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Created November 22, 2012 18:46
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NLTK book chapter 07 task 13
#Pick one of the three chunk types in the CoNLL corpus.
#Write functions to do the following tasks for your chosen type:
#1. List all the tag sequences that occur with each instance of this chunk type.
#2. Count the frequency of each tag sequence, and produce a ranked list in order of decreasing
# frequency; each line should consist of an integer (the frequency) and the tag sequence.
#3. Inspect the high-frequency tag sequences. Use these as the basis for developing a better chunker.
import nltk, sys
from nltk.corpus import conll2000
from nltk.probability import FreqDist
# We can choose NP, VP, PP
# User train set of conll2000
data = conll2000.chunked_sents('train.txt', chunk_types=[TYPE])
# Calculate statistics
def get_seq(data):
tuples = list()
for row in data:
# Use window of 3 tags
triplet = ("<START>","<START>","<START>")
for st in row:
# After each item shift out tuple left
# Try to check if node of chosen type
triplet = (triplet[1],triplet[2],st.node)
if st.node == TYPE:
# Otherwise it is simple tag (tuple)
triplet = (triplet[1],triplet[2],st[1])
return tuples
# Using function from chapter 2 calculate statistics
def count_freq(tuples):
fdist = FreqDist(tuples)
for seq in fdist:
print fdist[seq], seq
# Do first and second task
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