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Last active July 4, 2018 00:18
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SAMReport Module for SSL Certificates
# Module Variables - Certificates #
# Customise report Variables
$EmailTo = $EmailTo
$EmailSubject = $EmailSubject
$ReportTitle = $ReportTitle
$ReportSubTitle = $ReportSubTitle
# Load required plug-ins
import-module ActiveDirectory
# Load server and array information
$Servers = Get-ADComputer -Filter {OperatingSystem -Like "Windows *Server*"} | select-object -expandproperty name
$OU = "OU=MyServers,DC=mydomain,DC=com,DC=au"
$Servers = Get-ADComputer -Filter {OperatingSystem -Like "Windows *Server*"} -SearchBase $OU | Select-Object –ExpandProperty Name
$Servers = @("Server1","Server2","Server3")
$Servers = Get-Content .\<path>\servers.txt
$Servers = ($env:COMPUTERNAME)
$Logfile = $OutputFolder + "PurgedCerts_$Date.txt"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "#############################################################################"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "New Script Run on $Date"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "Started by $ScriptUser on $ScriptComputer"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "#############################################################################"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value " "
# Info #
$Title = "Personal Certificates"
$Comment = "This script lists all personal certificates and highlights those that have expired or are expiring soon."
$Author = "The Agreeable Cow"
$PluginDate = "21/08/2014"
$Version = "v1.1"
# 1.0 23/06/2014 The Agreeable Cow Original Build
# 1.1 21/08/2014 The Agreeable Cow Added Key length check
# Main Script #
#Reset Variables
$stores = $null
$Certificates = $null
$ResultsText = $null
$AlertText = $null
$WarningText = $null
$ResultsData = $null
$AlertData = $null
$WarningData = $null
$AlertCount = 0
$WarningCount = 0
#Reporting variables
$MaxDays = 1095
$WarnDays = 90
$AlertDays = 30
$WarnKeySize = 2048
#Certificate Store Properties
$StoreLocation = "LocalMachine" #"LocalMachine","CurrentUser"
$StoreName = "My" #"My","CA","AuthRoot","Root"
$OpenFlag = "ReadWrite" #"ReadOnly","ReadWrite"
#Purge Variable
$PurgeExpired = $False #$True or $False
$PurgeDays = -90
#Create an Array and run query
$ResultsData = @()
foreach ($Server in $Servers) {
if (Test-Connection -computername $Server -count 1 -quiet){
$stores = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store("\\$Server\$StoreName",$StoreLocation)
$Certificates = $stores.Certificates | Select FriendlyName, serialNumber, Issuer, Subject, PublicKey, @{Label="Expires";Expression={($_.NotAfter)}}, @{Label="Days";Expression={($_.NotAfter - (Get-Date)).Days}}
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "Server: $Server"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "Store: $StoreLocation\$StoreName"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value " "
foreach ($Certificate in $Certificates) {
#Build Report
if ($Certificate.Issuer -ne $null -and $Certificate.days -lt $MaxDays){
$obj = New-Object PSobject
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "Server" -value $Server
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "Name" -value $Certificate.FriendlyName
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "Issuer" -value $Certificate.Issuer
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "Subject" -value $Certificate.Subject
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "Key Size" -value $Certificate.PublicKey.key.KeySize
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "Expires" -value $Certificate.Expires
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "Days" -value $Certificate.Days
$ResultsData += $obj
# Update Text and Alert count based on your criteria
$Name = $Certificate.FriendlyName
$Days = $Certificate.Days
$Size = $Certificate.PublicKey.key.KeySize
if ($Days -lt 0){
$AlertText += "!RED!Alert: Certificate $Name on $Server has expired </br>"
$AlertCount += $AlertCount.count + 1
elseif ($Days -lt $AlertDays){
$AlertText += "!RED!Alert: Certificate $Name on $Server is expiring in $Days days</br>"
$AlertCount += $AlertCount.count + 1
elseif ($Days -lt $WarnDays){
$WarningText += "!ORANGE!Warning: Certificate $Name on $Server is expiring in $Days days</br>"
$WarningCount += $WarningCount.count + 1
if ($Size -lt $WarnKeySize){
$WarningText += "!ORANGE!Warning: Certificate $Name on $Server does not meet minimum key size of $WarnKeySize</br>"
$WarningCount += $WarningCount.count + 1
#Log and Purge Old Certs
If ($PurgeExpired -eq $True){
$Name = $Certificate.FriendlyName
$Issuer = $Certificate.Issuer
$Subject = $Certificate.Subject
$Expired = $Certificate.Expires
$Days = $Certificate.Days
$SerialNumber = $Certificate.serialNumber
if ($Certificate.Issuer -ne $null -and $Certificate.days -lt $PurgeDays){
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "Name: $Name"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "Issuer: $Issuer"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "Subject: $Subject"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "Expired: $Expired"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "Days: $Days"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value " "
$PurgeCert = $stores.Certificates.Find("FindBySerialNumber",$SerialNumber,$FALSE)[0]
$ExpiredCount += $ExpiredCount.count + 1
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "$Server Completed (Purge = $PurgeExpired). $ExpiredCount expired certificates deleted."
