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Minimal lisp
/* Filename: ~\lisp\lisp.c Revision Date: July 23, 2007 */
This progam is a GOVOL LISP interpreter. This interpreter consists of
three major functions: SREAD, SEVAL, and SWRITE. SREAD scans the
input string for input S-expressions (atoms and dotted pairs) and
returns a corresponding typed-pointer. The SEVAL function takes as
input a typed-pointer p to an input S-expression and evaluates it and
returns a typed pointer to its result. SWRITE takes as input the
typed pointer returned from SEVAL and prints out the result.
LISP input lines beginning with a "/" are comment lines. Indirect
input text is taken from a file Z to replace the directive of the form
"@Z". SEVAL tracing can be turned on by using the directive "!trace",
and turned off with the directive "!notrace".
#define int16 int
#define int32 long
#define forward extern
#if defined(__GNUC__)
# include "linuxenv.h"
# include "c:\csihead\turbcenv.h"
/* The above includes declare strlen(), strcpy(), strcmp(), calloc(),
fflush(), fopen(), fclose(), fprintf(), sprintf(), fgetc(), labs(),
floor(), and pow(). Also the type FILE is defined, and the longjump
register-save structure template: jmp_buf is defined. This include will
need to be constructed to conform to any particular system. */
#if !defined(NULL)
# define NULL 0L
#define EOF (-1)
#define EOS (0)
#define EQ ==
#define OR ||
#define AND &&
#define NOT !
#define n 1000
#define m 6000
/* n = size of Atom and Number tables, m = size of list-area. */
jmp_buf env; /* struct to hold environment for longjump */
char *sout; /* general output buffer pointer */
/* The atom table */
struct Atomtable {char name[16]; int32 L; int32 bl; int32 plist;} Atab[n];
/* The number table is used for storing floating point numbers. The
field nlink is used for linking number table nodes on the number
table free space list. */
union Numbertable {double num; int16 nlink;} Ntab[n];
/* the number hash index table */
int16 nx[n];
/* the number table free space list head pointer */
int16 nf= -1;
/* the number table mark array nmark is used in garbage collection to
mark words not to be returned to the free space list */
char nmark[n]; /* an array of 1-bit entries would suffice */
/* The list area */
struct Listarea {int32 car; int32 cdr;} *P;
/* the list area free space list head pointer */
int16 fp= -1;
/* the put-back variable */
int32 pb= 0;
/* The input string and related pointers */
char *g,*pg,*pge;
/* the input stream stack structure and head pointer */
struct Insave
{struct Insave *link; char *pg, *pge; char g[202]; FILE *filep;};
struct Insave *topInsave;
/* the input prompt character */
char prompt;
/* seval depth count and trace switch */
int16 ct= 0, tracesw= 0;
/* Global ordinary atom typed-pointers */
int32 nilptr,tptr,currentin,eaL,quoteptr,sk,traceptr;
/* Number of free list-nodes */
int32 numf;
/* define global macros */
#define A(j) P[j].car
#define B(j) P[j].cdr
#define type(f) (((f)>>28) & 0xf)
#define ptrv(f) (0x0fffffff & (f))
#define sexp(t) ((t) EQ 0 OR (t) EQ 8 OR (t) EQ 9)
#define fctform(t) ((t)>9)
#define builtin(t) ((t) EQ 10 OR (t) EQ 11)
#define userdefd(t) ((t) EQ 12 OR (t) EQ 13)
#define dottedpair(t) ((t) EQ 0)
#define fct(t) ((t) EQ 10 OR (t) EQ 12 OR (t) EQ 14)
#define unnamedfsf(t) ((t)>13)
#define namedfsf(t) ((t)>9 AND (t)<14)
#define tp(t,j) ((t) | (j))
#define ud(j) (0x10000000 | (j))
#define se(j) (0x00000000 | (j))
#define oa(j) (0x80000000 | (j))
#define nu(j) (0x90000000 | (j))
#define bf(j) (0xa0000000 | (j))
#define bs(j) (0xb0000000 | (j))
#define uf(j) (0xc0000000 | (j))
#define us(j) (0xd0000000 | (j))
#define tf(j) (0xe0000000 | (j))
#define ts(j) (0xf0000000 | (j))
/* variables used in file operations */
FILE *filep;
FILE *logfilep;
/* forward references */
forward int32 seval(int32 i);
forward void initlisp(void);
forward int32 sread(void);
forward void swrite(int32 i);
forward int32 newloc(int32 x, int32 y);
forward int32 numatom (double r);
forward int32 ordatom (char *s);
forward void gc(void);
forward void gcmark(int32 p);
forward char getgchar(void);
forward char lookgchar(void);
forward void fillg(void);
forward int32 e(void);
forward void error(char *s);
forward int16 fgetline(char *s, int16 lim, FILE *stream);
forward void ourprint(char *s);
void spacerpt(int32 r)
For debugging to see if we are leaking list-nodes.
