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Created August 23, 2011 23:12
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Parses the JSON events list for the <Trading Game> Mechanical Turk experiment
import json
FIRST_MTURK = 1313994874
GAME_LENGTH = 5*60+5
APPROVED_MTURK = ('25fead42', '5d7ef660', '23cf8ae3', '2d1402d1', '4c8f688c',
'09be3a98', '682550c5', '3ce59c03')
def parse_events(fname):
'''Takes a filename and parses all its events'''
with open(fname, 'r') as fp:
return extract_all(json.load(fp))
def extract_all(all_events):
'''Takes the dictionary of users->events and returns a dictionary containing
the users as keys and the useful lists in a tuple as values'''
results = {}
for user,events in all_events.items():
if user not in APPROVED_MTURK:
result = extract_data(events)
if result is not None:
results[user] = result
return results
def extract_data(events):
'''Generates four lists--time, wallet, value, and net worth--from a list of
events. It first goes backward in time calculating the wallet and change in
value. Then it works from start to finish calculating the actual value. Next,
it goes through again and determines net worth. Finally, it converts the
timestamps to time since the start of the game.'''
start = None
end = None
times = []
deltavalues = []
values = []
wallet = []
networth = []
class Value:
wallet = START_CASH
value = 0.0
value = Value()
def add(time, netwallet=None, netvalue=None):
if netwallet is not None:
value.wallet += netwallet
if netvalue is not None:
value.value += netvalue
networth.append(value.value + value.wallet)
for event in reversed(events):
event = json.loads(event)
if event['name'] == 'Began game':
start = event['time']
elif event['name'] == 'EndGame':
end = event['time']
elif event['name'] == 'AuctionSold':
add(event['time'], event['data']['price'], -event['data']['item']['value'])
elif event['name'] == 'ItemBought':
add(event['time'], -event['data']['price'], event['data']['item']['value'])
if end is None or start is None:
return None
after_game = None
before_game = 0
# Convert timestamps
for x,timestamp in enumerate(times):
times[x] -= start
if after_game is None and times[x] > GAME_LENGTH:
after_game = x
if times[x] < 0:
before_game = x+1
if before_game > 0 and after_game is not None:
# Remove any entries after the end of the game
times = times[before_game:after_game]
values = values[before_game:after_game]
wallet = wallet[before_game:after_game]
networth = networth [before_game:after_game]
return (times, wallet, values, networth)
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