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Created March 11, 2020 12:24
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  • Save theareba/b418cb66ffe9f7b185bd98be18788097 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save theareba/b418cb66ffe9f7b185bd98be18788097 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Files in the config/locales directory are used for internationalization
# and are automatically loaded by Rails. If you want to use locales other
# than English, add the necessary files in this directory.
# To use the locales, use `I18n.t`:
# I18n.t 'hello'
# In views, this is aliased to just `t`:
# <%= t('hello') %>
# To use a different locale, set it with `I18n.locale`:
# I18n.locale = :es
# This would use the information in config/locales/es.yml.
# The following keys must be escaped otherwise they will not be retrieved by
# the default I18n backend:
# true, false, on, off, yes, no
# Instead, surround them with single quotes.
# en:
# 'true': 'foo'
# To learn more, please read the Rails Internationalization guide
# available at
hello: "Hello world"
one: error
other: errors
save: Save
cancel: Cancel
back: Back
logout: Logout
view_all: View All
save_changes: Save Changes
accept: Accept
decline: Decline
schedule: Schedule
share: Share
submit: Submit
leave_leaderboard: Leave Leaderboard
wipe_out: Yep, wipe it out
remove: Remove
follow: Follow
unfollow: Unfollow
create_post: Create Post
add: Add
edit: Edit
delete: Delete
unlink: Unlink
remove_member: Remove Member
changes_saved: Got it, your changes have been saved.
thanks_for_sharing: Thanks for sharing.
points_to_be_updated: ' Your points will be updated shortly.'
something_went_wrong: Something went wrong!
confirm_post_deletion: Are you sure you want to delete this post?
permanently_delete_content: If you do, this will permanently delete the content and your team mates will
no longer be able to view it.
posts: Posts
post_date: Post Date
likes: Likes
comments: Comments
email: Email
account_settings: Account Settings
terms_and_conditions: Terms and Conditions
privacy_policy: Privacy Policy
contact_us: Contact Us
leaderboard: Leaderboard
dashboard: Dashboard
activities: Activities
members: Members
switch_to_classic: Switch to Classic
support: Support
knowledge_center: Knowledge Center
my_account: My Account
filter_by: Filter by
sort_by: Sort by
account: Account
following: Following
one: 1 Point
other: '%{number} Points'
zero: 0 Points
set_time_and_date: Set my own time and date
no_activities: No Activities
loading: Loading
scheduled: Scheduled
refused: Refused
performed: Performed
name: Name
activity: Activity
popular: Popular
recent: Recent
hello: Hello,
actions: Actions
unacceptable_format: Not in acceptable format or very large file.
create_channel: Create Channel
contributors: Contributors
top_contributor_engagement: Top Contributor by Engagement
top_contributor_posts: Top Contributor by Posts
shares_to: Shares To
last_post_date: Last Post Date
top_channels: Top Channels
engagement_by_post: Engagement by Post
channel_title: Channel Title
channel_description: Channel Description
description: Description
hashtag: Hashtag
hashtag_with_hash: '#Hashtag'
set_start_end_dates: Set Channel Start and End Date
start_date: 'Start Date:'
end_date: 'End Date:'
set_channel_as_private: Set Channel As Private
reason_for_refusal: Why did you refuse this message?
feedback: Feedback
drag_and_drop_html: Drag and drop an image<br /> or<br />
upload_photo: Upload Photo
accaptable_formats: 'Acceptable formats: jpg, png<br /> Max file size: 3MB'
resize: Resize
create_new_channel: Create New Channel
integrate_channel_feed: Integrate Channel Feed
invite_members: Invite Members
networks: Networks
delete_post: Delete post
last_7_days: Last 7 days
last_30_days: Last 30 days
last_90_days: Last 90 days
shared_on: Shared On
message: Message
author: Author
create_activity: Create Activity
consider_yourself_posted: Consider yourself posted!
consider_yourself_updated: Consider yourself updated!
select_channel: Select Channel
rewards: Rewards
next: Next
expires_at: Expires at
social_accounts: Social Accounts
drop_or_upload_image: Drop an image here or upload from computer
activity_points: Activity points
send_to_gaggle: Send To Gaggle
new_activity: New Activity
link: Link
title: Title
select_campaigns: Select Campaigns
featured: Featured
logo: Logo
photo: Photo
schedule_activity: Schedule Activity
alert: Alert
never: Never
twitter: Twitter
linkedin: LinkedIn
facebook: Facebook
instagram: Instagram
and: and
type_something: Type something...