We are to protect r from garbage-collection.
This function can be called from within the main loop.
{char s[60];
int16 t;
sprintf(s,"entering spacerpt: r=%x, numf=%d\n", r, numf); ourprint(s);
t = type(r);
if (namedfsf(t)) r = ptrv(Atab[ptrv(r)].L); /* dereference r */
if (builtin(t)) r = nilptr; /*do not try to mark a builtin */
sprintf(s,"leaving spacerpt: numf=%d\n", numf); ourprint(s);
void main(void)
Here is the main read/eval/print loop.
{int32 r;
/* calling error() returns to here by longjmp() */
for (;;) {ourprint("\n");
prompt= '*';
swrite(r); /* swrite uses/frees no list-nodes. */
void error(char *msg)
/* char *msg; message to type out */
Type-out the message msg and do longjmp() to top level
{int32 i,t;
/* discard all input S-expression and argument list stacks */
Atab[currentin].L= nilptr; Atab[eaL].L= nilptr; Atab[sk].L= nilptr;
/* reset all atoms to their top-level values */
for (i= 0; i<n; i++) if ((t= Atab[i].bl)!=nilptr)
{while (B(t)!=nilptr) t= B(t); Atab[i].L= A(t); Atab[i].bl= nilptr;}
ct= 0; ourprint("::"); ourprint(msg); ourprint("\n");
void ourprint(char *s)
/* char *s; message to be typed out and logged */
Print the string s to the terminal, and also in the logfile, lisp.log
{printf("%s",s); fflush(stdout); fprintf(logfilep,"%s",s); fflush(logfilep);}
void initlisp(void)
This procedure installs all builtin functions and special forms into
the atom table. It also initializes the number table and list area.
{int32 i;
static char *BI[]=
static char BItype[]=
/* number of builtin's in BI[] and BItype[] above */
#define NBI 39
/* allocate a global character array for messages */
sout= (char *)calloc(80,sizeof(char));
/* allocate the input string */
g= (char *)calloc(202,sizeof(char));
/* allocate the list area */
P= (struct Listarea *)calloc(m,sizeof(struct Listarea));
/* initialize atom table names and the number table */
for (i= 0; i<n; i++)
{Atab[i].name[0]='\0'; nmark[i]=0; nx[i]= -1; Ntab[i].nlink=nf; nf=i;}
/* install typed-case numbers for builtin functions and and special forms into
the atom table */
for (i= 0; i<NBI; i++)
{Atab[ptrv(ordatom(BI[i]))].L= tp((((int32)BItype[i])<<28),(i+1));}
nilptr= ordatom("NIL"); Atab[ptrv(nilptr)].L= nilptr;
tptr= ordatom("T"); Atab[ptrv(tptr)].L= tptr;
quoteptr= ordatom("QUOTE");
/* Creating these lists in the atom-table ensures that we protect
them during garbage-collection. Make CURRENTIN and EAL not upper-case
