:54:55 mocl4 thats right
2014-09-14 18:55:09 --> WhiteBread (47c5a4a8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 18:55:31 --> AF_ (186bae24@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 18:55:36 lebronxjames pls ann
2014-09-14 18:55:55 -- AF_ is now known as Guest84625
2014-09-14 18:55:58 love hello af_
2014-09-14 18:56:29 Guest84625 so bizkut theres this guy on sphere, and i was playing with him earlier today and whenever he lost he kept typing "gg faggits", so i reported him, and i just got in a game with him again and he is still doing it after every game he loses
2014-09-14 18:56:44 +bizkut wot
2014-09-14 18:57:18 -- love is now known as annefrank
2014-09-14 18:57:22 annefrank !Random
2014-09-14 18:57:22 some_bot <tim-sanchez> Rems does your fiance know that you're a homosexual girl but also a mommies boy?
2014-09-14 18:57:34 annefrank wat
2014-09-14 18:59:19 Guest84625 !Random
2014-09-14 18:59:19 some_bot <BallBorg> belgium - yellow card for pooppants (the holy see him talk
2014-09-14 18:59:21 --> jukeking231 (ad1cd3ed@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 18:59:34 Guest84625 !Random
2014-09-14 18:59:34 some_bot <BallBorg> bitches love stew?
2014-09-14 18:59:48 Guest84625 get that bitch some stew, bitches love stew
2014-09-14 19:00:00 -- annefrank is now known as love
2014-09-14 19:00:11 saundy bitches brew
2014-09-14 19:03:32 albertcamus ^^
2014-09-14 19:03:43 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 2 games / 5 players. likely or
2014-09-14 19:03:56 albertcamus they stew about good brew
2014-09-14 19:04:31 <-- straw_hat (~straw_hat@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 19:05:44 love !quotelist butterchurn
2014-09-14 19:05:44 some_bot #1067: <ButterChurn> yeah but what if tagcoins... and #1052: <ButterChurn> i refuse to be quoted
2014-09-14 19:05:48 love !get 1052
2014-09-14 19:05:49 some_bot <ButterChurn> i refuse to be quoted (Said by: ButterChurn!1838c995@gateway/web/freenode/session; grabbed by thevdude!~thevdude@unaffiliated/thevdude at 06:07 PM, February 22, 2014)
2014-09-14 19:06:02 love !quotelist butter
2014-09-14 19:06:03 some_bot #823: <Butter> it's a game about a bunch of...
2014-09-14 19:06:09 love !get 823
2014-09-14 19:06:09 some_bot <Butter> it's a game about a bunch of balls smacking into each other, how could it not be gay (Said by: Butter!; grabbed by bizkut! at 11:16 PM, January 29, 2014)
2014-09-14 19:06:16 love hahahah
2014-09-14 19:06:57 <-- love ( has quit (Quit: /quit)
2014-09-14 19:06:57 <-- GForce|2 ( has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2014-09-14 19:08:54 +bizkut lol forgot to leave after speccing, was in the middle of eating dinner and got put in a game
2014-09-14 19:08:56 +bizkut o well
2014-09-14 19:09:12 albertcamus ggg's bizkut
2014-09-14 19:09:24 --> superlou ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 19:12:19 --> carnegie (a9e4a5dc@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 19:12:19 tagbot Hey there carnegie: If you're new to the irc channel, say "hello world"!
2014-09-14 19:13:17 lebronxjames hi superlou and carnegie
2014-09-14 19:13:28 <-- superlou ( has left #tagpro
2014-09-14 19:14:20 carnegie !mods
2014-09-14 19:14:20 some_bot Flail, konichiwa, Hoog, NewCompte, Watball, Corhal, _Ly {Ly} [Ly] , tim-sanchez, _Ron, Troball, rk, Aaron215, Jet2, JGibbs, Radian, cz, Canadsian, tinkerc, Bull_tagpro, pooppants, turtlemansam, McBride36, deeznutz, bizkut, poopv, Rems, Nitro_, Rambo, bbq, Akiki, EbolaMod, hyphae
2014-09-14 19:14:34 --> defense_bot (4757c65e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 19:14:34 [TagPro] [defense_bot] REMOVE ONE WAY TICKET | REMOVE GRAIL OF SPEED | REMOVE GAMEPAD
2014-09-14 19:14:40 --> Teh42 (ac004c6b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 19:15:13 Teh42 [=3
2014-09-14 19:15:31 <-- Teh42 (ac004c6b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Client Quit)
2014-09-14 19:15:52 +tim-sanchez hi carnegie
2014-09-14 19:16:45 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 2 games / 2 players. likely or
2014-09-14 19:17:18 --> LiddiLidd (56adc226@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 19:17:18 [TagPro] [LiddiLidd] O! O HAI IS ME LIDDILIDD :P
2014-09-14 19:19:21 -- bizkut is now known as bizkut_
2014-09-14 19:19:53 Ooooh hi LiddiLidd
2014-09-14 19:20:06 LiddiLidd hai :P
2014-09-14 19:20:20 jukeking231 hi LiddiLidd
2014-09-14 19:20:26 LiddiLidd hai :P
2014-09-14 19:20:49 --> Yooo-Daddy (183dc6cc@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 19:20:49 [TagPro] [Yooo-Daddy] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
2014-09-14 19:20:56 LiddiLidd whats new people?
2014-09-14 19:21:24 Yooo-Daddy Looks like nothing's new
2014-09-14 19:21:40 LiddiLidd indeed it does watson
2014-09-14 19:21:55 lebronxjames hi LiddiLidd
2014-09-14 19:22:02 LiddiLidd anyone doing that tp leauge thingy on lejs website?
2014-09-14 19:22:04 LiddiLidd hai :P
2014-09-14 19:22:08 * Yooo-Daddy blows on a pipe and dons a monacle
2014-09-14 19:22:15 lebronxjames moneyball league?
2014-09-14 19:22:34 lebronxjames i got a contract but ive never played a game yet
2014-09-14 19:22:36 LiddiLidd is that what they call it?
2014-09-14 19:22:41 LiddiLidd nice, i like this
2014-09-14 19:22:41 lebronxjames i think
2014-09-14 19:22:49 LiddiLidd i have a team
2014-09-14 19:23:05 lebronxjames not sure what my current team's captain is doing
2014-09-14 19:23:06 LiddiLidd we were suposed to be playing gingerdg's team but i havent seen him :P
2014-09-14 19:23:24 LiddiLidd you wanna play a game?
2014-09-14 19:23:39 <-- saundy (1801e7fd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 19:23:41 LiddiLidd maybe i sign u after these other peoples a contrats run
2014-09-14 19:23:50 LiddiLidd mabe ill make a radius team
2014-09-14 19:23:56 LiddiLidd at some point
2014-09-14 19:23:56 lebronxjames k
2014-09-14 19:24:03 Yooo-Daddy !seen Baam
2014-09-14 19:24:03 some_bot Baam was last seen in #tagpro 2 days, 3 hours, 28 minutes, and 57 seconds ago: <Baam> i give up
2014-09-14 19:24:20 Yooo-Daddy I guess he gave up
2014-09-14 19:24:28 Yooo-Daddy RIP in peace Baam
2014-09-14 19:24:30 LiddiLidd nice deduction!
2014-09-14 19:24:34 WhiteBread OFM anyone?
2014-09-14 19:24:46 --> PengWin (43ad9e7d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 19:24:46 [TagPro] [PengWin] (pls I'm already drafted)
2014-09-14 19:24:56 lebronxjames pls WhiteBread
2014-09-14 19:25:01 WhiteBread .
2014-09-14 19:25:02 WhiteBread pls
2014-09-14 19:25:05 Yooo-Daddy Wheat bread is better
2014-09-14 19:25:12 lebronxjames .pls count
2014-09-14 19:25:13 tagbot For today, the pls count so far is 291.
2014-09-14 19:25:17 Yooo-Daddy .pls count count
2014-09-14 19:25:17 tagbot For today, the pls count count so far is 3.
2014-09-14 19:25:22 WhiteBread please
2014-09-14 19:25:24 <-- Ooooh ( has quit (Quit: technically we all netsplit)
2014-09-14 19:25:24 lebronxjames .pls count count count
2014-09-14 19:25:24 [TagPro] tagbot be lazy. For today, the pls count count so far is 2.
2014-09-14 19:25:35 lebronxjames .pls count count count count
2014-09-14 19:25:35 [TagPro] tagbot be lazy. For today, the pls count count count so far is 1.
2014-09-14 19:25:43 WhiteBread !test open field masters
2014-09-14 19:25:48 Yooo-Daddy pls lebronxjames
2014-09-14 19:25:53 lebronxjames u pls
2014-09-14 19:25:59 Yooo-Daddy pls me
2014-09-14 19:26:03 WhiteBread ? is it broken?
2014-09-14 19:26:08 lebronxjames pls
2014-09-14 19:26:09 WhiteBread !test 45
2014-09-14 19:26:17 Yooo-Daddy git gud WhiteBread
2014-09-14 19:26:24 Yooo-Daddy some_bot pls wake up
2014-09-14 19:27:15 WhiteBread !test disneyland
2014-09-14 19:27:17 LiddiLidd whitbread
2014-09-14 19:27:22 Yooo-Daddy pls
2014-09-14 19:27:26 WhiteBread :(
2014-09-14 19:27:36 Yooo-Daddy bizkut_
2014-09-14 19:27:40 LiddiLidd :P
2014-09-14 19:27:51 <-- some_bot (~supybot@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 19:27:54 LiddiLidd will u open field on orbit?
2014-09-14 19:27:58 WhiteBread sure
2014-09-14 19:27:59 Yooo-Daddy some_bot :(
2014-09-14 19:27:59 LiddiLidd or radius?
2014-09-14 19:28:02 WhiteBread i guess
2014-09-14 19:28:08 WhiteBread idc
2014-09-14 19:28:13 lebronxjames pls WhiteBread
2014-09-14 19:28:18 LiddiLidd one on each
2014-09-14 19:28:23 WhiteBread okay
2014-09-14 19:28:25 WhiteBread in groups?
2014-09-14 19:28:26 LiddiLidd u u.s. right?
2014-09-14 19:28:31 WhiteBread yea pacific
2014-09-14 19:28:39 LiddiLidd which side is that?
2014-09-14 19:28:42 lebronxjames west
2014-09-14 19:28:47 Yooo-Daddy Left side
2014-09-14 19:28:53 lebronxjames weak side
2014-09-14 19:28:57 LiddiLidd you are far away :P
2014-09-14 19:28:57 WhiteBread gay side
2014-09-14 19:29:06 WhiteBread yea but i still dont care
2014-09-14 19:29:08 LiddiLidd 2 mins
2014-09-14 19:29:10 WhiteBread is it the groups
2014-09-14 19:29:25 lebronxjames !testeu open field masters
2014-09-14 19:29:27 LiddiLidd yes, make a group on radius if u like :P
2014-09-14 19:29:44 lebronxjames pls LiddiLidd
2014-09-14 19:29:52 WhiteBread how do you play ofm on a group though
2014-09-14 19:29:59 LiddiLidd o wait
2014-09-14 19:30:02 LiddiLidd tangent?
2014-09-14 19:30:15 LiddiLidd i dont know what you would use over in u.s.
2014-09-14 19:30:18 lebronxjames make a radius group
2014-09-14 19:30:23 WhiteBread centra
2014-09-14 19:30:44 <-- Guest84625 (186bae24@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 19:30:49 WhiteBread okay its called radius group
2014-09-14 19:30:56 lebronxjames link
2014-09-14 19:30:58 WhiteBread and im pretty sure its on radius, but not 100% sure
2014-09-14 19:31:04 lebronxjames link
2014-09-14 19:31:15 WhiteBread
2014-09-14 19:31:32 <-- OmicroN_ ( has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
2014-09-14 19:31:42 WhiteBread wait!!!
2014-09-14 19:31:45 WhiteBread how do you ofm?
2014-09-14 19:31:49 lebronxjames LOL
2014-09-14 19:31:57 WhiteBread lol
2014-09-14 19:32:21 Yooo-Daddy lolololol
2014-09-14 19:34:07 <-- Tofuman (4b8c4a69@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 19:35:29 [TagPro] [MLTP]Week 6 Streaming Schedule -
2014-09-14 19:35:30 AnkhBot Title: [MLTP]Week 6 Streaming Schedule : TagPro |
2014-09-14 19:36:30 <-- CalcPie314 (6b93cfce@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
2014-09-14 19:36:56 <-- nub_ (569cf157@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 19:37:00 <-- albertcamus (82fd5304@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 19:37:16 +tim-sanchez lebronxjames are you watching this?
2014-09-14 19:37:22 lebronxjames yes
2014-09-14 19:37:29 lebronxjames fucking bullshit tim-sanchez
2014-09-14 19:38:48 --> port (32890680@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 19:39:09 PengWin port more like fart
2014-09-14 19:39:13 PengWin heheheheeh
2014-09-14 19:39:17 port wut
2014-09-14 19:39:24 Yooo-Daddy git gud port
2014-09-14 19:39:26 PengWin port pls
2014-09-14 19:39:43 port mods im being harrased
2014-09-14 19:39:44 port halp
2014-09-14 19:39:46 port ban them mofos
2014-09-14 19:39:47 Yooo-Daddy pls port
2014-09-14 19:39:52 port no u
2014-09-14 19:39:55 Yooo-Daddy pls
2014-09-14 19:40:01 port !ranibow pls
2014-09-14 19:40:03 port dammit
2014-09-14 19:40:07 port !rainbow pls
2014-09-14 19:40:10 lebronxjames port pls
2014-09-14 19:40:11 Yooo-Daddy git gud port
2014-09-14 19:40:22 port what happened to some_bot?
2014-09-14 19:40:23 LiddiLidd :P
2014-09-14 19:40:27 Yooo-Daddy some_bot died
2014-09-14 19:40:34 port RIP in peace
2014-09-14 19:40:37 PengWin liddilidd do you not have a job
2014-09-14 19:40:40 Yooo-Daddy Detective, I think it was murder
2014-09-14 19:40:41 PengWin how do you play all day
2014-09-14 19:40:43 WhiteBread pls
2014-09-14 19:40:46 port congrats on the flair Liddilidd!
2014-09-14 19:40:53 LiddiLidd wahoo thanks
2014-09-14 19:41:00 LiddiLidd :P
2014-09-14 19:41:07 LiddiLidd ive had a really good week
2014-09-14 19:41:16 PengWin is that a no liddilidd
2014-09-14 19:41:20 port be careful, BaBALLbooey's catching up
2014-09-14 19:41:37 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 2 games / 2 players. likely or
2014-09-14 19:42:04 port actually looks like he stopped going for monthly again
2014-09-14 19:42:05 port nvm
2014-09-14 19:42:10 <-- Detective (18b63dce@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 19:42:28 LiddiLidd baballoey?