one: "1 error prohibited this %{resource} from being saved:"
other: "%{count} errors prohibited this %{resource} from being saved:"
text: 'Download the GaggleAMP app using this link: %{url}'
title: New GaggleAMP Beta notification
title: New GaggleAMP Beta notification
message: You have new Instagram activity to perform
all: All
title: New GaggleAMP Beta notification
message: You have new activities to perform
all_activities: All Activities
scheduler: Scheduler
my_activities: My Activities
suggest_activity: Suggest Activity
schedule_selected_messages: Schedule Selected Messages
reset_leaderboard: Reset Leaderboard
join_leaderboard: Join the Leaderboard
created: Created
domain: Domain
prohibited_team: 'prohibited this team from being saved:'
gaggle_id: Gaggle Id
edit_gaggle: Edit Gaggle
gaggles: Gaggles
create_gaggle: Create a new Gaggle
type_gaggle_name: Type a Gaggle name
search: Search
new: New
id: ID
users: Users
impersonate_gaggle: Impersonate Gaggle
add_to_gaggle: Add user to Gaggle
view_gaggle_details: View Gaggle details
edit_gaggle_details: Edit Gaggle details
delete_gaggle: Delete Gaggle
confirm_gaggle_deletion: Are you sure you want to delete this Gaggle?
create_new_gaggle: Create New Gaggle
view_gaggle_details: View Gaggle Details
icon: Icon
gaggle_details: Gaggle details
manager: Manager
prohibited_user: 'prohibited this user from being saved:'
create_new_user: Create New User
my_feed: My Feed
discover: Discover
stream: Stream
manager_view: Manager View
connect: Connect
disconnect: Disconnect
gaggleamp_beta: GaggleAMP Beta
gaggleamp_engage: GaggleAMP Engage
engage: Engage
navigate: Navigate
sign_out: Sign out
gaggleamp_inc: GaggleAMP, Inc
navigation: Navigation
teams: Teams
gaggleamp_2: GaggleAMP 2.0
easy_advocacy: Employee Advocacy Made Easy
download_mobile_app: Please download the member mobile app by tapping the store icon below.
app_store: App Store
google_play: Google Play
view_in_browser: View in Browser
email_sent_to: This email was sent to
gaggleamp: GaggleAMP
gaggleamp_address: GaggleAMP, Inc., 22 McGrath Highway, Suite 204, Somerville, MA 02143
style_guide: Style Guide
typography: Typography
grid: Grid
forms: Forms
tables: Tables
tabs: Tabs
icons: Icons
bulk_add: Bulk Add
content_feeds: Content Feeds
campaigns: Campaigns
download_csv: Download CSV
gaggle_settings: Gaggle Settings
integrations: Integrations
assign_managers: Assign Managers
billing: Billing
gaggleamp_integrations: GaggleAMP Integrations
improve_by_connecting_apps: Improve your workflow by connecting GaggleAMP with your existing business tools.
Here are just a few noteworthy apps that work perfectly well with GaggleAMP.
connect_marketing_automation: Connect Marketing Automation
ease_of_generating_markeing_funnel_html: GaggleAMP offers a variety of Marketing Automation integrations to make it easier for Gaggle Managers to see exactly what
GaggleAMP is generating for the top of their organization's marketing funnel
more_on_automation_integrations: Learn More About Marketing Automation Integrations
list_of_integrations: This is our growing list of integrations
sso: Single Sign On Integration
sso_description: GaggleAMP can integrate with your company's Single Sign On service to allow Members and Managers to access GaggleAMP automatically, without needing to create a separate password for GaggleAMP.
more_on_sso: Learn More About Single Sign On Integration
salesforce_integration: Salesforce Integration
salesforce_integration_capability: GaggleAMP’s Salesforce Integration allows Gaggle Members to join your company’s Gaggle(s) and perform Activities directly from Salesforce.
