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Created April 13, 2015 23:52
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Basic UIList
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
namespace Rubycone.BoltAction {
public class InferSize : MonoBehaviour {
public Graphic targetGraphic;
public Vector2 minSizeOffset, preferredSizeOffset, flexibleSizeOffset;
LayoutElement layout;
protected override void OnAwake() {
layout = GetComponent<LayoutElement>();
if(GetComponent<Button>() != null) {
targetGraphic = GetComponentInChildren<Text>();
preferredSizeOffset.x = 30;
protected override void OnUpdate() {
if(targetGraphic != null) {
layout.minWidth = LayoutUtility.GetMinWidth(targetGraphic.rectTransform) + minSizeOffset.x;
layout.minHeight = LayoutUtility.GetMinHeight(targetGraphic.rectTransform) + minSizeOffset.y;
layout.preferredWidth = LayoutUtility.GetPreferredWidth(targetGraphic.rectTransform) + preferredSizeOffset.x;
layout.preferredHeight = LayoutUtility.GetPreferredHeight(targetGraphic.rectTransform) + preferredSizeOffset.y;
layout.flexibleWidth = LayoutUtility.GetFlexibleWidth(targetGraphic.rectTransform) + flexibleSizeOffset.x;
layout.flexibleHeight = LayoutUtility.GetFlexibleHeight(targetGraphic.rectTransform) + flexibleSizeOffset.y;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using Rubycone.BoltAction;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.UI;
namespace Rubycone.UI {
public class UIList : MonoBehaviour {
[SerializeField, Header("Settings")]
int fontSize;
FontStyle fontStyle;
float top, left, right, bottom;
Color backgroundColor, alternateColor;
bool alternateColors;
public List<string> elements = new List<string>();
List<ListItem> cells = new List<ListItem>();
protected override void OnUpdate() {
if(elements.Count != cells.Count) {
for(int i = 0; i < elements.Count; i++) {
var li = cells[i];
li.text.text = elements[i];
li.text.fontSize = fontSize;
li.text.fontStyle = fontStyle;
li.background.color = (alternateColors && i % 2 != 0) ? alternateColor : backgroundColor;
li.rt.anchorMin =;
li.rt.anchorMax =;
li.rt.offsetMax = new Vector2(right, top);
li.rt.offsetMin = new Vector2(left, bottom);
private void RefreshList() {
while(elements.Count > cells.Count) {
while(elements.Count < cells.Count) {
private void DestroyLastListItem() {
var last = cells[cells.Count - 1];
cells.RemoveAt(cells.Count - 1);
if(Application.isPlaying) {
else {
private ListItem CreateListItem() {
var newChild = new GameObject("ListItem");
var newText = new GameObject("ListItemText");
//Set parents and scale
newText.transform.parent = newChild.transform;
newChild.transform.parent = transform;
var textRect = newText.AddComponent<RectTransform>();
//Create necessary components
var background = newChild.AddComponent<Image>();
var text = newText.AddComponent<Text>();
var selectable = newText.AddComponent<Selectable>();
var inferrer = newChild.AddComponent<InferSize>();
selectable.targetGraphic = text;
inferrer.targetGraphic = text;
return new ListItem(newChild, text, textRect, background);
private void ResetTransform(Transform t) {
t.localPosition =;
t.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
t.localScale =;
public struct ListItem {
public GameObject gameObj;
public Text text;
public RectTransform rt;
public Image background;
public ListItem(GameObject gameObj, Text text, RectTransform rt, Image background) {
this.gameObj = gameObj;
this.text = text;
this.rt = rt;
this.background = background;
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Both files required in project. UIList creates the actual list, while InferSize basically is a LayoutElement that uses another component to resize this one. This was created for Buttons in Layout Groups, as the button's background would get used for sizing, which having a preferred size of 0 would cause the button to be smushed. Adding the InferSize script causes the Button's Image graphic to use the Text component underneath to configure its Preferred sizes.

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