2014-09-14 19:42:36 LiddiLidd let me see
2014-09-14 19:42:54 lebronxjames pls
2014-09-14 19:43:18 Yooo-Daddy .pls count
2014-09-14 19:43:18 tagbot For today, the pls count so far is 310.
2014-09-14 19:43:36 +AMorpork you fuckers say entirely too many pls's
2014-09-14 19:43:40 lebronxjames pls
2014-09-14 19:43:40 port how do i test maps now?
2014-09-14 19:43:41 Yooo-Daddy n
2014-09-14 19:43:42 Yooo-Daddy no
2014-09-14 19:43:50 PengWin port you say !test mapname
2014-09-14 19:43:51 Yooo-Daddy pls AMorpork
2014-09-14 19:43:52 +AMorpork port: !test [mapname]
2014-09-14 19:43:56 lebronxjames port u suck
2014-09-14 19:44:00 port no
2014-09-14 19:44:01 port u
2014-09-14 19:44:03 PengWin ankh is 2 slow
2014-09-14 19:44:03 lebronxjames pls
2014-09-14 19:44:08 +AMorpork boys please. you both suck.
2014-09-14 19:44:12 port !test Danger Zone 3
2014-09-14 19:44:16 Yooo-Daddy pls AMorpork
2014-09-14 19:44:23 PengWin amorpork how much is your team going to lose by tonight
2014-09-14 19:44:27 +AMorpork who knows
2014-09-14 19:44:29 port yeah, nothing happened
2014-09-14 19:44:35 lebronxjames FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK tim-sanchez
2014-09-14 19:44:48 port do i need brackets or something
2014-09-14 19:44:54 lebronxjames port the bot is broken
2014-09-14 19:44:54 +AMorpork port:
2014-09-14 19:44:55 AnkhBot Title: Map Testing Service |
2014-09-14 19:44:58 +AMorpork Sometimes the bot freaks out
2014-09-14 19:45:05 LiddiLidd poor some bot
2014-09-14 19:45:07 lebronxjames AMorpork broke some_bot
2014-09-14 19:45:09 PengWin !reddit
2014-09-14 19:45:10 [TagPro] [MLTP]Week 6 Streaming Schedule -
2014-09-14 19:45:11 AnkhBot Title: [MLTP]Week 6 Streaming Schedule : TagPro |
2014-09-14 19:45:14 --> ChrisBall (18e44e45@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 19:45:15 --> CalcPie314 (6b93cfce@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 19:45:17 --> ScumBall (18d5a9aa@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 19:45:19 PengWin !say ankh sux
2014-09-14 19:45:23 PengWin !pls
2014-09-14 19:45:24 Arthree PengWin pls
2014-09-14 19:45:27 +tim-sanchez lebronxjames that was such bs
2014-09-14 19:45:28 ChrisBall ScumBall
2014-09-14 19:45:28 port ty ankh
2014-09-14 19:45:30 PengWin !ping
2014-09-14 19:45:31 PKSubball_ pong
2014-09-14 19:45:32 [TagPro] PengWin, your ping is 0.969 secs.
2014-09-14 19:45:33 ScumBall !mute mcbride36
2014-09-14 19:45:33 +AMorpork port: yup
2014-09-14 19:45:44 PengWin !ping amorpork
2014-09-14 19:45:45 [TagPro] PengWin, your ping is 0.516 secs.
2014-09-14 19:45:53 PengWin !pong
2014-09-14 19:45:59 PengWin !poing
2014-09-14 19:46:02 ScumBall !ban mcbride36
2014-09-14 19:46:03 LiddiLidd byeee
2014-09-14 19:46:04 PengWin !porn
2014-09-14 19:46:05 ChrisBall hi
2014-09-14 19:46:09 port !port
2014-09-14 19:46:11 ScumBall how does banning a mod work. does anyone know the command?
2014-09-14 19:46:11 lebronxjames cya LiddiLidd
2014-09-14 19:46:15 PengWin pornpornpornpornpornporn
2014-09-14 19:46:15 LiddiLidd :P
2014-09-14 19:46:16 ChrisBall lebronxjames
2014-09-14 19:46:17 lebronxjames hi ChrisBall
2014-09-14 19:46:19 lebronxjames hi
2014-09-14 19:46:19 ChrisBall hi
2014-09-14 19:46:20 PengWin pornpornpornporn
2014-09-14 19:46:21 PengWin porn
2014-09-14 19:46:22 lebronxjames hi hi
2014-09-14 19:46:24 WhiteBread pls
2014-09-14 19:46:25 ChrisBall hi hi hi
2014-09-14 19:46:28 <-- PengWin (43ad9e7d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 19:46:29 <-- LiddiLidd (56adc226@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 19:46:30 lebronxjames hi hi hi hi
2014-09-14 19:46:31 ScumBall hi
2014-09-14 19:46:34 ChrisBall hi
2014-09-14 19:46:35 steppin ScumBall: i do
2014-09-14 19:46:37 lebronxjames hi ScumBall
2014-09-14 19:46:39 defense_bot !test wtf
2014-09-14 19:46:52 defense_bot HMMMMM
2014-09-14 19:46:54 ScumBall ok, can you please use the command to ban mcbride36?
2014-09-14 19:47:05 ScumBall !ban mcbride36
2014-09-14 19:47:08 --> Fun (621f33fe@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 19:47:29 lebronxjames !plsban McBride36
2014-09-14 19:47:33 Yooo-Daddy Fun pls
2014-09-14 19:47:33 lebronxjames hi Fun
2014-09-14 19:47:39 lebronxjames pls Yooo-Daddy
2014-09-14 19:47:44 Yooo-Daddy LET'S HAVE SOME FUN
2014-09-14 19:47:51 Yooo-Daddy fun fun fun fun
2014-09-14 19:47:58 steppin !online
2014-09-14 19:48:02 lebronxjames pls steppin
2014-09-14 19:48:03 steppin well then.
2014-09-14 19:48:12 ScumBall did that work lbronxjames?
2014-09-14 19:48:19 lebronxjames i dont think so ScumBall
2014-09-14 19:48:22 ScumBall ok
2014-09-14 19:48:26 lebronxjames !seurperk McBride36
2014-09-14 19:48:34 ScumBall ugh
2014-09-14 19:48:45 ScumBall Until McBride36 wins a moddie, he sholdnt be allowed to have any powers
2014-09-14 19:48:57 WhiteBread ~define icup
2014-09-14 19:49:04 WhiteBread !test 45
2014-09-14 19:49:10 WhiteBread !test open field masters!!!!
2014-09-14 19:49:14 Yooo-Daddy Whitebread pls
2014-09-14 19:49:15 lebronxjames pls WhiteBread
2014-09-14 19:49:21 WhiteBread :(:(
2014-09-14 19:49:25 ChrisBall I agree scum
2014-09-14 19:49:29 --> esp_ (4035f514@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 19:49:37 ScumBall whats the last moddie he's ever been nominated for?
2014-09-14 19:49:41 Yooo-Daddy esp_ pls
2014-09-14 19:49:43 ScumBall oh wait. there's never been one
2014-09-14 19:49:45 esp_ wut
2014-09-14 19:49:51 Yooo-Daddy esp_ <3
2014-09-14 19:49:54 <-- WhiteBread (47c5a4a8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 19:49:56 ScumBall mcbride36 has never. ever. been nominated for a SINGLE moddie
2014-09-14 19:50:03 esp_ !maptest danger zone 3
2014-09-14 19:50:17 esp_ THERES NO BOT
2014-09-14 19:50:21 Yooo-Daddy some_bot is dead
2014-09-14 19:50:25 esp_ y
2014-09-14 19:50:28 lebronxjames hi esp_
2014-09-14 19:50:33 esp_ hi
2014-09-14 19:50:36 Yooo-Daddy I blame bizkut_
2014-09-14 19:50:47 ScumBall !test mars board
2014-09-14 19:50:50 lebronxjames ChrisBall lets pub as hi
2014-09-14 19:50:51 esp_ how i gunna practice dz3
2014-09-14 19:50:58 ChrisBall im down lebronxjames
2014-09-14 19:51:01 ChrisBall come to lbh
2014-09-14 19:51:08 +bizkut_ Why do you keep pinging me
2014-09-14 19:51:19 ScumBall amorpork?
2014-09-14 19:51:20 ChrisBall esp_
2014-09-14 19:51:20 AnkhBot Title: - SomeBot! |
2014-09-14 19:51:23 +bizkut_ pls
2014-09-14 19:51:26 lebronxjames ChrisBall
2014-09-14 19:51:32 \mSg god I hate people in pubs trying to dictate what positions others should play
2014-09-14 19:51:34 ScumBall what?
2014-09-14 19:51:37 Yooo-Daddy bizkut_ pls fix some_bot
2014-09-14 19:51:46 +bizkut_ NO MSG, YOU PLAY MIDFIELDER AND YOU WILL LIKE IT
2014-09-14 19:51:54 \mSg meanwhile he's last one out of base
2014-09-14 19:51:57 +bizkut_ Yooo-Daddy, I have literally 0 control over some_bot
2014-09-14 19:52:00 \mSg meaning he left the team high and dry with 0 D
2014-09-14 19:52:03 Yooo-Daddy bizkut_ pls
2014-09-14 19:52:11 \mSg ubern00b ftl
2014-09-14 19:52:26 -- Mode #tagpro [-o McBride36] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 19:52:30 +bizkut_ lol fuk u
2014-09-14 19:52:38 --> AJH (d89fa97a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 19:52:38 tagbot Hey there AJH: If you're new to the irc channel, say "hello world"!
2014-09-14 19:52:43 <-- AJH (d89fa97a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Client Quit)
2014-09-14 19:52:46 Yooo-Daddy k
2014-09-14 19:52:56 +bizkut_ no I was saying fuk u to mcbride
2014-09-14 19:53:07 --> bg (ce37bdb6@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 19:53:08 tagbot Hey there bg: If you're new to the irc channel, say "hello world"!
2014-09-14 19:53:18 Yooo-Daddy bg
2014-09-14 19:53:24 bg hi
2014-09-14 19:53:29 bg !test star
2014-09-14 19:53:32 Sunna .afk sleep, yes TerraMaris I really do sleep >:(
2014-09-14 19:53:32 tagbot Sunna, terramaris has been afk for 2 hours ("away from keyboard").
2014-09-14 19:53:32 tagbot See you soon Sunna!
2014-09-14 19:53:37 Yooo-Daddy some_bot is dead bg
2014-09-14 19:53:45 bg did i do the command wrong?
2014-09-14 19:53:48 bg or is it really dead?
2014-09-14 19:53:57 <-- Sunna ( has quit (Quit: Leaving)
2014-09-14 19:54:00 Yooo-Daddy nope. some_bot died a few minutes ago
2014-09-14 19:54:06 bg dang
2014-09-14 19:54:14 Yooo-Daddy Blame bizkut_
2014-09-14 19:54:15 bg thats unfortunate
2014-09-14 19:54:20 +bizkut_ k
2014-09-14 19:54:29 Yooo-Daddy luv uv bizkut_
2014-09-14 19:54:53 port how in the everlasting fuck so you boost through the middle in danger zone, im having struggles
2014-09-14 19:54:56 bg bizkut you can fix it, i believe in you!
2014-09-14 19:54:57 steppin seems like the freenode server it was on went wonky or something
2014-09-14 19:55:55 Yooo-Daddy fix the server bizkut_
2014-09-14 19:56:05 +bizkut_ k
2014-09-14 19:56:13 +bizkut_ i'll get back to you when i've done that
2014-09-14 19:56:16 Yooo-Daddy git on it
2014-09-14 19:56:16 -- Ion___ is now known as Ion_
2014-09-14 19:56:20 Yooo-Daddy Ion_ pls
2014-09-14 19:56:20 tagbot Yooo-Daddy, ion_ has been afk for 12 hours ("bedtime, night night").
2014-09-14 19:56:25 Ion_ hiya Yooo-Daddy
2014-09-14 19:56:28 Yooo-Daddy <3
2014-09-14 19:56:38 Ion_ <3
2014-09-14 19:56:50 Yooo-Daddy ♥‿♥
2014-09-14 19:57:39 --> GospelofJuke (1876f2c7@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 19:58:11 --> Wrekn ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 19:58:21 --> ZumgAPanda_ ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 19:59:29 --> some_bot (~supybot@ has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 19:59:29 [TagPro] [some_bot] I am some_bot!
2014-09-14 19:59:36 Yooo-Daddy some_bot!!!!
2014-09-14 20:00:54 --> some_bot_ (32890680@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 20:00:54 <-- bg (ce37bdb6@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 20:01:11 some_bot_ I am some bot
2014-09-14 20:01:17 some_bot_ Kneel before me
2014-09-14 20:01:21 --> tagbotgame1 ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 20:01:26 <-- some_bot_ (32890680@gateway/web/freenode/session) has quit (Client Quit)
2014-09-14 20:01:46 <-- port (32890680@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 20:02:11 <-- Yooo-Daddy (183dc6cc@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 20:02:37 --> Pata (~Patabugen@pdpc/supporter/active/patabugen) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 20:02:44 Pata pop
2014-09-14 20:03:44 --> sirquine_work (~quine_wor@2601:1:8d80:9d3:1c8a:35d2:6e64:6599) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 20:03:51 --> tagbot1 ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 20:04:03 --> \mSg_mini (~mSg@unaffiliated/msg/x-4576342) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 20:05:41 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 2 players. likely or
2014-09-14 20:05:49 --> wheels_up_ (uid16219@gateway/web/ has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 20:11:12 --> Checko (62fa14a4@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 20:12:11 <-- Checko (62fa14a4@gateway/web/freenode/session) has quit (Client Quit)
2014-09-14 20:13:27 <-- sirquine_work_ (~quine_wor@2601:1:8d80:9d3:1c8a:35d2:6e64:6599) has quit (*.net *.split)
2014-09-14 20:13:28 <-- Patabugen (~Patabugen@pdpc/supporter/active/patabugen) has quit (*.net *.split)
2014-09-14 20:13:28 <-- ZumgAPanda ( has quit (*.net *.split)
2014-09-14 20:13:28 <-- PKSubball_ ( has quit (*.net *.split)
2014-09-14 20:13:29 <-- tagbotgame ( has quit (*.net *.split)
2014-09-14 20:13:29 <-- tagbot ( has quit (*.net *.split)
2014-09-14 20:13:30 <-- WreckingBall ( has quit (*.net *.split)
2014-09-14 20:13:33 <-- \mSg (~mSg@unaffiliated/msg/x-4576342) has quit (*.net *.split)
2014-09-14 20:13:37 <-- wheels_up (uid16219@gateway/web/ has quit (*.net *.split)
2014-09-14 20:13:43 <-- JukeKing414 (ad1cd3ed@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (*.net *.split)
2014-09-14 20:13:49 <-- thefatalace ( has quit (*.net *.split)
2014-09-14 20:13:49 -- ZumgAPanda_ is now known as ZumgAPanda
2014-09-14 20:13:49 -- \mSg_mini is now known as \mSg
2014-09-14 20:13:57 coolsa wow
2014-09-14 20:14:04 --> PKSubball_ ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 20:14:35 -- wheels_up_ is now known as wheels_up
2014-09-14 20:15:10 <-- esp_ (4035f514@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 20:16:33 --> SuperMartyoBro (93dee27e@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 20:17:01 SuperMartyoBro Is it jus me or is down right now
2014-09-14 20:17:20 Ion_ it's up for me
2014-09-14 20:17:43 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 3 games / 5 players. likely or
2014-09-14 20:17:53 \mSg
2014-09-14 20:17:54 AnkhBot Title: Down For Everyone Or Just Me -> Check if your website is down or up? |
2014-09-14 20:18:04 DiannaAgron when do the maps that were voted in enter the rotation?
