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Created December 8, 2016 12:33
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Feathers type definitions
declare module "feathers" {
import { Application, Handler, ErrorRequestHandler } from 'express';
type HandlerArgument = Handler | Handler[];
function Feathers(): Feathers.FeathersApp;
export = Feathers;
namespace Feathers {
// The app object returned from the feathers() constructor. Based on an Express app.
interface FeathersApp extends Application {
// The version of Feathers from package.json
version: string;
methods: ['find', 'get', 'create', 'update', 'patch', 'remove'];
services: any;
providers: any[];
// Since configure was removed from Express
configure(Function): this;
service(location: string): service.FeathersServiceInstance<any>;
// Mixture of Express and Feathers - we have to duplicate these because there's no way
// in TypeScript to "override" an extends. So we rewrite them all, express included.
use(location: string, service: service.FeathersServiceConfig): this; // Feathers
use(...handlers: HandlerArgument[]): this; // Express
use(mountPoint: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[], ...handlers: HandlerArgument[]): this; // Express
use(errorHandler: ErrorRequestHandler);
setup(app: FeathersApp);
// Expose these to users for typings their hook creations
type Hooks = hooks.FeathersHooks;
type Hook<Resource> = hooks.FeathersHook<Resource>;
// Contains the typings for service-related features
namespace service {
// The Events that can be subscribed to
type FeathersEvent = 'create' | 'update' | 'patch' | 'remove';
// Shared methods between a FeathersService and it's instance
interface FeathersServiceMethods<Resource> {
find?(params: FeathersParams, callback?: Function): PromiseLike<FeathersPage<Resource>>;
get?(id: any, params: FeathersParams, callback?: Function): PromiseLike<Resource>;
create?(data: Resource, params: FeathersParams, callback?: Function): PromiseLike<Resource>;
update?(id: any, data: Resource, params: FeathersParams, callback?: Function): PromiseLike<Resource>;
patch?(id: any, data: Resource, params: FeathersParams, callback?: Function): PromiseLike<Resource>;
remove?(id: any, params: FeathersParams, callback?: Function): PromiseLike<Resource>;
// The returned / retrievable feathers.service (e.g. app.service('/users'))
interface FeathersServiceInstance<Resource> extends FeathersServiceMethods<Resource> {
before(hooks: hooks.FeathersHooks);
after(hooks: hooks.FeathersHooks);
on(event: FeathersEvent, callback: { (Resource): any });
// The interface that a new service object would implement
interface FeathersService<Resource> extends FeathersServiceMethods<Resource> {
(FeathersServiceConfig): FeathersServiceInstance<Resource>;
setup?(app: Feathers.FeathersApp, path?: string)
// Change pagination for a 'find' service call
interface FeathersFindConfig {
paginate?: {
default?: number;
max?: number;
} | boolean;
// Customize the creation of a feathers service
interface FeathersServiceConfig extends FeathersFindConfig {
before?: hooks.FeathersHooks;
after?: hooks.FeathersHooks;
// The parameters used by feathers services
interface FeathersParams {
query: any;
data: any;
result: any;
// Paginated resources returned by find
interface FeathersPage<Resource> {
total: number;
limit: number;
skip: number;
data: Resource[];
// Contains the typings for hook-related features
namespace hooks {
// The typings for the "hook" parameter in hook functions
interface FeathersHookInputBase {
method: string;
type: 'before' | 'after';
callback: Function;
params: any;
data: any;
app: Feathers.FeathersApp;
// We have an individual parameter typing for each hook type
interface FeathersHookInputGet extends FeathersHookInputBase { id: any; }
interface FeathersHookInputFind extends FeathersHookInputBase { }
interface FeathersHookInputCreate extends FeathersHookInputBase { data: any; }
interface FeathersHookInputUpdate extends FeathersHookInputBase { data: any; id: any; }
interface FeathersHookInputPatch extends FeathersHookInputBase { data: any; id: any; }
interface FeathersHookInputRemove extends FeathersHookInputBase { data: any; id: any; }
type FeathersHookInputAll =
FeathersHookInputGet | FeathersHookInputFind | FeathersHookInputCreate |
FeathersHookInputUpdate | FeathersHookInputPatch | FeathersHookInputRemove;
// The type of an actual hook function
interface FeathersHook<Input> {
(hook: Input): PromiseLike<any> | void
// Either an array of hooks or a single hook -
// so we don't have to rewrite a super complicated type each time
type FeatherHookArrayOrHook<Input> = Array<FeathersHook<Input>> | FeathersHook<Input>;
interface FeathersHooks {
all?: FeatherHookArrayOrHook<FeathersHookInputAll>;
find?: FeatherHookArrayOrHook<FeathersHookInputFind>;
get?: FeatherHookArrayOrHook<FeathersHookInputGet>;
create?: FeatherHookArrayOrHook<FeathersHookInputCreate>;
update?: FeatherHookArrayOrHook<FeathersHookInputUpdate>;
patch?: FeatherHookArrayOrHook<FeathersHookInputPatch>;
remove?: FeatherHookArrayOrHook<FeathersHookInputRemove>;
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