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Last active August 11, 2016 18:45
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  • Save theY4Kman/7760149 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save theY4Kman/7760149 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Decorator to automatically create a keyword-discriminating autouse fixture, so you can use either @pytest.mark.xxxx or shove in xxxx as an argument in order to use it. This way you don't have to make things arguments that aren't really arguments, and you need not rely on boilerplate usefixtures calls. You know what the mark means.
def _keyword_fixture(fn):
fixture_name = fn.__name__
fixture_module = import_module(fn.__module__)
def _autouse_fixture(request):
if fixture_name in request.keywords:
_autouse_fixture.__name__ = '_{}_autouse'.format(fixture_name)
setattr(fixture_module, _autouse_fixture.__name__, _autouse_fixture)
return fn
def keyword_fixture(scope='function', params=None, autouse=False):
if callable(scope) and params is None and autouse is False:
fn = pytest.fixture(scope)
return _keyword_fixture(fn)
def _inner_keyword_fixture(fn):
fn = pytest.fixture(scope, params, autouse)(fn)
return _keyword_fixture(fn)
return _inner_keyword_fixture
#### Used like so
def my_shit(request):
return run_code()
def test_depends_on_my_shit_doesnt_need_its_value():
assert 'winar'
def test_depends_on_my_shit_needs_its_value(my_shit):
assert my_shit == 'winar'
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