2014-09-14 20:18:18 \mSg when lucky gets around to it
2014-09-14 20:18:24 SuperMartyoBro Hmm wonder if something on my end is blocking it off
2014-09-14 20:18:29 Ion_ AnkhBot pls that's already shortened :|
2014-09-14 20:18:49 defense_bot lel
2014-09-14 20:18:55 +McBride36 honestly AnkhBot should ignore \mSg i think
2014-09-14 20:18:56 defense_bot AnkhBot 2 dum
2014-09-14 20:18:57 +McBride36 lol
2014-09-14 20:19:11 Ion_ honestly AnkhBot shouldn't exist I think
2014-09-14 20:19:21 +McBride36 eh, i don't mind it
2014-09-14 20:19:23 defense_bot honestly bots are stupid
2014-09-14 20:19:24 +McBride36 and i hate most bots
2014-09-14 20:19:30 defense_bot :O
2014-09-14 20:19:32 defense_bot O:
2014-09-14 20:19:34 defense_bot :O
2014-09-14 20:20:00 Ion_ damn, I even bet you would insta +q it the instant it said something when you were around :o
2014-09-14 20:20:12 +McBride36 for sure
2014-09-14 20:21:43 --> Walrus_ (43b7188f@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 20:22:56 --> distraction (4b6d5cb6@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 20:23:35 --> MostDeaths (506d3437@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 20:23:44 <-- ChrisBall (18e44e45@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 20:24:01 --> Jagdpanther (44b9abae@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 20:24:22 --> Flail ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 20:24:22 -- Mode #tagpro [+v Flail] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 20:24:36 <-- PKSubball_ ( has quit (Excess Flood)
2014-09-14 20:24:49 --> PKSubball_ ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 20:25:14 distraction #tagpromaps
2014-09-14 20:25:51 Jagdpanther !mods
2014-09-14 20:25:51 some_bot Flail, konichiwa, Hoog, NewCompte, Watball, Corhal, _Ly {Ly} [Ly] , tim-sanchez, _Ron, Troball, rk, Aaron215, Jet2, JGibbs, Radian, cz, Canadsian, tinkerc, Bull_tagpro, pooppants, turtlemansam, McBride36, deeznutz, bizkut, poopv, Rems, Nitro_, Rambo, bbq, Akiki, EbolaMod, hyphae
2014-09-14 20:25:53 Jagdpanther guy on origin: Moosen has been absolutely berating his teammates and I can only report him once :/
2014-09-14 20:26:09 +McBride36 i'll look into it
2014-09-14 20:26:15 Jagdpanther thanks
2014-09-14 20:28:01 +pooppants i have no idea what i'm doing
2014-09-14 20:28:28 AnkhBot Title: Cemetery Maintenance using a Monument Jack - YouTube |
2014-09-14 20:28:49 +pooppants holy shit AnkhBot stahp
2014-09-14 20:29:22 <-- SuperMartyoBro (93dee27e@gateway/web/freenode/session) has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 20:29:45 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 4 games / 6 players. likely or
2014-09-14 20:30:27 --> someball (42292f51@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 20:33:23 --> Dikembe (4a88c5fc@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 20:33:23 [TagPro] [Dikembe] Mr. Dikembe Mutombo Mpolondo Mukamba Jean Jacques wa Mutombo akamatonasa kowialata tatabokinoltamosa mutabola si koshkatamogo tagakirioksomotolak makaslkkm otoomanokorumbo sinotaocosama chiwatonakaloso jamalitpundi sajalu mutabaofaka nihow chichaw in the house!
2014-09-14 20:33:41 --> hoots_ ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 20:34:19 <-- carnegie (a9e4a5dc@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 20:34:40 <-- Jagdpanther (44b9abae@gateway/web/freenode/session) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 20:35:19 --> MscleCups ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 20:36:16 --> \mSg_mini (~mSg@unaffiliated/msg/x-4576342) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 20:36:17 --> love ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 20:36:41 -- love is now known as Guest22576
2014-09-14 20:36:49 Guest22576 ugh
2014-09-14 20:37:17 Guest22576 .
2014-09-14 20:37:26 <-- \mSg (~mSg@unaffiliated/msg/x-4576342) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2014-09-14 20:37:26 <-- CalcPie314 (6b93cfce@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2014-09-14 20:37:26 -- Guest22576 is now known as love
2014-09-14 20:37:27 -- \mSg_mini is now known as \mSg
2014-09-14 20:37:27 <-- Hootie ( has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2014-09-14 20:39:00 --> straw_hat (~straw_hat@ has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 20:39:29 <-- ScumBall (18d5a9aa@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 20:39:32 --> cz (~roxy@2601:5:c00:82a:d9:b232:17b2:5f55) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 20:39:33 -- Mode #tagpro [+v cz] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 20:41:10 <-- straw_hat (~straw_hat@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 20:41:47 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 1 players. likely or
2014-09-14 20:41:51 love hi cz
2014-09-14 20:42:07 +cz yo
2014-09-14 20:43:46 <-- Dikembe (4a88c5fc@gateway/web/freenode/session) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 20:43:58 <-- GospelofJuke (1876f2c7@gateway/web/freenode/session) has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 20:49:15 +bizkut_ ugh, I was speccing someone ready to ban them and they had to go get banned by the community
2014-09-14 20:49:25 +bizkut_ takes all the joy out of my volounteer position
2014-09-14 20:50:39 --> Dikembe (4a88c5fc@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 20:50:39 [TagPro] [Dikembe] Mr. Dikembe Mutombo Mpolondo Mukamba Jean Jacques wa Mutombo akamatonasa kowialata tatabokinoltamosa mutabola si koshkatamogo tagakirioksomotolak makaslkkm otoomanokorumbo sinotaocosama chiwatonakaloso jamalitpundi sajalu mutabaofaka nihow chichaw in the house!
2014-09-14 20:51:27 <-- Pata (~Patabugen@pdpc/supporter/active/patabugen) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 20:53:49 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 4 games / 7 players. likely or
2014-09-14 20:55:51 love i love that greet
2014-09-14 20:55:53 love lol
2014-09-14 20:56:23 Dikembe I love that greet
2014-09-14 20:56:45 +pooppants fuck
2014-09-14 20:56:46 +pooppants i'm tired
2014-09-14 20:57:09 Dikembe Someone has reported you for offensive or spammy chat.
2014-09-14 20:57:13 Dikembe Someone has reported you for offensive or spammy chat.
2014-09-14 20:57:16 love night pooppants
2014-09-14 20:57:18 +pooppants they're about to get banned for it
2014-09-14 20:57:21 +pooppants D:<
2014-09-14 20:57:26 +pooppants i'm not being fucking offensive
2014-09-14 20:57:33 Dikembe Someone has reported you for offensive or spammy chat.
2014-09-14 20:57:34 +pooppants fucking crybaby some balls
2014-09-14 20:57:41 +pooppants ROCK SOLID
2014-09-14 20:57:41 Dikembe Someone has reported you for being afk too much
2014-09-14 20:57:50 +pooppants lol k going to lay down
2014-09-14 20:57:58 -- You are now known as ZzZpants
2014-09-14 20:58:06 -- Mode #tagpro [-v ZzZpants] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 20:58:14 <-- ZumgAPanda ( has left #tagpro
2014-09-14 20:59:57 --> bbq (47cef395@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 21:00:02 +tim-sanchez !online
2014-09-14 21:00:03 bbq TagPro TV is GOING LIVE with a scintillating matchup between 30 Seconds to Mars Ball and Sum of All Spheres!!!! :D:D:D:D
2014-09-14 21:00:14 +tim-sanchez bbq you know your zoom script?
2014-09-14 21:00:17 some_bot [total: 544p in 63g] bola: ?p in ?g | sector: ?p in ?g | origin: 137p in 16g | radius: 132p in 14g | pi: 91p in 11g | centra: 76p in 9g | sphere: 63p in 6g | chord: 17p in 1g | diameter: 11p in 2g | orbit: 10p in 1g | maptest: 4p in 1g | arc: 2p in 1g | tangent: 1p in 1g
2014-09-14 21:00:20 bbq what about it
2014-09-14 21:00:31 +tim-sanchez bbq it doesn't work with smaller windows does it?
2014-09-14 21:00:39 bbq it should
2014-09-14 21:00:43 bbq not now
2014-09-14 21:00:45 bbq after the stream
2014-09-14 21:00:52 <-- bbq (47cef395@gateway/web/freenode/session) has quit (Client Quit)
2014-09-14 21:00:53 +tim-sanchez pls
2014-09-14 21:00:55 +tim-sanchez wow
2014-09-14 21:00:56 +tim-sanchez rude
2014-09-14 21:05:51 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 3 players. likely or
2014-09-14 21:06:33 +tim-sanchez put da team on my back
2014-09-14 21:07:35 love wow tim
2014-09-14 21:07:38 love u so gud
2014-09-14 21:07:42 love how can i be liek u
2014-09-14 21:07:43 love ??
2014-09-14 21:08:01 --> Detective (18b63dce@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 21:08:01 [TagPro] [Detective]
2014-09-14 21:08:16 <-- someball (42292f51@gateway/web/freenode/session) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 21:08:57 --> CrotchFungus (bec6b66e@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 21:09:01 CrotchFungus hi
2014-09-14 21:09:32 \mSg !today
2014-09-14 21:09:32 [TagPro] \mSg (wtf_) today: Time Played: 00:21:34 / Games: 6 / w/l/dc/%: 5/1/0/83% Caps: 4 / Drops: 15 / Grabs: 19 / Hold: 00:02:41 / Pops: 27 / Prevent: 00:00:49 / Returns: 18 / Support: 61 / Tags: 31
2014-09-14 21:09:40 CrotchFungus Does anyone else get this error when uploading a map to
2014-09-14 21:09:41 CrotchFungus <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"> <title>500 Internal Server Error</title> <h1>Internal Server Error</h1> <p>The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application.</p> Autotest uploaded maps
2014-09-14 21:09:51 <-- MostDeaths (506d3437@gateway/web/freenode/session) has left #tagpro
2014-09-14 21:09:52 +tim-sanchez love first have a terrible teammate
2014-09-14 21:11:19 <-- CrotchFungus (bec6b66e@gateway/web/freenode/session) has quit (Client Quit)
2014-09-14 21:11:43 Detective #pls
2014-09-14 21:11:53 Detective #tagpromaps
2014-09-14 21:12:04 Detective Trondby pls
2014-09-14 21:12:08 Detective JOIN #PLS
2014-09-14 21:13:08 +tim-sanchez uh oh love
2014-09-14 21:13:30 love oh no
2014-09-14 21:14:56 \mSg (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
2014-09-14 21:14:56 * [TagPro] be more careful \mSg ┬─┬ノ(º_ºノ)
2014-09-14 21:15:36 <-- MscleCups ( has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
2014-09-14 21:15:41 Dikembe ┬─┬ノ(º_ºノ)
2014-09-14 21:17:53 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 1 players. likely or
2014-09-14 21:22:21 love !quote Dikembe
2014-09-14 21:22:21 some_bot <Dikembe> If I'm about to ban someone from a web forum I always make sure I masturbate while doing it, and if I can muster the strength to click the ban button during an orgasm then they truly deserve to be banned.
2014-09-14 21:22:44 defense_bot lol
2014-09-14 21:23:01 love >masturbating to banning people
2014-09-14 21:23:01 defense_bot hahaha
2014-09-14 21:23:22 love > not anal massaging. it's 2014 pleb
2014-09-14 21:27:48 \mSg lol "Report ME" on Centra
2014-09-14 21:27:51 \mSg wants to get reported
2014-09-14 21:27:56 \mSg I failed to report him...
2014-09-14 21:27:57 \mSg hmm
2014-09-14 21:28:32 +McBride36 \mSg, he only has one report
2014-09-14 21:28:59 <-- love ( has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
2014-09-14 21:29:55 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 3 players. likely or
2014-09-14 21:30:14 -- hoots_ is now known as Hootie
2014-09-14 21:30:40 --> Aniball (45066d0f@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 21:31:22 \mSg you see his chat log?
2014-09-14 21:31:24 +McBride36 Hootie, how was the cook out
2014-09-14 21:31:26 +McBride36 yeah \mSg
2014-09-14 21:31:28 \mSg heh
2014-09-14 21:35:52 <-- brxtr ( has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2014-09-14 21:41:45 --> straw_hat (~straw_hat@ has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 21:42:00 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 3 players. likely or
2014-09-14 21:46:07 --> TheLegend (49b715c2@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 21:46:28 <-- straw_hat (~straw_hat@ has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
2014-09-14 21:46:28 TheLegend !mods just a bit ago some ball 6 working agianst own team. running backwards into end zone and sitting there
2014-09-14 21:46:28 tagbot1 Hey mods, use this link:
2014-09-14 21:46:29 some_bot Flail, konichiwa, Hoog, NewCompte, Watball, Corhal, _Ly {Ly} [Ly] , tim-sanchez, _Ron, Troball, rk, Aaron215, Jet2, JGibbs, Radian, cz, Canadsian, tinkerc, Bull_tagpro, pooppants, turtlemansam, McBride36, deeznutz, bizkut, poopv, Rems, Nitro_, Rambo, bbq, Akiki, EbolaMod, hyphae
2014-09-14 21:46:45 TheLegend Ballchimedes Mumble channel for witnesses if you want
2014-09-14 21:48:25 +McBride36 i'll check it out
2014-09-14 21:48:29 <-- DiannaAgron ( has quit (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (
2014-09-14 21:50:43 \mSg #tagpro-csi
2014-09-14 21:54:00 -- Mode #tagpro [+o McBride36] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 21:54:05 -- Mode #tagpro [-b ThisFrickinSite*!*@*$##fix_your_connection] by McBride36
2014-09-14 21:54:05 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 2 games / 2 players. likely or
2014-09-14 21:54:17 -- Mode #tagpro [-o McBride36] by McBride36
2014-09-14 21:55:01 <-- Detective (18b63dce@gateway/web/freenode/session) has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 21:58:08 +bizkut_ Woah this sux.