to keep them private.*/
currentin= ptrv(ordatom("CURRENTIN")); Atab[currentin].L= nilptr;
eaL= ptrv(ordatom("EAL")); Atab[eaL].L= nilptr;
sk= ptrv(ordatom("sreadlist")); Atab[sk].L= nilptr;
#define cilp Atab[currentin].L
#define eaLp Atab[eaL].L
#define skp Atab[sk].L
/* initialize the bindlist (bl) and plist fields */
for (i= 0; i<n; i++) Atab[i].bl= Atab[i].plist= nilptr;
/* set up the list area free-space list */
for (i= 1; i<m; i++) {B(i)= fp; fp= i;} numf = m-1;
/* Prepare to read in predefined functions and special forms from the
lispinit file: these are APPEND, REVERSE, EQUAL, APPLY, INTO,
/* open the logfile */
logfilep= fopen("lisp.log","w");
/* establish the input buffer and the input stream stack */
topInsave= NULL;
strcpy(g,"@lispinit ");
pg= g; pge= g+strlen(g);/* initialize start & end pointers to string g */
filep= stdin;
int32 sread(void)
This procedure scans an input string g using a lexical token scanning
routine, e(), where e() returns
1 if the token is '('
2 if the token is '''
3 if the token is '.'
4 if the token is ')'
or a typed pointer d to an atom or number stored in row ptrv(d) in
the atom or number tables. Due to the typecode (8 or 9) of d, d is a
negative 32-bit integer. The token found by e() is stripped from
the front of g.
SREAD constructs an S-expression and returns a typed pointer to it
as its result.
{int32 j,k,t,c;
if ((c= e())<=0) return(c);
if (c EQ 1) if ((k= e()) EQ 4) return(nilptr); else pb= k;
/* to permit recursion, skp is a list of lists. */
skp= newloc(nilptr,skp);
A(skp)= j= k= newloc(nilptr,nilptr);
/* we will return k, but we will fill node j first */
if (c EQ 1)
{scan: A(j)= sread();
next: if ((c= e())<=2)
{t= newloc(nilptr,nilptr); B(j)= t; j= t;
if (c<=0) {A(j)= c; goto next;}
pb= c; goto scan;
if (c!=4) {B(j)= sread(); if (e()!=4) error("syntax error");}
skp= B(skp); return(k);
if (c EQ 2)
{A(j)= quoteptr; B(j)= t= newloc(nilptr,nilptr); A(t)= sread();
skp= B(skp); return(k);
error("bad syntax");
int32 e(void)
E is a lexical token scanning routine which has no input and returns
1 if the token is '('
2 if the token is '''
3 if the token is '.'
4 if the token is ')'
or a negative typed-pointer to an entry in the atom table or the
the number table.
{double v,f,k,sign;
int32 i,t,c;
char nc[50], *np;
struct Insave *tb;
#define OPENP '('
#define CLOSEP ')'
#define BLANK ' '
#define SINGLEQ '\''
#define DOT '.'
