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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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Demo history editing in git
# Constantine Linnick <>
set -e
# Skip curling funny request messages from and waiting after echo
function check {
if ! hash $1 2>/dev/null; then
echo $1 require
exit 1
check git
if $FUNNY; then check curl; fi;
function wait { if ! $FAST; then read -s -n1; fi; }
function msg { if $FUNNY; then curl 2>/dev/null; else echo "Message $RANDOM" ; fi; }
function command { echo -e "\033[93m$@\033[0m"; }
function header { echo -e "\033[1;32m$@\033[0m\n"; }
function say { echo -e "\033[32m$@\033[0m\n"; }
function sayw { echo -e "\033[32m$@\033[0m\n"; wait; }
function git_origin { cd $ORIGIN ; command "git $@"; git --no-pager "$@"; echo -e "\n"; }
function git_alice { cd $ALICE ; command "git $@"; git --no-pager "$@"; echo -e "\n"; }
function git_bob { cd $BOB ; command "git $@"; git --no-pager "$@"; echo -e "\n"; }
function log_origin { git_origin log --date-order --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h%Creset%C(green)%Creset%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %C(magenta)<%an>" --decorate --all --graph $@; }
function log_alice { git_alice log --date-order --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h%Creset%C(green)%Creset%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %C(magenta)<%an>" --decorate --all --graph $@; }
function log_bob { git_bob log --date-order --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h%Creset%C(green)%Creset%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %C(magenta)<%an>" --decorate --all --graph $@; }
function reflog_alice { log_alice "$(git rev-list --reflog --all)"; }
function reflog_bob { log_bob "$(git rev-list --reflog --all)"; }
function change_alice { cd $ALICE; if [ ! -z "$1" ] ; then echo $RANDOM >> "$1.txt"; echo -e "\033[96mAlice edited $1.txt\033[0m"; else echo $RANDOM >> alice.txt; echo -e "\033[96mAlice edited alice.txt\033[0m"; fi; }
function change_bob { cd $BOB; if [ ! -z "$1" ] ; then echo $RANDOM >> "$1.txt"; echo -e "\033[96mBob edited $1.txt\033[0m" ; else echo $RANDOM >> bob.txt ; echo -e "\033[96mBob edited bob.txt\033[0m" ; fi; }
function commit_alice { cmsg="$(msg)"; change_alice "$@"; command "git add -A; git --no-pager diff --cached; git commit -m \"$cmsg\""; git add -A; git --no-pager diff --cached; git commit --author="alice <>" -m "$cmsg"; echo -e "\n"; }
function commit_bob { cmsg="$(msg)"; change_bob "$@"; command "git add -A; git --no-pager diff --cached; git commit -m \"$cmsg\""; git add -A; git --no-pager diff --cached; git commit --author="bob <>" -m "$cmsg"; echo -e "\n"; }
header Init
say Cleanup dirs
rm -rf "$ORIGIN" "$ALICE" "$BOB"
mkdir $ORIGIN
mkdir $ALICE
mkdir $BOB
say Init repos
# We cannot to push to non bare repository
git_origin init --bare
git_alice clone $ORIGIN .
git_bob clone $ORIGIN .
sayw Branches is simply labels, and nothing disappleras without a traces."\n"\
To better understand this look at cool visualisation "\n"\
at "\n"\
Everything is ready, press any key to continue or ^c to stop. "\n"\
During pauses feel free to play with repos and inspect its state
header 1. Restore lost commits
say Alice did some commits...
say and now have small tree
sayw Somehow she droped first two commits
git_alice reset --hard HEAD^^
sayw OH MY GOD, where is whole day work
sayw Well, in ref-log. We can collect all revs from ref-log...
git_alice rev-list --reflog --all
sayw and pass it to git log with '$(git rev-list --reflog --all)'
sayw We can checkout to lost commits but HEAD will be detached
# Sorting order are not stable even with --topo-order
git_alice checkout "$(git rev-list --reflog --topo-order --all | sed -n '1p')"
sayw we can even commit to detached head
sayw To get commits back, we can create branch...
git_alice checkout -b lost_commits
sayw checkout master...
git_alice checkout master
sayw and merge it...
git_alice merge lost_commits
sayw Let\'s check
sayw Drop unnecessary branch
git_alice branch -d lost_commits
git_alice push origin
header 2. Remove single pushed commit
sayw Alice commited something and pushed to origin
git_alice push origin
sayw But minute after she wanted to revert last commit in origin
sayw If Bob not yet pulled, just reset --hard...
git_alice reset HEAD^ --hard
sayw and push --force
git_alice push origin --force
header 3. Drop non last shared commit
sayw Alice did some work
# If file does not exists before it can raise Deleted-Unmerged state and automatic rebase will fail
commit_alice bob
commit_alice bob
git_alice push origin
sayw Bob pull origin, push commit, and continue his work
git_bob pull origin
git_bob push origin
sayw Alice pull Bob\'s changes
git_alice pull origin
say Alice\'s repo
say Bob\'s repo
sayw Alice wants to drop last changes in Bob\'s file using interactive rebase
# Weird way to comment first (NR==1) line in passed todo file by git, during rebase you obviuously do this by hand
# See
# Also without || true all scipt will fail
GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR="awk '{line=(NR==1)?\"#\" \$0:\$0; print line; print line >> (FILENAME \"~\") }END{system (\"mv \" FILENAME \"~ \" FILENAME)}'" git_alice rebase -i HEAD^^ || true
sayw Obviuously we have conflict
git_alice diff bob.txt
sayw We resolve it...
cd $ALICE && sed -i -e "2d;3d;4d;6d" bob.txt
git_alice add -A
git_alice commit -m "Resolve rebase conflict"
sayw and continue rebase
# If we do not add -m message editor will popup
git_alice rebase --continue
sayw Alice\'s history now splitted...
sayw and Alice push force this to origin
git_alice push origin --force
sayw Bob fetch origin...
git_bob fetch origin
sayw and see
sayw Bob simply pulls master without conflicts...
git_bob pull origin
sayw and see
sayw Note, nothing dropped, and old commits still in reflog
header The end
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