2014-09-14 21:58:38 +bizkut_ I can't get SUPER drunk on my tagproversarry since it'l be a Thursday and not a Friday
2014-09-14 21:58:50 Hootie take off
2014-09-14 21:58:57 +bizkut_ I... might.
2014-09-14 21:59:07 +bizkut_ I'm giving my notice early this week so like, eh
2014-09-14 21:59:12 Hootie I'll fly up and party with ya
2014-09-14 21:59:31 Hootie And sign my divorce papers on Monday, I suspect
2014-09-14 21:59:38 +bizkut_ o shit man
2014-09-14 21:59:55 Hootie if I were to do that, lol
2014-09-14 21:59:56 Hootie "
2014-09-14 22:00:26 Hootie "Honey, I am going to fly up to party with bizkut for his Tagpronniversary. Oh, he's a few friend from the Internet..."
2014-09-14 22:00:34 +bizkut_ A party with me in by no means divorcable. Unless you like, sucked my D or something. Maybe then.
2014-09-14 22:00:34 Hootie few = new
2014-09-14 22:01:00 Hootie Well, bank on this. I like you, but donger sucking ain't happening.
2014-09-14 22:01:12 +bizkut_ I agree
2014-09-14 22:01:20 Hootie It would have more to do with shirking duties around her eto fly up and party for a weekend, lol
2014-09-14 22:01:24 <-- Fun (621f33fe@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 22:01:30 Hootie busy time on the farm right now
2014-09-14 22:02:15 --> Fun (621f33fe@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 22:02:18 <-- TerraMaris ( has quit (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.8)
2014-09-14 22:02:25 Hootie bye terra
2014-09-14 22:02:34 +bizkut_ pls just like, fly in some poor kid from a super empovrished country to work for television rights
2014-09-14 22:02:54 +bizkut_ You then get to sell the story to a TV company for extra income
2014-09-14 22:02:54 Hootie heh
2014-09-14 22:03:06 Hootie That's a viable option
2014-09-14 22:03:19 Hootie we have a few migrants workers that work here sometimes
2014-09-14 22:03:23 Hootie maybe I could coax one into it
2014-09-14 22:03:32 +bizkut_ A++
2014-09-14 22:03:50 +bizkut_ Ugh, i've never written a letter of resignation before. This gon' be weird.
2014-09-14 22:04:13 Hootie Dear Sirs: Eff off. Love, Bizkut
2014-09-14 22:04:21 Hootie there ya go
2014-09-14 22:05:17 +bizkut_ lolololol pls
2014-09-14 22:06:10 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 3 games / 3 players. likely or
2014-09-14 22:06:49 <-- lebronxjames ( has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2014-09-14 22:07:09 Hootie welp
2014-09-14 22:07:16 Hootie I am about to hit the hay, no pun intended
2014-09-14 22:07:20 Hootie I am old and tired
2014-09-14 22:07:37 Ion_ night hoots :)
2014-09-14 22:07:47 Hootie You get th eother new job bizkut, I presume?
2014-09-14 22:07:55 Hootie night Ion :)
2014-09-14 22:08:20 --> lebronxjames ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 22:08:20 [TagPro] [lebronxjames] tat my fucking name so i know it's real | #ballz #realballz #banthemods |
2014-09-14 22:08:53 +bizkut_ TIME TO PLAY SOME DRUNKPRO
2014-09-14 22:14:45 --> ButterChurn (42eb1773@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 22:15:30 --> WhiteBread_ (47c5a4a8@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 22:16:49 --> memeganoob (4936bab2@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 22:16:49 [TagPro] [memeganoob] I'm a big scrub in a big big scrubby world
2014-09-14 22:16:52 memeganoob ALL HAIL NOBLORD, OUR GREAT LEADER
2014-09-14 22:17:53 <-- jukeking231 (ad1cd3ed@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
2014-09-14 22:18:14 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 2 games / 3 players. likely or
2014-09-14 22:18:31 +bizkut_ o boy i'm 1-0, dat drunk 100%
2014-09-14 22:18:39 +bizkut_ I think I keep it that way
2014-09-14 22:18:42 +bizkut_ for the brags
2014-09-14 22:19:48 <-- TheLegend (49b715c2@gateway/web/freenode/session) has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 22:20:18 memeganoob u r model mod
2014-09-14 22:21:43 +bizkut_ u kno it bb
2014-09-14 22:21:53 +bizkut_ Hey, at least I interact with the playerbase
2014-09-14 22:22:11 +bizkut_ We have 10+ mods that rarely respons to modmails for bans they hand out
2014-09-14 22:22:38 <-- tim-sanchez ( has quit (Quit:
2014-09-14 22:22:58 memeganoob i shud b mod
2014-09-14 22:22:58 +bizkut_ Granted, they don't do anything often, but when they do its hard to contact them
2014-09-14 22:23:04 memeganoob i wud be great mod, right bizkut
2014-09-14 22:23:10 +bizkut_ lel
2014-09-14 22:23:29 memeganoob freememeganoob
2014-09-14 22:23:37 memeganoob modmemeganoo2031
2014-09-14 22:23:37 +bizkut_ You're fre already bruh
2014-09-14 22:23:40 lebronxjames #freememeganoob
2014-09-14 22:23:58 +bizkut_ I couldget behind #memeganoob31
2014-09-14 22:24:10 memeganoob !grab bizkut_
2014-09-14 22:24:10 some_bot The operation succeeded.
2014-09-14 22:24:12 memeganoob YAAAAAAAA
2014-09-14 22:24:22 memeganoob !quote luckyspammer
2014-09-14 22:24:22 some_bot <LuckySpammer> memeganoob, Mind if I run a sniffer to see if your ports are open
2014-09-14 22:24:27 memeganoob yAAAAAAAAaaaaAA
2014-09-14 22:24:35 +bizkut_ If you're with this game and not modded by 2031? I think you should be
2014-09-14 22:24:40 memeganoob lololololol
2014-09-14 22:25:04 memeganoob ugh i hate this game anyways
2014-09-14 22:25:12 +bizkut_ !grab memeganoob
2014-09-14 22:25:12 some_bot The operation succeeded.
2014-09-14 22:25:14 --> DiannaAgron ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 22:25:22 memeganoob !quotelist memeganoob
2014-09-14 22:25:22 some_bot #3836: ugh i hate this game anyways, #3830: STEPPIN IS GAY, #3165: newcompte will u b my bb pls i need a..., #3164: YES YESY ESYES BLOND WHiTE BABIES R ThE..., #3099: bizkut ur dabes mod ever, #2693: hav u ever licked your butthole like that, #2650: i am never playing thiis game again, #2617: my pee is weird like it comes out of my..., #2616: hang on i need to pee. tim-sanchez i..., #1866: crsd i hope u (1 more message)
2014-09-14 22:25:23 memeganoob !more
2014-09-14 22:25:24 some_bot eat a potato that looks..., #1718: NNOONOONONONONO DREAM TEAM IS..., #1631: just to feel like i get to tuch u, #1626: UGH I SWEAR IF U PING ME AGEN I WILL..., #1625: OMG I WILL CUT UR NOSE AND PUT IT INTO..., and #1603: U WANA FITE
2014-09-14 22:25:31 memeganoob ught were is it
2014-09-14 22:25:35 memeganoob !quotelist not_memeganoob
2014-09-14 22:25:35 some_bot #3401: i'm just beautiful, #3158: danny i need to poop, #3128: MRCOW OMG I WANNA suCKLE AND MILK UR..., #3084: my peepee feels fizzy, #2615: TAGBOT HAS THE SAME NUMBER OF LETTERS AS..., and #2614: tim-sanchez i finished poopping can u...
2014-09-14 22:25:41 memeganoob !quotelist memeganoo
2014-09-14 22:25:42 some_bot #984: trondby>_love, #972: do i win, #970: the first time i ate wasabi, i didn't..., #965: luckyspammer only hurt this game, #878: FOR WHENEVER I HAVE A PROBLEM, I GO TO..., and #876: ASDF IS THE RICE TO MY ASIAA
2014-09-14 22:25:48 memeganoob omg idk where it went
2014-09-14 22:25:49 +bizkut_ holy shit pls d this in a PM
2014-09-14 22:25:58 <-- defense_bot (4757c65e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 22:26:06 memeganoob too late
2014-09-14 22:26:25 +bizkut_ I just finished a show in its first episode. I don't now what to do next.
2014-09-14 22:26:35 memeganoob watch a different show
2014-09-14 22:26:36 +bizkut_ I was so lost that I actually played tagpro
2014-09-14 22:26:42 memeganoob lol
2014-09-14 22:26:53 +bizkut_ It's so much effort to find another show that isn't terrible.
2014-09-14 22:26:56 memeganoob OH YOU CAN TEACH ME AP CS FOR A QUIZ TOMORROW
2014-09-14 22:27:02 +bizkut_ k
2014-09-14 22:27:08 +bizkut_ gime possible questions
2014-09-14 22:27:15 memeganoob uh hang on lemme find out what it's on lol
2014-09-14 22:27:19 +bizkut_ lists? I kno lists
2014-09-14 22:27:27 -- lebronxjames is now known as ballzhihuepls
2014-09-14 22:27:30 WhiteBread_ !test 45
2014-09-14 22:27:32 some_bot (45)
2014-09-14 22:27:35 WhiteBread_ yay
2014-09-14 22:27:39 WhiteBread_ OFM anyone?
2014-09-14 22:27:41 +bizkut_ Though I don't know PHP lists. But anything java is ezpz
2014-09-14 22:27:48 +McBride36 lol
2014-09-14 22:27:52 +McBride36 python lists are beterrrrr
2014-09-14 22:27:54 +bizkut_ Why the fuck am I taking a PHP job
2014-09-14 22:28:09 +bizkut_ Oh right, they're paying me 30% more
2014-09-14 22:28:31 +McBride36 ballin
2014-09-14 22:28:38 +bizkut_ ebut still
2014-09-14 22:28:52 <-- coolsa (~coolsa@unaffiliated/coolsa) has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
2014-09-14 22:28:55 +bizkut_ I haven't done anything super PHP related in a while. This gon' be interesting
2014-09-14 22:28:57 ballzhihuepls pls WhiteBread_
2014-09-14 22:29:02 -- ballzhihuepls is now known as lebronxjames
2014-09-14 22:29:11 WhiteBread_ pls
2014-09-14 22:29:15 +McBride36 that's what you want hough bizkut_
2014-09-14 22:29:21 +bizkut_ tru
2014-09-14 22:29:26 WhiteBread_ !test open field masters
2014-09-14 22:29:28 some_bot (open field masters)
2014-09-14 22:29:33 memeganoob bizkut_
2014-09-14 22:29:33 AnkhBot Title: testBankCh02.pdf - Google Drive |
2014-09-14 22:29:39 memeganoob the stuff with the numbers
2014-09-14 22:29:48 memeganoob and like % signs
2014-09-14 22:29:54 memeganoob idk what to do with a % sign
2014-09-14 22:30:09 memeganoob and what int and double and stuff mean
2014-09-14 22:30:23 +bizkut_ Whitebread the last one to join his own OFM link
2014-09-14 22:30:29 +bizkut_ what a scrub
2014-09-14 22:30:43 +bizkut_ % is mudulous
2014-09-14 22:30:49 +bizkut_ it's basically remainder
2014-09-14 22:30:57 memeganoob huh
2014-09-14 22:31:10 +bizkut_ 5%3 is 2. Since 5/3 leaves a remainder of 2
2014-09-14 22:31:17 memeganoob OH LOL THAT'S SO DUMB
2014-09-14 22:31:43 +McBride36 modulo
2014-09-14 22:32:08 +bizkut_ it's an easy way to find divisibility. if X%Y is 0 then X is divisible by Y
2014-09-14 22:32:15 +McBride36 FIZZ
2014-09-14 22:32:17 memeganoob ah i c
2014-09-14 22:32:18 +McBride36 BUZZ
2014-09-14 22:32:26 -- Dikembe is now known as ballzhihueplsple
2014-09-14 22:32:30 +bizkut_ mcb pls that's the easiest shit ever
2014-09-14 22:32:35 memeganoob what is int and double and char
2014-09-14 22:32:41 -- ballzhihueplsple is now known as stfupleb
2014-09-14 22:32:45 +McBride36 bitch don't take my achievements away from me
2014-09-14 22:32:51 +McBride36 int is integer
2014-09-14 22:32:54 +bizkut_ it basically weeds out people that have ever learned programming from those that haven't
2014-09-14 22:32:58 -- stfupleb is now known as pleb
2014-09-14 22:33:05 -- Mode #tagpro [+o McBride36] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 22:33:07 +bizkut_ granted, i've almost never used % in real life code
2014-09-14 22:33:29 -- Mode #tagpro [+b *!*@gateway/web/freenode/session] by McBride36
2014-09-14 22:33:29 <-- McBride36 has kicked pleb (pleb)
2014-09-14 22:33:32 +bizkut_ int is integer. 1, 5, 9, -3, etc
2014-09-14 22:33:34 @McBride36 ugh
2014-09-14 22:33:38 -- Mode #tagpro [-b *!*@gateway/web/freenode/session] by McBride36
2014-09-14 22:33:42 @McBride36 hexchat pls
2014-09-14 22:33:42 +bizkut_ double it something with decimals
2014-09-14 22:33:49 +bizkut_ char is a letter
2014-09-14 22:33:51 -- Mode #tagpro [-o McBride36] by McBride36
2014-09-14 22:34:03 +bizkut_ you can get tricky with types if you REALLY want to
2014-09-14 22:34:12 +bizkut_ I did it to fuck with a professor in college once
2014-09-14 22:34:17 --> coolsa ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 22:34:25 +bizkut_ I used chars as a way to hold numbers unsigned
2014-09-14 22:34:26 WhiteBread_ !test open field masters
2014-09-14 22:34:28 some_bot (open field masters)
2014-09-14 22:34:29 memeganoob oh ok
2014-09-14 22:34:57 +bizkut_ asince chars and ints are both the same length in memory, but chars are unsigned, so doing bit manipulation was easier
2014-09-14 22:35:26 memeganoob what is casting
2014-09-14 22:35:37 +bizkut_ Moving something rom one type to another
2014-09-14 22:35:43 +bizkut_ from*
2014-09-14 22:35:47 memeganoob wat
2014-09-14 22:36:25 +AMorpork bizkut_: well, it's not really moving
2014-09-14 22:36:31 +AMorpork you can move it, but a cast doesn't allocate
2014-09-14 22:36:42 +bizkut_ You usually upcast. In java, that means your function takes in something broad. A list, per se. It doesn't care what type of list. Any function can pass in a list as long as it fits
2014-09-14 22:36:42 memeganoob wat dus this mean im so confuse
2014-09-14 22:36:57 +McBride36 guise
2014-09-14 22:37:02 +McBride36 he's in fucking highschool
2014-09-14 22:37:13 +McBride36 keep that in mind when you answer his questions
2014-09-14 22:37:18 memeganoob pls
2014-09-14 22:37:19 memeganoob ya
2014-09-14 22:37:28 memeganoob apcs is a terrible ap course lol
2014-09-14 22:37:31 +McBride36 "but he's in AP"
2014-09-14 22:37:35 memeganoob i'm just taking it for ap creds
2014-09-14 22:37:36 +McBride36 AP isn't like college at all
2014-09-14 22:37:38 +bizkut_ Okay. Say you have a double. double y = 7.23;
2014-09-14 22:37:43 memeganoob ya i get that
2014-09-14 22:37:45 +bizkut_ (int)y
2014-09-14 22:37:47 +bizkut_ is 7
2014-09-14 22:38:03 +bizkut_ int only covers whole integers
2014-09-14 22:38:27 memeganoob ohh ok so it can change the variable or whatever to int/double/whatever else
2014-09-14 22:38:35 +AMorpork I despise java as a teaching language. I think it's a great language once you have programming under your belt, but the forced classes fuck up new programmers way too often.
