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Last active February 6, 2022 11:10
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  • Save theanalyst/b0b14242be5e7d1c49508610ced24cad to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save theanalyst/b0b14242be5e7d1c49508610ced24cad to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Running ./src/randgen
Run on (8 X 24.1218 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
L1 Data 64 KiB (x8)
L1 Instruction 128 KiB (x8)
L2 Unified 4096 KiB (x2)
Load Average: 1.65, 1.91, 2.07
Benchmark Time CPU Iterations
BM_uint32_low_threshold/8 1.83 ns 1.83 ns 360919623
BM_uint32_low_threshold/64 13.1 ns 13.1 ns 53441642
BM_uint32_low_threshold/512 107 ns 107 ns 6562541
BM_uint32_low_threshold/4096 821 ns 821 ns 852017
BM_uint32_low_threshold/32768 6540 ns 6540 ns 106877
BM_uint32_low_threshold/262144 52366 ns 52366 ns 13339
BM_uint32_low_threshold/2097152 425863 ns 425862 ns 1643
BM_uint32_low_threshold/16777216 3376130 ns 3376130 ns 208
BM_uint32_mid_threshold/8 1.63 ns 1.63 ns 428456882
BM_uint32_mid_threshold/64 10.5 ns 10.5 ns 66491888
BM_uint32_mid_threshold/512 86.2 ns 86.2 ns 8119143
BM_uint32_mid_threshold/4096 662 ns 662 ns 1050200
BM_uint32_mid_threshold/32768 5254 ns 5254 ns 132885
BM_uint32_mid_threshold/262144 41838 ns 41838 ns 16737
BM_uint32_mid_threshold/2097152 348465 ns 348465 ns 2006
BM_uint32_mid_threshold/16777216 2735681 ns 2735684 ns 256
BM_uint32_high_threshold/8 1.63 ns 1.63 ns 428171220
BM_uint32_high_threshold/64 10.5 ns 10.5 ns 66571564
BM_uint32_high_threshold/512 87.6 ns 87.6 ns 8092860
BM_uint32_high_threshold/4096 662 ns 662 ns 1054503
BM_uint32_high_threshold/32768 5250 ns 5250 ns 133060
BM_uint32_high_threshold/262144 41845 ns 41844 ns 16733
BM_uint32_high_threshold/2097152 343411 ns 343411 ns 2037
BM_uint32_high_threshold/16777216 2734923 ns 2734925 ns 255
BM_uint64_low_threshold/8 1.47 ns 1.47 ns 473802127
BM_uint64_low_threshold/64 7.90 ns 7.90 ns 88438554
BM_uint64_low_threshold/512 68.9 ns 68.9 ns 10152432
BM_uint64_low_threshold/4096 638 ns 638 ns 1094468
BM_uint64_low_threshold/32768 5211 ns 5211 ns 134053
BM_uint64_low_threshold/262144 41792 ns 41791 ns 16752
BM_uint64_low_threshold/2097152 342561 ns 342560 ns 2034
BM_uint64_low_threshold/16777216 2724697 ns 2724697 ns 254
BM_uint64_mid_threshold/8 1.32 ns 1.32 ns 532165610
BM_uint64_mid_threshold/64 6.35 ns 6.35 ns 110330044
BM_uint64_mid_threshold/512 60.3 ns 60.3 ns 11582309
BM_uint64_mid_threshold/4096 628 ns 628 ns 1113586
BM_uint64_mid_threshold/32768 5201 ns 5201 ns 133917
BM_uint64_mid_threshold/262144 41761 ns 41761 ns 16756
BM_uint64_mid_threshold/2097152 343010 ns 343010 ns 2045
BM_uint64_mid_threshold/16777216 2721280 ns 2721284 ns 257
BM_uint64_high_threshold/8 1.32 ns 1.32 ns 532210117
BM_uint64_high_threshold/64 6.34 ns 6.34 ns 110366575
BM_uint64_high_threshold/512 60.3 ns 60.3 ns 11571587
BM_uint64_high_threshold/4096 628 ns 628 ns 1113267
BM_uint64_high_threshold/32768 5203 ns 5203 ns 134105
BM_uint64_high_threshold/262144 41753 ns 41752 ns 16752
BM_uint64_high_threshold/2097152 342691 ns 342692 ns 2032
BM_uint64_high_threshold/16777216 2718238 ns 2718240 ns 258
#include <random>
#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
#include <iostream>
namespace {
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 generator(rd());
template <typename T>
auto generate_vec(size_t sz, T start=0,
T end = std::numeric_limits<T>::max() - 1)
std::vector<T> v;
std::uniform_int_distribution<T> distrib(start, end);
std::generate(v.begin(), v.end(), [start, end]() {
return distrib(generator);
return v;
template <typename C>
size_t count(const C& cont,
typename C::value_type threshold)
size_t n = 0;
for (const auto& it: cont) {
n += bool( it > threshold );
return n;
static void BM_uint32_low_threshold(benchmark::State& state)
auto sz = state.range(0);
auto vec = generate_vec<uint32_t>(state.range(0));
for (auto _ : state) {
benchmark::DoNotOptimize(count(vec, 0));
static void BM_uint32_mid_threshold(benchmark::State& state)
auto sz = state.range(0);
auto vec = generate_vec<uint32_t>(state.range(0));
for (auto _ : state) {
benchmark::DoNotOptimize(count(vec, 1<<31));
static void BM_uint32_high_threshold(benchmark::State& state)
auto sz = state.range(0);
auto vec = generate_vec<uint32_t>(state.range(0));
for (auto _ : state) {
benchmark::DoNotOptimize(count(vec, std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max() - 1));
static void BM_uint64_low_threshold(benchmark::State& state)
auto sz = state.range(0);
auto vec = generate_vec<uint64_t>(state.range(0));
for (auto _ : state) {
benchmark::DoNotOptimize(count(vec, 0));
static void BM_uint64_mid_threshold(benchmark::State& state)
auto sz = state.range(0);
auto vec = generate_vec<uint64_t>(state.range(0));
for (auto _ : state) {
benchmark::DoNotOptimize(count(vec, 1ULL<<63));
static void BM_uint64_high_threshold(benchmark::State& state)
auto sz = state.range(0);
auto vec = generate_vec<uint64_t>(state.range(0));
for (auto _ : state) {
benchmark::DoNotOptimize(count(vec, std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() - 1));
int64_t start = 8;
int64_t end = 1<<24UL;
BENCHMARK(BM_uint32_low_threshold)->Range(start, end);
BENCHMARK(BM_uint32_mid_threshold)->Range(start, end);
BENCHMARK(BM_uint32_high_threshold)->Range(start, end);
BENCHMARK(BM_uint64_low_threshold)->Range(start, end);
BENCHMARK(BM_uint64_mid_threshold)->Range(start, end);
BENCHMARK(BM_uint64_high_threshold)->Range(start, end);
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