#define PLUS '+'
#define MINUS '-'
#define CHVAL(c) (c-'0')
#define DIGIT(c) ('0'<=(c) AND (c)<='9')
#define TOUPPER(c) ((c) + 'A'-'a')
#define ISLOWER(c) ((c)>='a' AND (c)<='z')
if (pb!=0) {t= pb; pb= 0; return(t);}
while ((c= getgchar()) EQ BLANK); /* remove blanks */
if (c EQ OPENP)
{while (lookgchar() EQ BLANK) getgchar(); /* remove blanks */
if (lookgchar() EQ CLOSEP) {getgchar(); return(nilptr);} else return(1);
if (c EQ EOS)
{if (topInsave EQ NULL) {fclose(logfilep); exit(0);}
/* restore the previous input stream */
strcpy(g,topInsave->g); pg= topInsave->pg; pge= topInsave->pge;
filep= topInsave->filep; topInsave= topInsave->link;
if (prompt EQ '@') prompt= '>';
goto start;
if (c EQ SINGLEQ) return(2);
if (c EQ CLOSEP) return(4);
if (c EQ DOT)
{if (DIGIT(lookgchar())) {sign= 1.0; v= 0.0; goto fraction;} return(3);}
(DIGIT(lookgchar()) OR lookgchar() EQ DOT))))
{np= nc; *np++= c; /* put c in nc[0] */
for (c= lookgchar();
c= lookgchar())
*(np++)= getgchar(); /* add a character */
*np= EOS; /* nc is now a string */
if (*nc EQ '@')
{/* switch input streams */
/* save the current input stream */
tb= (struct Insave *)calloc(1,sizeof(struct Insave));
tb->link= topInsave; topInsave= tb;
strcpy(tb->g,g); tb->pg= pg; tb->pge= pge; tb->filep= filep;
/* set up the new input stream */
*g= EOS; pg= pge= g; prompt= '@';
filep= fopen(nc+1,"r"); /* skip over the @ */
if (filep EQ NULL) error("Cannot open @file!");
goto start;
/* convert the string nc to upper case */
for (np= nc; *np!=EOS; np++)
if (ISLOWER((int16)*np)) *np= (char)TOUPPER((int16)*np);
if (c EQ MINUS) {v= 0.0; sign= -1.0;} else {v= CHVAL(c); sign= 1.0;}
while (DIGIT(lookgchar())) v= 10.0*v+CHVAL(getgchar());
if (lookgchar() EQ DOT)
if (DIGIT(lookgchar()))
k= 1.0; f= 0.0;
do {k=10.*k;f=10.*f+CHVAL(getgchar());} while (DIGIT(lookgchar()));
v= v+f/k;
char getgchar(void)
Fill the buffer string pg (=pointer to g) if needed, and then remove and
return the next character from the input.
{fillg(); return(*pg++);}
char lookgchar(void)
Fill the buffer string pg (=g) if needed, and then return a copy of
the next character in the input, but don't advance pg..
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
{fillg(); return(*pg);}
void fillg(void)
Read a line into g[]. A line starting with a "/" is a comment line.
{while (pg>=pge)
{sprompt: if (filep EQ stdin) {sprintf(sout,"%c",prompt); ourprint(sout);}
if (fgetline(g,200,filep)<0) return;
if (filep EQ stdin) {fprintf(logfilep,"%s\n",g); fflush(logfilep);}
if (*g EQ '/') goto sprompt;
pg= g; pge= g+strlen(g); *pge++= ' '; *pge= '\0'; prompt= '>';
int16 fgetline(char *s, int16 lim, FILE *stream)
fgetline() gets a line (CRLF or LF delimited) from stream and puts it into s (up
to lim chars). The function returns the length of this string. If there
are no characters but just EOF, it returns -1 (EOF) as the length. There
is no deblanking except to drop CR's and LF's ('\n') and map TABs to blanks.
{int16 c,i;
#define TAB 9
for (i=0; i<lim AND (c=fgetc(stream))!=EOF AND c!='\n'; ++i)
{if (c EQ TAB) c= BLANK; s[i]= c;}
s[i]= '\0';
if (c EQ EOF AND i EQ 0) return(-1); else return(i);
int32 numatom(double r)
The number r is looked-up in the number table and stored there as a lazy
number atom if it is not already present. The typed-pointer to this number
atom is returned.