2014-09-14 22:38:57 +bizkut_ It has a bunch of oddities, but most of the time the castings will be alright
2014-09-14 22:39:08 memeganoob kkk ty
2014-09-14 22:39:09 memeganoob luv u
2014-09-14 22:39:30 WhiteBread_ OFM anyone?
2014-09-14 22:39:44 memeganoob you should find someone named wheatbread and ofm him to see which is the superior bread
2014-09-14 22:40:00 +bizkut_ aHonestly, Java was the language I was taught in and I loved it. I had C and other types of languages taught to me after Java. C makes me understand memory and how Java handles it, but Java was a fine language for learning.
2014-09-14 22:40:04 WhiteBread_ good idea
2014-09-14 22:40:11 Fun sorry white bread i tried to log in
2014-09-14 22:40:12 WhiteBread_ i have a fealing im the only bread here though
2014-09-14 22:40:27 WhiteBread_ did i just play you?
2014-09-14 22:40:28 ButterChurn i learned c++ first and then java and java made everything make sense
2014-09-14 22:40:32 +McBride36 AMorpork, i agree, we should start programmers off with visual basic
2014-09-14 22:40:40 Fun yeah SB2
2014-09-14 22:40:43 +McBride36 nothing like vague languages to get people started
2014-09-14 22:40:48 WhiteBread_ want to play again?
2014-09-14 22:40:58 Fun Im Fun on a Bun and im 74 degrees
2014-09-14 22:41:01 +AMorpork bizkut_: I'm a big proponent of python or ruby as a starter language.
2014-09-14 22:41:04 WhiteBread_ oh cool
2014-09-14 22:41:10 WhiteBread_ yea i had a feelings you were smurf lol
2014-09-14 22:41:12 Fun sure but how do i login?
2014-09-14 22:41:15 +McBride36 PYTHONNNNNN
2014-09-14 22:41:15 WhiteBread_ idk
2014-09-14 22:41:44 WhiteBread_ i think yo udid
2014-09-14 22:42:00 Fun ok
2014-09-14 22:42:03 +bizkut_ I've actually never used either much, AMorpork. I've never found a reason to. I like to think we should at least teach in languages that are used profesinally.
2014-09-14 22:42:20 +AMorpork bizkut_: python is used fucking everywhere man
2014-09-14 22:42:22 --> lrmxejanobes (4a88c5fc@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 22:42:26 +AMorpork ruby, not so much.
2014-09-14 22:42:28 lrmxejanobes why?
2014-09-14 22:42:29 lebronxjames pls lrmxejanobes
2014-09-14 22:42:33 ButterChurn ruby on rails doe
2014-09-14 22:42:41 +AMorpork ButterChurn: if this were 2005, sure.
2014-09-14 22:42:43 +AMorpork :p
2014-09-14 22:42:48 ButterChurn lol
2014-09-14 22:42:59 +bizkut_ I've heard of python been used in plenty of places, but everywhere I look is .NET/Java/PHP
2014-09-14 22:43:14 +AMorpork bizkut_: I don't see that much PHP anymore.
2014-09-14 22:43:16 lrmxejanobes y
2014-09-14 22:43:22 +AMorpork python seems to be edging it out.
2014-09-14 22:43:22 +McBride36 google uses python
2014-09-14 22:43:31 +AMorpork McBride36: yes they do.
2014-09-14 22:43:34 +AMorpork in a lot of places.
2014-09-14 22:43:36 +McBride36 i know that
2014-09-14 22:43:37 +bizkut_ I mean, in cutting edge positions, sure
2014-09-14 22:43:40 +McBride36 i'm letting bizkut know that
2014-09-14 22:43:52 +bizkut_ I just know I got an offer to move from Java to PHP for 30% more
2014-09-14 22:43:58 WhiteBread_ so does anyone want to play ofm?
2014-09-14 22:43:59 +McBride36 AND I'M PROUD OF YOU
2014-09-14 22:44:01 +McBride36 WhiteBread_, no
2014-09-14 22:44:05 WhiteBread_ :(
2014-09-14 22:44:10 Fun where do i join?
2014-09-14 22:44:15 +bizkut_ I went to play OFM with you, WhiteBread_ and I got a WTF
2014-09-14 22:44:16 WhiteBread_ !test open field masters
2014-09-14 22:44:17 some_bot (open field masters)
2014-09-14 22:44:18 +bizkut_ so NO
2014-09-14 22:44:19 WhiteBread_ here
2014-09-14 22:44:26 +AMorpork PHP is just a nightmare. I've always said that it's a fine language if properly coded, but no one has ever properly coded it before.
2014-09-14 22:44:41 +AMorpork it's like it actively works against you
2014-09-14 22:44:48 WhiteBread_ fun click the link
2014-09-14 22:45:07 -- lrmxejanobes is now known as stfuplebhue
2014-09-14 22:45:26 -- Mode #tagpro [+o McBride36] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 22:45:34 +bizkut_ PHP is a bit of a mess. I tried learning CodeIgnighter during the interview and it seemed nice though. The fact that I tried to LEARN a framework and they still offered me this much implies that I could suck and they'd still be happy
2014-09-14 22:45:49 -- stfuplebhue is now known as stfu
2014-09-14 22:45:57 +bizkut_ I'll never justify a language that literally calls functions "magic" in its documentation
2014-09-14 22:46:11 ButterChurn but it is magic!
2014-09-14 22:46:16 -- Mode #tagpro [+b #tagpro!*@*] by McBride36
2014-09-14 22:46:19 @McBride36 oops
2014-09-14 22:46:24 Ion_ lol what
2014-09-14 22:46:25 -- Mode #tagpro [-b #tagpro!*@*] by McBride36
2014-09-14 22:46:28 +bizkut_ lel
2014-09-14 22:46:29 @McBride36 i'm trying something pls
2014-09-14 22:46:41 Trondby banning the channel from the channel
2014-09-14 22:46:44 +AMorpork bizkut_: ikr
2014-09-14 22:46:45 -- Mode #tagpro [+b #tagpro!*@*] by McBride36
2014-09-14 22:46:49 Ion_ lolol
2014-09-14 22:46:49 @McBride36 god dammit
2014-09-14 22:46:54 -- Mode #tagpro [+o AMorpork] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 22:46:55 -- Mode #tagpro [-b #tagpro!*@*] by McBride36
2014-09-14 22:46:56 Ion_ McBride36 you silly goose
2014-09-14 22:46:57 -- Mode #tagpro [-o McBride36] by AMorpork
2014-09-14 22:46:58 +McBride36 I'LL GET THIS
2014-09-14 22:47:00 +McBride36 NO
2014-09-14 22:47:00 @AMorpork you're ruining everything
2014-09-14 22:47:02 @AMorpork stop it
2014-09-14 22:47:03 -- Mode #tagpro [+o McBride36] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 22:47:09 stfu mcdick plz
2014-09-14 22:47:12 ButterChurn the sooner we accept that certain things are just magic the better off we'll be
2014-09-14 22:47:16 +bizkut_ pls, you're supposed to do it anonymously AMorpork
2014-09-14 22:47:21 @AMorpork bizkut_: bitch pls
2014-09-14 22:47:24 -- Mode #tagpro [-o McBride36] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 22:47:29 -- Mode #tagpro [-v bizkut_] by AMorpork
2014-09-14 22:47:30 bizkut_ DAT CHANSERV
2014-09-14 22:47:33 @AMorpork have the balls to do it to their face
2014-09-14 22:47:34 bizkut_ pls
2014-09-14 22:47:40 +McBride36 i hate u guise
2014-09-14 22:47:45 -- Mode #tagpro [-o AMorpork] by AMorpork
2014-09-14 22:47:50 mocl4 !grab McBride36
2014-09-14 22:47:50 some_bot The operation succeeded.
2014-09-14 22:47:52 -- Mode #tagpro [-v AMorpork] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 22:48:04 bizkut_ lol nobody else knows
2014-09-14 22:48:07 bizkut_ ANCTING
2014-09-14 22:48:15 AMorpork
2014-09-14 22:48:32 -- Mode #tagpro [+v AMorpork] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 22:48:33 -- Mode #tagpro [+v bizkut_] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 22:48:43 memeganoob wat is hapening
2014-09-14 22:48:46 mocl4 lul
2014-09-14 22:48:46 memeganoob im scared
2014-09-14 22:48:51 +bizkut_ mod dick swinging
2014-09-14 22:48:52 +McBride36 mocl4, i don't keep my misanthropy a skrit
2014-09-14 22:48:55 memeganoob pls giv me +o
2014-09-14 22:49:04 mocl4 what
2014-09-14 22:49:13 -- Mode #tagpro [+o memeganoob] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 22:49:17 -- Mode #tagpro [-o memeganoob] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 22:49:20 memeganoob /mode #tagpro +b mcbride36
2014-09-14 22:49:20 +bizkut_ u got it bb
2014-09-14 22:49:21 mocl4 me next me next
2014-09-14 22:49:23 memeganoob NO AGAIN
2014-09-14 22:49:25 memeganoob I WAS SO CLOSE
2014-09-14 22:49:26 +bizkut_ u didn't do anything with it
2014-09-14 22:49:29 memeganoob I HAD IT
2014-09-14 22:49:31 stfu op wolo
2014-09-14 22:49:32 memeganoob I HAD IT TYPED OUT
2014-09-14 22:49:41 +bizkut_ NOPE
2014-09-14 22:49:41 +McBride36 memeganoob, i actually ahve more op powers than they do
2014-09-14 22:49:46 memeganoob o
2014-09-14 22:49:51 mocl4 o rly
2014-09-14 22:49:53 memeganoob PROVE IT
2014-09-14 22:49:56 +bizkut_ I had the time to type up, then go left a lot
2014-09-14 22:50:19 +McBride36 memeganoob, look at channel flags
2014-09-14 22:50:20 +bizkut_ McB is somehow more powerful than me
2014-09-14 22:50:24 +McBride36 i have +f
2014-09-14 22:50:27 +bizkut_ I've been here much longer than him
2014-09-14 22:50:29 stfu ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ OP WOLOWOLO ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
2014-09-14 22:50:30 +McBride36 i can remove both of their op powers
2014-09-14 22:50:36 +bizkut_ but he sucks better dick than I do or something
2014-09-14 22:50:46 memeganoob u suck at sucking weewee
2014-09-14 22:50:47 mocl4 can i have ops next
2014-09-14 22:50:52 -- Mode #tagpro [+o McBride36] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 22:50:55 -- Mode #tagpro [+b *!*@$##unavailable] by McBride36
2014-09-14 22:51:02 +bizkut_ k
2014-09-14 22:51:02 mocl4 ok what does that do
2014-09-14 22:51:05 memeganoob no pls
2014-09-14 22:51:05 <-- McBride36 has kicked stfu (stop changing nick)
2014-09-14 22:51:10 -- Mode #tagpro [-o McBride36] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 22:51:13 memeganoob oh wait that's not mine
2014-09-14 22:51:15 Trondby ban + channel forwarding
2014-09-14 22:51:15 mocl4 lulul
2014-09-14 22:51:19 +bizkut_ mcb srsly how did LS give you powers b4 me like wat
2014-09-14 22:51:24 mocl4 i got put in that channel once
2014-09-14 22:51:27 mocl4 it was a weird place
2014-09-14 22:51:31 memeganoob bcuz he's white
2014-09-14 22:51:31 +McBride36 bizkut_, because i asked
2014-09-14 22:51:32 +bizkut_ I was a chan op before we even switched to freenode
2014-09-14 22:51:38 +McBride36 and had to set up flags for all the tagpro mods
2014-09-14 22:51:41 -- AMorpork is now known as ZzZMorpork
2014-09-14 22:51:50 +ZzZMorpork uhhh
2014-09-14 22:51:51 +ZzZMorpork night
2014-09-14 22:51:53 memeganoob dus anyone want to do my apworld work
2014-09-14 22:51:53 -- Mode #tagpro [-v ZzZMorpork] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 22:51:55 +bizkut_ give me flags for setting flags pls kthx
2014-09-14 22:51:55 mocl4 night
2014-09-14 22:51:59 ZzZMorpork McBride36 pls
2014-09-14 22:52:05 +McBride36 >:(
2014-09-14 22:52:06 mocl4 can i have flag setting privs
2014-09-14 22:52:09 mocl4 trust
2014-09-14 22:52:10 ZzZMorpork >:(((
2014-09-14 22:52:10 +McBride36 mocl4, no
2014-09-14 22:52:15 mocl4 mocl4, yes
2014-09-14 22:52:21 +bizkut_ Like srsly I prolly deserve them
2014-09-14 22:52:22 +McBride36 do you want a kick
2014-09-14 22:52:28 +bizkut_ I've been modding IRC forever
2014-09-14 22:52:33 mocl4 i want a priv
2014-09-14 22:52:35 mocl4 no kick pls
2014-09-14 22:52:53 Trondby give mocl4 +b priv
2014-09-14 22:53:00 +bizkut_ Not like they're used ever, they're only used very rarely
2014-09-14 22:53:00 mocl4 Trondby, pls
2014-09-14 22:53:10 mocl4 how about +o
2014-09-14 22:53:11 Trondby /cs flags #tagpro mocl4 +b
2014-09-14 22:53:16 mocl4 no pls
2014-09-14 22:53:20 +McBride36 bizkut_, did you know tim sanchez got op?