more_on_salesforce_integration: Learn More About Salesforce Integration
unlink_salesforce: Unlink Salesforce
sandbox: Sandbox
are_you_sure: Are you sure?
link_salesforce: Link Salesforce Integration
link_salesforce_sandbox: Link Salesforce Sandbox Integration
slack_integration: Slack Integration
slack_integration_description: Install the @GaggleAMP bot in your company's Slack Team. Members can then connect their Slack Accounts to GaggleAMP and start receiving notifications of new Activities directly in Slack.
unlink_slack: Unlink Slack Account
link_slack: Link Slack Account
bitly_integration: Bitly Integration
bitly_integration_description: Enable URLs to be shortened with your company's custom domain names in Bitly.
unlink_bitly: Unlink Bitly Account
update_bitly_setting: Update Bitly Setting
no_bitly_custom_domains: No custom domains available in Bitly.
reconnect: Reconnect
bitly_account: Bitly Account
gaggle_settings: Gaggle Settings
announcements: Announcements
invite: Invite
membership_requests: Membership Requests
points_report: Points Report
grow_gaggle: Let us help you grow your Gaggle
more_members_more_reach: The more members in your Gaggle, the more reach you have.
your_invite_link: Your Invite Link
copy_link: Copy Link
craate_group_specific_gaggles: 'Email is a fast and easy way to invite different stakeholder groups to your Gaggle.
We recommend creating different Gaggles for various stakeholder and constituent groups.
This allows you to provide distinct messages and rewards that are group specific.
Here is some recommended copy for you to use. You can copy and paste this text into your own email client:'
get_word_out_on_company: '%{team_name} is using GaggleAMP to help get the word out about our company and what we are up to. We want your help!'
invite_to_be_a_member: We are inviting you to become a Member of our "Gaggle".
This will allow you to share messages that we recommend sending out to your friends and followers on various social networks.
Becoming a Member of our Gaggle will allow you to have a professional social media presence with practically no work on your part.
We craft the messages and you share them. It’s that simple.
benefits_for_joining_gaggle: See more benefits of joining a Gaggle.
opt_in_and_gaggle_privacy: Using GaggleAMP is 100% opt-in. You get to decide which messages you want to share. You can pass on any message.
Privacy is important to us. With GaggleAMP, we get to see how many people shared a message, but we cannot see specifically who did.
We don’t want you to ever feel pressured to share anything that you are not comfortable with.
joining_gaggle: Joining the Gaggle takes just a few moments and GaggleAMP will notify you whenever there are new messages to share.
joining_link: 'To join our Gaggle, click here:'
after_gaggle_setup: Once you have set up your GaggleAMP account be sure to download the
iphone: iPhone
android: Android
or: or
app_and_login: app and log in.
participation_gratitude: Thank you for your participation!
managers_of_gaggle: '- The Managers of the %{team_name} Gaggle'
user_generated_content: User-Generated Content
reports: Reports
settings: Settings
member_view: Member View
hi: Hi
requested_rentry: has requested entry into %{channel_name}
add: Add %{name_or_email} to
ignore_or_reply_to_message: Ignore this message if you do not want to add this user to your channel.
You can also reply to this email to contact the user directly.
gaggle_topics: This is what your Gaggle was talking about
today: today
this_week: this week
something_happened: Something good happened on %{team_name}
commented_on_post: 'Commented on your post:'
added_post: 'Has added the following post:'
post_promoted: 'Your post was promoted:'
post_can_be_shared: Now it can be shared by all of your Gaggle members. You're famous!
liked_post: 'Liked your post:'
removed_and_reentry_contact_html: The channel owner has removed you from the <b>%{channel_name}</b> channel.
To request re-entry, contact the channel owner
let_me_back_in: Let me back in
invited_to_participate_on_channel: 'You have been invited to participate on channel:'
accept_and_subscribe: Accept invitation and subscribe
subscribers: Subscribers
followers: Followers
now_following_you: Is now following you on GaggleAMP Beta.
view_their_profile: View Their Profile
all_posts: All Posts
my_posts: My Posts
trending: Trending
create_new_post: Create New Post
normal: Normal
checked: Checked
disabled: Disabled
success_message: This is a success message
password: Password
error_message: This is a error message
address: Address
main_street: 1234 Main St
address_2: Address 2
apartment_studio: Apartment, studio, or floo
warning_message: This is a warning message
info_message: This is a info message
city: City
state: State
choose: Choose...