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "-------------------------------------------------------------------"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value " "
$ExpiredCount = 0
If ($PurgeExpired -eq $True){
$AlertText += "NB. Purging is enabled for expired Certificates older than $PurgeDays days. See $logfile for details. </br>"
# Results Text
if ($AlertText -ne $null -or $WarningText -ne $null){
$ResultsText = $AlertText + $WarningText
$ResultsText = "All $StoreLocation certificates are not due to expire for more than $MaxDays days."
# Results Data
$ResultsData = $ResultsData | sort -Property "Days"
# Results Alert
if ($AlertCount -ge 1){
$ResultsAlert = "Alert"
elseif ($WarningCount -ge 1){
$ResultsAlert = "Warning"
$ResultsAlert = "Good"
# Output #
$OutText = $ResultsText # $OutText MUST be either $ResultsText or "" Valid $ResultsText is any text string
$OutData = $ResultsData # $OutData MUST be either $ResultsData or "" Valid $ResultsData is any data array
$OutAlert = $ResultsAlert # $OutAlert MUST be either $ResultsAlert or "" Valid $ResultsAlert are 'Good', 'Warning' or 'Alert'
$Attachment = "" # $Attachment MUST be either UNC path or ""
# Info #
$Title = "Intermediate Certificates"
$Comment = "This script lists intermediate certificates and highlights those that have expired or are expiring soon."
$Author = "The Agreeable Cow"
$PluginDate = "21/08/2014"
$Version = "v1.1"
# 1.0 23/06/2014 The Agreeable Cow Original Build
# 1.1 21/08/2014 The Agreeable Cow Added Key length check
# Main Script #
#Reset Variables
$stores = $null
$Certificates = $null
$ResultsText = $null
$AlertText = $null
$WarningText = $null
$ResultsData = $null
$AlertData = $null
$WarningData = $null
$AlertCount = 0
$WarningCount = 0
#Reporting variables
$MaxDays = 1095
$WarnDays = 90
$AlertDays = 30
$WarnKeySize = 2048
#Certificate Store Properties
$StoreLocation = "LocalMachine" #"LocalMachine","CurrentUser"
$StoreName = "CA" #"My","CA","AuthRoot","Root"
$OpenFlag = "ReadWrite" #"ReadOnly","ReadWrite"
#Purge Variable
$PurgeExpired = $Fasle #$True or $False
$PurgeDays = -90
#Create an Array and run query
$ResultsData = @()
foreach ($Server in $Servers) {
if (Test-Connection -computername $Server -count 1 -quiet){
$stores = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store("\\$Server\$StoreName",$StoreLocation)
$Certificates = $stores.Certificates | Select FriendlyName, serialNumber, Issuer, Subject, PublicKey, @{Label="Expires";Expression={($_.NotAfter)}}, @{Label="Days";Expression={($_.NotAfter - (Get-Date)).Days}}
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "Server: $Server"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "Store: $StoreLocation\$StoreName"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value " "
foreach ($Certificate in $Certificates) {
#Build Report
if ($Certificate.Issuer -ne $null -and $Certificate.days -lt $MaxDays){
$obj = New-Object PSobject
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "Server" -value $Server
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "Name" -value $Certificate.FriendlyName
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "Issuer" -value $Certificate.Issuer
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "Subject" -value $Certificate.Subject
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "Key Size" -value $Certificate.PublicKey.key.KeySize
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "Expires" -value $Certificate.Expires
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "Days" -value $Certificate.Days
$ResultsData += $obj
# Update Text and Alert count based on your criteria
$Name = $Certificate.FriendlyName
$Days = $Certificate.Days
$Size = $Certificate.PublicKey.key.KeySize
if ($Days -lt 0){
$AlertText += "!RED!Alert: Certificate $Name on $Server has expired </br>"
$AlertCount += $AlertCount.count + 1
elseif ($Days -lt $AlertDays){
$AlertText += "!RED!Alert: Certificate $Name on $Server is expiring in $Days days</br>"
$AlertCount += $AlertCount.count + 1