2014-09-14 22:53:31 +bizkut_ someone temp opped them I think
2014-09-14 22:53:34 +McBride36 nope
2014-09-14 22:53:37 +McBride36 he's got the OP flags now
2014-09-14 22:53:37 Trondby he straight up asked lucky
2014-09-14 22:53:43 Trondby and he got em
2014-09-14 22:53:43 +bizkut_ Wait really?
2014-09-14 22:53:46 Trondby yes
2014-09-14 22:53:46 +bizkut_ remove that
2014-09-14 22:53:49 +McBride36 /cs flags #tagpro
2014-09-14 22:53:50 --> Dikembe_ (c7ffd30c@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 22:53:51 mocl4 lucky i have a question
2014-09-14 22:53:53 +McBride36 chekc yourself
2014-09-14 22:53:54 memeganoob is trondby op
2014-09-14 22:54:00 -- Dikembe_ is now known as Dikemball
2014-09-14 22:54:10 memeganoob dus trondby hav op i think trondby shud get op
2014-09-14 22:54:20 +McBride36 ban evasion is a dick move Dikemball
2014-09-14 22:54:25 memeganoob ^
2014-09-14 22:54:28 memeganoob i've never done that
2014-09-14 22:54:32 mocl4 how did he ban evade
2014-09-14 22:54:33 +McBride36 yes you have
2014-09-14 22:54:35 mocl4 in game or here
2014-09-14 22:54:38 +McBride36 in here
2014-09-14 22:54:44 +bizkut_ If we let tim actively moderate IRC i'm leaving.
2014-09-14 22:54:48 <-- Fun (621f33fe@gateway/web/freenode/session) has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 22:54:54 memeganoob good we don't want u bizkut ur ugly
2014-09-14 22:54:57 Dikemball Banning me without reason is a dick move mcdic
2014-09-14 22:55:04 +McBride36 i gave you a reason
2014-09-14 22:55:08 Dikemball Nope
2014-09-14 22:55:09 +McBride36 stop changing names
2014-09-14 22:55:23 memeganoob umf mcbride is so hot when he gets op-y
2014-09-14 22:55:25 +bizkut_ I honestly and vocally don't like the strictness of his moderation IN GAME. IRC is more loose than that, and I don't see him making a distinction.
2014-09-14 22:55:30 +McBride36 if you feel like you need to communicate with your nick
2014-09-14 22:55:36 +McBride36 part from #tagpro first
2014-09-14 22:55:39 +McBride36 it's channel spam
2014-09-14 22:55:46 +McBride36 bizkut_, i think he moderates during the morning
2014-09-14 22:55:47 +McBride36 idk
2014-09-14 22:55:53 Dikemball Lol you could have pinged me or PMed me. You were clogging up the chat with all that mod dicking around mcdick
2014-09-14 22:55:55 memeganoob yah spam is bad i never spam
2014-09-14 22:56:02 mocl4 k
2014-09-14 22:56:05 mocl4 lul
2014-09-14 22:56:16 +bizkut_ I mean, maybe. But if he racks up bans in IRC like he does in game we won't have anyone to talk with.
2014-09-14 22:56:29 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 2 players. likely or
2014-09-14 22:56:30 WhiteBread_ OFM anyone?
2014-09-14 22:56:30 +McBride36 lol
2014-09-14 22:56:35 +McBride36 he's got zero bans
2014-09-14 22:56:39 memeganoob whitebread pls
2014-09-14 22:56:42 +McBride36 i have more on the banlist at any time
2014-09-14 22:56:44 WhiteBread_ plssss
2014-09-14 22:56:46 memeganoob k
2014-09-14 22:56:53 memeganoob 'il ofm
2014-09-14 22:56:54 WhiteBread_ !test open field masters
2014-09-14 22:56:55 +bizkut_ I mean, hes been an IRC mod for 2 days
2014-09-14 22:56:56 some_bot (open field masters)
2014-09-14 22:56:59 +McBride36 tru
2014-09-14 22:57:05 +bizkut_ idk if he even knows HOW to IRC mod
2014-09-14 22:57:08 +McBride36 and 0 bans for 2 days by tim is a good record
2014-09-14 22:57:13 +McBride36 he kinda does?
2014-09-14 22:57:28 Trondby he's done kickbans before
2014-09-14 22:57:37 Trondby it's one button on his client
2014-09-14 22:57:39 +McBride36 well good for him
2014-09-14 22:57:53 +McBride36 Trondby, can i test a kickban on you rl quick
2014-09-14 22:57:56 Trondby ok
2014-09-14 22:57:59 +McBride36 ty bby
2014-09-14 22:58:01 -- Mode #tagpro [+o McBride36] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 22:58:13 -- Mode #tagpro [+b *!*Trondby@unaffiliated/trondby] by McBride36
2014-09-14 22:58:27 -- Mode #tagpro [+b *!*Trondby@*unaffiliated/trondby] by McBride36
2014-09-14 22:58:37 -- Mode #tagpro [+b *!*@unaffiliated/trondby] by McBride36
2014-09-14 22:58:39 @McBride36 ah
2014-09-14 22:58:44 @McBride36 i wanted to see the difference
2014-09-14 22:58:53 -- Mode #tagpro [-bbb *!*@unaffiliated/trondby *!*Trondby@*unaffiliated/trondby *!*Trondby@unaffiliated/trondby] by McBride36
2014-09-14 22:59:01 @McBride36 thank you for your patience everyone
2014-09-14 22:59:04 -- Mode #tagpro [-o McBride36] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 22:59:10 mocl4 McBride36 pls
2014-09-14 22:59:27 +McBride36 IT WAS IMPORTANT
2014-09-14 22:59:30 +bizkut_ idk, I just think tim is a meh mod for IRC
2014-09-14 22:59:38 +bizkut_ IRC tends to be thick skinned
2014-09-14 22:59:38 +McBride36 bizkut_, he's a terrible mod for IRC
2014-09-14 22:59:42 mocl4 how long has he been an irc mod
2014-09-14 22:59:47 +McBride36 er 2 or 3 days
2014-09-14 22:59:50 mocl4 oh
2014-09-14 22:59:52 +bizkut_ and I already dislike how thinskinned he is for most bans
2014-09-14 22:59:55 mocl4 i thought it had been a while
2014-09-14 23:00:01 \mSg yo mom is thick skinned...that's why I can never give her an orgasm
2014-09-14 23:00:09 +bizkut_ I dislike that the IRC mods weren't even consulted
2014-09-14 23:00:09 mocl4 \mSg pls
2014-09-14 23:00:15 +McBride36 lol
2014-09-14 23:00:16 <-- Dikemball (c7ffd30c@gateway/web/freenode/session) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 23:00:16 +McBride36 indeed
2014-09-14 23:00:23 \mSg !ohhhhh
2014-09-14 23:00:24 [TagPro] ohhhhhhhhhhh.....
2014-09-14 23:00:24 +McBride36 oh forgot to unban him
2014-09-14 23:00:26 <-- coolsa ( has quit (Changing host)
2014-09-14 23:00:26 --> coolsa (~coolsa@unaffiliated/coolsa) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 23:00:27 -- Mode #tagpro [-o McBride36] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 23:00:32 +McBride36 i'm dum
2014-09-14 23:00:32 +bizkut_ Can you remove it and bring it up in the mod sub? This should be discussed
2014-09-14 23:00:38 -- Mode #tagpro [+o McBride36] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 23:00:44 -- Mode #tagpro [-b *!*@$##unavailable] by McBride36
2014-09-14 23:00:51 +bizkut_ Or at least just bring it up since you have more IRC powers than me
2014-09-14 23:01:01 @McBride36 on reddit or in #tagpromods
2014-09-14 23:01:07 -- Mode #tagpro [-o McBride36] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 23:01:24 \mSg maybe it's cause of my tiny epeen?
2014-09-14 23:01:33 +bizkut_ I was thinking reddit, bit either works. Reddit generally provides longer discussion
2014-09-14 23:01:36 -- lebronxjames is now known as wolowolo
2014-09-14 23:01:45 --> GospelofJuke (1876f2c7@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 23:01:48 -- wolowolo is now known as WOLOWOLO
2014-09-14 23:02:03 -- WOLOWOLO is now known as lebronxjames
2014-09-14 23:02:08 \mSg I dislike how ban-times reset when server join/split :(
2014-09-14 23:02:16 \mSg we should unban all and reban as necessary
2014-09-14 23:02:28 \mSg unban fridays or something?
2014-09-14 23:02:35 +McBride36 it's mostly wolo
2014-09-14 23:02:36 +bizkut_ hmm?
2014-09-14 23:02:58 +bizkut_ Wolo is the only person i've saved as someone i'm banning
2014-09-14 23:03:06 +bizkut_ ans i'm usually too lazy to reban them
2014-09-14 23:03:19 --> CalcPie314 (6b93cfce@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 23:03:30 +bizkut_ turtle unbans a lot of people every like, 3 days tops
2014-09-14 23:03:54 --> Dikemball (c7ffd30c@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 23:04:03 +McBride36 he's left the lists alone
2014-09-14 23:04:07 <-- CalcPie314 (6b93cfce@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Client Quit)
2014-09-14 23:04:47 --> Dikembe (4a88c5fc@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 23:04:47 [TagPro] [Dikembe] Mr. Dikembe Mutombo Mpolondo Mukamba Jean Jacques wa Mutombo akamatonasa kowialata tatabokinoltamosa mutabola si koshkatamogo tagakirioksomotolak makaslkkm otoomanokorumbo sinotaocosama chiwatonakaloso jamalitpundi sajalu mutabaofaka nihow chichaw in the house!
2014-09-14 23:04:51 +bizkut_ huh, has he? I've been busy with a lot going on recently so I haven't been able to do as much
2014-09-14 23:05:01 WhiteBread_ Does anyone want to play OFM?
2014-09-14 23:05:05 memeganoob !seen turtlemansam
2014-09-14 23:05:05 +bizkut_ What with the job flirting and offer and looking for places
2014-09-14 23:05:06 some_bot turtlemansam was last seen in #tagpro 8 hours, 54 minutes, and 48 seconds ago: <turtlemansam> !today
2014-09-14 23:05:10 Dikembe WhiteBread_ plz
2014-09-14 23:05:16 mocl4 !today
2014-09-14 23:05:17 [TagPro] mocl4 (mocl4) today: Time Played: 00:00:00 / Games: 0 (Play Much?) / w/l/dc/%: 0/0/0/0% Caps: 0 / Drops: 0 / Grabs: 0 / Hold: 00:00:00 / Pops: 0 / Prevent: 00:00:00 / Returns: 0 / Support: 0 / Tags: 0
2014-09-14 23:05:20 <-- Dikemball (c7ffd30c@gateway/web/freenode/session) has quit (Client Quit)
2014-09-14 23:05:20 mocl4 oh
2014-09-14 23:05:23 WhiteBread_ plspls
2014-09-14 23:05:37 Dikembe k
2014-09-14 23:05:52 lebronxjames !today
2014-09-14 23:05:52 [TagPro] lebronxjames (LEBRON*JAMES) today: Time Played: 00:00:00 / Games: 0 (Play Much?) / w/l/dc/%: 0/0/0/0% Caps: 0 / Drops: 0 / Grabs: 0 / Hold: 00:00:00 / Pops: 0 / Prevent: 00:00:00 / Returns: 0 / Support: 0 / Tags: 0
2014-09-14 23:06:26 --> jhsdfjhsdkhf (80d3bf96@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 23:06:28 WhiteBread_ !test open field masters
2014-09-14 23:06:30 some_bot (open field masters)
2014-09-14 23:06:39 -- jhsdfjhsdkhf is now known as wolowolo
2014-09-14 23:06:45 Dikembe only bc mcbride is being a mcdick rn
2014-09-14 23:06:51 -- wolowolo is now known as sdkfhskjdfhkj
2014-09-14 23:07:04 +McBride36 i did unban you fyi
2014-09-14 23:07:11 sdkfhskjdfhkj pls im not wolo
2014-09-14 23:07:19 <-- robtherad ( has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2014-09-14 23:07:24 -- Mode #tagpro [+o McBride36] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 23:07:45 Dikembe Should I be happy when you shouldn't have banned me in the first place?
2014-09-14 23:07:51 <-- GospelofJuke (1876f2c7@gateway/web/freenode/session) has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 23:08:26 @McBride36 eh
2014-09-14 23:08:29 @McBride36 no
2014-09-14 23:08:31 <-- Flail ( has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
2014-09-14 23:09:02 lebronxjames pls Dikembe
2014-09-14 23:09:14 lebronxjames .pls count
2014-09-14 23:09:14 tagbot1 For today, the pls count so far is 362.
2014-09-14 23:09:53 +cz lol dikembe got banned and i didnt have a hand in it? dangit
2014-09-14 23:10:32 memeganoob omg i luv wen mods r powerful
2014-09-14 23:10:43 @McBride36 okay speriment time
2014-09-14 23:11:17 lebronxjames #freedikembe
2014-09-14 23:11:40 memeganoob what's a speriment
2014-09-14 23:11:44 @McBride36 pls he's already freee
2014-09-14 23:11:55 lebronxjames victory is ours then
2014-09-14 23:12:00 lebronxjames we did it !
2014-09-14 23:12:08 memeganoob !quote bizkut_
2014-09-14 23:12:08 some_bot <bizkut_> I couldget behind #memeganoob31
2014-09-14 23:12:26 +bizkut_ eh, thats kinda a lame quote
2014-09-14 23:12:31 @McBride36 !random McBride36
2014-09-14 23:12:32 some_bot <McBride36> I WOULD ARGUE that gayness arises from actually finding a male attractice
2014-09-14 23:12:38 @McBride36 fair enough
2014-09-14 23:12:42 -- Mode #tagpro [-o McBride36] by McBride36
2014-09-14 23:12:58 +bizkut_ !random bizkut_
2014-09-14 23:13:17 +McBride36 !random McBride36
2014-09-14 23:13:17 some_bot <McBride36> i always enjoyed "one lower than the other"
2014-09-14 23:13:41 memeganoob !random memeganoob
2014-09-14 23:13:42 some_bot <memeganoob> my pee is weird like it comes out of my mouth and it just makes a mess everywhere
2014-09-14 23:13:47 memeganoob ugh
2014-09-14 23:13:48 +bizkut_ oh btw watchedGood Morning Vietnam again last night. So good.
