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Last active July 23, 2018 16:23
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A list of HTTP error codes and status
  • 400 BadRequest
  • 401 Unauthorized
  • 402 PaymentRequired
  • 403 Forbidden
  • 404 NotFound
  • 405 MethodNotAllowed
  • 406 NotAcceptable
  • 407 ProxyAuthenticationRequired
  • 408 RequestTimeout
  • 409 Conflict
  • 410 Gone
  • 411 LengthRequired
  • 412 PreconditionFailed
  • 413 PayloadTooLarge
  • 414 URITooLong
  • 415 UnsupportedMediaType
  • 416 RangeNotSatisfiable
  • 417 ExpectationFailed
  • 418 ImATeapot
  • 421 MisdirectedRequest
  • 422 UnprocessableEntity
  • 423 Locked
  • 424 FailedDependency
  • 425 UnorderedCollection
  • 426 UpgradeRequired
  • 428 PreconditionRequired
  • 429 TooManyRequests
  • 431 RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge
  • 451 UnavailableForLegalReasons
  • 500 InternalServerError
  • 501 NotImplemented
  • 502 BadGateway
  • 503 ServiceUnavailable
  • 504 GatewayTimeout
  • 505 HTTPVersionNotSupported
  • 506 VariantAlsoNegotiates
  • 507 InsufficientStorage
  • 508 LoopDetected
  • 509 BandwidthLimitExceeded
  • 510 NotExtended
  • 511 NetworkAuthenticationRequired
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