zip: Zip
example_textarea: Example textarea
control_hash_help: This control has help text
check_me_out: Check me out
sign_in: Sign in
grid: Grid
offsets: Offsets
offset_column: Offset a column
auto_width: Auto Width
add_auto_sizing_columns: Add any number of auto sizing columns to a row. Let the grid figure it out.
nested_grids: Nested Grids
nested_grids_inside_grids: Nest grids inside grids inside grids.
alignment: Alignment
add_classes_to_align_elements: Add classes to align elements to the start or end of a row as well as the top, bottom, or center of a column
example_use_of_modifiers: Here is an example of using the modifiers in conjunction to acheive different alignment at different viewport sizes.
example_top_middle_bottom: 'Example: top, middle, bottom'
normal: Normal
checked: Checked
disabled: Disabled
checkboxes: Checkboxes
radios: Radios
form_grid: Form grid
icons: Icons
table: Table
column_1: Column 1
column_2: Column 2
column_3: Column 3
column_4: Column 4
column_5: Column 5
table_zebra: Table - Zebra
table_scrollable: Table - scrollable
table_sortable: Table - sortable
tabs: Tabs
tab: Tab
action_button: Action button
tab_content: Tab content
html_ipsum_presents: HTML Ipsum Presents
pellentesque_habitant_morbi_html: <strong>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique</strong> senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. <em>Aenean ultricies mi vitae est.</em> Mauris placerat eleifend leo. Quisque sit amet est et sapien ullamcorper pharetra. Vestibulum erat wisi, condimentum sed, <code>commodo vitae</code>, ornare sit amet, wisi. Aenean fermentum, elit eget tincidunt condimentum, eros ipsum rutrum orci, sagittis tempus lacus enim ac dui. <a href="#">Donec non enim</a> in turpis pulvinar facilisis. Ut felis.
header_level_2: Header Level 2
lorem_ipsum_dolor: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit
aliquam_tincidunt: Aliquam tincidunt mauris eu risus.
lorem_ipsum_dolo: Lorem ipsum dolo
lorem_ipsum_dolor_si_amet: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus magna. Cras in mi at felis aliquet congue. Ut a est eget ligula molestie gravida. Curabitur massa. Donec eleifend, libero at sagittis mollis, tellus est malesuada tellus, at luctus turpis elit sit amet quam. Vivamus pretium ornare est.
header_level_3: Header Level 3
lorem_ipsum_dolor_si: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
aliquam_tincidunt: Aliquam tincidunt mauris eu risus.
pellentesque_habitant_morbi_tristique: Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.
join_leaderboard_now: Join the Leaderboard now and have some Fun!
enjoy_friendly_competion_html: Enjoy a little friendly competition with your<br> team members by racking up points for<br> performing activities
only_opt_in_members_displayed_html: Only members who opt-in to the Leaderboard<br> will be displayed
freedom_to_leave: If competition isn’t your thing, You can leave at any time!
remove_yourself_from_leaderboard_html: You may remove yourself from the Gaggle<br> Leaderboard at any time
join_leaderboard: Join Leaderboard
join_the_leaderboard: Join the Leaderboard
reach: Reach
points: Points
first_time: It seems this is your first time
enter_name_title_photo: Please enter your name and optionally your title and photo that will be
displayed to other users. You can always change these in account
avatar: Avatar
continue: Continue
general: General
notifications: Notifications
password_security_html: Password &amp; Security
first_name: First Name
last_name: Last Name
time_zone: Time Zone
date_format: Date Format
password_and_security: Password and Security
current_password: Current Password
new_password: New Password
confirm_new_password: Confirm New Password
configure_two_factor_authentication: Configure Two-Factor Authentication
two_factor_authentication_security_layer: Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of secuity to your account. After using your email and password, a code will be required to login.
configure_2fa: Configure 2FA
gaggle_created: Gaggle created.
gaggle_updated: Gaggle updated.
gaggle_deleted: Gaggle deleted.
user_not_found: User not found.
user_created: User created.
authentication_deleted: Authentication deleted.
failed_to_connect: Failed to connect your account.