2014-09-14 23:15:11 lebronxjames should i watch that
2014-09-14 23:15:14 memeganoob yah
2014-09-14 23:15:29 +McBride36 ^
2014-09-14 23:15:54 lebronxjames i probably wont
2014-09-14 23:15:58 memeganoob h8 u
2014-09-14 23:16:00 <-- distraction (4b6d5cb6@gateway/web/freenode/session) has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 23:17:42 +McBride36 memeganoob, why are you away
2014-09-14 23:17:44 +McBride36 awake
2014-09-14 23:17:46 +McBride36 you're in HS
2014-09-14 23:17:49 memeganoob ap world
2014-09-14 23:17:54 +McBride36 pft
2014-09-14 23:17:58 +McBride36 who studies in high school
2014-09-14 23:18:00 memeganoob pls i sleep at like 1 every night
2014-09-14 23:18:12 lebronxjames ok its on netflix
2014-09-14 23:18:12 memeganoob ugh my parents expect like all As
2014-09-14 23:18:14 memeganoob and im cring
2014-09-14 23:18:18 <-- sdkfhskjdfhkj (80d3bf96@gateway/web/freenode/session) has quit (Quit: Page closed)
2014-09-14 23:18:22 +McBride36 #asianlyfe
2014-09-14 23:18:25 lebronxjames are you asian
2014-09-14 23:18:31 memeganoob yah
2014-09-14 23:18:40 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 2 players. likely or
2014-09-14 23:18:54 mocl4 !random
2014-09-14 23:18:58 some_bot <BallBorg> the provider you should i stop to move, so much better
2014-09-14 23:19:07 mocl4 booooo
2014-09-14 23:19:10 Trondby ^
2014-09-14 23:19:14 Trondby !random BallBorg
2014-09-14 23:19:16 some_bot <BallBorg> i don't want googleupdater.exe and shit running my dick
2014-09-14 23:19:25 mocl4 ok that one was all right
2014-09-14 23:19:41 memeganoob !quote ballborg
2014-09-14 23:19:41 some_bot <BallBorg> everyone <3s cignul9, its about it
2014-09-14 23:19:44 +McBride36 i love having ballborg ignored
2014-09-14 23:19:44 memeganoob !seen ballborg
2014-09-14 23:19:46 some_bot ballborg was last seen in #tagpro 2 days, 23 hours, 31 minutes, and 55 seconds ago: <BallBorg> not feeling kinda lazy rn you okay?
2014-09-14 23:19:51 memeganoob :( sad
2014-09-14 23:20:00 mocl4 !seen memeganoob
2014-09-14 23:20:00 some_bot memeganoob was last seen in #tagpro 7 seconds ago: <memeganoob> :( sad
2014-09-14 23:20:02 mocl4 oh there you are
2014-09-14 23:20:07 memeganoob !seen mocl4
2014-09-14 23:20:07 some_bot mocl4 was last seen in #tagpro 5 seconds ago: <mocl4> oh there you are
2014-09-14 23:20:12 mocl4 pls
2014-09-14 23:20:16 Trondby !seen chiinacsd
2014-09-14 23:20:17 some_bot chiinacsd was last seen in #tagpro 20 weeks, 1 day, 19 hours, 43 minutes, and 12 seconds ago: <chiinacsd> goodnight tronby ily
2014-09-14 23:20:19 mocl4 !quotesearch fingered
2014-09-14 23:20:19 some_bot #1096: WHO WANTS TO GET FINGERED
2014-09-14 23:20:24 mocl4 !get 1096
2014-09-14 23:20:25 some_bot <Trondby> WHO WANTS TO GET FINGERED (Said by: Trondby!; grabbed by mocl4!80d3c66e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. at 02:52 AM, March 02, 2014)
2014-09-14 23:20:28 mocl4 haha
2014-09-14 23:20:29 Ion_ lol
2014-09-14 23:20:56 memeganoob !quotesearch potato
2014-09-14 23:20:56 some_bot #3428: is ballborg wtf are you a potato for not..., #2730: I WILL NOT FORGIVE A POTATO FOR NOT..., #1925: ballborg eat sweet potato, #1866: crsd i hope u eat a potato that looks..., #1016: mcbride didnt even hear the potato coming, #289: I'm sensing a theme here... mashed..., and #287: I beat mashed potatoes with my racket dick
2014-09-14 23:21:05 memeganoob !get 1866
2014-09-14 23:21:05 some_bot <memeganoob> crsd i hope u eat a potato that looks like a banana so when u expect to eat a banan u actually eat potato (Said by: memeganoob!4936bab2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.; grabbed by zircon!56209a0b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ at 06:03 PM, May 02, 2014)
2014-09-14 23:21:24 Dikembe well mcbride the issue was that you "notified" me that i was in trouble for channel spam without pinging me, and ironically I didn't see your warning because the chat was filled with channel spam from the mods screwing around with ops...
2014-09-14 23:21:29 Trondby !random friedfetus
2014-09-14 23:21:29 some_bot <friedfetus> So I just realized that I still had one of your links on reddit and all I saw was a split in half vagina omfg
2014-09-14 23:21:38 memeganoob !get #tagpromods 1
2014-09-14 23:21:39 some_bot <czcz> idiot lol keep typing noone cares u wish tard lol yep, you're dumb i get it smart people are retarded lol gg v dumb playing dumb i just joined gg mb again ooo mb this game wow ty ty gj (Said by: czcz!~roxy@2601:5:2080:235:ecba:ca83:d3ee:5349; grabbed by turtlemansam!~turtleman@unaffiliated/turtlemansam at 01:18 AM, August 05, 2014)
2014-09-14 23:22:16 -- CTCP requested by mocl4: FINGER
2014-09-14 23:22:16 -- CTCP reply to mocl4: FINGER WeeChat 1.0-dev (git: v0.4.3-629-gb168a43)
2014-09-14 23:22:28 +McBride36 Dikembe, issue is over
2014-09-14 23:22:28 mocl4 oh god what have i done
2014-09-14 23:22:35 Dikembe plz cz step up your game. You've been replaced as hitler
2014-09-14 23:22:48 +McBride36 Dikembe, pls tim is hitler
2014-09-14 23:22:58 +McBride36 cz is the old guy that yells at everyone
2014-09-14 23:23:11 Ion_ I thought you were hitler
2014-09-14 23:23:18 Dikembe McDick pls you're saying it's over because I just pointed out how ridiculous you were being ...
2014-09-14 23:23:19 lebronxjames #banthemods
2014-09-14 23:23:22 Ion_ tim is the one who gives people viruses apparently
2014-09-14 23:23:23 Dikembe #banthemods
2014-09-14 23:23:39 Dikembe tim is hitler, cz is Staln
2014-09-14 23:23:47 Ion_ no, stalin is stalin
2014-09-14 23:23:47 +McBride36 we already have a stalin!
2014-09-14 23:24:03 +cz lol thats funny that is #1 in tagpro mods
2014-09-14 23:24:39 -- memeganoob is now known as Stalin
2014-09-14 23:24:47 Stalin hi
2014-09-14 23:25:08 +cz oh it was a irc ban? booooooring
2014-09-14 23:25:36 Trondby !random gesa
2014-09-14 23:25:46 --> xuzt (~xuzt@unaffiliated/xuzt) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 23:25:46 [TagPro] [xuzt] Cignul9 <3
2014-09-14 23:25:50 mocl4 lrn2tab
2014-09-14 23:25:51 Trondby !get 1415
2014-09-14 23:25:51 some_bot <Gesafelstein> you guys are little bitches, grow the fuck up (Said by: Gesafelstein!d1f91e05@gateway/web/freenode/ip.; grabbed by tim-sanchez! at 12:05 PM, March 26, 2014)
2014-09-14 23:25:59 mocl4 hahaha
2014-09-14 23:26:23 xuzt where’s tagbot?
2014-09-14 23:26:23 tagbot1 xuzt, tagbot has been afk for 2 hours.
2014-09-14 23:26:28 xuzt oh
2014-09-14 23:26:31 Ion_ ...yeaaaah
2014-09-14 23:26:31 Trondby netsplits happened
2014-09-14 23:26:33 mocl4 !grab tagbot1
2014-09-14 23:26:33 some_bot The operation succeeded.
2014-09-14 23:26:33 Stalin !seen xuzt
2014-09-14 23:26:34 some_bot xuzt was last seen in #tagpro 4 seconds ago: <xuzt> oh
2014-09-14 23:26:35 Trondby they rejoined
2014-09-14 23:26:46 Stalin !quote tagbot1
2014-09-14 23:26:46 some_bot <tagbot1> xuzt, tagbot has been afk for 2 hours.
2014-09-14 23:26:50 Dikembe 100 years from now people will be saying that Hitler was the cz of dictators
2014-09-14 23:26:59 Ion_ lol
2014-09-14 23:27:09 Stalin !grab dikembe
2014-09-14 23:27:09 some_bot The operation succeeded.
2014-09-14 23:27:14 xuzt Stalin: pls
2014-09-14 23:27:40 Stalin xuzt do you wnat to do my ap world work for me
2014-09-14 23:27:44 xuzt .restart
2014-09-14 23:27:54 xuzt wat
2014-09-14 23:27:56 <-- tagbot1 ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 23:27:56 <-- tagbotgame1 ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 23:28:16 Stalin pls i hate ap world so much
2014-09-14 23:28:18 Stalin it is so struggle
2014-09-14 23:28:18 mocl4 xuzt are you in asia
2014-09-14 23:28:26 --> tagbot ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 23:28:27 --> tagbotgame ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 23:28:27 [TagPro] [tagbotgame] see you in #tagprogames
2014-09-14 23:28:30 Stalin !seen tagbot
2014-09-14 23:28:30 some_bot tagbot was last seen in #tagpro 4 hours, 3 minutes, and 17 seconds ago: <tagbot> For today, the pls count so far is 291.
2014-09-14 23:28:38 xuzt mocl4: yup
2014-09-14 23:28:40 mocl4 .pls coconut
2014-09-14 23:28:47 xuzt wait will tagbot say afk
2014-09-14 23:28:47 tagbot xuzt, tagbot has been afk for 2 hours.
2014-09-14 23:28:50 Stalin pls
2014-09-14 23:28:52 xuzt ugh
2014-09-14 23:28:55 mocl4 lol
2014-09-14 23:28:55 Stalin yes
2014-09-14 23:29:00 Stalin he needs to say something
2014-09-14 23:29:03 mocl4 .pls count
2014-09-14 23:29:03 tagbot For today, the pls count so far is 370.
2014-09-14 23:29:06 mocl4 thre
2014-09-14 23:29:06 Trondby to himself
2014-09-14 23:29:09 Stalin .origin
2014-09-14 23:29:09 tagbot Origin has 15 games with 121 players and 1 spectator, so it is a good time to play in this server:
2014-09-14 23:29:10 mocl4 tagbot,
2014-09-14 23:29:11 tagbot mocl4, tagbot has been afk for 2 hours.
2014-09-14 23:29:12 Ion_ somehow
2014-09-14 23:29:14 mocl4 olo
2014-09-14 23:29:18 Trondby have tagbot pm himself
2014-09-14 23:29:19 tagbot Trondby, tagbot has been afk for 2 hours.
2014-09-14 23:29:19 Stalin pls
2014-09-14 23:29:20 xuzt why
2014-09-14 23:29:27 xuzt tagbot pls
2014-09-14 23:29:27 tagbot xuzt, tagbot has been afk for 2 hours.
2014-09-14 23:29:27 Stalin tagbot fix urself
2014-09-14 23:29:27 tagbot Stalin, tagbot has been afk for 2 hours.
2014-09-14 23:29:27 mocl4 i love this
2014-09-14 23:29:30 xuzt ugh
2014-09-14 23:29:32 xuzt no
2014-09-14 23:29:34 mocl4 tagbot,
2014-09-14 23:29:34 tagbot mocl4, tagbot has been afk for 2 hours.
2014-09-14 23:29:35 Ion_ xuzt did you not tell him to say .afk lol
2014-09-14 23:29:39 Stalin tagbot check urself b4 u wreck urself
2014-09-14 23:29:39 tagbot Stalin, tagbot has been afk for 2 hours.
2014-09-14 23:29:39 -- Mode #tagpro [+o McBride36] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 23:29:39 mocl4 !grab tagbot
2014-09-14 23:29:40 some_bot The operation succeeded.
2014-09-14 23:29:40 tagbot mocl4, tagbot has been afk for 2 hours.
2014-09-14 23:29:40 <-- WhiteBread_ (47c5a4a8@gateway/web/freenode/session) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 23:29:41 mocl4 even better
2014-09-14 23:29:53 xuzt Ion_: pls tagbot was tagbot1 so this happened
2014-09-14 23:29:53 tagbot xuzt, tagbot has been afk for 2 hours.
2014-09-14 23:29:57 xuzt UGH
2014-09-14 23:29:58 Ion_ oh my
2014-09-14 23:30:06 lebronxjames pls xuzt
2014-09-14 23:30:10 Ion_ Trondby says to have him pm himself
2014-09-14 23:30:13 Trondby ^
2014-09-14 23:30:15 @McBride36 this is hilarious
2014-09-14 23:30:18 Ion_ I am unsure that will work but give it a go
2014-09-14 23:30:21 Trondby thats the only way you see a message from yourself
2014-09-14 23:30:26 xuzt yeah but its not possible
2014-09-14 23:30:27 xuzt to do that
2014-09-14 23:30:27 Trondby is by pming yourself
2014-09-14 23:30:37 @McBride36 client.send(lololol)
2014-09-14 23:30:42 Trondby PRIVMSG tagbot :boop
2014-09-14 23:30:42 tagbot Trondby, tagbot has been afk for 2 hours.
