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Created April 29, 2020 04:49
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Identifying potential issue with inline printing in tables
title: "R Notebook"
output: html_notebook
chunk_output_type: inline
```{r setup}
# sample class that should always render as uppercase
#' @export
as_print_upper <- function(x){
structure( x, class = c("PRINT_UPPER"))
#' @export
is_notebook <- function(){
is_notebook_val <- isTRUE(getOption("rstudio.notebook.executing"))
if (interactive() & !is_notebook_val) {
} else if (is_notebook_val) {
} else{
#' @export
print.PRINT_UPPER <- function(x,..., notebook = is_notebook()){
cat(format(x,..., notebook = notebook))
#' @export
format.PRINT_UPPER <- function(x, ..., notebook = is_notebook()) {
func <- switch(notebook,
"1" = toupper,
"2" = tolower,
"3" = function(z){paste(z, "NEW VALUES")}
#convert to data.frame
#' @export <- function (x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...){
nm = paste(deparse(substitute(x), width.cutoff = 500L), collapse = " ")
nrows <- length(x)
x <- list(x)
if (is.null(row.names)) {
if (nrows == 0L)
row.names <- character()
else if (length(row.names <- names(x)) != nrows || anyDuplicated(row.names))
row.names <- .set_row_names(nrows)
if (!is.null(names(x)))
names(x) <- NULL
if (!optional)
names(x) <- nm
structure(x, row.names = row.names, class = "data.frame")
```{r printing}
my_obj <- as_print_upper(c("val1","VAL2","val3"))
# with inline turned on, should print all lower case
# with inline turned off, should print all upper case
z <- tibble(
col = my_obj,
val = 1:3
sapply(z, class)
# cases are not respected when printing in line, and class of field
# 'col' is marked as character, not class "PRINT_UPPER" in paged_table
# and not respecting format...
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