elseif ($Days -lt $WarnDays){
$WarningText += "!ORANGE!Warning: Certificate $Name on $Server is expiring in $Days days</br>"
$WarningCount += $WarningCount.count + 1
if ($Size -lt $WarnKeySize){
$WarningText += "!ORANGE!Warning: Certificate $Name on $Server does not meet minimum key size of $WarnKeySize</br>"
$WarningCount += $WarningCount.count + 1
#Log and Purge Old Certs
If ($PurgeExpired -eq $True){
$Name = $Certificate.FriendlyName
$Issuer = $Certificate.Issuer
$Subject = $Certificate.Subject
$Expired = $Certificate.Expires
$Days = $Certificate.Days
$SerialNumber = $Certificate.serialNumber
if ($Certificate.Issuer -ne $null -and $Certificate.days -lt $PurgeDays){
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "Name: $Name"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "Issuer: $Issuer"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "Subject: $Subject"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "Expired: $Expired"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "Days: $Days"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value " "
$PurgeCert = $stores.Certificates.Find("FindBySerialNumber",$SerialNumber,$FALSE)[0]
$ExpiredCount += $ExpiredCount.count + 1
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "$Server Completed (Purge = $PurgeExpired). $ExpiredCount expired certificates deleted."
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "-------------------------------------------------------------------"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value " "
$ExpiredCount = 0
If ($PurgeExpired -eq $True){
$AlertText += "NB. Purging is enabled for expired Certificates older than $PurgeDays days. See $logfile for details. </br>"
# Results Text
if ($AlertText -ne $null -or $WarningText -ne $null){
$ResultsText = $AlertText + $WarningText
$ResultsText = "All $StoreLocation certificates are not due to expire for more than $MaxDays days."
# Results Data
$ResultsData = $ResultsData | sort -Property "Days"
# Results Alert
if ($AlertCount -ge 1){
$ResultsAlert = "Alert"
elseif ($WarningCount -ge 1){
$ResultsAlert = "Warning"
$ResultsAlert = "Good"
# Output #
$OutText = $ResultsText # $OutText MUST be either $ResultsText or "" Valid $ResultsText is any text string
$OutData = $ResultsData # $OutData MUST be either $ResultsData or "" Valid $ResultsData is any data array
$OutAlert = $ResultsAlert # $OutAlert MUST be either $ResultsAlert or "" Valid $ResultsAlert are 'Good', 'Warning' or 'Alert'
$Attachment = "" # $Attachment MUST be either UNC path or ""
# Info #
$Title = "3rd Party Root Certificates"
$Comment = "This script lists 3rd Party Root certificates and highlights those that have expired or are expiring soon."
$Author = "The Agreeable Cow"
$PluginDate = "21/08/2014"
$Version = "v1.1"
# 1.0 23/06/2014 The Agreeable Cow Original Build
# 1.1 21/08/2014 The Agreeable Cow Added Key length check
# Main Script #
#Reset Variables
$stores = $null
$Certificates = $null
$ResultsText = $null
$AlertText = $null
$WarningText = $null
$ResultsData = $null
$AlertData = $null
$WarningData = $null
$AlertCount = 0
$WarningCount = 0
#Reporting variables
$MaxDays = 1095
$WarnDays = 90
$AlertDays = 30
$WarnKeySize = 2048
#Certificate Store Properties
$StoreLocation = "LocalMachine" #"LocalMachine","CurrentUser"
$StoreName = "AuthRoot" #"My","CA","AuthRoot","Root"
$OpenFlag = "ReadWrite" #"ReadOnly","ReadWrite"
#Purge Variable
$PurgeExpired = $False #$True or $False
$PurgeDays = -90
#Create an Array and run query
$ResultsData = @()
foreach ($Server in $Servers) {
if (Test-Connection -computername $Server -count 1 -quiet){
$stores = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store("\\$Server\$StoreName",$StoreLocation)
$Certificates = $stores.Certificates | Select FriendlyName, serialNumber, Issuer, Subject, PublicKey, @{Label="Expires";Expression={($_.NotAfter)}}, @{Label="Days";Expression={($_.NotAfter - (Get-Date)).Days}}
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "Server: $Server"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "Store: $StoreLocation\$StoreName"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value " "
