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Last active December 14, 2015 08:09
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Ubuntu Terminal GreenHorns
1. sudo
#to gain root privilege.
# sudo means superuser do which allows user to install/update/remove software as a super user.
Eg: sudo apt-get updates
# To run graphical application as root use "gksudo"
Eg: gksudo gedit
2. cd
# 'cd' (Change Directory) is the command used for navigating folders in the Terminal.
# By default terminal opens in your home folder.
# By typing cd will return to home folder.
# Tab button is used to auto complete. Eg: cd Dow and press tab it will show cd Downloads/
3. ls
# lists all of the items (bar hidden files) in the current folder
4. ls -al
# lists all items in a folder, including hidden files and directories with all file info
5. ls -a
# shows list of all files in the directory
6. sudo apt-get install
# Applications available in the Ubuntu Software Center and added PPAs can be installed from the command line using 'apt-get install'.
Eg:sudo apt-get install chromium-browser
7. sudo apt-get remove
# To remove the Chromium web browser you would run
sudo apt-get remove chromium-browser
8. uname -a
# show the kernel version.
9. free
# see the RAM details
10. whereis application_name
# it will show application installation location
11. df -h
# disk usage space
12. ps -e
# list the currently running processes
13. pwd
# show the surrent working directory
14. mkdir
# make directory Eg: mkdir dirname
15. rmdir
# remove file or directory. Eg: rmdir file/directory name
16. mv
# move or rename a file
Eg: mv file1 ~/Downloads/Archive/ --> moves a file
mv logo_2.jpg new_logo.jpg --> rename a file
17. cat
# view file contents.
Eg: cat install.log
18. man
# if you want to know more about rm command, then type -
Eg: man rm
19. cp
# copy files/directories
Eg: cp movie_name.mp4 ~/Downloads/movies/
20. wget
# GNU Wget or wget is very handy in downloading stuffs from internet, over the command line.
Eg: wget url_of_the_content
21. gksudo
#Run GUI Application with Root privilege
Eg: gksudo nautilus
22. shutdown
# To shutdown the computer from terminal
Eg: shutdown -h or shutdown 0 or shutdown 10.30
23. restart
# restart the computer
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