{int32 j;
#define hashnum(r) ((*(1+(int32 *)(&r)) & 0x7fffffff) % n)
j= hashnum(r);
while (nx[j]!=-1)
if (Ntab[nx[j]].num EQ r) {j= nx[j]; goto ret;} else if (++j EQ n) j= 0;
if (nf<0) {gc(); if (nf<0) error("The number table is full");}
nx[j]= nf; j= nf; nf= Ntab[nf].nlink; Ntab[j].num= r;
ret: return(nu(j));
int32 ordatom (char *s)
The ordinary atom whose name is given as the argument string s is looked-up
in the atom table and stored there as an atom with the value undefined if it
is not already present. The typed-pointer to this ordinary atom is then
{int32 j,c;
#define hashname(s) (abs((s[0]<<16)+(s[(j=strlen(s))-1]<<8)+j) % n)
j= hashname(s); c= 0;
// DEBUG(printf("ordatom: `%s' hashes to %d. k=%d, n=%d\n",s,j,k,n););
while (Atab[j].name[0]!=EOS)
{if (strcmp(Atab[j].name,s) EQ 0) goto ret;
else if (++j >= n) {j= 0; if (++c>1) error("atom table is full");}
strcpy(Atab[j].name,s); Atab[j].L= ud(j);
ret: return(oa(j));
void swrite(int32 j)
The S-expression pointed to by j is typed out.
{int32 i;
int16 listsw;
i= ptrv(j);
switch (type(j))
{case 0: /* check for a list */
j= i;
while (type(B(j)) EQ 0) j= B(j);
listsw= (B(j) EQ nilptr);
while (listsw)
{swrite(A(i)); if ((i= B(i)) EQ nilptr) goto close; ourprint(" ");}
swrite(A(i)); ourprint(" . "); swrite(B(i));
close: ourprint(")");
case 8: ourprint(Atab[i].name); break;
case 9: sprintf(sout,"%-g",Ntab[i].num); ourprint(sout); break;
case 10: sprintf(sout,"{builtin function: %s}",Atab[i].name);
ourprint(sout); break;
case 11: sprintf(sout,"{builtin special form: %s}",Atab[i].name);
ourprint(sout); break;
case 12: sprintf(sout,"{user defined function: %s}",Atab[i].name);
ourprint(sout); break;
case 13: sprintf(sout,"{user defined special form: %s}",Atab[i].name);
ourprint(sout); break;
case 14: ourprint("{unnamed function}"); break;
case 15: ourprint("{unnamed special form}"); break;
void traceprint(int32 v, int16 osw)
/* int32 v; the object to be printed
* int16 osw; 1 for seval() output, 0 for seval() input
This function prints out the input and the result for each successive
invocation of seval() when tracing is requested.
{if (tracesw>0)
{if (osw EQ 1) sprintf(sout,"%d result:",ct--);
else sprintf(sout,"%d seval:",++ct);
ourprint(sout); swrite(v); ourprint("\n");
int32 seval(int32 p)
Evaluate the S-expression pointed to by the typed-pointer p; construct the
result value as necessary; return a typed-pointer to the result.
{int32 ty,t,v,j,f,fa,na;
/* I think t can be static. also fa and j? -test later. */
int32 *endeaL;
static double s;
#define U1 A(p)
#define U2 A(B(p))
#define E1 A(p)
#define E2 A(B(p))
#define Return(v) {traceprint(v,1); return(v);}
{/* p does not point to a non-atomic S-expression.
* If p is a type-8 typed pointer to an ordinary atom whose value is a
* builtin or user-defined function or special form, then a typed-pointer
* to that atom-table entry with typecode 10, 11, 12, or 13, depending upon
* the value of the atom, is returned. Note that this permits us to know
* the names of functions and special forms.
* if p is a type-8 typed pointer to an ordinary atom whose value is not a
* builtin or user defined function or special form, and thus has the type-
* code 8, 9, 14, or 15, then a typed-pointer corresponding to the value of
* this atom is returned.
* if p is a non-type-8 typed-pointer to a number atom or to a function or
* special form (named or unnamed), then the same pointer p is returned.
if ((t= type(p))!=8) Return(p); j= ptrv(p);
/* The association list is implemented with shallow binding in the atom-
table, so the current values of all atoms are found in the atom table. */
if (Atab[j].name[0] EQ '!')
