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Last active January 3, 2016 22:49
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Save theapi/8531211 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Port manipulation using a timer interrupt instead of delay
* main.c
* ATmega328p port manipulation
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <util/atomic.h>
Macros and Defines
// 16MHz Clock
#define F_CPU 16000000UL
// Calculate the value needed for
// the CTC match value in OCR1A.
#define CTC_MATCH_OVERFLOW ((F_CPU / 1000) / 8)
Function Prototypes
void initTimer1();
unsigned long millis();
char waited(long delay);
void iterateLeds();
void ledCountTime();
void cylon(long delay);
void ledVuBar(uint8_t max);
void ledPatternShift(uint8_t pattern, long delay);
void allOn();
Global Variables
volatile unsigned long timer1_millis;
unsigned long milliseconds_since;
char cylonDirection; // the current direction the cylon sweep is moving.
char vuBarDirection;
Interrupt Routines
int main(void) {
// Enable global interrupts
DDRD = 0xFF; // set all to output
PORTD = 0; // all off
while(1) {
//ledPatternShift(0b00000111, 150);
return 0;
void initTimer1()
// CTC mode, Clock/8
TCCR1B |= (1 << WGM12) | (1 << CS11);
// Load the high byte, then the low byte
// into the output compare
OCR1AL = (unsigned char) CTC_MATCH_OVERFLOW;
// Enable the compare match interrupt
TIMSK1 |= (1 << OCIE1A);
unsigned long millis()
unsigned long millis_return;
// Ensure this cannot be disrupted
millis_return = timer1_millis;
return millis_return;
* Waited for a time to pass, rather than using a delay.
* @returns 1 if waited long enough, 0 if not.
char waited(long delay)
unsigned long milliseconds_current = millis();
if (milliseconds_current - milliseconds_since > delay) {
milliseconds_since = milliseconds_current;
return 1;
return 0;
void allOn()
PORTD = 0xff;
void iterateLeds()
if (waited(250)) {
if (PORTD == 0) {
// Shifting zeros does nothing so turn on the first led/bit
PORTD = 1;
} else {
// Bit shift the port register to turn on each led individually.
void ledCountTime()
if (waited(1000)) {
// Go back to the start
if (PORTD == 255) {
PORTD = 0;
// Add one to the register
// The leds show the byte status of the register so the appropriate leds will light :)
void cylon(long delay)
if (waited(delay)) {
if (PORTD == 0) {
// Create something to shift
PORTD = 1;
} else if (cylonDirection == 0) {
// Shift the on bit to the left
} else {
// Shift the on bit to the right
// When the highest bit is lit, reverse the direction.
// highest bit is 10000000 / 128 / 0x80
// which can be checked using the bitwiae AND operator
// (could do PORTD == 128, but learning bit manipulation here)
// Compare the current byte to a (byte) mask for the highest bit.
// eg; 11111111 & 10000000 == true
if (PORTD & (1 << 7)) {
// reverse the direction for next time
cylonDirection = 1;
} else if (PORTD == 0x01) {
// set the direction forward
cylonDirection = 0;
void ledVuBar(uint8_t level)
if (waited(50)) {
// As 0 is a valid reading we can accept a level of 8.
if (level == 0) {
// No leds on
PORTD = 0;
// When the highest bit is lit, reverse the direction.
// level has one subtracted because the input is goes up to 8 to include 0.
// Compare the current byte to a (byte) mask for the highest bit.
// eg; 11111111 & 10000000 == true
if (PORTD & (1 << --level)) {
// reverse the direction
vuBarDirection = 1;
} else if (PORTD == 0) {
// set the direction forward
vuBarDirection = 0;
if (PORTD == 0) {
// Create something to shift
PORTD = 1;
} else if (vuBarDirection == 0) {
// Turn on the next most significant bit (next on the left)
PORTD |= (PORTD << 1);
} else {
// Turn off the most significant bit (on the left)
PORTD &= (PORTD >> 1);
* The pattern of leds lit, sweeping along the line, wrapping around.
* If the leds were in a circle, it would carry on round and round the circle.
void ledPatternShift(uint8_t pattern, long delay)
if (waited(delay)) {
//uint8_t pattern = 0b00000111;
if (PORTD == 0) {
// Create the pattern to shift
PORTD = pattern;
// At the end of the register add on bits to the start again.
if (PORTD & (1 << 7)) {
// Shift left
PORTD = (PORTD << 1);
// Add one to the start (wrap around)
PORTD |= (1 << 0);
} else {
// Shift left
PORTD = (PORTD << 1);
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