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Created June 2, 2012 01:00
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Print Server Job Logs from Event Viewer to CSV using Get-WinEvent and XML queries
Print server job logs from Event Viewer to csv file
This script uses Get-WinEvent and XML queries to retrieve EventID 307 job logs from print servers.
Specifically querying the Microsoft-Windows-PrintService/Operational log.
Log is extracted to a CSV file and optionally emailed.
ScriptName: Print_ServerJobLogs.ps1
Created By: TheAgreeableCow
Date Coded: June 2012
Requires Print Services Operational logging:
Event Viewer > Applications and Service Logs > Microsoft > Windows > Print Service > Operational > Enable Log
Remote severs may also need .NET 3.5 and Windows Remote Management configured (winrm -qc)
Tested on Windows 2008R2
#Print Servers
$ServerArray = @("Print1","Print2","Print3")
$exchangeserver = ""
$To = ""
$From = ""
#Output File
$Date = (get-date) - (new-timespan -day 1)
$OutputPath = "\\myserver\PrintJobs\"
$csvfile = $OutputPath + "Printing Audit - " + (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + ".csv"
if ((Test-Path -Path $OutputPath+$csvfile) -eq $true) {remove-item $csvfile}
write-output "Server,Date,Full Name,Client,Printer Name,Print Size,Pages,Document" | Out-File $csvfile
ForEach ($PrintServer in $ServerArray)
write-Host "Parsing event log entries for" $PrintServer
$strOutput = ""
#Apply query generated from Event Viewer > Filter Current Log > XML tab
$filterxml = '<QueryList>
<Query Id="0" Path="Microsoft-Windows-PrintService/Operational">
<Select Path="Microsoft-Windows-PrintService/Operational">*[System[(EventID=307)]]</Select>
$EventLog = Get-WinEvent -ea SilentlyContinue -ComputerName $PrintServer -Filterxml $filterXml
ForEach ($LogEntry in $EventLog)
#Get print job details
$time = $LogEntry.TimeCreated
$entry = [xml]$LogEntry.ToXml()
$docName = $entry.Event.UserData.DocumentPrinted.Param2
$Username = $entry.Event.UserData.DocumentPrinted.Param3
$Computer = $entry.Event.UserData.DocumentPrinted.Param4
$PrinterName = $entry.Event.UserData.DocumentPrinted.Param5
$PrintSize = $entry.Event.UserData.DocumentPrinted.Param7
$PrintPages = $entry.Event.UserData.DocumentPrinted.Param8
#Get full name from AD
if ($UserName -gt "")
$DirectorySearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
$LdapFilter = "(&(objectClass=user)(samAccountName=${UserName}))"
$DirectorySearcher.Filter = $LdapFilter
$UserEntry = [adsi]"$($DirectorySearcher.FindOne().Path)"
$DisplayName = $UserEntry.displayName
#$Write Log to CSV file
$strOutput = $PrintServer+ "," +$time.ToString()+ "," +$DisplayName+ "," +$Computer+ "," +$PrinterName+ "," +$PrintSize+ "," +$PrintPages+ "," +$docName
write-output $strOutput | Out-File $csvfile -append
#HTML style sheet
$header = "<H3>Print Server Log Report "+(get-date -f D)+"</H3>"
$title = "Example HTML Output"
$body = '<style>
BODY{font-family:Verdana; background-color:white;}
TABLE{border-width: 1px;border-style:solid;border-color: black;border-collapse: collapse;}
TH{font-size:1em; border-width: 1px;padding: 5px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;background-color:#C2B8AF}
TD{border-width: 1px;padding: 5px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;background-color:#F6F8FC}
$EmailText = '<style>
Log report Attached<BR>
Admin Scripts<BR>
#Send email (with attached CSV)
$emailsubject = "[AUTO] Print Server Logs Report ("+(get-date -f dd-MM-yyyy)+")"
Send-MailMessage -To $To -From $From -Subject $emailsubject -SmtpServer $exchangeserver -body ($EmailText | Out-String) -BodyAsHtml -attachment $csvfile
#ALternatively send email with data in email body
#$emailbody = import-csv $csvfile | sort-object Server | ConvertTo-Html -head $header -body $body -title $title
#Send-MailMessage -To $To -From $From -Subject $emailsubject -SmtpServer $exchangeserver -body ($emailbody, $EmailText | Out-String) -BodyAsHtml
#remove-item $csvfile
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joekoay commented May 28, 2024

thank you

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