{tracesw= (strcmp(Atab[j].name,"!TRACE") EQ 0)?1:0; longjmp(env,-1);}
if ((t= type(Atab[j].L)) EQ 1)
{sprintf(sout,"%s is undefined\n",Atab[j].name); error(sout);}
if (namedfsf(t)) Return(tp(t<<28,j));
} /* end of if (type(p)!=0) */
/* Save the list consisting of the current function and the supplied
arguments as the top value of the currentin list to protect it
from garbage collection. The currentin list is a list of lists. */
cilp= newloc(p,cilp);
/* compute the function or special form to be applied */
tracesw-- ; f= seval(A(p)); tracesw++; ty= type(f);
if (NOT fctform(ty)) error(" invalid function or special form");
f= ptrv(f); if (NOT unnamedfsf(ty)) f= ptrv(Atab[f].L);
/* now let go of the supplied input function */
A(cilp)= p= B(p);
/* If f is a function (not a special form), build a new list of its
evaluated arguments and add it to the eaL list (the eaL list is a
list of lists.) Then let go of the list of supplied arguments,
replacing it with the new list of evaluated arguments */
if (fct(ty))
{/* compute the actual arguments */
eaLp= newloc(nilptr,eaLp);
/* evaluate the actual arguments and build a list by tail-cons-ing! */
endeaL= &A(eaLp);
while (p!=nilptr)
{*endeaL= newloc(seval(A(p)),nilptr); endeaL= &B(*endeaL); p= B(p);}
/* Set p to be the first node in the evaluated arguments list. */
p= A(eaLp);
/* Throw away the current supplied arguments list by popping the
currentin list */
cilp= B(cilp);
/* At this point p points to the first node of the actual argument
list. if p EQ nilptr, we have a function or special form with no
arguments */
if (NOT builtin(ty))
{/* f is a non-builtin function or non-builtin special form. do
shallow binding of the arguments and evaluate the body of f by
calling seval */
fa= A(f); /* fa points to the first node of the formal argument list */
na= 0; /* na counts the number of arguments */
/* run through the arguments and place them as the top values of
the formal argument atoms in the atom-table. Push the old
value of each formal argument on its binding list. */
if (type(fa) EQ 8 AND fa != nilptr)
{/* This will bind the entire input actual arglist as the
single actual arg. Sometimes, it is wrong - we should
dereference the named fsf's in the p list, first. */
goto apply;
while (p!=nilptr AND dottedpair(type(fa)))
{t= ptrv(A(fa)); fa= B(fa);
Atab[t].bl= newloc(Atab[t].L,Atab[t].bl);
v= A(p); if (namedfsf(type(v))) v= Atab[ptrv(v)].L;
Atab[t].L= v; ++na; p= B(p);
if (p!=nilptr) error("too many actuals");
/* The following code would forbid some useful trickery.
