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Created May 26, 2019 20:03
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pytest utility method for creating wrapper or factory fixtures, allowing methods defined elsewhere to request fixtures, while augmenting their return value
import functools
from typing import Callable, Iterable
from _pytest.compat import get_real_func, getfuncargnames
from _pytest.fixtures import call_fixture_func
def wrap_fixture(fixturefunc: Callable, wrapped_param: str = 'wrapped') -> Callable[[Callable], Callable]:
"""Wrap a fixture function, extending its argspec w/ the decorated method
pytest will prune the fixture dependency graph of any unneeded fixtures. It
does this by reading the expected arg names of fixtures. When wrapping a
fixture function, merely currying along **kwargs will cripple pytest's
This method retains the arg names from the original fixture function, and
returns a wrapper method that includes those original arg names, as well as
any fixtures requested by the decorated function.
The decorated method will be passed a wrapper of the passed fixturefunc
that can be called with no arguments — the fixtures it requested will
receive automagical defaults, though these may be overridden. The argument
name of this wrapped fixturefunc may be customized with the `wrapped_param`
arg, so as to avoid any collision with other fixture names.
Example (contrived):
def bare_user(user_factory):
return user_factory(
def admin_user(team, wrapped):
user = wrapped()
team.add_member(user, role=ADMIN)
return user
:param fixturefunc:
The fixture function to wrap (it needn't be registered with
@pytest.fixture — any callable will do)
:param wrapped_param:
Name of parameter to pass the wrapped fixturefunc as
fixturefunc = get_real_func(fixturefunc)
def decorator(fn: Callable):
decorated_arg_names = set(getfuncargnames(fn))
if wrapped_param not in decorated_arg_names:
raise TypeError(
f'The decorated method must include an arg named {wrapped_param} '
f'as the wrapped fixture func.')
# Don't include the wrapped param in the argspec we expose to pytest
decorated_arg_names -= {wrapped_param}
fixture_arg_names = set(getfuncargnames(fixturefunc))
all_arg_names = fixture_arg_names | decorated_arg_names | {'request'}
def extension_impl(**all_args):
request = all_args['request']
# kwargs requested by the wrapped fixture
fixture_args = {
name: value
for name, value in all_args.items()
if name in fixture_arg_names
# kwargs requested by the decorated method
decorated_args = {
name: value
for name, value in all_args.items()
if name in decorated_arg_names
def wrapped(**overridden_args):
kwargs = {
return call_fixture_func(fixturefunc, request, kwargs)
decorated_args[wrapped_param] = wrapped
return call_fixture_func(fn, request, decorated_args)
extension = build_wrapped_method(fn.__name__, all_arg_names, extension_impl)
return extension
return decorator
def {name}({argnames}):
return {impl_name}({kwargs})
def build_wrapped_method(name: str, argnames: Iterable[str], impl: Callable) -> Callable:
impl_name = '___extension_impl'
argnames = tuple(argnames)
source = _WRAPPED_FIXTURE_FORMAT.format(
argnames=', '.join(argnames),
kwargs=', '.join(f'{arg}={arg}' for arg in argnames),
context = {impl_name: impl}
exec(source, context)
return context[name]
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