2014-09-14 23:30:44 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 2 players. likely or
2014-09-14 23:30:49 Ion_ xuzt make him join as tagbot1 if possible
2014-09-14 23:30:52 Trondby or however nodebot formats it
2014-09-14 23:31:17 xuzt Trondby i have not control, i can’t make it say something
2014-09-14 23:31:28 Stalin lolololololoololol
2014-09-14 23:31:33 mocl4 oh dear
2014-09-14 23:31:36 Trondby i thought at one point you could tho
2014-09-14 23:31:39 Trondby or was that na_bot
2014-09-14 23:31:45 Ion_ that was Na_Bot
2014-09-14 23:31:51 xuzt i chose to remove it
2014-09-14 23:31:55 mocl4 gg
2014-09-14 23:31:55 xuzt i had control at the start
2014-09-14 23:31:56 Ion_ well that was both
2014-09-14 23:31:58 @McBride36 BET YOU REGRET THAT NOW
2014-09-14 23:32:01 -- Mode #tagpro [-o McBride36] by ChanServ
2014-09-14 23:32:04 mocl4 McBride36, pls
2014-09-14 23:32:07 xuzt McBride36: IT WAS CUZ OF MODS PLS
2014-09-14 23:32:09 xuzt LIKE YOU
2014-09-14 23:32:12 Ion_ xuzt just change its nick to anything else lol
2014-09-14 23:32:21 Stalin robots will take us over now tagbot is selfrealizing
2014-09-14 23:32:21 tagbot Stalin, tagbot has been afk for 2 hours.
2014-09-14 23:32:23 mocl4 .afk tagbot
2014-09-14 23:32:24 tagbot mocl4, tagbot has been afk for 2 hours.
2014-09-14 23:32:24 tagbot See you soon mocl4!
2014-09-14 23:32:24 Ion_ then do /nick tagbot and say summin
2014-09-14 23:32:24 tagbot Ion_, tagbot has been afk for 2 hours.
2014-09-14 23:32:33 xuzt yeah i will
2014-09-14 23:32:38 * mocl4 say my name
2014-09-14 23:32:41 Trondby mocl4
2014-09-14 23:32:41 tagbot Trondby, mocl4 has been afk for a few seconds ("tagbot").
2014-09-14 23:32:43 Trondby ez
2014-09-14 23:32:45 mocl4 oh
2014-09-14 23:33:00 xuzt pls
2014-09-14 23:33:10 mocl4 i love this
2014-09-14 23:33:28 Stalin i love you
2014-09-14 23:33:34 xuzt .restart
2014-09-14 23:33:36 mocl4 awwww <3
2014-09-14 23:33:41 mocl4 .reboot
2014-09-14 23:33:45 mocl4 .kill
2014-09-14 23:33:50 mocl4 .ded
2014-09-14 23:33:51 +McBride36 .MDK
2014-09-14 23:33:57 Trondby .rm rf
2014-09-14 23:33:58 mocl4 .mcbride36pls
2014-09-14 23:34:00 Stalin .pop mocl4
2014-09-14 23:34:02 xuzt ugh
2014-09-14 23:34:03 +McBride36 lets see if anyone gets the reference
2014-09-14 23:34:08 Trondby tagbot u alive?
2014-09-14 23:34:08 tagbot Trondby, tagbot has been afk for 2 hours.
2014-09-14 23:34:16 mocl4 beep boop
2014-09-14 23:34:20 Ion_ is that file extension for unreal tournament maps McBride36
2014-09-14 23:34:21 Stalin no
2014-09-14 23:34:26 +McBride36 lol
2014-09-14 23:34:26 DiannaAgron ebbe oppo
2014-09-14 23:34:27 +McBride36 no
2014-09-14 23:34:28 Ion_ damn
2014-09-14 23:34:31 xuzt .RESTART
2014-09-14 23:34:37 +McBride36 murder death kill
2014-09-14 23:34:38 mocl4 did you google it Ion_
2014-09-14 23:34:39 <-- tagbot ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 23:34:39 <-- tagbotgame ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 23:34:41 Ion_ no
2014-09-14 23:34:41 xuzt /nick tagbot
2014-09-14 23:34:43 xuzt unafk
2014-09-14 23:34:45 Ion_ I was wrong anyway lol
2014-09-14 23:34:45 xuzt ow
2014-09-14 23:34:47 -- xuzt is now known as tagbot
2014-09-14 23:34:50 tagbot unafk
2014-09-14 23:34:53 mocl4 olo
2014-09-14 23:34:56 tagbot no wait
2014-09-14 23:34:56 --> tagbot1 ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 23:34:56 --> tagbotgame ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 23:34:57 [TagPro] [tagbotgame] see you in #tagprogames
2014-09-14 23:34:57 Stalin lololol
2014-09-14 23:35:00 Stalin tagbot
2014-09-14 23:35:00 tagbot1 Stalin, tagbot has been afk for 2 hours.
2014-09-14 23:35:01 Ion_ xuzt pls he has to be here hehe
2014-09-14 23:35:03 +McBride36 LOL
2014-09-14 23:35:05 tagbot unafk
2014-09-14 23:35:09 mocl4 i think this was the problem the first time
2014-09-14 23:35:11 mocl4 tagbot,
2014-09-14 23:35:14 mocl4 tagbot1,
2014-09-14 23:35:15 -- tagbot is now known as xuzt
2014-09-14 23:35:17 mocl4 ok it works
2014-09-14 23:35:24 xuzt .restart
2014-09-14 23:35:25 Stalin tagbot
2014-09-14 23:35:28 mocl4 .pop tagbot1
2014-09-14 23:35:30 <-- tagbot1 ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 23:35:30 <-- tagbotgame ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 23:35:35 mocl4 it worked
2014-09-14 23:35:45 xuzt oh no
2014-09-14 23:35:46 --> tagbot1 ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 23:35:46 --> tagbotgame ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 23:35:46 xuzt tagbot
2014-09-14 23:35:47 tagbot1 xuzt, tagbot has been afk for 2 hours.
2014-09-14 23:35:47 [TagPro] [tagbotgame] see you in #tagprogames
2014-09-14 23:35:50 xuzt AH
2014-09-14 23:35:51 Ion_ wat
2014-09-14 23:35:52 Stalin LOOOOOOOOOOL
2014-09-14 23:35:53 mocl4 top kek
2014-09-14 23:36:01 Ion_ how is that even possible
2014-09-14 23:36:12 Trondby didn't save the new file?
2014-09-14 23:36:31 xuzt yeah i said oh no cuz i realized
2014-09-14 23:36:36 xuzt it saves every minute
2014-09-14 23:36:56 xuzt and why did it come back as tagbot1 though
2014-09-14 23:36:58 Ion_ can't you just manually remove it or something
2014-09-14 23:37:03 mocl4 witchcraft
2014-09-14 23:37:23 xuzt ugh
2014-09-14 23:37:28 -- xuzt is now known as tagbot
2014-09-14 23:37:32 tagbot pls
2014-09-14 23:37:36 -- tagbot is now known as xuzt
2014-09-14 23:38:20 Stalin tagbot
2014-09-14 23:38:25 xuzt Stalin: pls
2014-09-14 23:38:37 xuzt .restart
2014-09-14 23:38:41 <-- tagbotgame ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 23:38:41 <-- tagbot1 ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 23:38:49 * mocl4 holds his breath
2014-09-14 23:38:58 --> tagbot1 ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 23:38:58 --> tagbotgame ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 23:38:58 [TagPro] [tagbotgame] see you in #tagprogames
2014-09-14 23:39:02 mocl4 tagbot
2014-09-14 23:39:03 xuzt wut
2014-09-14 23:39:06 xuzt why tagbot1
2014-09-14 23:39:27 xuzt Trondby: help pls
2014-09-14 23:39:43 Trondby wat
2014-09-14 23:39:49 xuzt why tagbot1
2014-09-14 23:39:55 Stalin lolololooll
2014-09-14 23:40:13 xuzt it has to be an irc thing
2014-09-14 23:40:18 Ion_ var botName = 'tagbot1';
2014-09-14 23:40:20 +McBride36 yes
2014-09-14 23:40:24 +McBride36 blame irc instead of the bot
2014-09-14 23:40:25 xuzt Ion_: pls
2014-09-14 23:40:30 Ion_ lol
2014-09-14 23:40:42 xuzt THERE IS NOT TAGBOT1 IN THE CODE
2014-09-14 23:40:45 xuzt NO*
2014-09-14 23:40:47 Stalin pls
2014-09-14 23:41:00 Ion_ just kill the process and restart it
2014-09-14 23:41:07 Ion_ maybe it doesn't like .restart for some reason
2014-09-14 23:41:21 Ion_ idk I suck at programming
2014-09-14 23:41:25 xuzt Ion_: I JUST DID
2014-09-14 23:41:34 Ion_ pls nuh uh
2014-09-14 23:41:39 Ion_ <xuzt> .restart
2014-09-14 23:41:52 xuzt .RESTART
2014-09-14 23:41:56 <-- tagbotgame ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 23:41:56 <-- tagbot1 ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 23:42:05 Ion_ no I mean from the terminal pls
2014-09-14 23:42:13 --> tagbot1 ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 23:42:13 --> tagbotgame ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 23:42:13 [TagPro] [tagbotgame] see you in #tagprogames
2014-09-14 23:42:16 xuzt Ion_: pls its the same
2014-09-14 23:42:17 xuzt UGH
2014-09-14 23:42:27 mocl4 rip tagbot
2014-09-14 23:42:33 Stalin tagbot come bak
2014-09-14 23:42:40 xuzt it has to be an irc thing
2014-09-14 23:43:57 Ion_ well I'm gonna go make a cake
2014-09-14 23:44:00 Ion_ tagbot pls
2014-09-14 23:44:42 Trondby .afk laundry fun time
2014-09-14 23:44:42 tagbot1 See you soon Trondby!
2014-09-14 23:44:43 <-- Aniball (45066d0f@gateway/web/freenode/session) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2014-09-14 23:44:59 xuzt .restart
2014-09-14 23:45:14 --> Aniball (45066d0f@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 23:45:17 <-- tagbotgame ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 23:45:17 <-- tagbot1 ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 23:45:20 mocl4 hi Aniball
2014-09-14 23:45:28 Aniball hi mocl4
2014-09-14 23:45:35 -- CTCP requested by mocl4: VERSION
2014-09-14 23:45:35 -- CTCP reply to mocl4: VERSION i'll never tell
2014-09-14 23:45:38 mocl4 oh god
2014-09-14 23:45:53 Aniball lol
2014-09-14 23:46:01 Aniball should i not be using the webchat?
2014-09-14 23:46:04 --> tagbotgame ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 23:46:04 [TagPro] [tagbotgame] see you in #tagprogames
2014-09-14 23:46:05 Aniball or what
2014-09-14 23:46:10 mocl4 oh i dont care
2014-09-14 23:46:14 xuzt WAT
2014-09-14 23:46:14 Aniball lol
2014-09-14 23:46:18 mocl4 im just figuring out ctcp
2014-09-14 23:46:26 xuzt TAGBOT
2014-09-14 23:46:39 Ion_ mocl4 pls get your CTCPs off me
2014-09-14 23:46:39 Aniball ok
2014-09-14 23:46:52 Ion_ ew
2014-09-14 23:46:52 Ion_ no
2014-09-14 23:46:55 Ion_ stop it
2014-09-14 23:46:57 Ion_ gross
2014-09-14 23:46:57 xuzt WHERE IS TAGBOT
2014-09-14 23:47:06 mocl4 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
2014-09-14 23:47:12 mocl4 oh hi
2014-09-14 23:47:20 Stalin dead
2014-09-14 23:47:22 mocl4 Ion_, pls
2014-09-14 23:47:37 Ion_ k cake time
2014-09-14 23:48:00 mocl4 pls
2014-09-14 23:48:48 [TagPro] TEST GAME DETECTED 1 games / 1 players. likely or
2014-09-14 23:48:58 -- CTCP requested by mocl4: TIME
2014-09-14 23:48:58 -- CTCP reply to mocl4: TIME Sun, 14 Sep 2014 23:48:58 -0400
2014-09-14 23:51:18 xuzt oh man
2014-09-14 23:51:22 xuzt McBride36: pls help
2014-09-14 23:51:29 xuzt try changing your nick to tagbot
2014-09-14 23:52:35 Stalin it dusnt work
2014-09-14 23:52:48 xuzt exactly
2014-09-14 23:54:00 xuzt any irc person pls
2014-09-14 23:54:20 mocl4 what
2014-09-14 23:54:37 xuzt change your nick to tagbot
2014-09-14 23:54:42 Ion_ xuzt nickserv is down
2014-09-14 23:54:46 xuzt wut
2014-09-14 23:54:56 Ion_ err, maybe not
2014-09-14 23:54:56 Ion_ * tagbot :Nick/channel is temporarily unavailable
2014-09-14 23:55:01 Ion_ that'd be why tagbot1
2014-09-14 23:55:01 mocl4 do what
2014-09-14 23:55:11 xuzt nickserv isn’t down
2014-09-14 23:55:24 Ion_ nick/channel is temporarily unavailable
2014-09-14 23:55:25 -- Stalin is now known as memeganoob
2014-09-14 23:55:35 memeganoob nickserv isn't down
2014-09-14 23:55:45 memeganoob tagbot Nick/channel is temporarily unavailable
2014-09-14 23:55:47 mocl4 Ion_, that nick is temp locked
2014-09-14 23:55:52 \mSg mocl4, pls TIME me again
2014-09-14 23:55:53 Ion_ yeah I thought so
2014-09-14 23:56:04 xuzt so how do i unlock it?
2014-09-14 23:56:05 mocl4 the account owner needs to /ns release
2014-09-14 23:56:11 memeganoob xuzt pls
2014-09-14 23:56:11 mocl4 or w/e the command is
2014-09-14 23:56:13 Ion_ /ns release tagbot password
2014-09-14 23:56:14 Ion_ I think
2014-09-14 23:56:28 mocl4 aiight
2014-09-14 23:56:53 --> tagbot ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 23:56:59 <-- tagbot ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 23:56:59 <-- tagbotgame ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2014-09-14 23:57:03 memeganoob TAGBOT NOOOO
2014-09-14 23:57:19 --> tagbot1 ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 23:57:19 --> tagbotgame ( has joined #tagpro
2014-09-14 23:57:19 [TagPro] [tagbotgame] see you in #tagprogames
2014-09-14 23:57:21 mocl4 .afk
2014-09-14 23:57:22 tagbot1 See you soon mocl4!
2014-09-14 23:57:24 xuzt ugh
2014-09-14 23:57:29 -- xuzt is now known as tagbot
2014-09-14 23:57:36 -- tagbot is now known as xuzt
2014-09-14 23:57:38 xuzt why
2014-09-14 23:57:49 memeganoob TAGBOT PLSSSS
2014-09-14 23:57:52 -- memeganoob is now known as tagbot
2014-09-14 23:57:57 tagbot HIHIH
2014-09-14 23:58:02 -- tagbot is now known as memeganoob
2014-09-14 23:58:04 memeganoob tagbot
2014-09-14 23:58:07 memeganoob save us
2014-09-14 23:58:54 +McBride36 i'm back!
2014-09-14 23:59:47 +bizkut_ qlol steppin i rekt u bb
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