if (fa!=nilptr) error("too many formals"); */
/* now apply the non-builtin special form or function */
apply: v= seval(B(f));
/* now unbind the actual arguments */
fa= A(f);
if (type(fa) EQ 8 AND fa != nilptr)
{t= ptrv(fa); Atab[t].L= A(Atab[t].bl); Atab[t].bl= B(Atab[t].bl);}
while (na-- > 0)
{t= ptrv(A(fa)); fa= B(fa);
Atab[t].L= A(Atab[t].bl); Atab[t].bl= B(Atab[t].bl);
} /* end non-builtins */
{/* at this point we have a builtin function or special form. f
is the pointer value of the atom in the atom table for the
called function or special form and p is the pointer to the
argument list.*/
v= nilptr;
switch (f) /* begin builtins */
{case 1: /* CAR */
if (NOT dottedpair(type(E1))) error("illegal CAR argument");
v= A(E1); break;
case 2: /* CDR */
if (NOT dottedpair(type(E1))) error("illegal CDR argument");
v= B(E1); break;
case 3: /* CONS */
if (sexp(type(E1)) AND sexp(type(E2))) v= newloc(E1,E2);
else error("Illegal CONS arguments");
/* for LAMBDA and SPECIAL, we could check that U1 is either an
ordinary atom or a list of ordinary atoms */
case 4:/* LAMBDA */ v= tf(newloc(U1,U2)); break;
case 5:/* SPECIAL */ v= ts(newloc(U1,U2)); break;
case 6:/* SETQ */
f= U1; if (type(f)!=8) error("illegal assignment");
assign: v= ptrv(f); endeaL= &Atab[v].L;
doit: t= seval(U2);
switch (type(t))
{case 0: /* dotted pair */
case 8: /* ordinary atom */
case 9: /* number atom */
*endeaL= t; break;
case 10: /* builtin function */
case 11: /* builtin special form */
case 12: /* user-defined function */
case 13: /* user-defined special form */
*endeaL= Atab[ptrv(t)].L; break;
case 14: /* unnamed function */
*endeaL= uf(ptrv(t)); break;
case 15: /* unamed special form */
*endeaL= us(ptrv(t)); break;
} /* end of type(t) switch cases */
tracesw--; v= seval(f); tracesw++; break;
case 7: /* ATOM */
if ((type(E1)) EQ 8 OR (type(E1)) EQ 9) v= tptr; break;
case 8: /* NUMBERP */
if (type(E1) EQ 9) v= tptr; break;
case 9: /* QUOTE */ v= U1; break;
case 10: /* LIST */ v= p; break;
case 11: /* DO */ while (p!=nilptr) {v= A(p); p= B(p);} break;
case 12: /* COND */
while (p!=nilptr)
{f = A(p);
if (seval(A(f))!=nilptr) {v=seval(A(B(f))); break;} else p=B(p);
case 13: /* PLUS */
v= numatom(Ntab[ptrv(E1)].num+Ntab[ptrv(E2)].num); break;
case 14: /* TIMES */
v= numatom(Ntab[ptrv(E1)].num*Ntab[ptrv(E2)].num); break;
case 15: /* DIFFERENCE */
v= numatom(Ntab[ptrv(E1)].num-Ntab[ptrv(E2)].num); break;
case 16: /* QUOTIENT */
v= numatom(Ntab[ptrv(E1)].num/Ntab[ptrv(E2)].num); break;
case 17: /* POWER */
v= numatom(pow(Ntab[ptrv(E1)].num,Ntab[ptrv(E2)].num));
case 18: /* FLOOR */ v= numatom(floor(Ntab[ptrv(E1)].num)); break;
case 19: /* MINUS */ v= numatom(-Ntab[ptrv(E1)].num); break;
case 20: /* LESSP */
if(Ntab[ptrv(E1)].num<Ntab[ptrv(E2)].num) v= tptr; break;
case 21: /* GREATERP */
if (Ntab[ptrv(E1)].num>Ntab[ptrv(E2)].num); v= tptr; break;
case 22: /* EVAL */ v= seval(E1); break;
case 23: /* EQ */ v= (E1 EQ E2) ? tptr : nilptr; break;
case 24: /* AND */
while (p!=nilptr AND seval(A(p))!=nilptr) p= B(p);
if (p EQ nilptr) v= tptr; /* else v remains nilptr */
case 25: /* OR */
while (p!=nilptr AND seval(A(p)) EQ nilptr) p= B(p);
