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  • Save thebkr7/4fb49aa5da6e3f3a27167d1d19bde62b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save thebkr7/4fb49aa5da6e3f3a27167d1d19bde62b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
var board = [
[4, 5, '.', 8, '.', '.', 9, '.', '.'],
['.', 9, '.', '.', 5, 6, '.', '.', 4],
[1, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 7],
[2, 6, '.', 5, 4, '.', '.', 9, '.'],
['.', '.', 4, 1, '.', 2, 3, '.', '.'],
['.', 7, '.', '.', 6, 9, '.', 4, 8],
[7, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 9],
[8, '.', '.', 4, 9, '.', '.', 7, '.'],
['.', '.', 9, '.', '.', 3, '.', 2, 5],
//Note: run 17-19 outside of sudokuMagician
// 3 arrays with nested arrays for used numbers in subgrids rows, and columns
var subgrids = {
0: {
changed: false,
usedNumbers: [1, 2, 3],
1: ...
// loop through each subgrid to find used numbers
const subgridUsedNumbers = (rowStartIndex, columnStartIndex, gameBoard) => {
let usedNumbers = [];
for (let i = rowStartIndex; i < rowStartIndex + 3; i++) {
for (let x = columnStartIndex; x < columnStartIndex + 3; x++) {
if (gameBoard[i][x] !== '.') {
return usedNumbers;
// loop through rows to find used numbers
const rowUsedNumbers = (rowIndex, gameBoard) => {
let usedNumbers = [];
for (let x = 0; x < 9; x++) {
if (gameBoard[rowIndex][x] !== '.') {
return usedNumbers;
// loop through columns to find used numbers
const columnUsedNumbers = (columnIndex, gameBoard) => {
let usedNumbers = [];
for (let x = 0; x < 9; x++) {
if (gameBoard[x][columnIndex] !== '.') {
return usedNumbers;
// return all unused numbers
const allUnUsedNumbers = (rowIndex, columnIndex, gameBoard) => {
let usedNumbers = [];
let usedSubgridNumbers = subgridUsedNumbers(rowIndex, columnIndex, gameBoard);
let usedRowNumbers = rowUsedNumbers(rowIndex, gameBoard);
let usedColumnNumbers = columnUsedNumbers(columnIndex, gameBoard);
for (let i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
// let stillGoing = true;
const sudokuMagician = (gameBoard) => {
//conitnually loop until there are no more found '.' for a full loop
// while (stillGoing) {
let dotsLeft = []
//loop i for 9 itterations
for (let i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
//loop x for 9 itterations
for (let x = 0; x < 9; x++) {
//if gameBoard square at row i and column x is '.'
if (gameBoard[i][x] === '.') {
//declare possibleOutcomes as an array
let possibleOutcomes = [];
let usedGridNumbers = subgridUsedNumbers(Math.floor(i/3), Math.floor(x/3), gameBoard);
let usedRowNumbers = rowUsedNumbers(i, gameBoard);
let usedColumnNumbers = columnUsedNumbers(x, gameBoard);
// loop through 9-1 y
for (let y = 9; y > 0; y--) {
// if y is not in the specific subgrid, row, or column
// Todo: could do only once out of loop then search one array
let gridNumberUsed = usedGridNumbers.indexOf(y);
let usedRowNumber = usedRowNumbers.indexOf(y);
let usedColumnNumber = usedColumnNumbers.indexOf(y);
if (gridNumberUsed < 0 && usedRowNumber < 0 && usedColumnNumber < 0) {
// add y to possibleOutcomes via push
// if possibleOutcomes length is 1
if (possibleOutcomes.length === 1) {
// replace '.' with y on the board at row i and column x
gameBoard[i][x] = possibleOutcomes[0];
if (dotsLeft.length = 0) {
stillGoing = true;
// };
console.log('board==', board);
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