foreach ($Certificate in $Certificates) {
#Build Report
if ($Certificate.Issuer -ne $null -and $Certificate.days -lt $MaxDays){
$obj = New-Object PSobject
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "Server" -value $Server
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "Name" -value $Certificate.FriendlyName
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "Issuer" -value $Certificate.Issuer
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "Subject" -value $Certificate.Subject
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "Key Size" -value $Certificate.PublicKey.key.KeySize
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "Expires" -value $Certificate.Expires
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "Days" -value $Certificate.Days
$ResultsData += $obj
# Update Text and Alert count based on your criteria
$Name = $Certificate.FriendlyName
$Days = $Certificate.Days
$Size = $Certificate.PublicKey.key.KeySize
if ($Days -lt 0){
$AlertText += "!RED!Alert: Certificate $Name on $Server has expired </br>"
$AlertCount += $AlertCount.count + 1
elseif ($Days -lt $AlertDays){
$AlertText += "!RED!Alert: Certificate $Name on $Server is expiring in $Days days</br>"
$AlertCount += $AlertCount.count + 1
elseif ($Days -lt $WarnDays){
$WarningText += "!ORANGE!Warning: Certificate $Name on $Server is expiring in $Days days</br>"
$WarningCount += $WarningCount.count + 1
if ($Size -lt $WarnKeySize){
$WarningText += "!ORANGE!Warning: Certificate $Name on $Server does not meet minimum key size of $WarnKeySize</br>"
$WarningCount += $WarningCount.count + 1
#Log and Purge Old Certs
If ($PurgeExpired -eq $True){
$Name = $Certificate.FriendlyName
$Issuer = $Certificate.Issuer
$Subject = $Certificate.Subject
$Expired = $Certificate.Expires
$Days = $Certificate.Days
$SerialNumber = $Certificate.serialNumber
if ($Certificate.Issuer -ne $null -and $Certificate.days -lt $PurgeDays){
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "Name: $Name"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "Issuer: $Issuer"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "Subject: $Subject"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "Expired: $Expired"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "Days: $Days"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value " "
$PurgeCert = $stores.Certificates.Find("FindBySerialNumber",$SerialNumber,$FALSE)[0]
$ExpiredCount += $ExpiredCount.count + 1
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "$Server Completed (Purge = $PurgeExpired). $ExpiredCount expired certificates deleted."
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "-------------------------------------------------------------------"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value " "
$ExpiredCount = 0
If ($PurgeExpired -eq $True){
$AlertText += "NB. Purging is enabled for expired Certificates older than $PurgeDays days. See $logfile for details. </br>"
# Results Text
if ($AlertText -ne $null -or $WarningText -ne $null){
$ResultsText = $AlertText + $WarningText
$ResultsText = "All $StoreLocation certificates are not due to expire for more than $MaxDays days."
# Results Data
$ResultsData = $ResultsData | sort -Property "Days"
# Results Alert
if ($AlertCount -ge 1){
$ResultsAlert = "Alert"
elseif ($WarningCount -ge 1){
$ResultsAlert = "Warning"
$ResultsAlert = "Good"
# Output #
$OutText = $ResultsText # $OutText MUST be either $ResultsText or "" Valid $ResultsText is any text string
$OutData = $ResultsData # $OutData MUST be either $ResultsData or "" Valid $ResultsData is any data array
$OutAlert = $ResultsAlert # $OutAlert MUST be either $ResultsAlert or "" Valid $ResultsAlert are 'Good', 'Warning' or 'Alert'
$Attachment = "" # $Attachment MUST be either UNC path or ""
# Info #
$Title = "Trusted Root Certificates"
$Comment = "This script lists Trusted Root certificates and highlights those that have expired or are expiring soon."