post_does_not_exist: The requested post does not exist or you may not have access to it anymore.
not_access_to_post: You do not have access to the requested post anymore.
vote: Vote
unvote: Unvote
successful_scheduling: Congratulations! All activities successfully scheduled
coffee_time_html: It&apos;s coffee time!
peek_at_recent_activities: 'Perhaps you want to take a peek at your recent activities status:'
go_to_my_activities: Go to My Activities
select_all_messages: Select All Messages
schedule_selected_messages: Schedule Selected Messages
created_by: Created by
members: Members
started_on: Started on
unfollow_channel: Unfollow Channel
follow_channel: Follow Channel
allow_popups: Please allow popups for this website
notification_sent_to_device: A notification has been sent to your mobile device. Please use your device to complete the activity.
edit_and_schedule: Edit And Schedule Activity
undo_reject: Undo Reject
edit_schedule_html: Edit &amp; Schedule
no_thanks: No Thanks
perform_on_mobile: Perform this Activity on your mobile device.
expires: Expires
not_activities_to_perform: There are no activities for you to perform. Take a break and look what your team is doing!
discover: Discover
thanks_for_sharing: Thanks for sharing. Your post will be shared shortly
manager_recommends_adding_post: Your Gaggle Manager recommends adding the following post to your Facebook page.
manager_recommended_message_html: 'Manager&#39;s Recommended Message:'
message_copied_to_clipboard: Message was successfully copied to clipboard. Paste the text on the Facebook window after clicking the Share button bellow.
suggested_message_copied_to_clipboad_html: Suggested message will be copied to the clipboard by
clicking &quot;Continue with Suggested Message&quot;.
Paste the text once Facebook shows the post window.
write_message_html: I&#39;ll write my own message
continue_with_suggested_message: Continue With Suggested Message
input_message_here: Input your message here..
remaining_characters: Remaining characters
include_recommended_hashtag: Include recommended hashtag
include_link: Include link
include_attachment: Include attachment
select_schedule_option: 'Select schedule option:'
default_schedule: 'Default Schedule:'
message_required_before_share: This activity requires your message before sharing it.
prepend_message: Prepend message
append_message: Append message
add_comment: Add Comment
edit_message: Edit Message
add_response: Add Response
scheduling_at: Scheduling at
no_more_activities_html: No more activities.<br /> Check back later.
refusal_undone: Refusal of activity was undone
schedule: 'schedule '
was_cancelled: was cancelled
sent_back_to_list: successfully and sent back to your activities list.
cancel_schedule: Cancel Schedule
undo_reject: Undo Reject
scheduling_at: Scheduling at
auto_shared: Auto-shared
approved: Approved
on_html: '&nbsp;on&nbsp;'
no_activities_performed: No Activities Performed
no_activities_performed_check_back_html: No activities performed.<br /> Check back after performing some activities.
reset_filters: Reset filters
channel: Channel
joined_in_last_30_days: Joined in Last 30 days
expired_social_accounts: Expired Social Accounts
email_not_confirmed: Email Not Confirmed
no_activity_in_past_30_days: No Activity in Past 30 days
role: Role
manager: Manager
include_removed_members: Include removed members
social_reach: Social Reach
joined_on: Joined On
last_active: Last Active
something_in_wrong: Something is technically wrong.
current_avatar: Current avatar
new_ga_experience: you are on the new GaggleAMP experience.
learn_more: Click here to learn more
type: Type
last_processed_at: Last Processed At
creator: Creator
created_on: Created On
delete_feed: Delete Feed
channel_feed: Channel Feed
confirm_channel_feed_deletion: Are you sure you want to delete this Channel Feed?
channel_updated: Channel Updated!
edit_channel: Edit Channel
update_channel: Update Channel
new_channel_created: New Channel Created!
subscribed_to_channel: You're now subscribed to this channel
invitation_declined: Invitation declined. You can always change your mind by visiting the channel and clicking Follow.
leave_channel: Leave Channel
confirm_channel_exit: Are you sure you want to leave this channel?
channel_posts_excluded_from_feed_html: If you do, posts from this channel won&#39;t appear on your Feed
and you will no longer receive any notifications.