if (p!=nilptr) v= tptr; /* else v remains nilptr */
case 26: /* SUM */
for (s= 0.0; p!=nilptr; s= s+Ntab[ptrv(A(p))].num, p= B(p));
v= numatom(s); break;
case 27: /* PRODUCT */
for (s= 1.0; p!=nilptr; s= s*Ntab[ptrv(A(p))].num, p= B(p));
v= numatom(s); break;
case 28: /* PUTPLIST */ v= E1; Atab[ptrv(v)].plist= E2; break;
case 29: /* GETPLIST */ v= Atab[ptrv(E1)].plist; break;
case 30: /* READ */ ourprint("\n!"); prompt= EOS; v= sread(); break;
case 31: /* PRINT */
if (p EQ nilptr) ourprint(" ");
else while (p!=nilptr) {swrite(A(p)); ourprint(" "); p= B(p);}
case 32: /* PRINTCR */
if (p EQ nilptr) ourprint("\n");
else while (p!=nilptr) {swrite(A(p)); ourprint("\n"); p= B(p);}
case 33: /* MKATOM */
strcpy(sout,Atab[ptrv(E1)].name); strcat(sout,Atab[ptrv(E2)].name);
v= ordatom(sout); break;
case 34: /* BODY */
if (unnamedfsf(type(E1))) v= ptrv(E1);
else if (userdefd(type(E1))) v= ptrv(Atab[ptrv(E1)].L);
else error("illegal BODY argument");
case 35: /* RPLACA */
v= E1;
if (NOT dottedpair(type(v))) error("illegal RPLACA argument");
A(v)= E2; break;
case 36: /* RPLACD */
v= E1;
if (NOT dottedpair(type(v))) error("illegal RPLACD argument");
B(v)= E2; break;
case 37: /* TSETQ */
/* Set the top-level value of U1 to seval(U2).*/
if (Atab[f= ptrv(U1)].bl EQ nilptr) goto assign;
v= Atab[f].bl; while (B(v)!=nilptr) v= B(v);
endeaL= &A(v); goto doit;
case 38: /* NULL */
if (E1 EQ nilptr) v= tptr; break;
case 39: /* SET */
f= seval(U1); goto assign;
default: error("dryrot: bad builtin case number");
} /* end of switch cases */
} /* end builtins */
/* pop the eaL list or pop the currentin list, whichever is active */
if (fct(ty)) eaLp= B(eaLp); else cilp= B(cilp);
int32 newloc(int32 x, int32 y)
Allocates and loads the fields of a new location in the list area, with
a()= X, b()= Y. The index of the new location is returned.
{int32 j;
if (fp<0) {gcmark(x); gcmark(y); gc(); if (fp<0) error("out of space");}
j= fp; fp= B(j); A(j)= x; B(j)= y; numf--; return(j);
void gc(void)
Garbage collector for number table and listarea
{int32 i,t;
#define marked(p) ((A(p) & 0x08000000)!=0)
#define marknode(p) (A(p) |= 0x08000000)
#define unmark(p) (A(p) &= 0xf7ffffff)
for (i= 0; i<n; i++)
{gcmark(Atab[i].L); gcmark(Atab[i].bl); gcmark(Atab[i].plist);}
for (i= 0; i<n; i++) nx[i]= -1;
for (nf= -1,i= 0; i<n; i++)
if (nmark[i] EQ 0) {Ntab[i].nlink= nf; nf= i;}
else /* restore num[i] */
{t= hashnum(Ntab[i].num);
while (nx[t]!=-1) if ((++t) EQ n) t= 0;
nx[t]= i; nmark[i]= 0;
/* build the new list-node free-space list */
fp= -1; numf= 0;
for (i=1; i<m; i++)
if (NOT marked(i)) {B(i)= fp; fp= i; numf++;} else unmark(i);
void gcmark(int32 p)
Mark the S-expression given by the typed-pointer p.
{static int32 s,t;
static char c[120];
#define marknum(t,p) if ((t) EQ 9) nmark[ptrv(p)]= 1
#define listp(t) ((t) EQ 0 OR (t)>11)
t= type(p);
if (listp(t))
{p=ptrv(p); if (marked(p)) return; t=A(p); marknode(p);
if (NOT listp(type(t))) {marknum(type(t),t); p=B(p); goto start;}
if (NOT listp(type(s))) {marknum(type(s),s); p=t; goto start;}
p=B(p); goto start; /* Equivalent to the recursive call: gcmark(B(p)) */
else marknum(t,p);
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