$Author = "The Agreeable Cow"
$PluginDate = "21/08/2014"
$Version = "v1.1"
# 1.0 23/06/2014 The Agreeable Cow Original Build
# 1.1 21/08/2014 The Agreeable Cow Added Key length check
# Main Script #
#Reset Variables
$stores = $null
$Certificates = $null
$ResultsText = $null
$AlertText = $null
$WarningText = $null
$ResultsData = $null
$AlertData = $null
$WarningData = $null
$AlertCount = 0
$WarningCount = 0
#Reporting variables
$MaxDays = 1095
$WarnDays = 90
$AlertDays = 30
$WarnKeySize = 2048
#Certificate Store Properties
$StoreLocation = "LocalMachine" #"LocalMachine","CurrentUser"
$StoreName = "Root" #"My","CA","AuthRoot","Root"
$OpenFlag = "ReadWrite" #"ReadOnly","ReadWrite"
#Purge Variable
$PurgeExpired = $False #$True or $False
$PurgeDays = -90
#Create an Array and run query
$ResultsData = @()
foreach ($Server in $Servers) {
if (Test-Connection -computername $Server -count 1 -quiet){
$stores = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store("\\$Server\$StoreName",$StoreLocation)
$Certificates = $stores.Certificates | Select FriendlyName, serialNumber, Issuer, Subject, PublicKey, @{Label="Expires";Expression={($_.NotAfter)}}, @{Label="Days";Expression={($_.NotAfter - (Get-Date)).Days}}
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "Server: $Server"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "Store: $StoreLocation\$StoreName"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value " "
foreach ($Certificate in $Certificates) {
#Build Report
if ($Certificate.Issuer -ne $null -and $Certificate.days -lt $MaxDays){
$obj = New-Object PSobject
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "Server" -value $Server
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "Name" -value $Certificate.FriendlyName
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "Issuer" -value $Certificate.Issuer
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "Subject" -value $Certificate.Subject
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "Key Size" -value $Certificate.PublicKey.key.KeySize
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "Expires" -value $Certificate.Expires
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "Days" -value $Certificate.Days
$ResultsData += $obj
# Update Text and Alert count based on your criteria
$Name = $Certificate.FriendlyName
$Days = $Certificate.Days
$Size = $Certificate.PublicKey.key.KeySize
if ($Days -lt 0){
$AlertText += "!RED!Alert: Certificate $Name on $Server has expired </br>"
$AlertCount += $AlertCount.count + 1
elseif ($Days -lt $AlertDays){
$AlertText += "!RED!Alert: Certificate $Name on $Server is expiring in $Days days</br>"
$AlertCount += $AlertCount.count + 1
elseif ($Days -lt $WarnDays){
$WarningText += "!ORANGE!Warning: Certificate $Name on $Server is expiring in $Days days</br>"
$WarningCount += $WarningCount.count + 1
if ($Size -lt $WarnKeySize){
$WarningText += "!ORANGE!Warning: Certificate $Name on $Server does not meet minimum key size of $WarnKeySize</br>"
$WarningCount += $WarningCount.count + 1
#Log and Purge Old Certs
If ($PurgeExpired -eq $True){
$Name = $Certificate.FriendlyName
$Issuer = $Certificate.Issuer
$Subject = $Certificate.Subject
$Expired = $Certificate.Expires
$Days = $Certificate.Days
$SerialNumber = $Certificate.serialNumber
if ($Certificate.Issuer -ne $null -and $Certificate.days -lt $PurgeDays){
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "Name: $Name"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "Issuer: $Issuer"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "Subject: $Subject"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "Expired: $Expired"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "Days: $Days"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value " "
$PurgeCert = $stores.Certificates.Find("FindBySerialNumber",$SerialNumber,$FALSE)[0]
$ExpiredCount += $ExpiredCount.count + 1
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "$Server Completed (Purge = $PurgeExpired). $ExpiredCount expired certificates deleted."
Add-content -path $Logfile -value "-------------------------------------------------------------------"
Add-content -path $Logfile -value " "
$ExpiredCount = 0
If ($PurgeExpired -eq $True){
$AlertText += "NB. Purging is enabled for expired Certificates older than $PurgeDays days. See $logfile for details. </br>"
# Results Text
if ($AlertText -ne $null -or $WarningText -ne $null){
$ResultsText = $AlertText + $WarningText
$ResultsText = "All $StoreLocation certificates are not due to expire for more than $MaxDays days."
# Results Data
$ResultsData = $ResultsData | sort -Property "Days"
# Results Alert
if ($AlertCount -ge 1){
$ResultsAlert = "Alert"
elseif ($WarningCount -ge 1){
$ResultsAlert = "Warning"
$ResultsAlert = "Good"
# Output #
$OutText = $ResultsText # $OutText MUST be either $ResultsText or "" Valid $ResultsText is any text string
$OutData = $ResultsData # $OutData MUST be either $ResultsData or "" Valid $ResultsData is any data array
$OutAlert = $ResultsAlert # $OutAlert MUST be either $ResultsAlert or "" Valid $ResultsAlert are 'Good', 'Warning' or 'Alert'
$Attachment = "" # $Attachment MUST be either UNC path or ""
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