notification_settings: Channel Notifications Settings
mute_channel: Mute Channel
no_notifications_for_muted_channels: You won’t receive notifications for muted channels
mute_email_notifications: Mute Email Notifications
no_notifications_on_email: You won’t receive channel notifications on your email
mute_mobile_notifications: Mute Mobile Notifications
no_notifications_on_mobile: You won’t received channel notifications on your mobile device
set_default_notifications: Set your default notifications in your
my_channels: My Channels
declined_channels: Declined Channels
filter_channels: Filter channels
create_channel: Channel Name
inappropriate_message: Message is not appropriate for my network of friends/followers
consider_message_off_topic: I consider the message off-topic
amount_of_messages: Frequency/amount of messages
thanks_for_feedback: Thanks for your feedback.
help_gaggle_manager: Please help the Gaggle Manager by providing more detail on how to
improve the message or recommend an alternative activity
share_your_thoughts: Share your thoughts
user_agent_icon: User Agent Icon
feedback_to_be_delivered: Your feedback will be delivered to the Gaggle Manager anonymously
gaggleamp_logo: GaggleAMP Logo
reason: 'Reason :'
email_member: Email Member
yes_remove_member: Yes, remove member.
confirm_removal_html: Are you sure you want to remove <b>%{member_name}</b>?
permanently_remove_member: If you do, this will permanently remove this member and
member will no longer be able to sign in to your Gaggle.
current_icon: Current icon
select_device_type: Please select a device type.
sms_capable_phone_number: Please input a SMS capable phone number.
message_sent: Message sent.
daily_sms_limit_reached: Daily limit of SMS messages reached. Please try again tomorrow.
unable_to_send_sms: Unable to send SMS to this number.
install_new_mobile_app: Install NEW Mobile App
download_mobile_app: Download Mobile App
get_ios_android_app: Get the iOS or Android app
install_ga_mobile_app: Install GaggleAMP Mobile App
tell_me_the_link: Text me the link
receive_text_with_quick_download: Receive a text message with a quick download link so you’ll make sure to
stay updated with the recent activities and posts from your Gaggle, even on the go.
ios: iOS
android: Android
country_code: Country Code
phone_number: Phone Number
message_and_data_rates: Message and data rates may apply
integrate_feed_to_channel: Integrate Feed to an Existing Channel
server_returned_no_data: Server did not return any data.
please_authenticate_your: Please authenticate your %{feed_type} account.
feed_type_invalid: The %{feed_type} is invalid.
something_went_wrong: Something went wrong. Please try again later.
how_to_integrate_channel_feed: How do you want to integrate your channel feed?
start_new_feed: Start your new feed by creating a new channel
start: Start
select_feed_type: Select Type of Feed
start_with_existing_channel: Start with an existing channel
integrating_feed_to_public_channel: By integrating a feed to a public channel, this will become private.
Members will not be able to see this post on Discover Section.
confirm_account_to_add_feed: 'Please confirm this is the account you want to add to your feed:'
search_members: Search Members...
no_users: no users
leave_the_leaderboad: Leave the Leaderboard
leaderboard_exit_confirmation: Are you sure you want to leave the leaderboard?
Doing this will only remove you from the list but won’t affect your points or rewards.
You can always opt-in again.
edit_marketing_automation_parameters: Edit Marketing Automation Parameters
marketing_automation_system_use: Using GaggleAMP\'s marketing automation system integration with our URL shortener,\
GaggleAMP will append rich lead source information into each URL that is shared.\
The marketing automation system can take these details and build a richer\
lead profile with it.\
Many marketing automation systems allow you to customize the parameter names.\
Use this form to change the default parameter names that you wish to use with\
query_parameters: Query Parameters
parameters: Parameters
insert_query_parameter: Insert a Query Parameter
select_query: Select Query
update_query_parameter: Update Query Parameter
update_marketing_automation_settings: Update Marketing Automation Settings
update: Update
confirm_marketing_automation_update: You are about to update the Marketing Automation Settings for this Gaggle.
Please confirm that you want to complete this update.
google_analytics: Google Analytics
must_have_for_analytics_deals: A must-have for anyone who deals with the analytics behind your marketing efforts.
hubspot: Hubspot
marketo: Marketo
oracle: Oracle Marketing Cloud
pardot: Pardot
other: Other
select_marketing_automation_tool: Select Marketing Automation Tool
unlink_marketing_automation_tool: Unlink Marketing Automation Tool
confirm_marketing_automation_unlinking: You are about to unlink the Marketing Automation Tool for this Gaggle.
Please confirm that you want to unlink this tool.
other_marketing_automation_providers: Other Marketing Automation Providers
other_options: Looking for other options?
custom_integrations: GaggleAMP can also setup custom integrations with other
Marketing Automation and CRM tools.
closed_loop_lead_tracking: Marketing Automation integration provides closed-loop lead
tracking so you can track your social media generated leads
throughout the sales process and even down to the dollar value of your converted leads.
marketing_automation_metrics_tracking: After setting up the integration, visitors that come to your
website via a link that was shared from GaggleAMP, your Marketing Automation
tool will be able to see which Gaggle, social network, campaign,
and individual message sent that visitor to your site.
gaggleamp_offers: 'GaggleAMP offers:'
ga_tracking_included_in_shortened_links: By default, GaggleAMP includes tracking for Google Analytics in all shortened links.
easily_setup_integration_with: 'GaggleAMP can be easily setup to integrate with the following tools:'
oracle_eloqua: Oracle Eloqua
utm_parameters_consumable_can_be_integrated: If you use a different tool, GaggleAMP may still be able to integrate with it.\
If the tool can accept UTM Parameters you may be able to easily set it up to read\
GaggleAMP\'s tracking data. Contact your tool\'s administrator to see if this is possible.
setup_custom_integrations: GaggleAMP can also setup custom integrations with other Marketing Automation
and CRM tools. To submit an inquiry or if you have any other questions, contact support
contact_support: Contact Support
notifications: Notifications
notify_when_activities_available: Notify me when activities are available
receive_email_notification_new_activity_available: Receive email notification when new activity is available.
Disable to turn of all activity notifications
notify_when_new_activities_added: Notify me as soon as new activities are added
daily_digest: Daily Digest
twice_a_week: Twice a week
weekly_digest: Weekly Digest
broadcast_messages: Broadcast Messages
allow_managers_to_send_email_notification: Allow manager to immediately send an email notification for urgent activities.
notify_when_new_post_created: Notify me when new post is created
receive_email_notifications_when_new_post_published: Receive email notifications when a new post is published in
a channel or by a member I follow.
notify_when_new_posts_added: Notify me as soon as new posts are added
immediate_notifications_when_post_created: 'Send me immediate notifications when a post I created:'
receives_a_comment: Receives a comment
is_gaggled: Is Gaggled (manager promotes as team activity)
notify_when_invitation_received: Notify me immediately when I receive an invitation to a channel
post_performance_at_glance: Post Performance - At A Glance
post_performance: Post Performance
not_posts_in_channel_html: 'This channel does not have<br /> any post yet.'
nothing_here_yet: Nothing here yet! Follow a channel or a person to start seeing posts.
update_post: Update Post
drop_image_video: Drop an image or video here or upload from computer
channels: Channels
acceptable_formats_html: 'Acceptable formats: jpg, png, mp4<br />
Max file size: 10MB (image) or 200MB (video)'
delete_post: Delete Post
add_content: Add Content
enter_twitter_username: "Enter a Twitter username to load that account's Tweets:"
enter_hashtag: 'Enter a hashtag to pull Tweets with that hashtag:'
username: '@username'
twitter_post_link: Twitter post link
link_to_tweet: a link to a tweet
post_link: Post link
post_preview: Post Preview
design_activity: Design Activity
preview: Preview
preview_activity: Preview Activity
member_dashboard_preview: Member Dashboard Preview
activity_preview: Activity Preview
youtube: Youtube
gaggle_actions: Gaggle Actions
ios: IOS
android: Android
slideshare: Slideshare
quora: Quora
pinterest: Pinterest
mailchimp: Mailchimp
xing: Xing
glassdoor: Glassdoor
indeed: Indeed
other_content_actions: Other Content Actions
no_favorites: You don\'t have any favorites yet
share_on: Share On
update: Update
points_earned: Points Earned
previous: Previous
current_default_schedule: Current Default Schedule
messages_scheduled_over_next: Messages will be scheduled over the next
at_any_time_of_day: at any time of day
between: between
schedule_messages_over: 'Schedule messages over:'
weekdays: weekdays
days: days
weekdays_only: Weekdays only
share_messages: 'Share messages:'
any_time_of_day: Any time of day
select_timezone: 'Select time zone:'
save_default_schedule_preferences: Save Default Schedule Preferences
post_gaggled: Post has been gaggled!
link_preview: Link Preview
add_to_post: Add post to
social_network: Social Network
activity_options: Activity options
activity_information_displayed: Provide activity information bellow.
This information is displayed on the Member Activity listing.
activity_instructions: Activity Instructions
provide_information_or_ask_question: Provide instructions or ask a question of your members…
activity_title: Activity Title
replace_link_title: Replace link title with your own…
recommend_hashtag: Recommend hashtag
activity_photo: Activity Photo
set_points: Set points
post_at: Post at
other_options: Other options
enable_tracking: Enable tracking
unlike_post: Unlike this post
like_post: Like this post
comment: comment
comments: comments
like: like
likes: likes
social_accounts_settings: Social Accounts Settings
start_with_content: Start With Content
things_to_do: Things to do
all_done: All done!
to_do: to do
schedule_twitter_linkedin_html: Schedule all Twitter &amp; LinkedIn
one: Thing
other: Things
not_match_from_search: Search did not find any Members matching
search_members: Search Members...
menu: Menu
select: Select...
all_channels: All Channels
select_gaggle: Select Gaggle*
am: AM
pm: PM
no_results_found: No results found
no_choices: No choices to choose from
vk: VK
select_tags: Select tag(s)
upload_preview: Upload Preview
enter_title: Enter title
enter_description: Enter description
share_thoughts_or_ideas: Share your thoughts, articles or ideas.
30_days: 30 days
90_days: 90 days
custom_date: 'Custom date:'
to: To
from: From
points: points
unsubscribe: Unsubscribe
subscribe: Subscribe
like: Like
likes: Likes
comment: Comment
comments: Comments
show_post_actions: Show post actions
edit_post: Edit post
copy_post_link: Copy link to post
username: Username
retweets: Retweets
favorites: Favorites
retweet: Retweet
add_networks: Add Networks
pts: pts
ends: Ends
pts: Pts
this_week: This week
this_month: This month
all_time: All-Time
network: Network
status: Status
mute: Mute
re_authorize: Re-Authorize
active: Active
inactive: Inactive
posts_authored: Posts authored
channels_subscribed_to: Channels subscribed to
note_to_members: Note to Members
instructions_to_members: Optionally, you may provide further instructions to your Members
recommend_hashtag: Recommended Hashtag
hashtag_for_members_use: The hashtag you want your Members to use
filter_by_tag: Filter by Tag
post_for_tagged_members: Post only for members tagged with the above, or leave empty for all.
starts: Starts
set_different_start_time: Now - OR - click to set different start time
ends: Ends
disable_autoshare: Disable Auto-Share
require_comment: Require comment
allow_comment: Allow Comment
type_tag: Type a tag...
points: Points
edit_comment: Edit comment
delete_comment: Delete comment
write_thoughts: Write your thoughts...
share_thoughts_discover_new_perspectives: Share thoughts and discover new perspectives
power_of_thought: '"Never underestimate the power of thought; it is the greatest path to discovery."'
idowu_koyenikan: Idowu Koyenikan
share_your_moments: Share Your Moments
share_ides_photo_article: Spread that idea, bring out those photos and share that article with your team.
share_broadly: Share Broadly
create_and_share_post_easily: Don’t want to use multiple tools?
Create a post and easily share it on your own social networks.
become_expert: Become The Expert
build_credibility: Share often to build your credibility and value in the team
share_opinion: Share Your Opinion
discuss_thoughts_on_posts: Discuss your thoughts on your team members’ posts.
share_love: Share Love
motivate_colleagues: Motivate your colleagues, let them know that their posts have value.
share_safetly: Share Safely
restricted_to_team_members: Only your team members will see your post
close: Close
go_to_channel: Go To Channel
filters: Filters
edit_parameters: Edit Parameters
search: Search...
invitation_link_copied: Invitation Link is Successfully Copied to Clipboard.
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